LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THUSDAY, JULY 2L 1910 lU SEVEN AN ANGRY MUSICIAN. lAmning "d Pathetic Story of Con stant's Picture, "Too LatsI" An amusing and iMitbetlc story is i tare to attract attention, it was called Too Late" and represented Fortune and Glory visiting an artist just as be had breathed bis last. The artist was lying on tbe bed. Tbe figure of Death stood near tbe door through wbich Fortune, carrying a box of money, and Glory, bearing laurels, bad just en tered. The artist received many letters mlZZ? l'J?ti 'there was at tbe first glimmering of One was written by a professor of mu sic, an old man. who expressed in touching words the emotion be bad felt at the sight of tbe artist's work. Be asked Constant to visit and talk to blm about 'Too Late." The invitation was accepted, but as soon as the old professor saw tbe art ist be uttered an ejaculation of sur prise and anger. "Why. you are quite a youth!" be exclaimed. "I thought you were old and. like myself, had spent your life in vain endeavor to ob tain recognition of your abilities. I conceived that picture to be tbe last despairing cry of a man as unfortu nate as 1 am. i find you are quite young and your eyes are full of hope. You are a humbug, sir. and I request that you leave this bouse Immediate ly!" TRUE STANDARDS OF LIFE. The Measure, of a Man Is What He Is, : Not What Hs Has. It takes so long to learn bow to live, " rPn a pltmmetinC Of ! what life Is tor and what we ought to ' do with ours. We are so prone to live j in tbe future, to fret ourselves about j it. We are so busy yearning for the ! Joys we imagine other people have and j worrying about the trouble we imagine ' we are baving tbat we make of the . present, the one thing we are sure of. an endless regret. And. of all the follies tbe limit is to permit some one else to make our standards for as. Haven't we Intelli gence? Can t we think for ourselves? To want things we don't need, many we do not really care for. just because some one else has them and wouldn't understand if we didn't have t hem! To struggle and strain to make a show when all the neighbors know it is only a show-and would resMfet us a heap We Have Them. What? Six pound Dec trie Flat Irons at $3.75 Each EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company Order Rock Springs COAL For Winter Now 0. E. FOWLER Cherries Per Salt. May Dukes are mom ripe. Order at once aa they are going nnicklv. ' ' m more If we bad tbe courage to be our wires: Death's standards ought to De life's standards. Death does not ssfc ' bow big a boose we ball from, oor bow mnnv nnlrprxltr Am i umm ma h vnn nor whjlt oar .,. Not what we arv. Acd tDat., oar mea8lire of everybody but ourselves.-Erman J. Rldgway in Delineator. a B.AJt-. M.u;nn c.u There have been epochs at which rld-, die making has been more especially in vogue, and such epochs would ap pear to occur at seasons of fresh in- t AiiAftiial ntvalranlno QiestVi east arunh new intellectual light In tbe second half of tbe seventh century. This was the age of Aldbelm. bishop of Sher borne, tbe first In the roll of Anglo Latin poets. He left a considerable number of enigma In Latin hexame ters. Aldbelm died in 1700. Before bis time there was a collection of Lat in riddles that bore tbe name of Sym pbosius. Of this work tbe date is un known. We only know that Aldbelm used It. and we may Infer that it was then a recent product. Tbe riddles of Symphosius were uniform in shape, consisting each of three hexameter lines. Corn hill Magazine. Cha'dean Tablets. Tbe clay tablets of Cbaldea. prob ably tbe very earliest writing mate rials used by man. were of different sizes, tbe largest being flat and meas uring 9 by tV.. inches, wbile the small est were slichtlv convex and In some CBses not more than an Inch lone. In the same ruins with the tablets have been found tbe glass lenses which iron ncuu4 Hw tholr rualum 'PVio nrrlt- jng was done, while the tablets were still soft, by a little iron tracer, not pointed, but triangular at tbe end. By slightly pressing this end on the soft motst clay tbe inscriptions were made, The tablets, having been inscribed on both sides and accurately numbered. were baked in ovens and stored away in tbe state libraries. New York American. A Mistake Somewhere. "Is It true. Miss Gertie." be said, "that there are Just two things a wo man will jump at a conclusion and a mouse?" "No." she auswered: "there is a third. Mr. Philip." After thinking the matter over a few moments be tremblingly made ber an offer, but she didn't jump at it He was not the right man. Two Men. A feeble man can see tbe farms tbat are fenced and tilled, the houses tbat are built The strong man sees tbe possible bouses and farms. His eye makes estates as fast as the sun breeds clouds. Emerson. High C! Teacher What class of birds dose the hawk belong to. Tommy? Tommy Birds of prey. Teacher Now. John ny, to what class does tbe quail be long? Johnny Birds on toast Chica go Newt. Notle. Any loose stock m the city will be taken to the pound at once. Phone Black 3721. G. W. F ARRIS, Poundmaster Wilson & Brittian, Electrical -Contractors. Prompt and careful attention given all work. All work guar anteed to pass underwriters' examination. Best ELECTRIC IRON on the market; also ELECIRK FANS One Door south of Observe! Office European Plan Only Rooms 5Cc to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP0X La Grande, Oregon Market Quotations. J SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, 16.75; bet "ur 75 VEGETABLES New dry onions, 6c; fresh peas 10c; rhubarb 3c; head letuuee 10c; radishes, 3 bunches for 10c; green onions, 3 bunches for 10c; tomatoes 15c lb; new potatoes, 9 lbs., for 25c; cabbage 5c lb. FRUIT Oranges, 45c per dozen; lemons, 45c per dozen; bananas, 40c per dos.; cherries, 25 to 35c per gal.; red raspberries, 2 boxes for 25c blackberries, 2 boxes for 25c water melons 3c lb.; cantaiopvs, 10 and 15c lb.; peaches, 10c lb.; plums, 10c lb. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $10 cwt; cows. 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 5 1-2; chick ens 13c. t sir Safer than National Banks Better than U. S. Gold Bonds UNION COUNTY LANDS. Why invest in foreign cities you have a sure See C. J. 1 1 a T t wno nas a large us DIRECTORY OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE., ORE m. w. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. I. R. SNOOK. C. D. E. COX, Clerk. Wsmen ef Woodcraft Grande Ronde Circl No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. 0. O. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A. F. k A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A. M. holds reeuler meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary B. P. G. E. La Granie Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club corn t r of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. DR. O. L. RIGGERS. Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. "Can be depended upon" Is sn expieanos we sll like to hear, snd when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it meant t' fails to cure diarrhoea, dmnt bowel complaints. It ia pleaaant to tal equally valuable for cmidren ana OBSERVER HANI ADS PAY I Finland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 31c; store 24 9 24 1-2. BUTTER FAT Delliver L o. b. at Portand. sw, cream 29 1-2; soar 21 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, 26 0 27c POULTRY Mixed chickens. 17c; fancy, 17 1-2 cents; turkeys alive, 20 Q 21; dressed 27 tt 28; pigeons ! squabs. 12.50; dressed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed. $23; rolled. $25; brewiag, $24. WHEAT Nominal track, clnb. 83; bluestem 90; Willamette valley, 84. M I LL3TUFFS Selling price-Bran $20; midllngs, 829; shorts, $21; choo, $190125. FLOUR New crop patents, $5.15 IT CERTAINLY LOOKS GOOD to tbe children when they tee the delicious bread made from the North Powder Best of the Best Patent flour. It la a meal for the little ones, with butter, jam or Jelly, that Is wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife when she sees the goldet. brown crisp and the white bread inside when it comes from the oven. It alio smells appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE BY ALL GBOCEBS and wireless stock, when thing at home ? BLACK, j. s ' l '4 21 ot money matters. . g V Vkahs Costal Lodge Nc. to meets every Tuesday - -enlng in the I. O. O. F. hall All visiting members are Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G. MRS. JENNIE M SMITH, Sea. ef Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRIGHT, C C R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. k S. aft a Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8. holds stated communications the second ; and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially invited. MART A. WARNICKjSec PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 181 W. 0. W. meets wy econd and fourth Tues- !ay in the month. All visiting mem bers welcom.. NERI AJKLE8. C. C. J. H. KEENET, Clerk. llfty pay Rent? We loan you " money to build, and you pay us as you would rent. I. R. OLIVER. THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALWAYS BRINGS RETURN TO TRADE 180 acres of timber land to trade fot city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. FURNISHED ROOMS 1812 Adams Ave, $8.00 per month, phone red 74L NOW Get that summer suit cleaned and pressed at Pennington's. Phone Black Ml or 44. WANTED Masons to lay concrete blocks. Apply at the Oregon Engin eering and Construction Company, Joseph. Oregon. ROOM and BOARD 1817 Fourth ft FOR RENT Barn suitable for Ores horses. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT OR SALE Nicely fur nished rooming and boarding house at Condon, Oregon, all furnished. Must be taken at once. Suitable tor a U. witVi mii family and limited means. Apply at Hotel Oregon, Depot street. FOR SALE Corner Lot, .close in cheap. Phone Red 1141. Special w keaTLBBBBBsal 1 Cut Glass aid Hand Painted China From now until July 17, 1 will make a specially ! low price on cut glass and hand painted Obina. It will pay you to examine my stock and get a good se lection before buying your gifts. All styles of wedding rings including Tiffany,' round, oval, etc., at lowest prices in Eastern Oregon, X Quality considered. I will Save You Money. j J. H. Peare, La X PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 1 H. I'PTOS, Ph. tt. H. D. Ppysician and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear, Noss and Throat Office in La Grande Nat ional Sank Building. Phones: Of fice Mala X, Residence Main 81 GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician Sommer Bids.. Rooms 7, J, t and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 83. Residence phone. Black 951. Soc io Dr. P. E. Moors. school of Mine: ad Qreeawood St ft, PORKS BAY Director. T. M CRAWFORD Attorney -at-law Practices in all the cosrts of the State and Un'ted States. Office la La Grande National Bank Bid; La Gr'nde, Oregon DR. it A fHRLT0.: Vatsr.Ti r- Scrgecn Office at Hill's Drag Store, La Grants Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone. Black 1281; Independent phone 53: hnth phones st iesld LA 6JLLYDE PROP. MO FURNISHED ROOM For ccly. Nice location. Close in. np Red m tt AUTO FOR SALE 15-H-P. cylinder Ford roadster. Good dltion. Price 8358. Smith's Garage. LOST Ladies' watch chain and cress Finder leave at Model restaurant FOR SALE High grade piano very cheap for cash. Also other furni ture. Phone Independent 551. WANTED A grl or woman to do general housework. Good wages. Call In morning at 902 Pennsylvan ia avenue, Mrs. Ash WANTED At Hotel good chambermaid. Enterprise, a BOY WANTED Young man wanted at the express office nights. Apply FOR SALE 6-H-P gasoline engine V're condition. Price ti.C!C0. At Smith Garage. At the time when thaddeus Stevens was a representative In congress a member of tbe hours who was noted for his ancertain course on all ques tions and who confessed that be never Investigated a point under discussion without Coding himself neutral asked. one day for leave of absence "Mr. Speaker." said Stevens, "1 do not rise to object, but to suggest that the honorable member need not ask this favor, for be can easily pair on with himself." Few Wits. Him I was confused for a bit. I l fees, but it took me only a moment to collect my wits. Her Yes; it couldn't take any longer than tbat Go on." Cleveland Leader. Price Grande's LeadingJeweler, OppositeLand Office Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. O COCHRAN k COCHBAI Attorneys La Grande National Bank St La Grande M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor sf Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses ad mass to order. All Errors of Refraction 1106 Adams' Are. Opposite P. Qx La Grande, DR. H. L. I NDERWOOD Ppysician and Surgeon Over Red Cross Drag Store 8pedal attention to diseases at Mys, and Ear. Office phone Main 22; Res Mall 72a. B. W. C NELSON Minlnr Enslnser Baker City ... Oregon N. M0LIT0R, B. D. Ppysician and Scrgeoa Coi,er Adam- . snd Depot street Offi-c Ms In 88 Reiideac: 89 ;. C PUCE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande Nations Building. bo .e Black 39. . . i a mm r. H.