LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, JULY 15, 191G. PAGE FIVE IHf IMS TONIGHT S PROGRAM Empty Cradle. Lucy Has Her Fortune Told (Pa the) Sisters (Edison). Brother, 81ster and Cow Puncher. (S. A A.) Song When You've Won the Girl You Love. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dis play In lobby. AMISSION 10c- .Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cleaver of this city. Miss Clara Foreman of Lincoln Nebraska, Is expected soon to visit her sister, Mrs. H. A. Bridges and oth er relations in the city. SCHOOL HOI SE REARING. Will French is home from a two thousand mile trip through Idaho and Nevada, making the trip in an auto mobile, Chase Bohnenkamp at the wheel. .lone th Institution Well Alone on Its Way of Construction. Mr. and Mrs. Post, the popular com edians who have been In La Grande at various times before, are again here with the Tucker Stock company, mak ing their first appearance last evening. J LOCAL .TENS. .lames Johns is at La Grande trans acting business. Deputy Sheriff -George Lingren re turned this morning from Union where he has been serving legal pv ;jer.;. MrU v v.. Hramwel) and children have returned from an extended stay in Logan, Utah, where they visited fn. nds. I. Ash, a brother of William Ash, has returned from a trip along the coast and will remain In the city for some time. Marion Davis is over from Untc:i today representing the school bowl of Union at the opening of bids for the Union school building, which w?n scheduled to take place in Couity Treasurer Frawley's office today. Nat Kimball, who was a delegate to the biennial convention of the Lambda Sigma fraternity, which was held in Detroit, Mich., arrived home last night after spending several weeks visiting In en stern cities. Pendleton East Or egon Ian. Joseph. July 15. The new school house, which Joseph is building, Is progressing rapidly. Contractor Bert Smith has the building well along and it will be ready for occupancy by the time school opens in -the fall. With the new school house and various other improvements realized, Joseph has commenced a systematic growth and she will exploit her summer resources and her soil virtues to the world along modern lines and will thereby profit. Sewer System for West Pendleton West Pendleton is to have a sewer syetsm. The plans and specifications I for the proposed extension as prepar j ed by City Engineer Klmbrell were i adopted at last night's meeting of the i council and the recorder was instruct ed to advertise for bids. All that part of Pendleton not now supplied with sewer facilities will be provided for by the new system. This will have an outlet separate from the present main sewer outlet and will empty Into the Umatilla river, west of the' 0. R. ft N. steel bridge. The old sewer empties into the river Just above the site of the old wooden bridge. Pei.-'irm East Oregonian. Conductor Norton arrived home last night from Reno where he attended the Johnson-Jeffries prize fight. He corroborates the general newspaper stories that Jeffries was all in early j in the game. Mr. Norton and Conduct- j or Hanford were two of La Grande's ! people who saw the fistic combat. The Misses Hume and Miss Lou Perrin returned yesterday from a week s outing on a big cherry ranch near Cove. Mrs. L. Harris and daughter, Bea 'rice arrived this morning from Tilla mook, to visit for a shot time at the J. W. Oliver home.. Assistant Superintendent and Mrs. Andrew Buckley are home from Min nesota where they attended the Buck ley reunion at a town near St. Paul. Mr. Buckley, senior, lives In Minneso ta, and the entire Buckley family, sev eral sons of whom are located on the coast, attended the family gathering. C. W. Baker has taken the manage ment of the Ethel Tucker stock com uany to succeed Mr. Belasco, who Kt remains in me cast nowever. Mrs. Katherine Cleaver of Colorado Springs, arrived this morning to spend the rest of the summer with Hnmmersteln Rrofcen-Hearted i New York. July 15. Broken in health and discouraged because he did not succeed in signing several famed singers in Europe, Hammerstein re turned to .New York today. He had planned to secure Russian singers, but could not enter the country be cause he was a Jew. Canteleup Sundle today at Selder's. 7 SOMEBODY is going to be disappointed when the five acre tracts we have been offering yon are all gone, and they are, all but two. We have some fine buys in residence lots at $125.00 each; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 LA GRANDE Inv. CO., Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande "Man From Mexico" Tonicht. The rip-roaring 'arce comedy, "The Man from Mexico" opened last night at the Alrdome and will run tonight and tomorrow night. The story is of a good-fellow-of-a-husband, who is arrested while on a spree and sentenced to thirty days In Jail. In his attempt to keep it from his wife, he tens' her he is called to Mexico and a series of Immensely funny situations ensue. Mr. Belasco, fwho, by the way, is a cousin of David Belasco. the famous theatrical manager of New York), as the "Man" is simply great, in fact, there has never been so talented a young actor In stock in La Grande. HIb support is excellent the spe cialties fine. Gibson and Post receiv ing quite an ovaton. Miss Godfrey, as an encore, sings "Last Rose of Summer" beautifully. f 9 i Notice to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the recorder of the City of La Grande, for the construction of 520 lineal feet of standard five-foot sidewalk on "C" avenue, to he done according to the plans and specifications on file In this office. Said walk' abut ts lots 9-10-11 and 12 In Block I-D, lots 5-6-7. and 8 In Block 2-D, and Lots 1-2, Blofck 2-C, of the original town of La Grande. All bids to be In by 4 o'clock p. m., July 20, and to be accompanied by a check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. The council re serves the right to reject any or all bids. D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. .113-18 Notice to Public. The ordinance passed in regard to property owners cleaning their prop erty of weeds, will be strictly en forced. J. W. Waldon. chief of police. Notice, Any loose stock In the city will be taken to the pound at once. Phone Black 3721. G. W. F ARRIS, Poundmaster . Canteleup Sundle today at Selder's. The Airdomef . Thomas Bruce. Manager. TO-NIGHT ! Ethel Tucker Stock Co. 'Man From Mexico" Comedy, DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY IN EVERY RESPECT. DR. JL P. MENDELSSOHN DOCTOR OP OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT HOB ADAMS AVE., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. OFFICE HOURS 8:80 a. n. to 12 m.; 1 to 6 p. m. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 7 DAYS' SALE July 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Daltoni All Summer Goods Must go. Price will move them 7 DAYS' SALE July 16, 18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 23. t Men's Mens Men's Men's Men's $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.50 underwear, 40c value, sale price 21c underwear, 50c value, sale price 39c 65c overalls, sale price - 45c 15c fancy a nd black hose, sale price 11c fancy hose 25 and 35c, sale price 21c corsets, sale price - - 83c corsets, sale price - - 95c corsets, sale price - - $119 corsets, sale price - $1.35 corsets, sale price 25 and 30c wash 20c Galatea, 12 l-2c Percales, 10c Percales, 15c Ginghams, 12 l-2c Ginghams, 10c Ginghams. good, sale price 19c sale price 14c sale price ivc sale price 7 l-2c sale price lie sale price 10c sale price 7 l2c 9c Ginghams, 15c Yamika Pongee, iSc r ii ie uiiuiij, 35c Mirrette, 12 l-2c Batiste, 25c India Linen, 22c India Linen, $2.00 sale price 5 1-2 sale price 10c saje price 22c sale price 9c sale price 19c sale price I6C LACES AND EMBROIDERIES 5c Lace, 7c Lace, 10c Lace, sale price 3c sale price 4c sale price 6c 65cGorset cover embroidery, sale price 39c 35c Gorset cover embroidery ,'sale price 23c 30c Gorset cover embroidery,sale price20c Closing out ALL FANCY CHINA at BLLOW COST Our 10 Cent Counters are Loaded Down with Bargains Mason Fruit Jars, pints 70 cents; quarts 85 cents; half gallon $1.20 Don't forget that you can buy groceries at wholesale prices. Eg s, per doz., 30c n A I TTiN'Q 1318 Adams Ave. VJl 1 Vlll O, and Fir Street Post Cards 5 for 5 cents 50 RUGS ALL GRADES 9x9 INGRAINS, ONLY - $.375 9x12 INGRAINS, ONLY - $6.75 9x12 INGRAINS, Pure Wool, $9.00 9x12 BRUSSEL .... $12.50 9x12 KASHMIR - - $14.00 AXMINSTER RUGS - $20.00 THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW DHAISTFN Furniture on 1 .L.l IHO 1 Li! 1, Easy Payment! Sale on For New Town Site. The plat of survey for the new town site of Evans, situated adjoining the depot grounds at Lostine, has been accepted by the county officials and the sale of lots Is now on. If you wish to gat In on the ground floor, now is your opprtunlty. Phone or write Couch ft McDonald, at Wallowa, Oregon, as they have the handling of the entire tract couch ft Mcdonald. b. J. F.r Sale. Second hand furniture for sale, par ty leaving before August 1, 1401, cor ner 6th and N. The Indiana ft Ohio Live Stock In surance Company, which Is the oldest, largest and best Live Stock Insurance Company' la the United States, in snres horses, mules and cattle against death from any cause, has entered the state of Oregon and is establishing agencies in every county. Tney are looking for a good hustler In Union county, one who understands live stock and will devote his time to so liciting Live Stock Insurance. If you are Interested and willing to go after the business, write F. H. Pageler, general agent, Portland, Oregon. If You Use GOLD LEAF Brand of Butter ! You use the Best