Ca (femite Ewtttng ftbsemv VOL. XI LA GUAMJrJ. tjAtttti tOUS'Ik, OitEiiOiN. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1910 NUMBER 218 OLD EXP0SIH0N AND CLUB HOUSE BURN AERIAL COMPANY FORMED. Arlona Concern Will Make and Oper . ate New Airships ASSEMBLY GINK A RADICAL rive or tnem handled Portland, July 14 Two men are dead and six are missing, and 150 people are homeless, with a loss of a half million, as the result of fires, early, this morning, which, starting in the old exposition building on Wash ington street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth, destroyed it, the Multno mah club, five up-town hotels, sever al residences, and damaged several more. One hundred ana ioriy-in the hose and was bnrned fatallv and died in the , worked alongside the firemen, and hospital. A man named Bout, a hostler, es caped, but received fatal bums and died soon afterwards. The missing men are hostlers em ployed in the stables, and three tramps, whom Price had allowed to sleep in the building. The first start ed in the basement and the origin is unknown. The exposition building thereby saved several thousand dol lars' worth of goods from the burn ing buildings. The crowd applauded them. Jefferson City, Mo., July 14. Ar ticles of incorporation of the Univer sal Aerial Navigation company, were filed today with the secretary of state. The concern Is an Anions corpora tion and seeks the right to manufac ture, patent and operate airships for passengers and freight. The capital stock is five millions. in tum atahlPK In the basement ' was a landmark, built in 1887. It was 11U1 OVD " " of the exposition building, perished, j a frame building, four stories, and F. R. Price, foreman of the United cost "jiuo,ouu Carriage Company was sleeping In the barn, and was awakened by the flames. He rushed through the fire, Sailors from the gunboat Yorktown and cruiser Marblehead, anchored in harbor, did excellent work. Seventy- El PAK1,:: Hundreds of mds . u ..ntlered Herd on Eight-Mile Parade. Detroit, July 14. The Elks' parade one of the features of every conveu tion, was witnessed today by hud!1 teds of thousands of spectators. Fif te,n thousand Elks were in the lin the route extending eight mil-is th ough the streets. The day Is tin hottest one yet, and ambulances and ice cream soda men aer much in evi dence. The Emergency hospital wth kept busy reviving wilted Ell:s and OHSieu onlookers. LAST NDMBER A STRONG ONE CASTLE SQUARE ENTERTAINERS PLEASE RECORD CROWD Musicians Simply Capture Audience ' With Oceans of Mirth tion. The crowd was on its feet and I demonstrating its nearty accord in a moment. Then came the Castle Square entertainers and their long list of screamed for more, and when the en tertainers were not on the rostrum there was a veritable riot demadning encores. The entertainers did their best and how they succeeded can best be attested to by those who heard them. It was not entirely in the new ness of the program that the team ex cells, but It is in the way they do things. Irish monologues, imitations of Padcrewski. the "Baseball Medley," Indian costume selection, "Good Mornln' Cy." (executed with sider splitting effect), were some of the features of the comic "stuff", and musical stunts, whistling solos, read ings and the like filled in with splen did effect. That the. quartette mas ters the classic was shown In their rendition of T Trovatore." This mas terpiece was very ably handled. Like everything else that the Chau tauqua offered the public, the Castle Snuare entertainers are superb. La Grande is always in love with music that smacks of the popular melodies, but the four men simply captivated captured and then carried away with a whirl of music every man. woman and child that was in and around the auditorium tent last night. Marblehead Race. Boston, Mass., July 14. Tomorrow will witness the start of the Marble-head-New York race for motor boats, always one of the most interesting of events for this class of craft. The start will be made from Marblehead and the finish at Bay Ridge, Brook lyn, a distance of 285 nautical miles. While the race does not compare with the Bermuda contest aB to distance the much larger number of entries gives it greater interest. ENDORSEMENT IN UNION A SIX HUNDRED DROWN Two Ship Come Together in Black Sea; Hundreds Drown. Odessa, y.luly 14. Six hundred per sons perished Saturday night in a col lision between the ships. Lovfcl and ! Wampea. In the Black sea. according to today's statement of officials inves tigating. The Ixwkt's boiler exploded afterward, and blew the passengers into eternity. Japan to Annex Corea. Tokio, Julq 14. Lieut-Gen. Vis count Terauchl, Japanese resident general of Corea, accompanied by sev eral other' high Japanese officials, left today for Seoul, the Corean capital, to complete the final terms for the an nexation of Corea by Japan. No hitch Is anticipated In the pro ceedings as Emperor Yi-Syek of Co rea. is reported to be In a compalisant tast of mind in view of the ample provision which has been made tor htm hts immednte famllv and other members o the royalty, under the an nexation arrangements. In accordance with the convention recently made between Corea and Ja pan, the Corean emperor has issued an edict delegating to the Japanese government the police administration of the country. This Is the first step. The final step will be, taken when Co rea is practically under guard. The garrisons are being steadily strength ened. . The mass of Coreans accept the re ports of the approaching annexations with indifference. VERY AMICABLE AGREEMENT IS REACHED YESTEBAD ON MOOTED TOPIC. LOWER PRICES FOR NEXT YEAR'S CHAUTAUQUA ORDERED BY THE MANAGERS FULL DELEGATION NAMED OLD BOARD IS RE-ELECTED Scleral Prominent Republicans Him rre nut Committeemen Attend the Meeting When Republican Central Committee Endorses Assembly Plan -- Judd Geer of Cove Chosen Chair man In Absence of Peare. Non-Transferable Tickets Will k Sold Next Year but Put Price of Each Annual Ticket Is to be Re need Considerably - Vote of Thanks Extended to the Muuaucmeiii at Last Night's Enit rhtinmegt. Tuft May Address Conservationists. Chicago, July 14. President Taft will be invited to address the nation al Conservation Congress at 8L, Paul and any other speaker whom tneifresi dent may name, will speak. This de cision was arrived at in the confer ence when Pinchot found that opposi tion might cause a disruption in the ranks of the conservationists. PINCHOT TALKED Ocean Race for Motor Boats. Atlantic City, N. J., July 14. Start ing from the Seaside Yacht Club early this morning, a fleet of cruising mo tor boats got away on the long ocean race, which is expected to terminate about sunset this evening at Graves- end Bay, Long Island. The contest is for the Captain Morton Wistar Smith trophies. FOR GOVERNOR With an auspicious burst of en thusiasm, the Grande Ronde Chautau qua came to an end last night when the Castle Square entertainers faced the largest crowd that has at any one time assembled in and around the Chautauqua auditorium. The aud ience was put in a playful mood when Dr. H. E. McLeod moved for a Chau tauqua salute to the officers and di rectors of the association who have devoted time and money for months to make the affair a success, and the appreciation felt by the public was re flected in the wholesouled waving of handkerchiefs that followed the mo Suspends New Tariff. Washington, July 14. The inter state commerce commission will sus pend the recently-filed tariffs by var-1 ious railroads for advanced rates. T)ie decision was announced today. The suspension is sweeping, and includes all genera freight advances. The ac tion is taken under the recently pass ed railroad regulation bill. AAORE GRIEF FINE STRUCTURE TD HOUSE THE WOCLD ENTER El ELD AS PROMISE .CANDIDATE COM- Conimcmmorate Big Fire. Prescott, Ariz., July 14. A celebra tion under the auspices of the local volunteer firemen was held today to conimemmorate the tenth anniversary of the disastrous fire which destroyed the entire business section of the city on July 14. 15)00. Deposed Official has Not Admitted ll Would Accept Nomination. imin nrinrn nrnnrT II I lllinr JHfHN UtNltb btbHtl ALLIANbt BETWEEN HER BUTE AND GEAMANY, NGLAND MUCH ALARMED New York. July 16. Gifford Pinchot may be a compromise candidate of the republicans for New York's guberna torial lomination, according to the general belief , among politicians Pinchot's friends say he is not seek ing the office but it is intimated he ; would not reject the nomination if it were offered. There is no doubt where Boosevelt would stand, although Taft's endorse ment Is questionable in the light the Ballinger affair. LAUNDRY PRIVATE ELECTRIC AND GAS PLANTS PROVIDED FOR Immediate Construction of Modern Fire-Proof Bulldlntr Ordered. ol PINCHOT IN TROUBLE of Tokio, July 12. Official denial was j suffered on account of American oc given to the United Press today to : cupancy. the report that Japan had concluded a secret alliance with German, as inti mated in a dispatch from London. Construction of a fire-proof one story building built either of brick nr cement in which to house the Cherry's New laundry, will be com menced immediately, and is to be ready for occupancy in 60 days. This does not mean that every detail in connection with the new building Is to be done by that time but Mr. Cher ry will be able to do business at the end of that time. Modern Throughout. The building, which is to be located on the site of the one recently des troyed by fire on Jefferson between Fir and Greenwood, Is to be modern throughout and equipped with mod ern facilities. A boiler room MfcSO, will also be built in connection with the structure proper and the heating plant will be such that a private elec- A meeting of the I'niou county cen tral committee for the republican par ty yesterday afternoon in the Com mercial club rooms, was well attend ed, not only by committee men from the different precincts, but by a num ber of republicans who Were not committeemen. The important question to be set tled was whether Union county should send a delegation to the state assem bly at Portland on tne 21. By unani mous vote it was decided that a dele gation be named. Judd Geer of Cove was made chair man of the meeting and Secretary Mattot filled his position during the afternoon. After considerable discussion rela tive to what will benefit the party, both locally and in the state, the fol lowing list .of delegates were nomina ted and elected by the committee: Precinct Delegates. La Grande J. F. Baker, J. A. Mat- ott, D. E. Cox. Doctor O Conner, C- B. Cochran, T. J. Scroggln. William Jasper, Frank Leavlt and F. L. Mey ers. Union W. T. Wright. George A. Scibird. F. A. Bldwell and L. A. Wright. Elgin R. A. Hugg. Dwlght Barnes. J. B. Thorn and Chas. Halgarth. Imbler John Wells. Summervllle E. J. Conrad. Allcel George Ruckman. Island City Chet BldwelT! Cove M. B. Rels and Otho Eckers Iey. North Powder John M. Gllkison. Medical Springs Harry Cook. Htlgard J. D. Casey. Kamela C. A. Nordlne. Talocasett George Hansen. Hot Lake Fred Currey. Delegate-at-large Bruce Dennis. The Resolutions Adopted Tho following resolutions, framed by J. A. Matott, C. E. Cochran and Bruqe Dennis, were adopted. CH ACT AUQUA DEVELOPMENTS Reduction on annual tickets to he approximately tiM. Tickets not to be transfer-able. Over 100 1911 tickets already X sold. Chautauqua to be repeated next year. Financial deficit first year about $100. Old board re-eJectcd with unanimous voice. I Radical changes are to be made In the method of managing Union conn- (Continued on Page 4) ' i 1 FRIENDS WOULD BREAK PRISON NEW SHERIFF PUT IN POWER TO ENFORCE LAWS. London reports were that Japan Is at tempting to cancel its alliance with England so she could enter an agree ment with. Germany in order to harass the United States, but it was shown that Germany's commercial Interests in South and Central America were handicapped by the Monroe doctrine, and other American policies, while' Japan's trade in the Philippines has Charged with Packing Program National Conservation Congress Chicago, July 14. Charges that Plnchotites have packed the program nf the National Conservation congress scheduled for St. Paul, were threshed j trical plant can be operated. This will out today in a conference between j gUppiy lights for private use and for Pinchot and B. H. Baker. Secretary j r0Tia as well. In addition to the prl Shlpp of the congress. Governor Eb-, vate electric plant, an tip-to-date gas London, July 14. The political map or Europe ana eastern uoc uc- - - - . v f t, Pihnrt of Minnesota, and members of nlant Is likew se to be installed. New come so cnangeu oy intr Mg-muft . .- . 11....10 thP Twin Cities' conservation commit- machinery and considerably more or xiancnunan cuineuuuu uj .iuo. - ... .v i n, unci .Tacan. that dti.lomatr are sorely tee. As a result, the-congress may , than occupied by the first building. ..j r,-.n.u ..iwi!. ot m ho transferred to Denver or Kansas has already been purchased lll..ieO. DIIUBII 1IUI11H.H1"" "". r - -1 - A . T. rnin . it i citv The St. Paul Board of Trade i with cement floors, and the archl- learn me auuuue m " " ! . V U..M-U. .minr i, p nnhnt pk awn comro 01 tecture or ne hiihiihk . umwi nn..r, IIHI fti." . . . the program and are excluding speak- with what modern laundry building ers unfavorable to their way of look-1 should he. the place will be one of ing at it. the most up-to-date plants In the Pinchot backers stood pat today as i state, result, and refused to thange the pro-1 Building operations are to com gram i mence Immediately. feared since her alliance with Russia that Japan will become more aggres sive towards the United States and England fears to face a world storm that would follow, should she support Japan against the United States un der her alliance with Japan. (Continued 00 vnzc 81 Aftermath of Recent Lynching In Ohio Proves to be Serious Affair. Columbus, July 14. Fearing an ef fort may be made to storm the Jail and rescue the 14 men arrested for alleged participation In the lynching of Detective Etherington, Sheriff Slabaugh haB been appointed to suo ceed Linche. He has Informed the state officials that the situation la critical and that he is preparing to defend the jail. Assistant Attorney General Miller Is enroute to Newark to assist m Investigating the riots. COURT ORDERS INDICTMENTS AGAINST CHICAGO PACKERS AS INDIVIDUALS, NOT AS FIRMS Chicago, July 1 1. The federal grand jury empaneled today was In structed to return indictments against leading meat packers as well as !.rnlnst certain cornorations. "Don't ""r"""-" Indict mere aliases; don't Indict cor porations when Individuals are re sponsible," were the instructions of Judge landls. "Follow the trial down to the real offender." The court's distinctions pleased the the Jurors were dismissed to meet and begin investigation tomorrow. Judge LandiB said In part : i "Sometimes it happens persons j who are about to violate the law take a name not their own. In this inves tigation, follow the trail, tint 11 you find the real Identity of the offend He cautioned the Jurors against being influenced by the argument that law government's lawyers who with more enforcement unsettles business. He than 100 lawyers, representing gov-' ordered the jurors to Inquire whether ernment and packing companies, were j packers conspired or contracted or, present when instructions were given, combined to destroy or restrict -mn-After Instructions were delivered, petition within the past three yea.ra.