t.a nnAXDE KrK!: fjsr.i:vi:i; tucusixv CLOSING OUT All Boys' Clothing and Shoes AT COST ..." at Now is the time to Save Money by Buying th Foys' Clothes at Cost C. C. PENINGTON otice of Street Improvement C and X An Indian can be happy with out a Piano. But who wants to be an Indian? STEINWAY, LUDWIG, KERTZMANN. A. B. CHASE C0N0VER Pianos for sale by J. T. Scott I SEWLK GIKiiS ill Special Price J Cut Glass and Hand Painted China From now until July 17, I will make a specially X low price on cut glass and hand painted China. It 4. will pay you to examine my stock and get a good se lection before buying your gifts. All styles of wedding rings including Tiffany, round, oval, etc., at lowest prices in Eastern Oregon, Quality considered. I will Save You Money. J J. H. Peare, La Grande's Leading Jeweler, Opposite Land Office tlve one, was materially changed. The contract now reads that the company i is to increase its plant with the ex- penditure of about $2,000. and the city ! to contract for ten additional lights, j The recorder was instructed to go in- to the matter of exact dates, for there ' seems to have been an oversight. ' A petition from Cherry street prop REMONKTRANTES LAST EVENING ertv owners asks that tho-o R A M ADVANCE V ARUM'S CAUSES j be forced to build a crossing in com-. ! pllance with the order issued by the ' f ouncil two years ago. Contractor Darley's bill of $35 for drafting the disposal tank plans was allowed. Sixth street property owners pre sented a petition asking that the pav ing matter be left unfinished as the corner lots would have to pay about $1100 and center lots about $600 for imvlng and for sewerage. The To Whom It May Concjin: Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the Sth day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 1, and designating Adams Avenue, or street, as such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 15th i day of September, 1909, whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to improve all that portion of Adams Avenue, or Street, in said improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon maca dam, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, or der that the above described improve ment be made: that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Adams Avenue, from the east side of Fourth street, to the west Bide of Alder street. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy, a special assess- ment on all the property affected and f oenenttea Dy such improvement tor the purpose of paying for such im-j provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $12,000. That the Council will, on the 20th day of July, 1910, meet at the rwnoti nhnmher at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m. to consider the estima- I ted cost, and the levy of said assess-, ment, when a hearing will be granted j to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, July 6, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, ! OREGON. By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. .9-20 Wilson & Brittian, Electrical Contractors. Ptonpt and careiul attention given all work. All work guar anteed to pass underwriters' examination. Best ELECTRIC IRON on the market; also ELEC1RIC FANS One Door south of Observer Office Fresh Supply of Pure i Honey From Union 1-2 Gal. Jars Also Comb Honey Royal Grocery AND Bakery. i i Found that Cost of Laying Sewer Will he Met hy Abnttln Property Summons. City Engineer CurtUs Issued a statement today that the cost of sew erage system would he met by all abutting property tinners, reducing It approximately to 81 cents per foot. This is a material reduction MOT the orlglnul misunderstanding. petition was laid on the table. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union county. Ida Benton, plaintiff, vs. Bert Ben ton, defendant. To Bert Benton, the above named defendant: In the name of the S'tate of Oregon: Notice to Creditors. DONT YOU MISS This Opportunity Could You use another Suit at a price? We believe you can and will, after you learn the value of the suit and the Price that will buy It. We're going to do some gr eat stuuts In the way of suit selling. We Inaugurate 0 s) never tails to cure diarrhoea, ursen bowel complaints. It i9 pleasant to t;' tonally valuable for children and A GREAT SUIT SALE The Suits are our beat the newest we have. All fashionably cut and excellently tailored, from choice fab ricsnot a sale of old sulta, bat a sale of new suits. Suits that you can west at any season ot the yaw. There will be a rash for these Salts, for everybody knows that when we advertise to do a thing, we never fall to deliver the goods. Select your salt at once don't delay. Oet In Una with the men who will carry these suits away. Suits under their arms and savings In their pockets. Can yon afford to this opportunity! ASH BROTHERS, Clothiers and Furnishers All councilmen were present last night excepting Church, Fleming and Krelger the first named because he was out of town, the second named, because his wife was ill, and the third because he is seriously 111. The Bes- the County Court of the state of Ore- slon opened with a report from the ' gon for Union county. street committee to the effect that the j All persons having claims against Sutherlln bid of about $2,000 for 800 , said estate are required to present the feet of sewerage project, was too high j same to the undersigned at the office and the matter ended with a commit-' of Cochran ft Cochran, La Grande, tee of Sheak, Logsdon and Andrews j Oregon, with proper vouchers, within being empowered to confer with Mr. six months from date hereof. Sutherlln, who was present and indl- j Dated at La Grande, this 1st day cated that the price was not prohlbl- of July, A. D., 1910. tlve because the contractor furnished ATE VAN DER MEULEN. everything but the pipe. Executor. Listening to Bewer remonstrances J7-AngR was the chief object of the meeting and the three districts were each rep- "Can be depended upon" is an expression resented. The North side remonstra-; " ' 1 5t3MS - , coniie'tionwithLnaiiilerIuin8lolic,CIoler ted because so little water was used am Diarrhoea Remedy it means t" in that section and it would be hard to get connections with the main sjs- j n in. East Adams avenue objected be-, cau the t ixes were already too high ahd it was thought best to lay the j natter over for a time. The third dis- j trlct also remonstrated, advancing various causes. The fact that the property owners have ten. years In which to pay the assessment does not seem to be fully understood. The rate of interest is low. and even if the cost seems high, the annual expense to be carried is very small, when compared with the ! cost of building septic tanks. Mayor . Meyers pointed out that an ununlform ; system is worse than no system at all. and that while the ndiuinistra Hon Is not trying to force any improve ment on the people, this is a matter of public health, as the city Is grow- Ing and needs the city Imporvements. j .Mr. Ferguson, proprietor of the Round Valley house, affirmed the pro ject was unconstitutional but City At- torney Baker made it clear that the procedure was fully within the con-1 fin e8 of the law on all points. One remonstrance carried only eight names, because Rev. Ford Ellis, who had the regular petition, failed to appear, and the eight men signed a hastily prepared petition. A large audience heard the discus sion. A. M. Paul said the "Tin Horn" sewer now used was sufficient. C. A. Fowler said it would be advisable to try the sewerage system in the busi ness district and thqn build on later If the system was found satisfactory. Other Business Transacted. The Eastern Oregon Light and ! You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, I within six weeks from the date of the Notice is hereby given that the un- first publication of this summons, and derslgned has been appointed execu-1 in case you fall to bo answer, for tor of the last will and testament of : want thereof, the plaintiff will apply Jacob Van Der Meulen. deceased, by ! to the court for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for her costs and disbursements, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons Is published in the La Grande Weekly Observer, by or der of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge of the Circuit Court of Union county, the state of Oregon, for Union rounty, which order h. dated on the 20th day of June, 19lo and requires said sum mons to be published once each week for six laecesslve weeks. The date of the first publication of this summona is the 7th day of July, 1910. EUGENE ASHWILL, Attorney for the Plaintiff. 7-8-8-18 We Have Them. What? Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at $3.75 Each EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company jag KING OF THROAT AND LUNG REM EDIES DR, K NG'S NEW DISCOVERY for COUGHS GOLDS CURES "THROAT-LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFL docto Sl?,! ken down a year ago with long trouble. W fniwJ?& without improvement. Then I began giving KJ2Te7' "! 1 90011 noticed change for the bV 7 MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. OLD AND GUARANTEED BY OOc AND $1.00 Oliver-thorn's Drug Store