IPAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING 013SE11VEK MONDAY, JULY 5, 1910. i ft Ki, Humor end Philosophy Tr VVtCAt ft. SMITH - : PERT PARAGRAPHS. fFIlE way to be a brilliant conversa tionalist Is to get the otber end of the sketch . wound upon bis special bobby, wbicb la sure to be himself, tud let blm converse. Ever after in lis memory you will shine as an epi grammatist. T t ! ti Iia Artn YtA flint tvpn jn play at any game. As a rule, one plays the game and the otber merely tries to. We drop our peu or thovel. Our pickax rr our tnpe. . And lor liic u:.c uiii iiomKi , Cet ererythMig i: xspe. Fruiu where it has' Leen noardtd Our lime roll we yank. And, though by this proceeding We do out break the bank, We figure we have plenty. Tnough not a cent to spare. For Just about a minute To play the millionaire. Awaj- ith care and trouble! For work we have no use. . Bring on the big excitement. We're oft: So turn. us loose! Credit Is a and to keep. good thing both to give 'With necessity there Is no law. Is tbe reason it knows none. That Getting Into debt taxes the energies of some of us so much that It I abso lutely impossible for us to get out. A man Is bound to fight if be gets his back up against the wall. A fool is an ever present example of what not to ho. s Mf- JUS If von don't try to put on airs no one will have a chancetotake tbe wind out of you. Anything that is worth while is sure to be both monotonous, nnrt wearisome. Many a man is wary of the wine cup lest occasionally one get by blm on emptied. ; , . . The reason that most of us are opti mists is because there are so many DeoDle whom we don't know. Most men would say that they would rather be useful than handsome, but you never see tbcm disfiguring their bodies by bard labor,- . People who go1 about 'uttering One sentiments reel, quite hurt If you should expect tbem to put the sentiments Into operation. ; They wonder where you think your part comes in. Explained. "Why are the meek and lowly count ed blessed?" "They don't tarry any big stick." -Well?" "Therefore are not tempted to lay about them." "So?" . : ," "And so never get into trouble.' . . Different. ."Do you like to work?" "Yes." "1 cuu't uiake you happy, . then. Come along with we.", ; "1 will tell you why 1 like to work." "All right: jio ahead." "Everywhere 1 labor they give me triple pay." Unheeding. "What are you trying to do? "Me?" "Yes." . .;' . ' . . 1 . ' "1 am trying to think. "Dear me! Didn't the preacher preach last Sunday morning against the folly of wasted effort?" Three Trees. A ten-year-old clove tree will produce bout twenty pounds annually. Tbe mahogany Is the most exclusive . of known trees, single specimens grow ing here and there throughout tropical forests on an average of two to an ' acre. ? iu Germany,the lludeu tree is fairly j held sacred, and the Russians regard It as tbe habitation of her highness tbe 'goddess of love. This very charming tree lives to u great age. Wurttemberg claims to have a wonder of a linden ,1.000 years old. THIS SPACE TAKEN BY M. CO. M Defined. "Par "Yes, my son." ' ', "What Is hypocrisy?' , "Hypocrisy ?" ' "Uh-buh." "It la ft bad imitation of a good thing that is trying to put up a. big bluff of taking itself seriously." , Hard Problem. r "Ilave you u xecse of humor?" "Bense of humor?" : . "Yes." "Well. now. 1 will tell you. That's rattier a hard thing to have because most of the bumor you see bas no sense." ' . Foresight. The wise man thinks before be acts. Consults his father and his mother. The foolish doesn't take the time And wine as often a tbe other.' 4 :.. , English Etchings. The British sovereign pays no rates or tases. . The king of England has officially no Hurname. ' The center of Ascot race course is laid out as golf links. The guu carriage that bun been used for carrying the coffins of both Victo ria and Eil ward VII. will now be an object of popular interest in the court yard of the Tower of Loudon, Gomplete equipment for resetting , rubber buggy tires. ; and repairing a r.DAMnP id aw u ' ' -' D. Fil2QERALD,' Proprietor ' -l. i tjj: Compute Machine Shops aad Foundry Vacation, We're off! It's for the mountains. The lake, the ehore, the woods. Of course we like our labor, But this, too, is tbe goods. Taking No Chances. . "1 forgot to ask you one thing." said ; the prospec tive city boarder. "What is that?" asked the farmer. . "Do your ,hens lay strictly fresh eggs?" PERT PARAGRAPHS. Any one who tries to cut some new capers with common sense is certain to lose out. for style In the article never changes. . Tbe people are most wearisome who get busy just for the sake of creating bustle arounll thera. The man who drinks just because be thinks it is, smart is due to smart for It sooner or inter. Nothing Is more perky and assuming than a man who has happened to make a good guess. If you know of any get-rlch-qulck schemes pay yourself a gratuity for keeping clear of tbem. . - - , 1 j A ClotMiig aiid 11 m ZJU Now is the time to Save Money by Buying th Boys' Clothes at Cost Go Go DP NINOTO CIS! n Ladd Park, which la located in the center of Laurelhnrst, Ib to he Im proved at once, and when theproposed Improvements have bet- made it will he the moBt magnificent p. bile park in Portland. TheBe improve menta include the creation of extensive botanical gardens, an enlarge ment of the present natural lake now there, and scenic driveways and walks. ' ... : . ;v Residence property fronting on or convenient to a public park is al ways In demand and brings high values. The boulevards of Laurelhurst have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the park. As aoon as the improvements In Ladd Park are completed, then prices in Laurel hurst lota will advanee another notch or two. v".'-:-'. ' ''-''rv..U".'".:v .--v v -V:- 1 zufpm iWivpx the Add A 1 raon wra racier BECAFSE, BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE Laorelhorst is a good place to Invest money In. ' . .. ... . . 1 v .v.. .The titles are perfect A warranty deed with full covenant and a certified abstract of title will be given to each PJaier. . . The prices are low. This Is nearly always the case in placing a new addition on the market The prices are people interested. The value of all the property increases as new homes are built, and those who buy early share In tbe increased value, because they help to make it. ' , ' . ., ... The population of Portland is growing at the rate of 30.000 a year, and all of these people must hay? homes. The build ing statistic. for the past 21 mouths show that 61 per cent of the permits granted for residences have been Issued for home on the East side.- To day 73 per cent of the people in Portland live on the East Bide, and 27 per cent on 'the West side. , , ' Does this mean anything? ' SL'tt mi ' tm!"J"-- -j'-1 It means wonderful advances in east side pricea in general, and Laurelhurst la particular, because Laurelhurst prices are now just It surrounds the new city park that Is to be improved at once, and made one of the great icenlcat tractions of Portland, adding value r all nOnxani nmncrl t. ... . . . The lots now selling at an average price of $1150 each will be worth double that amount In one year. We are offering Speflal Inducements to those who commence building this year. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Chat. K. Henry, president Cbas. K. Henry Co.. Portland; owner Henry BIut. Frank F. Mead, president Seaboard Bee. Co., Seattle. " , .' Pul C Murphy, director Bankers Trust Co.. Tacoma; V. P., Laurelhurst B. Unthlcum. secretary WUHams, T7ood k. Unthlcam. Pertlaad. James B. Meikle. former eeereUry Seattle Chamber of Cominerce. ' ... , , nHiMT ijinA A TUtan Ban!- L. A. Uwls, manager Allan ft Lewli. wholeaal grocers, Portland. IT. R. Burke, of tho Royal Insurant Co. Chaa. k. Williams, manager Uorria Bros- hoods. Henry Fries, of Wakefield. Friea tt Co, real estate, . Robert H. Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. George J. Dekum. of Chaa. K. Henry Co.. real estate. V. 8 I