I I PAGE SIX Ladd Park, which ti located in the center of Laurel hurst, is to be im proved at once, and when the proposed improvements have bet., made it will be the most magnificent puGiic park in Portland. These improve ments include the creation of extensive botanical gardens, an enlarge ment of the present natural lake now there, and scenic driveways and walks. THEY ALL MAKE (3RVNDK 150 MM! LAND SEVER FALS TO GLADDEN INVESTOR Story of Bow One Man Made Sonic Extra Coin uth Little Effort George H. Currey, who Is now en gaged in the real estate business, ne gotiated the sale of the ('. It. Beck ley farm near Imbler a few days ago to C. C. Welch, that shows how first- ( class Grande Rondc valley soil hap idvanced . price during the atsi low years, nlsn how easy it is tor . careful shrewd nan to accumulate a fortune Mr Welch came to this Wl- ley 20 years ago with nothing i i Heti'i initiation to enrv'f ' . 1:' a home out of some of the broad acres of beautiful Grande Ronde; today bo 0WS StO acres of as good land as :i" .w found, it niiubt be of interest (p 1 1 le that about five years ago Mr. Welch sold this Identical W acre Iract for $.'." per acre, believing UuV land on the Bandrldge bad reached its height. The fact that he bought It back for $110 an acre shows that h has changed his mind. Mr. Berkley did well financially; be hough! it three years ago, baying $""' per acre, thus realizing a net profit of 3 500 on this year's crop. Opportunities and Limitations. The world Is lull of opportunities The world has a place for all kinds of people. If a luan look no higher than pickax or bod. but be industrious, the world can use hint The opportunities for the nan who has spent the least time iu school, getting only the prac tical studies, are better and higher than con to bim of the hod. but such a in. hi soon reaches his limit. He is on a short bidder. The one Who has laid the foundation of h broad general education as well as a technical one has, given Intelligence, industry aud loyalty', practically no limit to his ca reer K. U. Graduate Magazine. MONEY The Addition with Character Laurelhurst is a good .The titles are perfect. A The prices are low. This people interested. The it i t i m : BECAUSE value, because they he BECAUSE The population of Port tor the past 21 months day 73 per cent of the pe Does this meaii anyth It meanB wonderful ad about one-half of the r BECAUSK BECAUSE BECAUSE It surrounds the new clt to all adjacent proper! The lots now selling at a We are offering Special FOOTPRINTS OF GLACIERS. rhey Present a Serious Problem For Future Generation. The site of New Fork city was ouce burled under hundreds, possibly thou- I sands, of feet of Ice. Ample proof ot : this Is found In many places on Man- I hattan Island, the most tangible being ! the "footprints" of glaciers. Examine the surface of the rocks In Central or Riverside park and you will find nu merous peculiar marks. These peculiar marks, called by ge ologists "striae," are the "footprints" of glaciers. They were produced by the grludlng of pebbles upon the rock surfaces under the glaciers as the lat ter moved to the sea. How long ago it wns that glaciers flowed over Manhattan Island Is a matter of uncertainty. The period has been variously estimated at from 5,000 to 50,000 years. The present trend Of opinion la In favor of the smaller j estimate. But, knowing as we do i that the site of New York city was gla Clated at it time remote or compara tively recent, the portentous question arises, Are the glaciers likely to de- scend on It tin In V No human menus could arrest their Irresistible advance. Palatini homes, towering skyscrapers. Bast iiver bridge, nil the magnificent ; monuments of liutuaii achievement, would be grouud Into atoms aud swept Into t lie ocean. Striae, or 'footprints" of glaciers, are found from the highest northern and j southern IntKu to the equator, was ' the entire surface of tlu earth at one time covered with Ice? Some geolo cjsts have taken that view, but the evidence does not warrant it. That the earth lias changed Its axis j from time t. tunc and is still chaimini: It Is a fact Well known to astronomers. 1 It is coneolruble, therefore, that In the course of apes before the earth's crust assumed" lt present formation, the poles may on e have been 0D the pres ent equatorial line and the equatorial line where ihe poles now stand. By oscillation of the globe and consequent Interchanging of polar and equatorial lines every part of the earth's surface must have been successively glaciated. Bud) a general lateral movement of the earth furnishes a reasonable ex nlnnntlnn of the irlnrial "fonrnrlnta" ttw. ' ery where found. The north is undoubtedly growing warmer. Some "W years ago Alaska was still covered with glacial ice. Five hundred years from now there will scarcely be I glacier lo be found there except In the highest mountains. "The uext Generation will Had few of them with their fronts still in the sea." says Henry Cannett In DellenhuiuVs "North Aineri i of Yesterday." The LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE!, TUESDAY, JULY 19, place to invest money In. warranty deed with full covenants a is nearly always the case in placing value of all the property Increases lp to make it. land is growing at the rate of 30.000 show that 51 per cent of the permits ople in Portland live on the East side, ing? vances in east sldd prices in general, eal values. y park that is to be improved at one y. n average price of $1150 each will be Inducement to those who commence OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Chas. K. Henry, president Chas. K. Henry Co., Portland; owner Henry BIdt. Frank F. Mead, president Seaboard Sec. Co., Seattle. Taul C. Murphy, director Bankers Trust Co., Tacoma; V. P. Laurelhurst Co., Seattle. ii. B. Llnthlcum, secretary Williams, .7ood & Llnthlcum, Portland. James B. Meikle, former secretary Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Fdw. Cookingham, vice-president and manager Ladd & Tllton Ban J.. L. A. Lewis, manager Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers, Portland. It. R. burke, of the Royal Insurant j Co. Chas. K. Williams, manager Morris Bros., bonds. Henry Fries, of Wakefield, Fries & Co., real estate. Robert H. Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. George J. Dekum, of Chas. K. Henry Co., real estate. present trend on die earth's axis Is to push the north pole farther north. But the question is. How long will this ' movement continue in the present dl- ' rectlon? It may continue until Green land shall come ngain to have a tern perate climate, or it may be reversed in the near future to bring the ice back to the destruction of great cities. This Is a problem for posterity. The pres ent generation need not lose any sleep over It. But some future generation may find Itself confronting a serious condition. William E. Simmons In New York World. DEATHWATCH BEETLES. Their Tapping Stands For Courtship and Not For Warning. Much mental anguish could have been saved to past generations and some not so very fur pust If people bad known thai ihe mysterious tup ping of the "dentliwatch" stood for courtship and not death. A writer in the Scientific American explains, that lhe various species of the beetle anobi um and their bigger relatives of the genus xestobiuin not only attack furni ture, but so completely riddle the whole woodwork of old houses by their borings as to render the structures un safe. Indeed, a beam thai has been tenanted by these Insects for a num ber of years Is little better than an outer shell containing' a mass of wood dust. The xestobium is the common deatbwatch. while the anoblun also is in the habit of making a tapping sou nd, The nocturnal tappings of these In sects, distinctly audible In a room where there Is an otherwise complete absence of noise, has foi iti:::i,v w rles been regarded by the sitpernU tious as a warning of the approach ot death. This uucanny Interpretation of a mysterious sound is scarcely surpris ing when It Is remembered Unit only In recent years have naturalists tils covered Its true cause. The little beetle has been found In some secluded spot, jerking Its bard head at regular intervals upon the sur face of the wood beneath It. So far as can be told. Its rapplngs constitute a kind of courtship ritual. Obviously they have no connection with the lat ter eud of mankind. SUMMONS. u The Circuit Court of The State of Oregon, For In ion ( omit). K V Brownell, Plaintiff, vs. Htta L ttrownoll. Defendant. To Bill l Brownell, the aim named defendant; You are nereh summoned and required to appeal nd a certified abstract of title will be given to each purchaser, a new addition on the market. The prices are made very low to get as new homes are built, and those who buy early share ki the Increased a year, and all of these people must have homes. The building statistics granted for residences have been issued for home on the East side. To and 27 per cent on the West side. and Laurelhurst in particular, because Laurelhurst prices are now just e. and made one of the great scenic attractions of Portland, adding value worth double that amount in one year, building this year. and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks after the first publication of the summons in this cause, and you will take notice that if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint, to-wit: for a decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now, and hereto fore existing between you and the plaintiff, and for general relief. You will further take notice that this summons Is published in the La Grande Evening Observer, once a week for six consecutive weeks, of seven Issues, by order of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge of said court, made, dated and entered April 6th, A. D. 1910. the first Issue of said publica tion being June 9th, 1910. T. H. CRAWFORD, Attorney for the Plaintiff. June 9-16-23, July 7-14-21. SIMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon and Union Connty. Maude St. Johns, Plaintiff, vs. Frank St, Johns, Defendant. To Frank St. Johns, the above named defendant, in the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and suit on or before the ex piration of the time prescribed In the. order directing the publication hereof, to-wlt: six consecutive weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons which 1b June 14th, 1910, and if you fall to appear, answer or otherwise plead within said time, the plaintiff will ask the Cou?t for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between this plain tiff and this said defendant and awarding the plaintiff an absolute decree of divorce. This summons is published In the La Grande Ev ening Observer, a daily newspaper printed and published in La Grande, Union County. Oregon, by virtue of an order of the Honorable J. W. Knowles. Ju.:ge of the above en titled court, made and entered on the 11th day of June. 1910. COCHRAN & COCHRAN. Attorneys for Plaintiff. June 14-21-28. July 5-12-19-16. 1910. Residence property fronting on or convenient to a public park Is al ways In demand and brings high values. The boulevards of Laurelhurst have been made to conform to the proposed driveways of the park. As soon as the Improvements in Ladd Park are completed, then prices in Laurel hurst lots will advance another notch or two. NORTH Queen of the Near the Mouth of the Columbia Iliver, on theWash- f ington Uoap : The place to spend Your Summer Vacation Twenty-five Miles of Magnificent Beach. Level, compact and smooth. 1 Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful ho tel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful,. invigorating recreation of the seaside-surf bathing, fidiing, clam digging beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls ami drives through picturesque wooded headlands. Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Wash VIA l i - and Navigation Co BoasonRatetBVom Ptafltttf Round Trip, $4.00 ' Fhree Day-Saturday to Monday Rate. f&OO Purchase ' tickets and make reset ; atlons at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Streets. Port land, or inquire of any O. R. & N. agent elsewhere for Information WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Ag nt, Portlanfi, Oregot ItMIMMHMmMMMMe DRINK SAM Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring Ifs C;?od lor what Ms You 1 '' .7 BEACH Northwest Resorts MMHMHf MeMMfMMt -o