la ukanjje kV'kmnu ciLin i;!: TlI:Sj)AY, JULY 20, 1D10. i MS -TONIGHT'S P1DERU "Hall Room Boys." Selig , "Where is Mulcahy?" "Tin Wedding Presents" Es- , saney. "Great Train Holdup" Pathe SONG Twas In the Time of Roses. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. ' See dis play In lobby. ; He- a sit to Hood River where she has Postmaster, and Mrs. G. M. Richey been visiting friends for soaie time. are In Spokane visiting friends. Miss Kowena Wilson and John Dob bin are Union vsitors in the city today Mrs. M. S. Ilonan has returned from Editor. George Small of Baker pas sed through La Grande today on his way, home from Portland. Charles A. Moore of Baker was a passenger this morning en route for home after a visit in Portland. W. D. Hansford, formerly of Pen dleton, came In from the Head of the Lake In Wallowa county last even ing. ' . ' . '"; ; LOCAL iTEKS. .0 Hon. Chas. Barret the Umatilla law maker who lives at Athena is a bus iness visitor n La Grande today. Mrs. Proebstel arrived home today from an extended visit In the south where she was a guest with, her. daughter Molly Proebstel Gamble. Jas . Haskins of Prescott, Wn., was a business visitor In the city this morning. ' r Jas. F. Kellum. an Imhlur - hrhr transacted business in the city this morning. . '- W. R. Sherwood of Hood River, the land of apples, transacted business in the Union county metropolis this morning. Inez Mendenhall, Marietta Overman and Mrs. Henry Atkinson of Rich mond, Va., are registered at the Foley today.'"; - . Hon. L. B. Reeder, a Portland at torney, is here today on business mat ters. He affirmed politics is not bringn !ng him here this time, merely busi ness deals. , Mrs. D. H. Steward has gone to Jo seph to Join Mr. Steward and they will take a trip up the Imnaha, an isolat ed section of Oregon, before returning to La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Byrkitt find son returned hom this morning from Portland where they ' spent their va cation. '" Miss Ivy Long has returned from an extended vacation trip to ;Portland and Roseburg, and Is again at her po sition in the La Graside national bank as stenographer. ; - R. R. Bell and wife left this morn ing for Glenwopd Springs, Colo., ...... .'..' .."-,.. '' . . nuue uivji nm, wiiu.iiivwus fore returning to their home in Wi otai Iowa. ; - ' " The Misses Ollie and Gene Cox. who have been visiting their uncle 0. F. Coolldge of this city, for the past week, have returned from a short visit with their brother at Wallowa this afternoon. Error in Snodgrass Ad. i 'An error In Snodgrass's ad last ev ening caused it to read pineapple juice at 65 cents a quart when it should have been 60 cents a quart. , Notice to the Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Katherine Balr, deceased, and all persons hav ing any claims against said estate shall present the same to the said undersigned administrator with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of the artt publication of this notice, which is the 24th day of June. A. D. 1910. JOHN W. MORELOCK, Dated at La Grande, Ore., this 18th day of Juna, A. D. 1910.. . Administrator of the estate of Kath erine Balr. June 24 July 22. ness of express and forwarding in thd deposit at the expiration of six (C) months from a:.d after the date of the first pjbliction of this notice, to wit: December 1 1910. provided no claim or calms against said Com pany shall be filed with the State Treasurer of the State of Oregon dur ing said time. Dated in the city of St. Louis, State of Missouri, this 23d day of May, 1910. THE PACIFIC EXPRESS COMPANY, By James Eggltston, Pres. Jun 1 Dec. 1. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION-ISO-LATED TRACT Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior. .1'. S. l and Ou.ce ui La Grande, Oregon, May 2d, 1310. Notice is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1908 (34 Stats, 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day of July, 1910, at this office, the following described land: The NE 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec 33, T. 3 S., R. 33 E. W. M... Serial No. 0G912. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the Viae, designated for sale. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. COLON R. EBERHARD, Receiver. ! For that dizzy feeling try B!-c j Mountain liver pills. Ee.t on tarti. ! Get them at the Red Crosa Drag Store. Fsel good again? Your head al ter you have taken Blue Mounta'a headache tablets. Get them at the Red Cross Drug Store. Mrs. J. F. O'Connell will give a lawa social at her home 1101 O Ave. To morrow afternoon and evening for the benefit of the Catholic church. Don't waste your money buvinj? plartert when you can get a boulo of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty five cents. A yieceof flannel dampened with this liuiment isupe rior to any plaster for lame back, pain in the side and chest, and much cheaper. "Gib". Masterson of Elgin, who Is one of the prominent members of the Union-Wallowa county Blue Rock as sociation, was in La Grande last ev ening arranging for a big-day shoot at Elgin in the near future. . Misses Helen and Ruth Hart return ed to their home in'Hilgard. Sunday evening after visiting wth their sister Mrs. Frank Rechlin. Mrs. Rechlln re turned wth them ana will spend a few days at Hilgard. Condctor Charles Norris, erst while La Grande man, now stationed at Pendleton was "hung up" here to day on account of the wreck at Nor-' ton and is visiting friends and old time neighbors while waiting his time to get out . '' Notice f Inteiitich j of The Pacific Expess Con-pany volu tarlljto ease businets In th. state of Oregon and Withdraw De , posit,'1 .' NOTICE is hereby given that The Pacific Express Company, organize! and existing under the laws of the State of Nebrarka, having Its princi pal plpce of business in the city of St. Louis State of Missouri, and Its principal place or business JTor th& Pacific Coa t in tne city of Portland, State of Oregon, tnd having hereto fore duly complied with the laws of the State cf Oregon relating to for eign corporation transacting the bus iness 'of express and forwarding in said State, and having been regular ly admitted to transact the said busi ness of express and forwarding in said State, and haying deposited with the State Treasurer of the State of Oregon the sum of Fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00), as provided, bj the laws of Oregon, now desires and has voluntarily decided to cease tin transaction of Its approximate buBi- DR. MENDELSSOHN'S l GLASSES GIVE THE BEST , 4 U M VJ J KS6A , 1 ' : results. ;: I toiF'iiJiw i k GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY K 0-' nr . , wL'$X& WW in eyery respect. g 27 x 60 mchs, piL5?fefejyrt i WHEX YOU ABE SICK 5 11 -1 1 I :,T&"P U DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST , RESULTS. GCABAUTEED SATISFACTORY IS EVERY RESPECT. ' WHEX YOU ABE SICK n uoebu t lime a gtiou uuvir u tel! you that most anybody could do that much, but to tell exactly the nature of the disease some times calls for the utmost skill of the physician. Most anybody by a few simple tests covld tell that your eyesight was " defctlve and that you needed glasses of som kind, 'but to diagnose the exact trouble and fit the right glasses calls for more than ordinary skill. We have made that one thing a lifetime study, and we are in busi ness to bring wrong eyes and right glasses together.. High-class work at the lowest possible prices. DR. M. P. MENDELSSOHN DOCTOR OF OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE.. OP- POSITE POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS 8:59 a. m. to 12 m.f 1 to 5 p. m. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 2 at $3.50. I shall sell every one at nn ii him af iu'i'iii LylloCy o2J lciyii Beautiful patterns in Oriental, Con ventional. Floral, Animals and Birds My prices are right on Carpets o. rA . . i m VJU m. u if M H twi H T fl u U f. d. mmm Is 9 1 D A I n frt VUJU i i b i f m i lv at ii it i i i fit it i iji a it i Below you may see a sample of the many listings which I hold. If you want to buy or sett I w 6e pfeased to HI CITY PROPERTY Insure Your Grain Many farms are , insuring their grain now in the field during the per iod of harvest and storing. If inter-. ested call or phone me. Why Pay Rent ? I have a seven-room plastered . house, sightly view of city and valley. t City water in house, Btone founda tion. Terms $100 down, balance on easy terms, (either $15 per month or $100 every six months. .., ' Now in Gourse of Contraction - Fine modern house in every re spect, plumbed, flue built for fur nace, large basement cellar. Every thing first class. Situated on east Adams avenue, $3,600 on easy terms. Grazing Land 240 acres, large spring , on place. Good wagon road to tract; consider able can be cultivated. Price $7 per ' acre. ."' ; Frwt Farms I have several choice buys in im proved fruit farms, where the or chards are all the way from 7 years to 13 years of age. The crops are now 'on the trees and speak for them selves. To illustrate, we have one 20 acre tract with 14 acres of bearing orchard, 6 acres on which the trees are 13 years old, 8 acres seven years old, water right; every acre first class land and crop goes with place, if taken very soon. Price only $6,500. Other Bargains We have other bargains in fruit land, several close to La Grande, and several tracts on the Sandridge, in . eluding some extra fine property ad Joining Imbler. If you want any thing In fruit bearing orchards call. Sand Ridge Farm eighty-four acres, splendid land, for either grain or fruit, $8,500; one mile from Imbler. At least one-half cash required. . Farm iii Lower Cove 160 acres splendid timothy land, own er has been farming it in grain for seven years. River runs through a portion of it. 560 per acre., Farm near Talocaset 160 acres of land near Telocaset. Thl sland was farmed for many years. Price if taken is sear future $5 per acre. . y y;;- Farm near Summerville r 80 acres fine fruit land, $60 per ac cre. If interested call and learn par ticulars. Opportunity for 80 acres adjoining the city. Crop growing on so less than 20 acres, fine large spring. This place is all well fenced, county road running along entrie side of place, making it suitable for subdivision Into small tracts. The price is only $37.50 per acre. This land if cut up would eas ily bring $100 per acre. Land on two sides of it cannot be bought today for $100. per acre. A Real Home 80 acr farm one Quarter of a mile from city limits. Good modern bouse with furnace, bath, toilet, cement cel lar with living spring. Commercial orchard of seven acres, Ideal dairy and poultry farm, $5,000 on easy terms. City Property House and three lots on Pennsyl vania avenue,' two story, in Bplendld repair. .Just repainted and papered throughout, $2,500, reasonabe terms. Nice little home Gracde, easy terms $1100-. in North La on this place, Two-story bouse and three lots on North Fir street desirable property, for only $l,400j : Twelve acres and nice two-story house in South La Grande, $4,000; 100 fruit trees and an ideal place fot a few cows and poultry. This site is a commanding view of beautiful Grande Ronde. A new seven-room .house on East Adams avenue, roomy basement, pastered, well finished throughout, $2,500. Three lots on Main avenue, facing north for $350. Three lots on the beautiful sightly hi! side, west of La Grande for $1,000. Desirabel lot and houses In nearly every portion of the city. t JL sLi0 R eal Estate and Insurance, La Grande, Next Door to City Offices s 8