PAGE SIX LA GKANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1910 HATS, COLLARS. BELTS See Our Window for New Styles At Less Than Cost W. W. BERRY CO Joseph, Oregon. 'Confined from Par claBS of people who can rightly be termed "empire builderB." They have made money In the Wallowa country but they have done more than that they have spent their money In the Wallowa country. The lighting sys tem, the water system and many oth er enterprises were started, financed and pushed to successful operation by members of this family. Naturally they are interested in a good bank. The last statement of the First bank of Joseph shows a deposit account of $234 ,50 1.8.-1, while the loan account reached $255,524.36, with cash on water that has been made famous by both poets and artists. "Head-of-the-Lake" will be known all over the country in another year for the merits of the location for camping is so apparent it is but a The Launch, "Chief Joseph," (hat Burned Recently. Will lie replaced With One Much Linger. The Airdome Thomas Bruce, Manager. TO-NIGHT ! Ethel Tucker Stock Co. "How Baxter Butted In" I Afc4 $ -t A4444444444 hand amounting to $49,789.13. This condensed statement tells the story of conservative banking. The offi cers are: F. D. McCully, president; E. T. Roup, vice-president; W. D. Mc Cully, cashier and F. F. McCully. as sistant cashier. It has a capital of $50,000 and a surplus of $10,000. "THE HEAD OF THE LAKE." Wall own Amusement Co. Ik Making a Flue Resort. , 'A : SOMEBODY is going to bo disappointed when the five acre tracts we have boon offering you are all gone, and they arc, all but two. We haw some line buys iu residence lots at $125.00 each; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 Foley LA GRANDE Inv. CO., Hotel Bid., La Grande Win. E. Curtis, the famous des criptive writer, who recently visited the IJike, published the following in the Chicago Record -Hera Id: "Wallowa Lake would make an ideal summer resort, and the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company is boosting a movement to build a "fea ture hotel" like Kl Tovar at the CI rand Canyon of the Colorado and Old Faithful inn in the Yellowstone. There Is no mountain resort In Ore gon for invalids or pleasure seekers that would be so agreeable or con venient. It would be difficult to im agine a more attractive place." The wisdom of Wiliam E, Curtis is apparent, but it was left to J. P. IBs ensperger of Cleveland. Ohio, and .1. Ross Leslie of Joseph, to work on: f ' j details and establish what is to ' . one of the most delightful rest place In the lap of nature's beauty spot. Mr. Leslie has long viewed the head of the lake with an idea ot Spate day making there a resort that would become famous all over the lan I. IPor three years he has in a primitive manner entertained guests, but when his energies were coupled with those of Mr. Egensperger this season splen did results followed Seventy-five snow-whit e tents now dot the grand old forest and each night the tall and stately pines keep a silent vigil over the tents and their occupants. A fine cafe," with a de partment for carrying groceries and supplies for campers who choose to cook for themselves has been Institu ted which with the large dancing pa- villlon makes a liitle villaRe of some iyd..c banTOs- aonf aonwt question of time until its popularity is assured. The men who have under taken the enterprise are live ones and know how to care for the peo ple.' They have plenty of energy, and when the boat, "Chief Joseph", burn ed last Friday' they at once prepared to build a larger one. The Mineral Wealth. That nature has bestowed In large quantities mineral .of value in the mountains near Joseph, there is no doubt While no great amount of mining has been done, sufficient de velopment work has shown magnifi cent deposits of copper, lead, silver and some zinc. Gold is found in some localities but the backbone of indus try so far as values are concerned, is centered in the other metals named.. The "Copper King" on upper Wal lowa is one of the properties upor, which a good showing has been made Pome samples carrying as much as 30 ier cent in copper were to be seen in Joseph and all the tunnel that has been run shows ood ere. The officers of the company are: J. H. Dobbins, r resident; F. D. McCully, vice-president; R. A. Snyder, general manager; directors: L. Knapper, jr.; Sam Litch of Enterprise, Dr. Irvln, J. H. Russell of La Grande, L. N. Drake. Wallace Trill, secretary and Arthur Parker, treasurer. A Hunch from Maker There. Wherever you .see good mineral prospects, by searching you will also find some one from B r City, for Baker people have a mania for fol lowing the mines. Eight miles out of Joseph, there is a silver-lead pros per; that every one says Is first-class, and .'Mk Gyllenberger and Frank Bro k& are there now doing develop ment work. John L. Rand, one of the foremost attorneys of Eastern Ore; in, is Interested with the boys and ' Lie Ir ce will undoubtedly make a for tune In the Joseph county if thn- will Only keep at it. The First National Hank. One of the safe and substantial fi- liti lelal organizations of the t.oith wett is the First National Br .'f '.-soph, which, while not an o j in M'tvtlon. shows the marks of cr.ieful business judgment, at the helm, which insures Its permanency. It is carrying almost $100,000 In deposits and has a loan account of about $S0. 000. The officers are: L. Knapper. president: A. Wade, vice-president: F. F. Scribner. cashier; A. K. Parker, assistant cashier; directors L. Knap per. Aaron VVade, R. H. Scribner. J. P. Averill and F. F. Scribner. This bank has done a good, healthy business ever since it stnrted. and Mr. Scribner. who is a native of I et na, Is well pleased with the'Ontlook for the future. He has associated v'th him a? assistant cashier, A. K. T arker. who is an ardent believer that Joseph will be one of the strongest commercial centers In the interior w i hin a very few years. GEORGE PALMER. Pres. W. L. BRENH0LTS. Ass't. Cash. F. J. HOLMES, Vlce-Pres. EARL ZUSDEL, 2d Ass't Cash. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS GEORGE PALMER F. J. H0LLES W. J. CHURCH F. I . METERS C. C. PENIJiGTOS G. L. CLEAVER F. M. BYRKIT W. L. BBENH0LTS W. M. PIERCE With our ample resources and facilities we can render you efficient serrlcc and handle jour business to your entire satisfaction. Watermellons and Cantaloupe at Snodgrass' Your complexion as weTi a tsar lmnar nnr.. 1 rendered miserable bt .1 disordered liver. HrlrtHnir I't,mli-Itn'.' ... I T: M-i-j-f I dimensions overlooking the body ot Tablet rou cm imwuvo both? ' The George Palmer LUMBER CO kmiL DEPARTMEN1 ' We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid 'bRoofing Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main 8.