PAGE FOUU LA t:c. . ur ENTNG OBSHitVEii TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1910. r? ;-;e observer J'aLIislii d L'aliy EiCfpt Sunday Bruce D en n i s, Editor aiiu Owner, wrrr and ve know that ,'e have the l'f so!! ?- th? v-r.; that jtfce f!;!:-''r'rc-: -,-; a: v??y :.; .;r.ib,.e that the tombinatloa of water and Boil wiil iirely erne sooner or later. But we hope the tin will not be far distant. Ill Toured at ihb postouice ut La 'J-'afcde us second-class matter r--d rntn Tel graph Service SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, single copy 6c Oailv. Der week 15c Da!lv. per month G-c This naner will not oubllsh nn ar ticle appearing orir a nom de plume Binned articles will be revised sub- Ject to the discretion of the editor. Piense slzn your articles and save JisappointmeiiL TIME FOR SERIOUS TIOX. CONSIDER TEX YEARS FROM NOW. Again It would seem that Irrigation for the Grande Ronde valley Is wat ering with chances favorable for its defeat It is far from the Observer's wish or desire to attempt dictation of any policy whatever., but we sincerely be lleve that this is the time for serious consideration ot mm worn. - Ject It means bo much to this valley that those who believe in Irrigation should not remain silent but urge up on everyone their opinion., And the tame 1s true of the men opposed to Irrigation. Tbey should have no hesl tency In stating their position, thus permitting a fair and honest argu ment among neighbors who are all working to the same end. ' . There Is no occasion for anyone to become excited or unduly alarmed, for there 18 not a man on either rude of th'.s question who does not want to do lust the very best thing for the Grande Ronde valley and her entire people. ' ' We believe the sentiment for .Irriga tion will eventually prevail. It may not at this particular time. The fact that !t has been defeated In the cast causes the uncertainty of it at t&e present' time. , That this is an Weal year for the question of water to be raise! no one will question for the Grande Ronde valley , faced as nearly a drouth this year as many of the older citizens can remember. All 6ver eastern Oregon people . are crying for more water. Even lu Irri gated districts plans are being made, to conserve water to a greater ' ex nt for this was a year that sur prised everyone. With plenty fit now In the mountains, with heavy ralna In fall and winter it left a dry season for those who tilled the soil A man who is thoroughly posted on Union county said to the Observer a. few days ago: "In tea years the fruit crop of Union county will bring in more money than the wheat crop." This man was speaking from a broad view of the matter and he knows conditions remarkably well Who would have thought a few yeara ago of ever taking the title of king away from Grande Ronde valley wheat? Who would have imagined there would come a time when a few fruit trees should have paved the way for orchards extending mile after mile through the valley? That is what is happening. Today you may travel from La Grande in al most any direction and you observe orchard after orchard. In the Sum mervilie country. noted for years as a great grain, producing section the wheat fields are giving way to fruit The same is true of the Sand Ridge and other sections. Doubtless In ten years this man'a prediction will be , correct. And mov Ha Hfnr time When Cnv cherries command the - enormous prices they.- do, when the Grande Ronde .apple Is so closely rivaling the apple of' Hood River, when the berry crop swells the bank account of the man who only owns a few acres of ground it would seem that any prediction relative to good fruit is not out of place. But to have a good fruit section there must be continuous work and careful attention. There is a com munity Interest in producing fruit that cannot be overlooked. Spraying and pruning are essential, and because a man owns a piece of land he has no moral or legal rlcht to let that land become foul thus endangering crops of his neighbors. If the Grande Ronde valley were properly organiz ed regarding fruit laws at the pres ent time the price of the crop would be advanced at least one third. The Portland Journal was prepar ed to yell lustily and point the linger of scorn to the , republican state ticket naitfed by the assembly, claim ing It was a product of the Oregon Ion. But when the Oregonlan was de feated In the assembly then the Jour nal turns to the candidates and pleads an outrage that such men should be beaten, calling Bowerman a slate maker and a boss. But the Journal ! unfed for standine first on one foot and then on the other without breaking time with the music. -n ihe water supply in irrigating rrtanti was soon exhausted. The splendid charity that exists In The sooner we learn that water Is the heart of men was exemplified In th life blood of all this part of the Portland when the republicans were country the sooner we will begin to session. The little actress who had bring the Grande Ronde valley into both legs cut off by a train was men- Its full productiveness. After water tloned and a free will offering was las been placed on this land, it is taken. Three hundred and twenty nor oDinlon. that people will wonder two dollars were raised In the time why they did not do it years ago. But large undertakings and extra ordinarily good things move slowly and we must all console ourselves with this thought relative to Irriga tion in this Talley. . We know we have reaulred to pass the hat. And every man was glad ot the privilege of giv in. The human race is not Belflsh, af ter all, and especally is this true ot that portion of it which lives in Ore- on. GEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, Ylce.Pres. W. L. BREMIOLTS, Asst. Cash. EARL ZUNDEL, ti Asnt Cash. F. L. METERS, Cashier. L A GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository . Capital and Surplus $180, DIRECTORS GEOCG PALMER F. J. HOLIES W. J. CHURCH F. I. KEITHS C C PESISGTON G. L. CLEAVER F. 1L BTRKIT If. L, BRENHOLTS W. X. PIERCE With onr ample reaearcM and faelUUes we cai reader yoo efficient service and handle your boslnee to year entire satisfaction. ' ft ) rllH;-::ilP 5ujJJ jp,- lyiiiDig We have just received a shipment of advance styles in black dress skirts that we bought at an exception ally low price. We have priced them so low that they will sell fast v mm ' ' W . p w oii the Saving $4.75, $5.00, $6.00, $6.50, and $7.50 ARE THE PRICES Perfectly Tailored-Early Fall Styes - M-BMBMa-M-M-a-VBBSS-i-iiB-B---HMBSi Vailes, Panamas, Lustre, and Chiff on Panama THEY'RE WORTH AT LEAST 1-4 MORE See Our Wititicii$: Display of these Extra Good Values, then come in and Kef us show you the Styles and Prices . ; , . . .-' '.' J'-'!-. , ' "i '"'-liVt, o The Quality Store What are ' county fair? ent you fixing np , for, the ThiB is the next hg"ev- i. Simmene. In the Circuit Court of the State Ot Oregon for Union county. Ida Benton, plaintiff, vs. Bert Ben ton, defendant To Bert Benton, the above named defendant: . In the name of the State ot Oregon: you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and In case you fall to so answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for her costs and disbursements, and for such other and further relief at to the court may seem proper. This summons is published in the La Grande Weekly Observer, by or der of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge of the Circuit Court of Union county, the state of Oregpn, for Union county, which order Is dated on the 30th day of June, 1910, and requires said sum mons to be published once each week for six successive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 7th day of July, 1910. EUGENE ASHWILL, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 7-8-8-18 Notice to Creditors. Attorney for PlalhtiffiTt , be published each week for-six sue- " ' cessive weeks. The date of the first , ..Notice is hereby given that the un- publication of this summons is the AwarryaA fcoa tia.ti ..nMnful J 7th day Of July, 1910. - v " minlstrator of the estate of H. P. Cog- .1 1 I ' . l 1 cruefceaatju, uuu uy; yviwu uuvicg 7-8-8-18 any- claims against said estate will file same, properly verified, with Wm. B. Sarjgent at his office in La Grande, Oregon,- within six' months from the date hereof. Dated La Grande, Oregon, July 14, 110. ..- , . ..RICHARD COGER, J14-AU Administrator. " .Your complexion as well oa yor-.r tempt: is rendered mie ruble by a disordert-d livt-r. By taking Chamtwrlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets you can improve both. . Notice of Final Account Notice Is hereby given that Ovanda M. Noyes, Administratrix of the es tate of David Hawes, deceased, has filed in' the county court of Uclon County, Oregon, her final account In teh .matter of the said estate and the County Court has appointed Tuesday, the. 2d day of August, 1910, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. at the Court House in La Grande, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ot objec tions to such final ' account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 1st day of July, 1911. . OVANDA H. NOTES, Administratrix of the estate ot David Hawes, deceased. 6-1-8-15-22-29. SOTICEE TO CREDITORS In the District Court ot the United : States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Albert 'Graham, bankrupt, in Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Albert Graham of Troy, in the county of Wallowa and District aforesaid; a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day ot July, 1910, the said Albert In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. Ella Cornwell, plaintiff vb. Samuel Cornwell, defendant To Samuel Cornwell the above nam- ' ,. Graham waa duly adjudicated bank to appear, and answer the compalint; M f t ' . . . filed against you in the above entitedl cause and court before the last day of the time prescribed in' the order j for publication of this summons, to- ; wit; the 6th day of September A D.! 1910, and if you fall to so appear and j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July l&th. 1910. ' . Notice is hereby given that John R. Thompson, of Kamela, Oregon, who, on November 23rd 1904 made home stead entry No. 13944 serial, No. 04288 for lot 3, SE quarter NW quarter and E half SW quarter, section 6, town ship 2 south, range 36 east, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice ot inten tion to make final Five-year proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before the register and re ceiver, U. S. land office at La Grande, Oregon, on the 8th day of SeptVinber, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: C. C McFalls, John Graybeal and June San ford, all ot Kamcal, Oregon, and John Smith of Huron Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, July 21 Sept 1. Register. S amnions. . In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Union county. Escar Farhaar, plaintiff, vs. Jasper Farhaar. defendant To Jasper Farhaar, the above named defendant In the name of the State ut Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled ac tion, within six weeks from the date ot the first publication of this sum mons, and in case you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the dis solution of the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and de fendant, and for her costs and dis bursements, and for such the" and further relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons la published In the La Grande Weekly Observer, by or der of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Unton county, which or der is dated the 20th day of June, answer the plaintiff will take a de- ( rupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors held in the office of Referee In Bankruptcy in La Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1910, A. D. at 3 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their cree against you as prayed for in her .- ' . . . . complaint herein, that is for a decree of absolute divorce against you forever dissolving the marriage contract here tofore and now existing between you and plaintiff and that the custody ot the minor children, Walter Fernald Cornwell; Helen Cornwell and Alberta Cornwell the issue of said marriage be awarded to plaintiff and for such other relief as to the court may seem Just and equitable. ' This summons Is published one a week for the period ot six consecutive weeks from and af ter' the first publication thereof on July 22nd 1910 In the La Grande Weekly Observor, a weeky newspaper published at La Grande, Union county, State of Oregon, by . order of Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge of said court, ot date July 15th 1910, made in term time at Enterprise Oregon. ..... J. B. MESSICK, - Attorney for Plaintiff July 22 Sept 1. may properly come before said meet ing. -V . JNO. S. HODGIN, Referee In Bankruptcy. July 22, 1910. July 23-25. Notice of Final Aceeant Estate ot John Blevlns, deceased.' Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of John Blevlns, deceased, has tiled his final account in the county court of the state ot Oregon for Union coun ty, and that the County Judge has ap pointed August 5th, 1910. at 10 a. m., at tho county court room In La Grande in said oounty and state as the time and place to hear objections to said final account and for the con sideration thereof. This the 2nd Jay of July, 1910. H. E. BLEV1NS, 1910, and requlrea said summons to JT-Atig 4 Administrator. FARMERS' BUSINESS m GIVE PARTICU LAR ATIEHT10N TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. WEC0R DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS WUR BANKING' HOME. The United States National Bank, . LA CRANDE, OREGON.