la ;::ande evening obseuveu satorda,h uy mo. PAGE FOUR f THE OBSERVER F! tithed Daily Except Sunday Eruce Dennis, BcMtor and Owner, F.uiered at the posiouice ul La !Jrn?i as second-class matter United Pnss Teh graph Service SUBSCRIPTION RATES. t)ally, single copy 6c Dally, per week 15c Hally, per month 65c This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume feigned articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. I Mease sign your articles and save UsappointineijL. THE ( OIIB ill I.I. FOR OREGON. Interest increases dally In the di rect primary law and how soma pro pose to doctor It. There is not u voice raised agalnBt the principle of the present law but how to remedy It so that the party organization will not become obliterated is the question. Senator Abraham of Roseburg, pur- Oregon, so he claims. Three central ideas are to be ln; eluded in the amendments, he said. One of these provides the manner In which the names of candidates In the primary may be placed on the ballot, its purposes being two-fold. One Ik to preserve party organization, and ihu other intends the selection of the bopt material for party candidates. This U to be accomplished by an authorized committee of each pan. At each primary election it Is pro posed each precinct shall elect men to serve on the party committer This committee Is to meet before the nev. primary election and make feeouv mendatlons of names as party eanrtl dates. This, however, does not bar others from becoming candidal s Ul the same manner as is now followed bx petition, but the party-recommended candidates are to be given a pref erential place on the ballot. 1 It IS proposal also to abolish (' printing of slogans opposite the name of candidates, excepting as to position on Statement I. Another proposed amendment contemplates doing nw:y with the practice of persons not In sympathy with a party registering as members of such party. After the party affiliations at the registered voters are made known, anyone has the right to question the sincerity of any voter In the st Uemei t of his politics and through the party machinery to take up the matt-r in a summary way with a court of wmpa tent Jurisdiction and have the canceled If the voter is falsely nyi: tered. This would do away, it is thought, with Insincerity and fraud In party registration, as It Is said to h -v hail that effect in New York state. "In the laws proposed in the New York legislature and favored by Gov ernor Hughes, excellent provisions wue made governing the method ot holding the meetings of the party committees and Its proceedings and the keeping Of their records, whic'i do much to remove the objections wh'cn might otherwise be madv to the pl'in," said Senator Abraham. "So that, hav ing carefully considered their provU ' Ions. I favor the amendment of our ' primary law so as to adopt the pro I visions In these bills, applying them ' to nominations for all offices, inelud i ing deslgnatons for I'nited States sen ators as covered in our primary law and preserving our mans and form of pledging legislative candidate i to vote for popular choice for ''n te! States senator, and Indicating bileliy ),i the ballot the fact of men p 'dgi or absence thereof. ' As to abolishing the use of leclar- I atUus on the ballot, ft must uc admit- j tec' that the use of the same has de generated Into mere catchy Sdver tlsements which are calculated rather to confuse than to enlighten. "The New York plan provides booths, similar to election booths, shall be provided at the place of reg istration, and instead of announcing to the register the party affillat'on and having it Immediately entered at the time of entering the name of an elector, the number of the elector on the registration book Is written 01 a blank which contains the names of the different parties and a statement to the effect that the person reglste--llig desires to register as a member of the party indicated by him by means of an "X" paced under such party name. This blank Is then sealed by the elector In an envelope provided for that purpose, and these envelopes are not offered immediately, but at a some time prior to the primary, which is ample to allow public access to the Information contained therein and for objection by any member of the par ty, and the party preference Is then entered In the poll book In the prop er column, opposite the elector's name. The obvious purpose of this provision is to allow no undue Influ ence to interfere with the free exer cise of an honest registration of the party preference. ' "It Is essential, in order to get a full understanding of the excellency of the Hughes plan of party committee rec ommendations to describe the method of procedure under which alone the committee may act. Meetings for the purpose of makinn designations are required to 1j' Open to the public. A roll call of the members of the com mittee Is completely called In alpha betical order, or In the order which may have previously been adopted by rule, for the purpose of ascertaining the names of those proposed as candi dates. Upon such roll call, each mem bur of the committee, who desires to propose a candidate, or candidates, must rise and declare the name of such candidate or candidates. The roll Is then called a second time for vot ing upon the "andldate proposed. As each name Is called, the member votes and the secretary records the vote. If any candidate receives a majority of all the votes, which the members of the committee are entitled to cast whether present or not. Buch candi date is deemed designated by the com mittee. If no one receives a majority of the votes, the roll Is again called In like manner as the flrBt rollcall, for the purpose of again proposing candidates, and a vote is then taken upon a fourth roll call In like manner as upon the second roll. This pro cedure is continued until the proper majority Is received. Record Is kept of the proceedings and la required to be filed with the custodian of records. run Into this valley carrying hana reds of people do not think that the newcomers are not many, for a num ber arrive each month and are usual ly nicely located In either Union 01 Wallowa counties. True, the number Is not nearly as great as It should be considering what we have to offer, and not ne-r-j ly so great as It would be if a then-, ough advertising campaign were c.i- rled on. But It Is gratifying to knev that the truth about the drancle Ronde Valley and La Grande, also the j wonderful Wallowa country, is perco- t lating through the country and that a few are listening to this gospel. Those who have lately come into this j part of Oregon and located are well I pleased. In fact they are delighted ' and honestly believe they have driv- j en good bargains In purchasing land here. And they have, for no place In tkia part of the world are there such j bargains. UNCLE SAM'S DOCTORS. Rank the and Pay of Physicians In Government Service. Uncle Sam employs more than 1.000 physicians. These doctors are pretty evenly dl rlded l et v. cen :!.e mn'ical corps of the nrmy. the medical corps of the navy, the marine hospital and the public health service. The complete army medical corps Includes 444 medical of ncers in addition to tbe medical re serve corps, tbe hospital corps, the nurse corps and the dental corps. The medical corps embraces "a surgeon general with the rank of brigadier gen eral, 14 colonels. 100 majors and 300 captains or first lieutenants, with the rank, pay and allowances of officers of corresponding grades In the cavalry arm of the service." The pay of doctors is Interesting. The lowest rauk held by medical of ficers Is that of first lieutenant. The medical lieutenant gets $2,000 per an num, or 5K5G.OO monthly. At the end of three years he Is promoted to cap tain and receives $2,400 a year. In two years be receives an Increase of 10 per cent, or five years' service, making $2,040, or $220 per month. After ten years' service the pay would be $2,880, or $240 per month. . The pay attached to the rank of major is $3,000 per year, which, with 10 per cent added for each five years' service, becomes $3,000 aft er ten years- service, $3,900 after fif teen years' service and $4,000 after twenty years' service. The monthly pay of lieutenant colonel, colonel and brigadier general is $375, $410.00 and $500 respectively. In addition to their salaries, officers are furnished with comfortable quar ters and the keep of two horses free, and groceries, fuel, etc., at wholesale prices. New Orleans Times-Democrat. YOU SHOULD 5EE ti r i nese Bargains To Realize what a Saving it Means to W lugni now Sale Closes Monday, July 18th All Ladies' Wash Dresses reduced 1-3. 12 1-2 cent Lawn and Batiste on sale at 6 1-4 cents per yard. 15 cent Lawn and Batiste on sale at 7 1-2 cents per yard 50c Marajah Silk on sale at 39c per yard Large line of $3.50 and $4.00 Pumps and Oxfords for $2.90 Benamin Chitting reduced 25 per cent Ladies' Tailored Suits, Jackets and Skirts reduced 25 per cent Every Article in theStore Reduced Only 1 Day More N. K. WEST, NEWCOMERS ARK M I NY. Because special trains are not hoing 6E0RGE PALMER, Pres. F. 1. HOLMES. Vlce-Prcs. r, 5 W. L. BREN1I0LTS, A-s't. Push. EARL ECNDEL, N Wt t 'ash. Ml ll lis, Cashier. The Bald Eagle's Neet. Among birds the borne of the bald j eagle Is perhaps the most striking, pos sibly because of the majesty of the bird Itself. It appeals to the imagina tion. Built of huge sticks loosely In terwoven and situated on some lofty and Inaccessible ledge, with the bones of the eagle's victims scattered round about it, it given a proper setting to the stern nnd savage character of Its builder. Here tbe eagle reigns su preme, and here year after year he and his mate rear their young. This is the acrle from which he can scan the whole countryside nnd. like the robber barons of old, levy toll on all who pass his dtor Her Lost Jewels. Backlots What's this I bear about Mrs. Swellniau being robbed of her jewels? Subbubs Fact. They're gone, and Mrs. Kraft is the guilty party. Backlotz AVhat! You don't mean to say she stole Subbubs What else enn you call It? She offered the cook 15 shillings a week and the chamber maid 10 shillings, and now she's got m. Londou Tit Hits. For a Rainy Day. ln your pursuit of pleasure," said Hie serious citizen, "you should not neglect to lay something by for a rainy day." "Of course," replied tbe light hearted man. "Nearly every member of our fishing club brings along a pack of cards."-Washington Star. His Condition. Father-Now. Tommy, promise me that you will always count a hundred before you hit another boy Tomtny Yes. I will If there's any one around U hold tbe other boy while I count Harper's Bazar. After the Carouss. First Reveler I say, old man, your wife won't do a thing to you when she smells the whisky. Second Reveler When Pm near her I hold my breath. First Reveler Yon won't be able to. it's too strong. Boston Transcript "This Is n M getting Int. "How Is 1 1 . "Why. to come out." Way It Goes. rd way girls bare of icty." : in they tirst I ve to w V i k .lour i;i :. Let him first move ii would iflllUdf Si inncc .niter.. mrW A Substitute. "Pardon me. gentlemen." said tbe dividual who had just moved inttk little town as he entered the grow? i store, '"but Is there a chicken ralir here?" v "Why don't you take an ax?" askdi the village Talleyrand. "A razor wtl lose its edge if you use it on a chicken' Well Fed. The Barmaid- -Your dog Is going! very fat. What do you feed him Mr. MePberson'.' McPhersou-Ob, dlnna gi'e bim on.v reglnr meals. Jkffl whenever I drop in for a drink he grtl a biscuit -London M. A. P. LINOL tUM Right and Wrong. It requires something of a hero give up when he is wrong and a goal deal of a family man to give up he is right. - Puck. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON Kipling's Corncob. "Did Kipling ever steal one of my corncob pipes?" said the late Mark Twain once. "Never, and if. in- says so he's wrong. He tried to steal one nnd failed: then he tried to steal another, but 1 pre vented the theft and gave It to him, probably the only pipe that Kipling ever got honestly." t United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS (1 FORGE PALMEB F. J. U0LLE8 W. J. CHURCH F. L. HBTBB8 C. C. PEJilNGTON 6. L. CLEAVER F. M. BY REIT W. I . BREMIOLTS Thrift. An economical housewife urank a quantity of silver nitrate by mistake. The doctor, who had been hastily sum moned, ordered large drafts of the white of eggs to be administered. "Mary, Mary," murmured the almost unconscious patient, "save tbe yolks for puddings!" Success Magazine. W. H. PIERCE With oar ample resource and facilities we can reader jou efficient service and handle year busiaes a to year entire satisfaction. Th Champion. "By tbe way." continued the near sport, "who Is the lightweight cham pion of America?" "It is still a matter of doubt." an swered tbe wise guy. "Some claim the title for tbe coal dealer, while oth ers say tbe iceman Is entitled to It" Chicago News. I Nine Patterns t In Stock to Select From t Inlaid Linoleum at $1.35 per Square Printed Linoleum at 65c, laid on our Floors REMEMBER WE Elite Best on Earth at the Price, $25.00 Range F. D. HMSTEN FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU LAR AmtiTlOH TO THE BUSINESS Of FARMERS. WECOl DIALLY INVITE THE TO MAKE WIS W& BANKING H0ML The United States National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON.