m (&vmbt mntm (Sbsavntt VOL. XI LA UKAiNDt UftlOft OU0Ni UKKliOiN. MON I) AY, JULY 18. 1910. NUMBER 221- RIOTS III SPAIN AND BOTH SIDES SUFFERING WORKMEN LEAVE JOBS AND JOIN IN GENERAL REVOLT THAT IS WIDELY SCATTERED 18 per cent on the preferred stock. Since the organization of the company, according to Bristow, there has been a rapid rise in price f rubber all over the country. PLANT TROUT IN Ml NAM Nlae Thousand Eastern Trout Plant ed In Mi nam River Yesterday NU Spain Torn from Center to Circumler ence with Bloody Riots Yesterday and Today Cabinet and King Ex. wet to Snsiiend ConaitiiHon Tern, porarily Secret Societies Huve Been Planning Effective Strike. A. V. Andrews planted nine thous and eastern trout fry in the Minam river yesterday. While on the trip Mr. Andrews found several who are anxiously inquiring about the missing fish ladders on the Wallowa river The fish hatchery section of the river seems to be minus this equipment bo necessary to the welfare of the fish and sportsmen in general are anxious to see this attended to at once. Out of Hospital. The eleven-year-old son of Sam Mc Beth of Wallowa, who was operated upon ten days ago by Doctor Molitor, left the hospital vesterdav much Im proved. IN PATH OF A RACING FIRE VAST MINE AREA CRIPPEN CRIME DEEPER THAN E EVERY AVAILABLE MAN IN KEL LOG AND WALLACE CALLED TO FIGHT FLAMES GREAT DISTRICT 11 BHES EVER DOCTORS ( ANT AGREE TH AT THE BODY IS EVEN THAT OF A WOMAN BURIED IN PAUPER ofmlt Delnatia Mining Company V Plant in Ashes already and Muny Others in Direct Path of the Flames Today Great Timber Area Burned ter One Man Insane Score of Settle are Without Homes officials and trainmen and conduct ors of the Pennsylvania railroad was resumed today. The spirit is more friendly, and it is hoped to reach an agreement not to strike. FIRE CONSUMES BUILDING Eugene Ashnell Lmm a Structure on North Side. This afternoon fire consumed a building belonging to Eugene Ashwell and threatened destruction of another belonging to the same man. The burn ed residence was occupied by Mis. Rodeford and was located ou block east of the north side school building. 1 NO NEW GASES OF MYELITIS REPORTED TWO OF KNOWN INSTANC ES OPf DISEASE SHOW SLIGHT IM PROVEMENT TOIMY San S ht tiin. ! ';. I. July 18 Bloody riota in which both police and rioters suffered, swept Spain yester day and today. Dispatches are being censured. Border line information says another revolution is impending unless troops overcome the riots soon. The secret societies are making concerted action for one granTand KING6hTC8. . . Jun- aonwt aonwt aon final strike. In Barcelonia. Bilbae Santannder and Saragrossa, the strike has already been declared. Workmen quit work tiefng up all business. Great bands of troops hove been centered in cities to stem the revolutionary tide, but the general opinion is that Spain is aflame with revolution and that the cabinet and King are ready to proclaim martial law, and suspend the constitution temporarily. San Sebastian, near the French bor e'er, has been made revolution head quarters, according to reports. Barce lonia is reported quiet today. General Weyler Is commanding troops there. Fighting and bomb throwing is re ported In a number of districts. The people are demanding curtail ment of powers of the church in poli tics while the Republican party wants the abolishment of the kingdom and the creation of a representative body elected by the people. TAFT LEAVES ITER TOUR DF L MAYFLOWER IS "ROYAL" YATCH FOR ENTIRE TRIP Friends and Family Will Accoinpnny Executive on Journey. PROFANE UNCLE J OS H HOUSE SPEAKER OVERLOOKS ETHICS OF CHAUTAUQUA Calls Senator Bristow Down in Home State of Bristow the Beverly. Mass., July 18. President Taft today donned the uniform on commander in chief of the United1 States navy and will board the presi dential yacht Mayflower for a ten-day cruise to Bar Harbor and other ports of call on the Maine coast Bar Harbor will be made the base from which short sea trips will oe made. The party will sleep on board the yacht at night, but will proba' go ashore at various places where the golfing looks good. One of the first stops will be made at Biddeford Pool to take aboard Professor and Mrs. Louis Moore, the latter a sister of Mrs. Taft. The entire party, in addition to the President and Mrs Taft and the Foores. will Include Miss Helen, Char ley. Robert. Horace Taft, the presi dent's brother; Secretary and Mrs. Norton, Captain Archie Butt, Mr. and Mrs. John Hays Hammond, .miss Boardman and one member of the White House clerical force A convoy will follow the May flower, inasmuch as it is regarded as too great a risk to have the president go to sea without assistance in easy reach in case of accident. Wallace. Ida., July 18. One man Is insane, a doen settlers are homeless, and tens of thousanfs dollars worth of timber is destroyed, mining com panies and mills are threatened, and one burned by forest fires sweeping the Coeur d'Alene mining district on Pine Creek to'Jhy. One hundred and fifty fought the flames last night. At midnight over three square miles were in ashes and the flames are racing towards Kel logg peak! The Delnatia Mining Com pany's plant, which is already burned, has reported Nabob, Highland Chief, and the ittle Pittsburg mines In the path of the racing flames. Every available man of Kellogg and Wallace Is called out to fight. The fires start ed from the camp fires yesterday. This is the second fire In the district this year. Real Inquest Postponed for ;i Wonili to Give More Time to Fortriiu Chain of Evldeact Qriupca Jliicii-oii v Lurth- Women Passengers Search. ed :i! f vt York Today. Trotting Races at Grand Rapid. Grand Rapids, Mich., July 18. Fol lowers of the trotting game fedm ;t'l over the country are In Grand Rapids i today for the Great Western circuit Simple meet in thlB city The program for t ,te week in the furnltuj city includes one 'llP.OCu trotting event and a $5,000 pacing event. SHOULD BOIL CITY ITER London, July 18. The mutilated .body, supposed to be that of Mrs. Crippen, will be buried in a pauper's grave today, unidentified. The great Islington murder mystery is 'deeper than ever. Doctors testified thai tbey can not tell whether the skeleton Is that of a woman, much less that of Mrs. Crippen. The inquest has been postponed a month to give Scotland yard men time to unearth evidence as to the woman's death, and to find Crippen, the American dentist suspected of the crime. Every steamer In New York is being searched at that place, for him. Testimony Very Films) . The coroner heard the testimony of detectives and physicians today. Dr Marshall, the government physician testified there Is no proof of murder, HURRY DISTRICT BOUNDARIES m cmiRT i iii I U VI VI VP 1 1 I Lav.s of Health Should be Closely Observed and There M ill be Little Chance of Acquiring1 Dreaded Malady Milk Shonld be Sterilised Too Overheiiitol rnIIHM " Body Dangerous A I GUST SESSION WILL TAKE AC TION ON THE MATTER Irrigation Fever Revived with Start ling Heat Throughout Country Lake Races at Put-In Bay. Detroit, . Mich., July 18 Put-in-Bay is the scene today of a great assembly of yachts which will take part in the annual regatta of the Interlake Yacht ing Association during this week STOCKING THE HATCHERY Government Plants Many Trout Wallowa Count) in Suggestions of a boundary line for the district which 1b to accept or re Ject the proposed Irrigation plan, will be made to the county court at Its next session, according to present owing to bad decomposition of the plans formulated at a meeting-, of the body. The police admit the strongest directors of the Meadowbrook Irrlga- links of evidence are the disappear Hon Company Saturday evening roi- ance of CriDnen and his wife, and coo- lowing the meeting of the stockhold T - - m-m- - - w flicting statements and letters which rs to outline a fiher plan of action Crippen wrdte after his wife had The legal technique Is not difficult .irm.nori fmm aiht in this nstanee. i ne county Mill 1 1, "'"IT"" B"v- 1 Woman Interviewed. acting on suggestions from the direct i ... . . j n- New Yorkers. .Tulv IS The liners, ors, will create a nounnaiy one Chicago and Minnesota, were search- the prospective Irrigation district and ed unon arrival todav bv nollce and order an election to decide the bonci- What Public Should Do- Boll all drinking water us long as a portion of the supply Is being taken from the river. Avoid oicrheat or overstraining of back muscles during present hot period. Give sperial attention to com mon laws of hygiene. Lassitude and muscular pains should be examined by a physician at once, as a day or two delay handicaps prevention. With no new casei of myelitis evi dent today and all the existing cases showing slight signs of improvement, the dangers of a general spread of polio myelitis are diminishing In La Grande. Miss Blanche Lamber, or Frultdale, aged fourteen years, is about the same today, though there Is a slight change for the better. The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben net Ib also Improving today Portland doctors agree with La Grande physicians that the disease is Infectious md that the public should adhere cfWely to slmrtaftratan.. fa lt med newspapermen for Dr. Crippen, the suspected murderer. Many believed, ' he might disguise himself as a woman and. therefore every woman aboard was interviewed. D. Wynne, a special officer of the federal fishery department is spend ing a few days in Wallowa county stocking the hatchery with a few thousand special trout. He says Wal lowa is one of the most successful fish stations In the northwest and thai conditions seem to be specially adapted for the successful propoga-, tor and he will be able to resume his tion of the finney tribe. Falls from Lumber Pile. John Crump fell from a pile of lum ber at Perry today and suffering a severe strain to his left elbow, came to La Grande to be treated. T In juries were cared for by Doctor Moll- work soon. GILMORE DEAD Emporia. Kan.. July 18. "Why shouldn't I have been overcome In Winfleld. It was hot as hell." apolo getically explained Speaker Cannon today in referring to Saturday when the heat got the better of him while speaking at the Winfield Chautauqua. Cannon speaks here this afternoon and is looked upon as one or me leading features of the Chautauqua. He said he would reply to Senator Bristow's "lie about Senator Aldrich's connection with the organization of a rubber trust." After a conference with Roosevelt Bristow charged that Aldrich allowed crude rubber to remain on the tariff fee list but lncreas1 the duty on re fined rubber 36 tier cent. Bristow then charged that Aldrich and Gug genheim and Ryan formed an inter national rubber company with a cap ital of forty millions. He also charges Aldrich's Bon with becoming vice nreslrient of the concern. The price Prominent Southern Demorrat Sue enmbs at New Orleans Today New Orleans, July 18. Rev, Sam uel Gllmore died at his home here to day after a long illness. He took a prominent part In Southern politics, and was a democrat He was a native of New Orleans. Before going to congress he was city attorney for 13 years. TAFT NOT WITH STATE ACTIVE MORE CHANCETO AVOID STRIKE ing Issue. If a majolty of the votes cast at that special election favor the bond Issue the bonds will be issued and work on the plant commenced. It Is believed it will be possible to hold the election some time In Aug ust, in which event it wll be possible to have work well advanced on the entire plant this fall for It Is a mat ter of detail only to turn over the dam site now owned by the Meadow- brook people, to the district to be formed, in accordance with orders given the directors by the stockhold ers. While a few will doubtless op pose the bonding of tnc district It la apparently certain that the plan will carry for It makes an easy Irrigated system. The taxes are Increased but ! little through the Interest, plan, and In time the district will own l own svstein for the bonds will be retired in time. prevent It, and that verHfAnpt me leal attention could do much toward preventing deadening of the nerve tissues of the spine There Is a general feeling of alarm that the disease may spread to other adults for though there are several Infants suffering or have suffered with It, it Is seldom so acute in Infant circles. Milk should be sterilized as well ai water, when used for drinking pur poses. If care Is Indulged In by the public at large there is little danger of others being inflicted with the dreaded malady. SOUTH TO BE SHUT OUT viliu I uvp I T DAMAGE CASE FIRST Wills Against Lumber Comns'iiy Is First Case for Adjourned Term BUSY WITH NATIONAL POLITICS AND WILL NOT MEDDLE State Squabbles will be Left Alone by the Executive Hereafter I PE ALL ADMIT THAT IF CONFER FAILS, STRIKE WILL FOLLOW ' i jit.w.t 1 1 , Haiti ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 i u i v l I'ri't l'l IM'llll I I ' Milk " I I HI ll' " alent In Pittsburg Conference The case of Wills against the George Palmer Lumber Company, a suit for personal iriVirles. is set for Monday when the adjourned term of circuit court opens. Judge Knowlcs Is expected home fronl Wallowa on Fri day. It is believed the second caBe up will be that of state against Charles Gra ham, a local man charged with bur of rubber goods increased and Bris-.'glary not In a dwelling, me accusa tow said the first three months of the Hon being that the man removed 0. life paid a dividend of R. ft N. coal Beverly, July 18. Politicians who wants endorsement to stapleform can didates for state offices, may as well stay at home. President Taft has In timated strongly that v. a head of the republican party, has enough to do In national policies, without mix ing In state squabbles. Wade Ellis to day arrived with an Ohio state plat form and the president would not play with It. He has made It clear that politicians must settle their own troubles. Philadelphia, July 18. Though both.! Bides are hopeful that an agreement will be reached between trainmen and conductors on the Pennsylvania road. General Manager Meyers, admitted today the strike cannot be averted If the conference falls. Both sides are making elaborate preparations for a conference. The best men of the rail road and unionists will be present, and the whole situation will be gone over. At Pittsburg the conference between NEW APPORTIONMENT SAID TO BE IN HANDS OF REPUBLICANS Play for Longwood Cob. Boston, July 18. Play commenc ed today in the Eastern doubles cham pionship and the 20th annual tour nament In singles for the classic Longwood Cup at the Longwood Cricket Club grounds The wlieia of the double must play the winners of the Southern, Western and Coast tournaments to select the challeng ers for the national title held by H. H. Hackett and Fred B. Alexander, of New York. The Longwood cup be comes the property of the man win ning it three times. Chess Masters Meet Hamburg, July 18. Chess masters of three continents gathered about the hoards today at the beginning of the international Chess Congress's twit) big tournaments. All of the greatest players of the chess world are taking part In the main tournament, while eighteen lesser lights are competing for supremacy In the brain-racking game In a smaller event. States Along Atlantic to Have Of Deal, Is the Claim Best Washington, July 18 That new ap portionment for congressional repre sentation is being planned by repub lican leaders became known today. The plan is to prevev any great in crease In representation front the southern states, which is feared would endanger the "house machine." It Is predicted the house under the new apportionment could not be more than 410 as against a membership of 368 at present. According to those who are doing the talking the ucw apportionment will be one representative to every 220.000. At present it Is one for ev ery 198,182. Frdm figures already given out by the census department it is estimated that the population of n south will reach 29 millions, which will give to the south two more congressmen. The claim is made that republicans are planning to give the benefit of the new apportionment to New England states. new company s