-V' EX GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES '.IOXDAY, JULY 11, 1910. "'''Pl-JI PAGE TWO ' - - AH Boys (IptM Now is the time to Save Money by Buying tH Boys' Clothes at Cost a a PENINOTON An Indian ran h out a Piano. But to be an Indian? TI"rf " " who wants and STEINWAY, LUDWG, KERTZMANN, A. B.CHASE C0N0VER Pianos for sale by So To Scott ! 1 Special Proceg) 2 Cut Glass and Hand Painted China S Frorii now until July 17, 1 will make a specially will pay you to examine my stock arid get a good se lection before buying your gifts. All styles of wedding rings including Tiffanv. round, oval, etc., at lowest prices in Eastern Oregon, uauiy consiaerea. I will Save You Money. ' .( ,; U 5 J. H. Peare, SHOOTING SCRAPE HAS HEARING Both La Grande's LeadingMeweler, upposite;Land umce DON'T YOU MISS I This Opportunity Participant Bound (her One Man as a Witness. The 'shooting scrape between Henry Aldrlch and Jesse Halley July 3, at the lake, resulted in a preliminary hearing Wednesday, after which Hen ry Aldrlch was bound over in the sum of $1200, to await the action of the grand jury, and Jesse Halley was placed under $500 bonds as a prosecu ting witness. Both men were brought to Enterprise, says the Enterprise News-Record. The tight is said to have occurred near a refreshment stand at the head of the lake, July 3. It was testified to' In the hearing that Aldrlch and Halley had some words, whereupon Halley is alleged to have struck Al drlch across the head with a lemon squeezer. Aldrlch Is alleged to have secured a pistol and fired, wounding Halley in the right shoulder. Roth men were virtually strangers In Wallowa county probably having been attracted hero by the celebration at the head of the lake. Prosecuting Attorney T. M. Dill appeared for the state In the preliminary hearing, be fore Judge Smith and Attorney Daniel Boyd for the defendant, Aldrlch. In that Judge Knowles has sent word that the circuit court will convene next Tuesday it is probable that the hearing will be had practically at once. its approval by the Mayor shall be in force and take effect on and after the 9th day of Anensr. 1910 Passed the Council on the 6th day of July, 1910, by five members voting therefor.- Approved this 8th day of July, 1910. F. L. MEYERS, Mayor. Attest: D. E. COX, Recorder. .otlce of Street Improvement To Whom it May Concern r Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City, of La Grande, Tlregon, on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 1, and designating Adams Avenue, or street, as such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 13th day of September. 1909, whereby said Council determined and declared Its Intention to improve all that portion of Adams Avenue, or Street, In said ! Improvement district as hereinafter ! described, by laying thereon maca 1 dam. the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the ! owners of the property affected and i benefitted by such Improvement, or der that the above described improve ment be made: that the boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Adams Avenue, from the east side of Fourth street, to the west side of Alder street Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for. such im provement. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $12,000. That the Council will, on the 20th day of July, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m. to consider the estima ted cost, and the levy of said assess ment, when a hearlne will be rnntid to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, July 6, 1910, CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, . OREGON. By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. J9-20 Wilson & Brillian, Electrical -Contractors. Prompt and careful attention given all work. All work guar anteed to pass underwriters' examination. Besf ELECTRl? IROH on the market; also ELEC1RIC FANS ' One Door south of Observe! Office THE WAY OUT of a SOCIAL DILEMMA Ordinance So. 4G1. Series 1910. A. Could You use another Suit at a price? We believe you can and will, arter you learn the value of the suit and the Price that will buy it. We're going to do some great stunts in the way of suit selling. We inaugurate A GREAT SUIT SALE The Suits are our best the newest we have. All fashionably "cut and excellently tailored, from choice fab ric not a tale ot old aulta, but -a sale of new suits. Suits that you can wear at any season of Una year. There will be a rush for these Suita, for everybody knows that when we advertise to do a thing, we never fall to deliver the goods. Select your suit at once don't delay. Get in line with the men who will carry these suits away. Suits under their anna and aavlnga in their pockets. Can you afford to miss this opportunity! ASH BROTHERS, Clothiers and Furnishers An Ordinance providing for the des truction of Russian, Canada, Chinese and other thistles. white mustard, cockleburr and silver salt bush and I dundellon. THE CITY OF LA GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLIXDWS. Section 1. If any peison, persons, or corporation owning, or having the care or charge of any lots or blocks or parcels of land v.ith!n the City of La Grande, Oregon, improved or un improved, enclosed or unenclosed, shall knowingly permit or allow any Russian, Canda, Chinese or other thistle, or any white mustard cockle bur, silver salt bush or dandelion, to grow up thereon, and suffer the same to stand until its bloom falls or its seeds besin to form, such person, per sons or corporations shall, upon con viction thereof before the Recorder of this city, be punished by a fine of not less than $2.50, nor more than $10.00. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the street superintendent to ascertain from time to time whether or not there is within the City any of the above described and mentioned weeds; if any such weeds are found by him, he shall serve or cause to be served upon the owner, occupant or person having the care and charge of the lands upon which the same are found a written notice of such fact. Said notice shall be served by deliv ering to the owner, occupant or per son in charge of said premises, a copy of said notice duly certified to be such by the person serving the Bame, and If there be no occupant of such land, then said notice shall be posted In a conspicuous place there on; the person serving the said notice shall make due return of the service of posting of the same and file the ori ginal with the recorder of the city. Section 3. This ordinance shall be published in one issue of the La Grande Evening Observer and after Don't bake over a hot stove Phone your order for all bakery goods TO Royal Grocery Bakery. Getting a fourth hand for "bridge" is only one of a thousand social uses of the Telephone, and telephone service promotes sociability and good fellowship because it brings neighbors closer to gether. Your friends all live within talking dis tance. It is the same with your out-of-town friends the universal service of the BellSystem makes them your neighbors, too. . Your voice can rsach all fey means of the Bell Long Distance .Service. Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone is the Centre of the System. H JsX M 17 fti We Have Them. hat ? Six pound Elec tric Flat Irons at $3.75 Each EASTERN OREGON Light and Power Company FOR COUGHS lim OF CURES colds THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT DR. KONG'S I AND LUNGS 0 ""nn FOR COUGHS AND COLDS aimaRflBllMBSSHBBHL J prevents PiiEiraotiin I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable, but thanks be to God. four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me aa eiTnn1tW that T m all sound and weU. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. tin 50c and $1.00 ABSCE STSLY GUARANTEED! Trial Bonis Frei 0.J AND GUARANTEED DY l ' 5iIvrthfcJn's Dry Str