La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 18, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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'A Tale of Two Coats."
Equal to the Emergency."
The Atlar of Love" Vitagraph
Making Salt"
"Her Life for Her Love." Ur
ban. Song "Highland Mary "
Beautiful dishes given to lady
patrons of the matinee. See dis
play In looby.
George E. Dixon and Otis Olson of
Pendleton, are here on business today.
Mlsa Irene Kringle was down from
North Powder yesterday, spending the
day here with friends.
J. C. Hayes, the Jacobs-Stein man
of Portland is herenoday looking after
T. M. Shannon spent Sunday and to
day In Pendleton. Mr. Shannon is
the harness maker of this city.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Hunt on N avenue Is quite seriously
ill with polio myelitis.
Mrs. M. A. Adams and daughter,
Miss Ethel, and Mrs Pete Johnson of
Huntington have gone to Joseph
wbre they will enjoy a short outing.
Mrs. Emma Kirku trick left last
evening for North Yakima to Join her
daughter and to make her future
LlUlAll I I SMS.
F. L Shinn of Eugene, is taking a
look at La Grande today.
John Slayter 1b over from Union on
business today.
C. E. Cunningham
Wonr loot
came in from
Engineer and Mrs. Will Adler leave
Taesday for Kamela where Mr. Adler
will take a helper run.
E J. Evans, a -prominent business
man of Wallowa, is In La Grande today.
D. W Chandler, a resident r Elgin,
returned this morning to his home,
r.fter transacting business matters in
Lis Grande
Chief Dispatcher Corbett is camp
ing at Wallowa Lake and Dispatcher
Andrews has his desk during his ab
Former O. R. & N conductor J'm
Mytenger, is here visiting friends ami
former fellow workmen. He Is now lr-
tated in Bakersfield.
Mrs. J. M. McCall and daughter,
Miss Marjorie left this morning for
Joseph where they will spend a week
camping and enjoying the outing fac
ilities on the lake. Miss Flor rce Mc
Call will Join them later.
Wallace Chllders is among the
cainners at Wallowa Lake and in a
few days the sheriff will leave for
that place to spend a few quiet
moments angling for the Dolly Var
den trout.
Camp Ufa by a cool stream, lots of shade and where
fishing is good, these hot days would be a pleasure hard
to find words to describe.
Your Sporting goods line should D3 looked over and see
if there isn't something needed to complete your outfit.
One of our hinted Steel Poles will add to the convenience
and p easure of your trip, - - $2.25
Standard grade of Flies, any variety, syc for - - 25c
Reels, all prices. - 16c to $2.25
Fish Baskets,Bait Boxes,Lines,Hooks, you need them all
Mrs. Jack Heuhan is in La Gr w 'e
today from Pendleton, where h' hua
band Is now locaVd while on the P'Jit-dleton-Huntington
William Franci9, a clerk
In the
Judge Sheehan, one of the best
known lawyers In .Eastern Oregon,
passed through La Grande last even
ing op his. way to Portland where he
will take part in the state bar asso
ciation meeting, which will try and
name a non-partisan Judiciary.
Hamilton spent Sunday In La
....... j . . i .
In Joseph snending a week on
lake and adjoining mountains.
Mrs. Edna Morrison left last evfn
Ing for Charlton, Ore., where she will
Join her husband who owns a drug
store at that place. They will make
their future home at Charlton
C. C.
C r 1 A r.
Is humming about Summerville, re
irrts the merchant and things look
Your Camp Outfit jfiST Replen
DISHES, COOKING UTENSILS, all these are eesential, all
of which we cany a large stock of.
Anything in the Gun Line that you are going to need ? or
amunition, either tor large or small game, we . hall
like to figure with you.
Mr and Mrs. J.
spent yesterday
Tuttle of Elgin. I j. a. Handrahan, one of the strong-
wlth La' Gande est real estate salesmen who has ever
visited La Grande, Is in the city to
day visiting friends He is located at
M. A. Faulk, ton of Constable and
Mrs. I W Faulk is recovering slowly
from serious injuries sustained Sat
urday when he was thrown from a bl
and other Injuries sustained.
Charles Passey came in from Poca
tello last evening and is stopping at
the Foley Hotel.
Rev. Frank
vltltor today,
a few days.
Gray Is an Enterpr
Intending to return
William Allinson,
facturer, Is calling on
Baker City today.
the flour inauu-
custouiers in
Hotel Proprietor Porter of Hilgard.
Is a business visitor in La Grande to-oay.
D. H. Steward and family plan to
leave tomorrow for Joseph where
they will camp at Wallowa Lake. The
trip will be made by automobile and
side trips will be taken from the head
quarters at the head of the lake.
Mrs. Alice Cox and Miss Geau Cox
of Salt Lake City who have been vis
'ting at the 0. F. Coolldge home, went
to Wallowa today on a pleasure junket
W. C. Calder and wife of Baker
City, are in La Grande today. Mr.
Calder is looking after timber land
titles and Mrs -Calder accompanied
him to view La Grande and spend the
day with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. S K Watson of Port
land are here the guests of friends
They will go to Baker City and then
to Joseph where they will join the Mc
Call family later In the week Mr. Wat
son Is a prominent horse dealer In the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bay and daugh
ter and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Noyes are
camping on Black Flat near Hilgard,
the gentleman coming down each
morning to carry on their day's work
and then returning at night again
The Camp is not complete without a
Hammock. They are as necessary as
anything you have in camp.
We are showing a beautiwl (toe this season, from the com
mon $2.00 grade to the Couch Hammock at $t8.00. U. us
b: of some service to you in planning voui needs.
The Golden Rule Co
The Golden Rule Co
J. C. Campbell of Fossil, Oregon,
was a Sunday visitor in the city.
J. H. Handrahan, the Jovlta Heights
man Is in La Grande again after an
extended tour of Idaho. He plans to
remain here but a few days only.
nor Way.
"If you would wear button shoes,
suggested her father, "they would no
' come untied."
1 "1 know It" replied she. "and If
they did not come untied I could not
ask a person whom 1 have in mind to
. tie them." Houston Post.
Railroad Man at Union Has
Idea of Amusement.
Said the girl who went out after dark
To take a short stroll in the parte:
"I'm as scared 'as can be
or that big dogwood tree.
I bops It's not going to oark!"
Baltimore American.
is going to be disappointed when the live
acre tracts we have been offering you are
all gone, and they are, all but two.
We have some fine buys in residence
lots at $125.00 each ; $25.00 down and $5.00 a .
month. Better Investigate these.
Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262
Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande
W. B. Gaily, business manager of
the Anaconda Standard, was a gueBt
at the Foley hotel last night. He had
been in Wallowa county hunting and
fishing and pronounced the "Head-of-the-Lake"
one of, the most delightful
places he had ever visited.
Charles F Hyde, one of the promin
ent members of the Baker County bar,
was In La Grande today on his way to
Enterprise to defend a number of cli
ents. This term of court in Enterprise
is filled with Important litigation and
will last for several days yet.
D. Zlmmerle, the man who is guid
ing the destiny of a fruit near Cove,
came in from Seattle last evening and
Is quartered at the Sommer hotel. He
says Seattle is a busy place but the
place to get the big money Is from a
Union county fruit farm.
Wm. French, the Wadams & Kerr
man will tour Wallowa county, com
mencing tomorrow, in the automobile
recently purchased by his company
for this purpose. Chase Bohnenkamn.
who took Mr. French over a 1500 mile
trip to Nevada, will be at the wheel
Tl 1 1 1 t
lhe Airaomei
Thomas Bruce, Manager.
1 u-niui 1 1 ;
lEthel Tucker Stock Co.
"How Baxter Butted In"
Doctor and Mrs. F E Moore are
spending ten days In La Grande be
fore going on to San Francisco and
to Klrksvllle, Mo, where they will en
ter school this winter. They have left
their field In Enterprise to another
practitioner and are resting and vis
Itlng friends here a few days before
proceeding eastward via San Francis
Misses Mabel Van Fleet, Anna AI
exander and Francis Huklll. who had
been camping at Head-of-the-Lake
near Joseph, returned home last even
ing and Miss Alexander and Miss Hu
klll departed for Starbuck, Washing
ton, the home of the latter. Miss Al
exander will visit there for a week
The young ladles state that the scen
rv In Wallowa county Is very fine
and that "Ice" lake Is a place which
should be visited by everyone who
spends a few days at the lake.
Believing they had run over a sec
tion hand Just before pulling Into Un- j
ion this morning, the train crew of j
Passenger train No. 7, very cau
tiously backed from the depot down
the track for about a half mile, when ,
the supposed victim was found at the
bottom of a 15-foot ditch, calm
ly rubbing his head, while leaning on
Mi overturned handcar. How the man 1
escaped from serl.ous Injury Is some-'
what of a miracle.
When the train pulled Into the sta
tion, the crew was informed that the
engine had hit the man, who had
started out eastward, shortly before
No. 7 arrived. The conductor and
brakeman ran down the track at full
speed, one on either side, and the
train, with excited passengers slowly
followed. The section man. who seem
ed to be much under the Influence of
Intoxicants, was uninjured, and when
Net III Enough to Be Impolite.
"He's not very seasick." t
"No. I just left blm In his cabin,
and be answered politely every ques
tion 1 asked blm."-Detroit Free Press.
A Truthful Bard.
Of boyhood days 1 writ no rhyme.
For 1 avow
I'm having quite as good a time
, Right now
Kansas City Journal.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the office of
the recorder of the City of La Grande,
for the constriction of 520 lineal feet
of standard five-foot sidewalk on "C
avenue, to be done according to th i
plans and specifications on file la
this office. Said walk abutts lota i-10-11
and 12 la Block I-D, lots 5-8-7
and 8 In Block 2-D, and Lots 1-1.
Block 2-C, of the original town of La
Grande. All bids to be In by 4 o'clock
p. m., July 20, and to be accompanied
by a check of 5 per cent of th
amount of the bid. The council re
serves the right to reject any or all
bids a
D. E. GOX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande
"How did you know
magnate was so 111?"
"I saw It denied In
that the great
the papers."
New Phase of Meat Trouble.
Can any one junt tell me.
Should beet be still sky high.
Will ox heart cherries dearer be
Some time In July'.'
-New tfora Telegram.
The Reason Why.
He We don't see so much of you as
by the breathless conductor, if , we used to do.
he was in anyway hurt, the fellow
explained his predicament in this
"No, I just beii havin' a good time!"
It is supposed the man had seen
the train approaching and in pulling
the velocipede from the track, his
unsteady nerves caused him to roll
down the steep embankment, pulling
his handcar after him.
She My husband objects V low cnt
dresses.-St. Louis Times.
Notice to Public j
The ordinance passed in regard M
property owners cleaning their prop
erty of weeds, will be strictly en
forced. J. W. Waldon, chief of police.
Any loose stock In the city will be
taken to the pound at once. Phon
Black 8721.
G. W. FARMS, Poundmaster .
Canteleup Sundle today at Selder's.
WANTED At Hotel Enterprise, a
good chambermaid.
WANTED A grl or woman to do
general housework. Good wages.
Call in morning at 902 Pennsylvan
ia avenue, Mrs. Ash
Bankrupt Stock for Sale.
I will receive bids at any time on
or before the 19th day of July, for the
general merchandise stock of goods at
Allcel, belonging to the bankrupt es
tate of B. F. Webo. The stock and
Inventory ran '.- rtamlned at any
:'7se by BSaklns upotatment with
the trustee at Alice:!
CHAS. PLAYLE,, Trustee.
OFFICE HOURS 8:80 a. m. to 12
m.; 1 to 5 p. m.
Sale on For New Town Site.
The plat of survey for the new town
site of Evans, situated adjoining th?
depot grounds at Lostine, has beea
accepted by the county officials and
the sale of lots Is now on. If you wish
to get In on the ground floor, now
Is your opprtunlty.
Phone or write Couch & McDonald,
at Wallowa, Oregon, as they have th
handling of the entire tract
couch & Mcdonald.
B. J.
For Sale.
8econd hand furniture for sale, pa'.
ty leaving before August 1, 1401, cor
ner 6th and N.
If You Use
Brand of Butter
You use the Best: