LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER THUSDAY, JULY 21, 1910 PAGE THREE I 1 The George Palmer LIMBER CO RETAIL DEPARTMEN1 We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8. iThe w -w -w -w rr W Vrr Airdomef Thomas Bruce, Manager. TO-NIGHT! Ethel Tucker Stock Co. DavliAi DuftnH iiv n vufcvi unuvu SELECT CULLINGS Forty and Rich and Marriage. Writing of a popular artist of the day wbo happens to be unmarried, a contributor to one of the current map azlnea says. "Id these days a man doesn't Indulge In matrimony until be has achieved forty and a fat bank bal ance," Whit folly: When will writers stop attributing to mankind in general the thought and habits which pertain only to an insignificant minority? The average man. If he marries at all. "in dulges in matrimony" long before be is forty and still longer before be has a "fat bank balance." It matters com paratively little to him or to his wife, if she Is as sensible as she ought to be. whether the fat bank balance ever ma tures. And both of them are nnfortu nate If marriage Is postponed unneces sarily till either reaches the age of forty. At forty a man ought to have chil dren approaching graduation from the high school. He may even have a son in college; the better for him if he has. A comfortable balance at the bank is an admirable attribute for any home, but it is not so Important as that the home be established. If men post poned matrimony till they were forty and had a fat bank balance well, what sort of world would this be anyway? Cleveland Plain Dealer. nltion of his res-arch work In Africa." in unquestioned, bat stratagem has got him out of many a tight corner. On one occasion bis sareba was sur rounded by a howling mob of savages, who sent an envoy asking him to sur render. Sir Harry merely told the en voy that they had smallpox In the camp, and a wretched albino was trot ted out an the awful example. Five minutes later the seared tribesmen were busy putting as large a stretch of Africa as time would permit between themselves and danger. As Sir Harry well knew, they were more afraid of "the white disease" than they were of all the inventions of Maxlm-Tlt-Blta. Ancient Trial Marriage. Marriage contracts written on os traca or potsherds have been unearth ed at Luxor. Egypt which convict the experimental marriage man of unorig lnality. They are 2.000 years old. Thus one of them: "I take thee. Ta manls, daughter of Pamonthls, Into my bouse to be my lawful wife for the term of fire months Accordingly 1 de posit for you In the temple of Hat dot the sum of four silver stater, which will be forfeited to you If I dismiss you before the conclusion of the five months, and. besides this, my banker shall do something for you, but If yon leave me on your own account before the end of the five months the above sum which I hare deposited shall be refunded to me."-Argonaut. NORTH BEACH Queen of the Northwest Resorts Near the Mouth of the Columbia River, on theWash- ington Coa?': The place to spend Your Summer Vacation Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach. Level, compact and smooth. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho tel, cottage, tent and campJLife. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishing, clam digging beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque wooded headlands. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash. VIA Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 Purchase tickets and make reset- ations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets, Port land, or Inquire of any 0. R. ft N. agent elsewh ere for Information VM. McHURBAT, General Passenger A 2 nt, Portland, Oregon Wingless Chickens the Latest. Chicken wtngs will disappear from bills of fare when the new wlnjrlosx Illinois become common. He has found that wtngs decrease the value of chick ens In cities and towns by maklug their confinement In yards more diffi cult He conceived the Idea of cross log common breeds with the Wyan dottes and Barred Hooks, whose wings are smaller In proportion to their welgnt than those of other chickens After several seasons he has produced a fowl which has only a few pin feathers where nature meant wings to be and which cannot jump a fence higher than two feet. It will be eas ier. Mr. Bertram says, to fatten chick ens which do not reduce their weight by the exertion of flying. This will compensate by putting more flesh on drumsticks and wishbones for the ulti mate atrophy and disappearance of the wings. Science Sittings. Juggling With Figures. Die Wocher in a recent number speaks of the fabulous prices paid by Americans for amusement and cites the case of the "milllardarin" Mrs Astor, who paid a tenor 12,000 marks for singing twelve minutes. "A pro fession," says the writer, "in which one may earn a thousand marks a minute is certainly a remunerative one." Commenting on the paragraph, another paper says: "At the rate of a thousand marks a minute an hour's work for the tenor will bring him 60. 000 marks, and for a day with labor limitations, .so that he could work only eight hours bis pay would be 480,000 marks. At this rate the singer would realize for a year's work 300 days 144,000,000 marks, or about $36,000,000. It's wonderful what one can do with figures, having a good twelve minutes to start with." Scared the Savage. The pluck of Sir Harry Johnston, the famous explorer, who has lately been elected a corresponding member of the Italian Geographical, society "In recojr- A RAIN OF FIRE. That . 'ffi' .'i sWB FOR COUGHS KING OF CURES THE WONDER WORKER FOR GOLDS THROAT PR. KINC'S LUNGS NEW D1SC0VERYI j FOR COUGHS AND COLDS The Great Meteoric Shower Scared Folks In 1833. In Scharf'8 ' Chronicles of Baltimore" there is a vlrid description of the star ry hailstorm, the flery meteoric show er, of 1833, and old flies of newspapers are made luminous at that date with the impressions of editors and contrib utors. . One writer said It waa the grandest and most charming sight ever presented to the vision of man. Awak ened from sleep, he sprang to the win dow, thinking the bouse was on Are. but when be looked out be beheld stars, or fiery bodies, descending like "torrents." The shed "In the adjoin ing yard to my own," be wrote, "waa covered with stars, us 1 supposed, dur ing the whole rime." Professor Olm atead of Yale college thought that the exhibition was the finest display of celestial fireworks that bad been wit nessed since the creation of the world, although he. too. while knowing its character, was sufficiently imbued with the theological spirit of the time to believe that It was a solemn portent that carried a divine warning. One editor whose comuieut upon this phenomenon was probably more quoted than any other be ever made said: "We pronounce the raining flre which we saw on Wednesday morning an awful type, a forerunner, a merciful sign, of that great and dreadful day which the Inhabitants of the earth will witness when the sixth seal will be opened. Many things occurring In the earth tend to convince us that we are now in the latter days." Why. And why Is tt with Antoinette Each day 1 take a walk'.' She's silly, hut she's beautiful. 1 love to see her talk: Town Topics. GEORGE PALMES, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, T Ice-Pres. W. L. BREXHOLTS, Asst. Cash. EARL ZCNDEL, 4 Asst Cask, F. L. METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL B ANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON 1 United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS GEORGE PALMER If. j. holles w. j. church F. L. C C PENIXGTOX A L. CLEATER F. M. RTRKIT H. L. BBENHOLTS W. M. PIERCE With ear smple resources and facilities we can reader yon efficient service and handle year baslnee s to year entire satisfaction. A Free Operation. "Dr. Doyen fought a duel with a Belgian while I was on the Riviera." said a Chicago surgeon. "You've heard ! of Doyen? His latest Is a serum that. Intreasiug tenfold the energy of out white blood corpuscles, wards off old age. "Well, we gave him, we sawbones, a supper at the CercU de la Mediterra nee. in Nice, after his duel. He won the duel, you know. And In his after supper speech he told us how he had said to the Belgian as he ran bun through. "'You lucky dog! I'd charge any other man 50.000 francs for an abdom inal incision like this. And yet, by Jove, you don't look overpleased!"- Washlngton Star. DRINK A RH Natural Mineral Water Bottled as it Flows From the Spring It's flood for what Ails You DRY CHAIN WOOD 1 am prepared to furnisrDry Chain Wood, al so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to V. E. BEAN PHONE RED mi i Maxwell Wins PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be tor my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Vice 50c and $1.00 ABSC 11LY GUARANTEED? Trial Bottle Free 5 cVf GROCERY i AND Nice Fresh Watermelons 3c per pound Also Cantaloupes 4 4 4 Thrills followed thrills as speeding automobiles shot around the course of the Ingleside Race Course, on April 24th, in the second and final day events of the successful meet promoted by the members of Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. Thehonors of the day were divided between Barney Oldfleld, with n!s 200 horsepower Benz machine, and C. O. King, with his Maxwell 30 horsepower stock car. Oldfleld lowered his previous record of one mile to 51 5-6, which 1b a new coast record for the circular track. With the exception of this performance, Oldfleld had to take second place In the list of racing honors, as the world's champion met defeat In both the five and fifteen mile handicap events, and In both races King and his Maxwell were the victors. In fact, King proved the surprise of the meet, driving all of his races with much judgment and taking the turns with his car as close to the fence as did Oldfleld. In the five mile handicap. Oldfleld drove his Knox racer to the utmost, but the handicap was too strong and he could not get the lead away from King. Not only in the handicap events did King and his Max well prove stars of the first order, but in one of the first events of the day, the five mile race for cars costing from $1200 to $1600, which waB one of the bestmatches of the meet. The time for the five mile handicap was as follows: Maxwell King, 4.40.30; Oakland, Nelson, 4.48.25; Chalmers, West. 4.49.30; Auto Car , finished fourth, and the Knox car, Barney Oldfleld driving, fifth. In the event number eight, ten miles free-for-all handicap, King and his Maxwell again were the winners, the Maxwell's time belnr 9 19.30. J. B. Whiteman & Son 108. Elm Street. An Indian can be happy with out a Piano. But who wants to be an Indian? STEINWAY, LUDWIG, KERTZMANN, A. B. CHASE C0N0VER Pianos for sale by X A and I i 1 g BAKERY J. T. Scott oilverthorn s Drug Store , SO, AND GUARANTEED BY