LA Uiwi;,i;n rrVENLNG OBSEUVEH MONDAY, JULY 25, 1910. i HE OBSERVER r l uliIILtJ XJ-Jly Except Sunday Brug: Denni s, E(Mtor Miii Owner Er.tnrcd at the iKMtomce at La ''Jrs;tdj as second-class matter ruled Frtss Telt graph Service SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally, single copy Cc Dally, per week........ 15c Daily, par month 65c This paper win not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles &nl save llsappointrae&L . ' RETIEW OF THE ASSEMBLY If there is anything wrong with such a declaration coming fiom a re ico'.kin, a tui;t:c:i and a spkndid tklzen iuCh a v,e jiersoaally know John L. Rand to be then there is noth ing of a public nature above criticism and it Js out of reason to expect any thing but discord no matter what hap pens. Eut there Is nothing wrong with it. It is absolutely the right method in politics. Let the majority rule at all times. As we Btated before, no one got ev erything he wanted. In several in stances we felt things could have been done differently and more satisfactor ily, but it was a fjase of one man's judgment against another, either of which was liable to be wrong, but honestly wrong at that Personally we regretted to see east ern Oregon secure so many men before - supreme judge nominations we're reached, for we would have deemed it a distinguished pleasure to have voted for Judge Bean of Pendle ton for a place on the bench. That was made impossible after Senator Hart of Baker City was named for at- The first Republican assembly Under the direct primary law has been held. Attendance showed that it v;as more torney general, as this section of the than a nasslnr thought for .l.iPMtP.l Btate then nad the nd attor were present from every section' or ney gT,ral ,and couid hpe for, no Oregon. Thl otnn ronvlnro. fh nv. I BUCQ junction as a miwr nunniia ,. .t i n . i' This assembly was merely held for " tmr Batlnfartorv. .. There are many voters whp honest ly hold to the right of assembly, whether the same is ever endorsed in 1U entirity by the majority of the electors or not. , ' It was not a meeting of "bosses" or would-be ''bosses." Neither was It a "meeting where everything was "cut and dried" as some would make believe. .The temporary : and perm anon . ortanzations plainly sbo that no slate-maker was responsible for the events of the assembly. Every one who has ever been in politics of years gone by knows that the heavy lit.!.! ic a conventoln always centered on the orgdnl'aUori oj the, hi i:--. At the Portland meeting W. C. Bristol was named for temporary chairman without opposition. And he made the best presiding officer we have ever seen. When H camo to naming a candl- the purpose of recommendation and guide for their benefit In casting their ballots at the primary election. There is" no attempt being made to "stuff anything down someone's throat", as has been quoted, and the men who were in attendance at the gathering present the ticket named to the voters with their recommendation for its approval.- .The charge that one faction only was represented In the assembly la without foundation. Mr. Scott of the Oregonlan was reponsible for the as sembly. He Insisted long ago that it be called. Naturally he had many friends present, but the man he was working for Dr. A. C. Smith did not receive the nomination for gover nor This would indicate that there were others present, besides Mr. Scott's friends. He also wanted Wll- lis Dunlway endorsed for state printer and failed in sepnrlne that .Another date for governor, there was the. hot- evM.a fn8t. marp on. fatlon test kind of rivalry. - No -one can was represented. a . v -l i . . i & . i r 1 truimuuy M, m.t iu uruuun , Senator rjoUrne had friends In the made a slate and forced It through the 89gembly. They believed in party or assembly; although that was freely ganlzatlon, yet they are warm friends predicted by opponents to republican . of the lenator, And. when you ana. organization. lyze the entire situation as it really In fact, it was a gathering of men exj8ted It will easily be seen that the wherein no one got everything he gathering in Portland was a meeting wanted .but taken as a whole It was of republicans representing all of the decidedly satisfactory. For Instance. dJfferenl facti0nB. there were many splendid men from Tne eiect0rs of the state will have over the state who worked for Dr. the opportunity of passing on the Smith for governor, and for that mat- wort of tne assembly either endors ing it as a whole, in part, or rejecting Hj entirely. Whatever the outcome may be It will not remove f rona the minds of many republicans that as ter no better man could have been earned for that place than Dr. A. C. Smith. But the friends of Jay Bow erman outnumbered the friends of Dr. Smith and naturally the nomination semblles of political parties are right went to Bowennan. It was then that and it Is our opinion that they will acta loyal republicans as , John L. prevail in the future, even though the Rard of Baker, was was an earnest entire ticket headed by Jay Bower- Bupporter of Dr. Smith, struck the man Is defeated this fall. key note of r arty affiliation when he said. "I preferred Dr. Smith for gov ernor, but the majority of this assem- The radical step taken In Oregon politics wheri all conventions -were abolished has been so far reaching bly of honest, thinking republicans that it may require more , than one Is for Mr. Bowerman and I take eampalgn to get the party to dwell to- pleasure In announcing that the ma- gether. This will in no wise be dls- Jority rules with me, and that I shall couraging, although It is perfectly nat- be pleased to work hard for the sue- ural for all to want success, cess of Bowerman." When ' success Is eemanded above GEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, Ylce-Pres. IF, L. BRENHOLTS, Asst. Cash. EARL ZUNDEL, 2d Asst Cash. . F. L. METERS, Cashier. IL A GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.03 DIRECTORS GE0ES2 FALSER F. J. E0LLE3 tt . j. cntJEcn C. C FESIGT03i G. L. CLEATER F. M. BTRK1T Tf. L. BRES HOLTS Tf. M. FIERCE With onr ample researees and faeOIUei we can render yoi efficient serrlce and handle j bttslne s to yonr entire saUsfaetlon. ; fills tea.. v,!5U mi M&. T;i: till , . ill: . ;:lf I :;1Sr 7"-r"m. i "-v!! '. j ' A P 1 TTD 0 ' TO 1 W 0 n We have just received a shipment of advance styles in black dress skirts 'that we bought at an exception ally low price. We have priced them so low that they .will sell fast -We're Giving You the Saving $4.75, $5.00, $6.00, $6,50, and $7.50 ARE THE PRICES Perfectlyl ailored-Early Fall Styles Vailes 'i Panamas, Lustre and Chif f on Panama See Our Window Display of these Extra Good Values, then come in and let us show you the Styles and Prices The Quality Store 322 principle then it is conditions grow serlouB and even dangerous. And if the republicans of Oregon who met in assembly have .the assembly principle uppermost and we believe they have mere defeat -will, not change them. It is almost safe to pre dict another assembly for Oregon in two years regardless of results. We believe however, that the assembly ticket just nominated will , win this year but in event that it should not win, we still contend the right to as semble will be maiiained. . NEWSPAPER 1I0XESTT. There was a meeting of the Repub lican press of Oregon in Portland a few daa ago and It was refresh ing to note how pronounced and de cided each member was In advocat ing open honesty between candidate, newspaper and the voter. ' The worst curse that ever polluted the newspaper business was the man who was willing to sell his editorial opinion and boost some candidate or measure because he was receiving pay for so doing. Doubtless in the early days Oregon had some country pa pers, and possibly metropolitan pa pers, that were guilty of this crim: inal act. But, if there ever was such a condition in thiB state, It has vanish ed. The newspapermen of this state today put the stamp of disapproval on the fifty-dollar candidate the candi date who thinks he can buy the lo cal press for a few sheckles The public buys newspapers both for news and Information. The pub lic expects the truth In all Instances and has a right to expect it ir a newspaper falls to be truthful with Its people; If It Is found that a news paper is around selling support of candidate and measures Its influence Is little. Tears ago this was done so adroitly that It seldom came to the surface, but nowadays things are dif ferent and the honest newspaper has done more to clear up the atmos phere than any other one cause. A state legislator, a member of congress of a-city alderman has as much right to sell his vote as a Mwnnaner has to sell Its Influence. One Is as honorable as the other. This was plainly spoken at the Ore gon Republican Press association and . - A 1 WAS every memner agraa mv right Advertising space In a newspaper Is that newspaper's merchandise and Is for sale at all times to people who do not purpose running objectionable matter. Candidates for office on any ticket hive the right to purchase space and run any matter they may see fit, so long as it is not libelous? and con forms to- law. This in no way bears on the editorial columns of ' a good newspaper, for the editorial space of an honorable paper is never for sale at any price. PLEASED WITH THE OBSERTER The Observer has received tele phone calls and many letters from Joseph offering thanks for the Jos eph section printed in the Observer July 20th Everv token of apprecia tion Is heartily received by this pa per. We have felt 'since locating in La Grande that this is the biggest and and best field for a good bright news paper In the northwest. Naturally, the Wallowa country is a part of our field and we are pleased to know that the people of Joseph Join us in the un dertaking of establishng a newspaper of Btanding and reliability a news paper that purposes caring "for the news of all sections of the countr. and especially the Jocal field Joseph is one of the finest towns in Oregon and it is peopled by hos pitable .energetic, honest people. The latch string of La Grande and the Grande Ronde valley Is always hang ing on the outside for these neigh bors and we only hope It will be pos sible to bring closer together the In terests and wishes of the two counties. sent for yesterday said 1 bad appendi citis." "That was very careless of him. Be should have known you couldn't afford such an expensive disease." Brown ing's Magazine. Beats Any Sunrise. The rooster's crow does very well , As "music" now and then. But the thing- tbat standi for something Is the cackle of the ben. While the first may crow the sun up. We aren't likely to forget That a fresh egg served for breakfast Beats the finest sunrise yet Christian Science Monitor. His Record. Buyer I'm afraid be wouldn't make a good watchdog." Dealer (with' bull terrien-Not a good watchdog! Why.' bless your heart, it was only last, week that this very ual mal held a burglar down by the throat and beat out liis brains with his tall. Harper's Baznar. . Your complexion as weTl as jour temji' is rendered miserable by 4 disordered liver. By Inking Chamberlain's Stomach snd Liver Tablets you can improve both. XOTICEE TO CREDITORS - feasy. The voter approached the politician with his usual humility. "What will we da with the oevr hnih !ub trust?" be asked. . The Dolitlcian nrvspntlv lonkMl tin t wun Dis usuai snow 01 annoyance. "Eh! What? It'll come in bandy to whitewash the other trusts In." be aid. Double bowing the voter backed out. St Louis Post-Dispatch? A Double Turn. The Juggter does a turn so neat; But. after all le said. We realize a Juggler's feat Depends upon his head. ' New fork Times. . But when he stands upon that bead And featly things doth do. Why, after all la dona and aatd. The reverse would seem true. Cleveland Plain Dealer. 80 Careless of Him. "Don't worry, my friend. There's nothing the matter with you but a slight indigestion." "Great Scott, doc! The physician I His Dearie. "Tin very nice' V To Kls her twice," Bald Andrew-Jackson Carter. "But. glory be. . 80 sweet ia ahe. . Two time la Juat a starter!" -Birmingham Age-Herald. If No Substitute Be Found. Mrs. Dorklns (calling from top of stairway) John, have you locked all the robber shoes In the safe? Mr. Dork ins-Yes. - Mrs. Dorklns Well, tie the dog near the. rubber plant and turn out the lights. Chicago Tribune. ' In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Albert Graham, bankrupt, In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Albert Graham of Troy, in the county of Wallowa and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice ia hereby given that on the 8th day pt July, 1910. the said Albert Graham was duly adjudicated bank rupt; and that the firBt meeting of his. 1 t6AirT& wilt ha fcatA In Mia rff ft. Af . ie Referee in Bankruptcy In La Grande, Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1910, A. D. at 3 o'clock j In the forenoon, at which time the i said creditors may attend, prove their j claims, appoint a trustee, examine the ) bankrupt, and transact business as 4 may properly come before said meet ring. , JNO. S. HODGIN. , Referee Jn Bankruptcy. July 22, 1910. July 23-25. Speaking of Horns. Two horns will make more noise, of course, Than one will make, 'tis true; The auto makes more noise with on Than a cow can make with two. Yonkers Statesman. Her Performance. Ethel The man I marry must be a 1 hero, one who can beard the lion la his den. Percy I see. Kind of combination circus man and barber. "The Merry Thought" Tha Brutal They teU it that he's "a savin' brute" No penny can pass him by. Bo oven says that a bathln' suit Comes too amazln' high. Atlanta Constitution.,. Counting the Cost "So you want to marry my daughter, do you, young man?" "Y-e-s, s i r." "Well, can you support a family r "H-how many are there of yon. s-alrr-St Louis Star. i Paradox. In this by hook or crock One can't escape a bull Tou'll note a vacant look In persons that ar full! -Cleveland Leader. FARRIERS' BUSINESS m GIVE PARTICU LAR AT1EHT10N TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. MCOR DIAILY IHVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS 1HEIR BANKING HOME. 1 The United States National Bank. ; LA GRANDE, OREGON. :