LA. GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE! TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1910. DESISTS OFFtGEO m IS FU1ED Load Fond Warrants Apprered bj P County Coart Jaly Tena, .1910. C A. Galloway, work of crew on 3 c2) -1 Clark's Creek road, ........1327.45 Cove Merc. Co., supplies, per bill... 20.00 J. E. Haseltine Co.. Supplies per bill, PAGE EIGHT 5ICIIT OtTietB PORTER HAS A TI2TE OF IT ABBESTIXG 0T1H1E5 "Prank and DIsorderlj" IYlssaer Demands Trial fa Foliee Court John O'Brien sustained a fine of f 25 in the city polce court this morn ing for resisting an officer. The re sistance came last night when night Officer Porter tried to arrest him. He was finally placed In the city jail and ths morning was fined by "Judge" Cox. F. Wyatt pleaded not guilty to a charge of drunk and disorderly this morning following his arrest last eight and his trial will take place this afternoon. This will be the first trunk and disorderly charge" to be tried here for several months and the prisoners almost invariably plead entity. ,. Xotice t Creditors. Notice U hereby given that the un-der-mnA ham hn annolnUul admin Is trator of the estate of Ellas Bair, dfc ceased, and all persons having any claim against said estate shall pre sent the same to the said undersigned sdmlnistrator with the proper vouch ers within six monies irem me aaie of the first publication of this no tice which Is the 24th day of June A. D. 1910. Dated at La Grande. Oregon, this 18th day of June, 1910. JOHN W. M0K3L0CK, Administrator of the estate of Ellas Jfetlce of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given to all con cerned. that, Angus Shaw, Jr., execu tor of the last will of Angus Shaw, deceased, hac filed In the County Court of Union county, Oregon, his final report In the administration of said estate, and the said court has set Monday, the first day of August, A. B., 1910. at two o'clock, p. m.. as the time for hearing aald report 'and all objections to the same. ANGUS SHAW. JR. J7-28 Executor. 7.00 Ole Jiatson. Work In R. D. 14.. 42X7 Ole Mauon. Work on Co. road,. 90.93 Frank Ross, work in R. D. 26. ...58.50 Geo. Chadwlck, work in R. D. 24.... . ,. 84.00 C. E. Golden, work in R. D. 21 . 43.50 Glenn Barnes, work on hill road at Elgin 500 W. M. Porter, work on hill road at Elgin -.' 75.00 Joe Hallgarth. work on hill road at Elgin I 2 50 C. A. Galloway, work of crew on hill -road at Elgin ............ 238.05 Lynn Chadwlck, work on R. D. 24.... ............ ............ 21.00 Royal til Jones, work in R. D. 25.... ................ 69.10 Everett Cornilson, work on Co road.. ...... 24.60 8. 8. Thompson, work in Ifc. D. 3 . . . ... ........ ....... 3X0 W. S. Montgomery, work on Co. road ........ 126.00 Harvey Campbell, work on Co. road V 49X0 Cleve Montgomery, work on Co. road. ......... .. 20.00 Charlie Montgomery work on Co. road ...... ... 48X0 Dan Hasbronck, work on Co. road.. . ...... 48.00 Jake Clarke, work qn Co. road. 33.00 Harvey Clarke, work on Co. road, ... ........4.00 D. H. Hasbrouck, work on Co." road.. ..';.; 16.00 Martin Larsen. work on Co. road.... ............ V.. -12.00 A. E. Anderson, work on Co. road..:. . 9.00 E. J. Lacy, work on Co. road . . 25.65 Nels Nelson, work on Co. road. 30.75 Fred Riddle, work on Co. road.;.... ...... 13.20 After a vigorous Summer Merchandise Champaign vefind ve have a great many odds and ends in many of our De partments. There will be many varm days before Fall so you will do well to call the next three days. .A few. of our many bargain prices below: $1.50 Children's Oxford Children's Canvass Ox- Misses' Oxfords, $2.50 Shoes, on sale - 98c fords, regular $1.35, sale regular, sale - $1.68 price - - 48c Cotton Naplrins, good ZZ n . . . n . $1.00 Fine Muslin Sldrts quality ' 4c 7S.C Babste Corsets, op beautif uy sale - - zacsale . - . - 66c $5.00 Sfflr ICimonas, 75c Keep Clean Brushes $5.00 Ladies' Oxfords, fancy trims, sale $2.48 onsals - - 29c all sizes, on sale, $2.48 Men's Underwear, good 10 yard patterns fine $3.50 Men's Hats, fine quality lisle, sale - 35c Lawn, on sale - $1.28 felt - - $189 THE FAl For Economica . . . f ... D. Brannon, work on Co. road R n. Stearns, work on Co. road . .. 70.15 1 .. 89.50 Dave Cornilson, work on Co. road... ' Chas. Poolittle, work on Co. 56.00' road ........ ........... .. 77.50 Elmer Houston," work on Co. road. .. ( Guy Werren, work on Co. road ,......... 20.90 ...... 17.50 Ernest Houston work on Co. road.... j J. C. Stone, work on Co. road 19.40 ......... ............ ..... 57.00 C. W. Stearns, work on Co. road. .... I A. C. Webster, work on Co. road 100.00 E. J. Brown, work on Co. road KOTICE FOB IXBLICATI05 Department f the Interior, F. 8. land Office at Li Grande, Oregon, Jane ..20th, mo. 35.60 Roy Belart. work on Co. road; . 52.40 J. H. Kindred, work on Co. road.... 53.75 W. It Sly tar, work on Co. road . ......... 12.50 j Dominico Delaco, work on Co. road'.. 2.60 Homer Cray, work on Co. road ......... 29.75 lean Price, work on Co. road ......... 1180 iSraest Brown, work on Co. road 17.2J J. W.Mars, work on Co. road 39.11 Notice Is hereby giver that John . Woa.,., ,nrV nn Cn B. Robertson of Starkey, Oregon, who . , r flrt ' 7 00 on March 13th 1908, made Homestead uenry jjavls. work on Co. road entry No. 15880, Serial Nq. 05318. ror EE 1-4 8W 1-4. S 1-2 SE 1-4. KB 1-4 SB 1-4. Section 31, Township 8 8. Rsnge 35 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Five-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver at the IT. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, on the 10th day of August, 1910 J. O. Sage, work on Co. road ...... ............. ... 23.50 Ed Boylen work on Co. road 71.50 Frank M. Wheeler, work on Co. road .. 48.00 Beathel Davis, work on Co. road ....... .... 35.25 but ... 1.70 Metzler Hegstead Co., supplies ' per bill 8.64 Summerville Lbr. Co., supplies per bill ........ ,29.42 Jas Garrlety Co. repairs per bill ............ ..27.25 t). M. Sc. S. Co. supplies per bill ............. ........ 20.00 Grande Ronde Cash Co. sup plies per bill .... 83.83 Wm. Vehrs, work on Co. road I Per bm 1,1W 8.73 Beall and Co. 7.50 Gerrlet Top, work on Co. road I J- L. Mars, supplies per bill ..... 92.25 . .I....... ......... ........ 102.45 Henry Top, work on Co. road E. E. Jones, work in R. D. 6 ..... 71.50! .. 43.00 Chris Simpson, work on Co. J- R- Weaver, supplies per bill road 67.50' .......... 19.31 E. Z. Thompson, work on Co. Lester Rush, work m a. v. . - - - . ' ' r a roaa sm.uu i 24.00 F. M. Brannon, work on Co. I M. L. Rush, work in R. D. 26 Claimant namej as witnesses James John Davis, work on Co. road road ... 82.50- ..ya.vv H. R. Price, work on Co. road , Charles Moyette, work In R. D. ' ' f',0 26 39.50 J. F. Campbell, work on Co. Joe Root, work on ta roaa.... .w road ; 112.50 Peter Newalda, work on Co. Xels Nelson, work on Co. road road 9.00 17.50 S. A. Chappell, worK on 1,0. road ......... 900 Mike Nelson, work on Co. road ......... .............. ..... 7.50 Wm. Masters, work on Co. road ........... 13.00 R. C. Mays, work on Co. road .............1 ... 15.00 14.00 , Wm. Wlgglesworth, work on Co. W. A. Blain, supplies per "bill 1.60 J. E. Gilkinson, work In R. D. 30 . .. 36.00 W. M. Porter, work in R. D. 2 ......... ........... ...... 66.72 L. W. Drumsmith, work in R. D. 2 ......V... 3750 R. L. Llnebarger, work In R. D. 2 .....'..'...........'.15.62 H. W. Gent, work In R. D. 1 ................. .- 48.00 Summerville Lb.. Co. Supplies . per bill 43.30 (continued.) Elmer Houston, work on Co. road ......... ... i.... 33.50 Henry Davis, work on Co. road 46.50 Elmer Houston,, work in R. D. 19 10.00 Henry Davis, work in R. D. 19 ! ... . . n I J IX (HI C. Brlggs. Treston Burnett. Law-1 uw, r.ea wo, ... . - -. . , -- work on rence Burnett and Benjamin Hagey, C. P. Thomson, work on Co. I 54.50 F.ank Wgglesworth, work all of Starkey. Oregon. ' road 23.50 C. E. Fowler, supplies per bill J Co. ro Jj M F. C. BRAMWELL. Register. ; Earl Roberts.. work on Co. road iv.n. ., , , . ....... 109.00 Golden Rule Co., rupplles . per I ljU0. June-24Aug,-o. - Car Load of Watermeloinis The Kind they Raise in Geogia, JUST ARRIVED First Alfalfa Hay of Season is now on Sale by us. GRANDE RONDE CASH CO I Phones, Main 6, Ind. 6. I Wassi t the Id u L I Jj L i ik . -i- eve ; I T ring sour rresenpuonsj iu ua M i Mm tou. Know It T7 0) KiQM Vv v) A) I ! Mrs. MARY E. McINTOSM, Owner. :1 rr -4 t 1.