LA tiK i)& UjNIOJn COUNTY, OKEliOiN. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1910. Xr.MHKl? 220. SUICIDE OF M'CEE tVIU. V Mill l.MIIUllK.l 1 It WAS INVOKED NEAR EN TERPRISE LAST NIGHT CUMMINGS IN PORTLAND. Says Purpose is to Unite Irish to Free Ireland from English Rale. MIR w S SAY PUB N SUICIDE Portland, July 16. President Mat hew Cummings, president of the An cient Order, accompanied by other national officers, arrived today pre pared for national convention which convenes her Tuesday. In an interview Mr. Cummings sai'i this year's convention is to unite all Irish societies with the ultimate pur pose of freeing them from England He criticizes Roosevelt, saying that Roosevelt's Guild hall speech was "unpatriotic and cruel," because he advised England to be cruel in ruling the colonies. He said that Ireland does not recognize George. V as King and .won't. CANON NOW CHAUTAUQUA PLATFORM ON HOQUIAM SCENE OF WORST FIRE IN YEARS TAKES LECTURE TRIP FOR FIRST TIME IN LIFE. COMMENCING THIS MORNING QUARTER MILLION WILL HE LOST IF FUMES ARE NOT CHECKED SOON M'ormlck Piawmui wrnr ui .. npath of Sam McGee, former. . A 1. .. .. I... I.'i.ll.t'.l fil Ills fj ill nrumumj " Cousin to Wallowa County lufatu- ... . - .1. U.. . limn i y !.... v,, ' vpn bv to have been murdered, Sam n, " er a ll. Ill, I lcill.ii "" , j a Hit lr( 'iirmlck sav.'- ...I i U ., ! ! I 1 1 . I 11 this morning wim a i i v.:- ii "i t iipath hv nis ra hand." is the verdict of the cor- ithai.'indine tl is pfnlon of the inquisitors, there is an ! - . In VV'I I nrfAl'III'VDnT 'Id C I " ..j.... tho uffprt that McGee w hv some one else. Reports E rtimnrs are not backward in im- Hales who lives ,"i tit!" Infatuated with Cousin. McGee IxtiiMn infatuated with Mrs 7 nptt,....lT TVIOU MlrH ItM I11AU.T i 1. 1 hp has mad . l i ,,,1,-q.w.ul' tnwii rrts her. and . A I I , l - I i i ll III- his suit. Neighbors say that she ..nntinuallv having trouble wttn fallow and it is rumored and whts- . . .L.i iks tintimplv death is CVI Q""111 Jj..wv mitpome of the persistency wmi h he "made love" to his cousin . I'').... :..! rsniPH Hales. KAicieiue n lie v tm inP sntitMe and it may have been , lf U..4 ,.orHlol(iS It IB thOUKM manv that the unwritten law was ..-.i v.,, Mr Unlps No arrests have been made and. it not believed any will be made. Mc- ,,-.,11 LmiUll ... u-ua nm v ) rotiKhout Wallowa county being a Resident who not long since came ere to make his home oniy be re.i- nf the presence of Mrs. Haies. fchPM found he was lying near the Bales residence and the supposition is Kat if shot by Hales, he had been ,.i,ii. nlmiil the lifPllliSPS. FEAR STRIKE IS nninn Tfl nr bUINb IU DL FLAYS ALL HIS CRITIZERS Claims to lime Heen Gros-l MhWJM resented Call Burton and HI Crowd a Lot of Ignorant Who l'oe as Publicity Speakers--Upholds A I. drieh Payne Tariff Bill Rules Hiue New Meeu run inn. Mrs. Eddj's Birthday. Boston. July 16. Christian Scien tists throughout the world are today centering their thoughts and affection upon their "spiritual mother", Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, this being the anniversary of her birth. Mrs. Eddy was born in Bow. X. H, eighty-nine years ago today, July 16, 1821. the youngest child of Mark and Abigail Barnard Baker. EUROPE SMILES AT GERMANY SPREAD FIREMEN AND ENGINEERS IT IS FEARED WILL JOIN STEVENSON IS THREATENED Wlshkiah Blu r District Near Ho-1 qnluiii of Disastrous Forest j Fires- Camps and Timber In Great , Number ird Quantities are A I rr.i!;, Destroyed by the Spreading Birthda) of Baby Prince. Paris, July 16. Little Prince Char les De Sagan, heir to the historic title of Duke of Talleyrand-Perlgord, Is one year old today. His mother, Here Serene-Highness, the Duchess of Talleyrand-Perlgord. who was Anna Gould of New York, has a fixed, undisputed position in the foremost rank of Par isian society now that her husband has become the fifth Duke of that his toric line. ENGLAND, FRANCE AND OTHER COUNTRIES DELIGHTED AT GERMAN EMBROGLO AMEH id T RADERS HURT SHUT Strike on Pennsylvania Line Grows More ami More Likely Phladt-lphia. July 16. The only hope of averting a strike of the rail road men on the Pennsylvania line east of Pittsburg, is the outcome of a conference with the employes of the railroad working west of Pittsburg. There seems but little outlook toward a settlement. Men and officials are both preparing for a break at any time. Trainmen, believe the confer ence was made by officials to gain time In preparing for a strike wheh might start within two days. A conference between General Man ager Peck and Western employes Is watched Interestedly. There Is a great chance for complication as firemen and engineers are ready to go out with conductors .and brakemen. This situation is not yet 4evellie1 ln Eastern end of the line. Winfield. Kas.. July 16. Speaker Joseph Cannon, for the first time In his life, at Chautauqua today, vigor ously defended the old house rules, and declared he had been grossly misrepresented. He speaks ardently for the Aldrich-Payne tariff. He char acterized the new rules as iniquitous and Insurgents who led tln movebent against him, particularly epresentn tive Murdock of Kansas, as ignorant publicity speakers. He said the insurgent criticism is In the same class wth faults that a holv: finds when stealing a ride on a limi ted with engineer. "Rules never were partisan," said Uncle Joe. "It has always been the minority attacking lie rules and It is certainly the easiest way of attract in? attention to make up for defections in legislative work. We have had anoth er season of hysteria over rules, abounding in more ignorance than knowledge. "A small percentage of the majority supported the minority thus creating a majority. The postal savings bank legislation was the only real import ant piece of legislation enacted by the last session of the legislature un der the special rule. I hope Murdock becomes less interesting and more frequently right in his work." Hoquintn, Wit., July 16. One of the worst fires this year is raging north east of this city on the Wishklah riv er, and threatens destructon to con struction and logging cainpB at Coates aiid the West Logging Companies. Last night men fought the flames by back firing. Should the flames con tinue advancing for 2 miles, railroad camps and timber will be destroyed at a Quarter in ill ion loss. JORN A. IS OUT OF HERMAN BORDERS Portland. July 16. Report this running state that the town of Stev enson is threatened by forest fires, but not in danger unless a wind rises. The fire Is causing much destruc tion through the Columbia forest. It I has been burning since j and 100 men are Wghting It undw i Forest Supervisor Stabler. It starVl in a camp of the Wind River Lumbe- Comnany. Reports from Kallspeit say that rain has fallen and lone much In bringing Montana fires un der control. COMMITTEE OF CITIZENS WOI LI KEEP SMOKE AWAY Negroes in GernniR) in Deplorable Condition Since the FlirliL RCURl TO SAIES CRIPPEN CASE IS GROWING MORE I MYSTERISOU I SH ANGLE IN THE CITY . Indiana Printers. IdlanftDOlit, Ind.. Inly 16. Hoosler printers are holding their annual ses sion here today. Delegates will be se lected to attend the international Typographical convention in Minnea polis next mouth. Presiding Elder will Address M. E Church South Audience Sunday. Rev. H. S. Shangle, presiding Elder of the M. E. church south, will be In La Grande tomorrow and will preach at the church in North Ii Grande at 11 o'clock. He will deliver an address at 8 o'clock in th evening at the j same place, discussing his recent trip tiiMUicn Viminia. Washington City 1 and the general conference In North Carolina Berlin, July 16. Jack Johnson Is not wanted in Berlin nor anywhere In Germany, according to a committee of Berlin citizens who are preparing to keep Johnson out of the country. The committee says the few negroes In Germany are In a deplorable condi tion since the fight and that Johnson's appearance in the country as a great attraction, would make the negroes worse. More Fruit Condemned. ' Fruit Inspector Stilweli is given consistent time to the prevention of the sale of bad fruit and today con demned some more boxes of Shipped In fruit. A yard orchard was clsi ordered cleaned up this morning. RECORD HIGHEST POINT OF YEAR IS REACHED TOD AT. Government Machine Shows Record of Nlnety-Eiirht Decrees. ..... M . ., tvt.ilkl 1 .' Ill t 'I ik V C ! fUJUIlx Biuriuwo TO WORK WITH. ( rippen's Companion Thouuht to be in France and not With Him. . , : r: MEA00WBRO0K IRRIGATION COMPANY WILL SELL TO NEW LOCAL IRRIGATION DISTRICTS ! FATAL EPIDEMIC TAKING TOLL HERE TODAY Lumpen u Countries Haie Been Sub jected to German Branding Irons for Some Time Since Knlser Adopt ed AinrreHslve Tactics and They Smile, now That Uncle Sam Has Felt the Irons. Washington, Jul) 16. The state de partment has announced today that steps will be taken Immediately to protect William Pittman and Dr. Lawrence Burgheim, Americans im prisoned at Madrlz. Announcement was made by telephone inter a con ference with Taft at Beverly. Washington, July 16. Unofficially, United States popularity is in the "bad." and a half dozen -other coun- tri.s that share slm'ir relations nre delight I'd. European capitals do cot v.-Ush German aggressiveness, so there is little doubt but that the Uni ted States would have their sympath ies should affairs reach an acute stage. The characteristic display over the Madrlz note is on a par with the Kais er's meddling with colonial policies of his European neighbors, according to court circle gossip. This aggres siveness has created a bitter senti ment In Englandi Fram e and other smaller countries bordering the North sea. They now rejoice that America has been touched with the same branding iron. Generally It is believed the Ger man attack will harm American mer chants In South America and rebound a benefit to Germany. Conference on Issue. Washington. July 16. President Madriz has sent special envoys to Washington to discuss the Nlcarag uau situation with the state depart ment, according to a report hero to The envoys are headed by Modesto Rarrlas, former Nicaraguan minister to Great Britian. and are due to ar rive July 23. The growing belief is that the Intervention of the country, or some other method of bringing pence, is imminent. II ik rumored en voys will suggest a special presiden tial election, supervised by the Uni ted StateB, FATAL DISEASE WITH ADULTS IS SPREADING THROUGH CITY Mercury scored high this afternoon, setting a new record for Union coun ty in 1910. when at 2 o'clock it touch ed 98 degrees and was still climbing. This is two degrees higher than the fluid has been this year, and the gov ernment records have been practical ly 14 harmony with ordinary instru ments down town. Government Weather Observer Worstell reported a great dearth of air this afternoon. RsMCP'' occasional breezes felt down jJJpn this afternoon the heat would bflve been very oppressive As it was a great many were not aware that the heat was greater than some others during the past few days when humidity inade " aPPear a'l he more London. July 16. Baffled by the in genuity of the murderer of the woman supposed to be Mrs. Hawley Crlppen. police and detectives today are being scored by the press as hungers. Scot land Yard has nothing but a web of suspicions to enmass Crippen. Dr. Pepper refuses to state that the body is that of Mrs. Crippen. The inquest scheduled for toil was nostnoned until Monday. The po- lice say now that Crippen fled wit j $2r,0 in money and $2..000 in jewels belonging to his wife. They say Mine. Lenve is not with him but is hiding hi France. YVoinun Socialist Orator. A large crowd listened to a woman orator last evenlug on Depot street. She handled the Socialistic problem with considerable knowhow and the large audience heard her through. Had a man been on the box. the crowd would likely have been consid erably smaller. Out of chaotic and lethargic states, the irrigation question in the Grande Ronde valley has suddenly developed an immense amount of new life, and commencing with today, the matter 1 irrigating Union county wll proce '1 on the district basis, and the old Meadowbrook Irrigation company is going out of business. A meeting of stockholders in the Meadowbi ! company was held today and consid eraMy more than 50 per cent of the stock Was represented. About fifty were present. Already this afternoon the limits of the district is being out lined, and It will include land at -ar Mt. Green, near Island City, along Booth Lane on the south Bide of the railroad track, and make up a district of about M.Oon acres. It will be so ar ranged that all who want water will b supplied, but those who do not want water will have but little to sav in the future manipulation of the business. The distil' t will vote pn Is suing water bonds In accordance with Statutes now existing, and five Mm eilmen will be elected V transact the business. This plan has been elab orated upon before. The Meadowbrook stockholders to day empowered the directors to sell the assets of the company at cost, to the new district as soon as it Is form ed, and to go to any necessary expense in hojding the bond election. A decidedly new and encouraging spirit was manifested at the meeting. Perfect accord with the district plan was evidenced on all sides and there will scarcely be a negative vote. It is believed, when the bonding, issue conies to pass. The same purpose 1 which animated the Meadowbrook company is behind this one but the same ends will be accomplished through a much different channel. It looks like Irrigation in Grande Ronde on a large scale, after all. Two Adult 111 and One Dead Makes Serious Situation Here ELK BOOSTS FOR GRANDE RONDE Wire Wetners Meel. Springfield. Mass.. July 16. -The American Wire Weavers' Protective Association convened here today and will remain in session probably through next week. Gordon McMasters, aged twenty five years, of La Croose, Idaho, and a brother of Doctor A. J. McMasters r that place, died at 2:15 this aft. moo 1 of ecute anterior polio MyelitK an in flimation of the spinal chord not in Inficquent In childhood and Infancy. It Is not fatal as a rule with children, but leaves permanent paralysis, eith er partial or complete. Several children less than two years of aue have been seized with this dis ease in this locality during the past two months and they have all recov" ed. With adults It is generally 'it'. "There are two other cases of adults now In the city," said Doctor N. Mo'.i tor this afternoon. In speaking of the matter. "In Umatilla county they are suffering with the same epnl. ine Two deaths have occurred iiew in the last few days." Doctor Molttor and Doctor Bftcgn (Continued on page 8) J. H. PEARE PI TS LA GRANDE TO THE FOREGROUND With Natty Badges He is Able to Coin mand Newspapr Attention. Past Kxalted Raler J. H." Peine of this city is doing some effective boosting for th Grande Ronde at ')e trolt. according to the Detroit Free Press, which in a recent Issiie, ' m pliments Ihe La Grandite for his m ergy Th spreading the Grande Ronde gospel. The boosting a done through the medium of natty badges whl)i were devised by the local lodge aud the Free Press describes at xome length the appearance of the Tindgea. It says a wreath of apple bios- una en circles" an Elk's trl and a pendant ! shaped like an apple Is suspended from the head. The paper explains how "Jack" Is passing out the badges t to Detroit and visiting Kks, 1