La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 11, 1910, Image 1

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La ouan ba ij uijs county, OiuxjojJ. Monday, july n, 1910.
Entire New Set of Entertainers Take
Charge at the Chautauqua This
Morning and'ew Faces 'will Appear
. Regularly from Now on to Close
" First Week-of First Chautar.;;::;
Encouraging to the Entire City.
Three rtav !T.rC ZVi
Chautauqua of all Eastern Oregon
will have become a matter of history,
but these last three dayts are to be
"filled with morsels of . real richness.
Today saw a new galaxy of stars on
the Chautauqua boards for the first
time, as the' principals of last week
have left for other places. Knowing
that nothing but high-class attrac-1
tions are slated, a large crowd is ex
pected tonight when Edward Brush,
the magician, gives his wonders of
mysteryland. The other classes of the
morning are progressing very satis
factorily and word3 of praise are
' heard coming to the management for
the skill and teaching powers of the
leaders In each of the departments.
Rev. Redfern, the Boise student of
, the Bible, will make his concluding
address of a series very Instructive
discourses tomorrow, he being called
away one day before the close. His
address yesterday afternoon was a
strong feature.'
Lovers of music, the mysterious,'
comic burlesque, and a program that
brightens and uplifts will gloat In the
program that Is to conclude the Chau
tauqua Wednesday night. The last
three days' program follow:
Monday, July 11.
9:30 to 11:30 a. m. Domestic Sci
ence. Classes and demonstrations.
10:00 to 11:00 a. m. Prof, Cordley.
Lectures on various subjects.
Noon. .
1:30 p. m. Round Table.
assemblies is the welt-seasoned, clear
thinking lecturer who has made a life
study of his subject and who comes
not as untried man, but as one who
has made good In every date that .he
has filled. The Grande Ronde Chau
tauqua, assembly, in presenting H. V.
Adams to the public, feels that splen
did assurance of being able to intro
duce a man whose ability is of the
best, whose success has been founded
purely on his merit, and who will give
everyone something to think of that
will be of lasting benefit.
"Mr. Adams will talk on two sub
jects during the assembly. His
"Grapes of Gold" has received the
highest praise from the press that It
is possible to give to a lecturer, end
when he delivers, : "The House of
Changing Dimensions" all will agree
that he will have reached the acme of
human intelligence and enlighten
ment in a story set to words that are
easily understood. His lecture bears a
stamp of individuality and do not
bear the smack of stereotyped pbrasss
that have been cllnsrine- to !ct
platform for years. style Is re-
I inn l
While Friend Aert. that I.nrh Ttar
not Want the Nomination to Suc-t
Many MUflons la America aud. Other
Countries will not Sec Moving Pic
outside the United States, will miss
the exhibition.
Great RccepUoa-for Johnson.
New York, July 11. As the time for
the arrival of Jack Johnson drew near
today, 16,000 negroes from Ban Juan
Hill the black belt district, swarmed
to the Grand Central station. A recep
tion committee waited in the corri
dors . The waiting blacks were
doomed to remain on tenter hooks as
the train from Chicago Was three
hours late. . One hundred patrolmen
were sent to the station at train time,
and reserves are held In readiness tor
a hurry call. One hundred automo
biles, decorated, stood waiting. In
them were seated the upper crust of
New York's darkey population. John
son will be in the hand of his admirers
throuKhout the day. . He makes his
-"" " " s - " fi.t,a Uaraitlfirttd n 8 to-
ceed Hughes, his Boom Is General.! - tiw, tftltt Fl5ht-Rec( ptlon Ten-J . , . bft u .3i000 weelly.
with Taft Today at Beverly r&JKlc
Await Tuesday's Confere:!?e. ;
freshing as a balmy breeze from oft Hector of port at New' York, 13 visiting
the Grande Ronde valley and his man-1 President Taft today. It Is generally
ner Is equal that of any Chesterfield, believed he is representing Poose-
:"No lecturer now' on the public velt and that ho will carry a messcge
platform stands higher with the peo- to the Colonel from Taft, after the
pie. for what he has to say Is not a conference. There Is much speculation
repetition, but fresh, new, crisp ideas regarding the Roosevelt message.
of the kind that stick and anyone af- 'It is believed Taft's reply will be an
ler hearing Mr. Adams will be pleased outline of hla plans for the. coming
icrcd Johnson on his Arrival In
Netv Yrk is Magnificent Jeffries
Ob Ffc&rW Expedition.
Beverly, July 11 William Loeb, c6l- x cilc, July 11 Owners of mov-
ing pictures
A. I :
of the Jeffries-Johnson
fight., lift ve doffed their hat to public
opinion. The pictures will not be dis-
Jcff on Fishing Trip.
Los Angeles, . July. 11, Jeffries
starts this afternoon for Catallna Ia-
and for a fishing trip. When he re
turns he may have something definite
to announce regarding a return en
gagement with Johnson. Jeff's right
eye Is troubling him much and is still
discolored,. but his sight Is improving.
to state to his friends that they have !
enjoyed one of the best talks possible
to hear and have been aided In form-1
lng conclusions on life's nrbblems.
played in public place, at least not by
the American picture company. "We
have refused large' offers ,from New
York roof : gardens aftd vaudeville
houses." said Vice-President; Black
camnaiKn. Some beiievea ioeo to (ton. "but we deeded the younger
have gone to get Taft's endorsement ' generation should not be allowed to
to Loeb's gubernatorial boom, and see the films. Therefore reels will
that may be this is Roosevelt's mys- be available only for. clubs and stage
terious mission. Loeb's friends as parties,
i -
Bert, however, that he does not want! it was intimated this action was
trie nomination. . .
Important Conference Tomorrow
Oyster Bay, July 11. Governor
Hughes visits Colonel Roosevelt to
morrow. When the conference Is over, I
taken to prevent a passage of laws
making the exhibition of pictures a
crime. ,
,',-. I Great Mass MUs Pictures.
Boston July 11. Twenty-five mil
Lynching of Detective lu Newark Rc.
ccntly Blamed to Officials who
Failed to Do Their Duty Mayor Is
Suspended and Sheriff will be Dealt
With Later, Says the Governor De.
teethe First Killed "Cnise.
Cooling Off in La Grande.
J.- W. Bush, the Pendleton cream
ery manager, came over from Pendle-
ton yesterday to t-njoy the cool and
refreshing breezss. He reports the
weather very warm, in the wheat
town. . '
It Is believed Roosevelt will be ready lion people Y have "ai ready been pre-
toplay a leading part in New York
politics, and also campaign for the
control of the Republican state con
vention when It- convenes. It is ex
pected that Hughes will talk of his ef
forts to secure a reform In primary
legislation. It is believed Roosevelt,
Charges of Insubordination Likely to wno favor8 It wju" try t0 force a prI.
Follow Kansas Trouble.
mary plank through the state conven
tion. .....
vented from seeing the Jeffries-Johnson
fight," according , to Secretary,
Shaw of the Christian Endeavor. Ac
cording to Shaw, opposition to- the
pictures made it impossible for films
to be shown to nine millions in Maine,
Texas, Georgia, Virginia and the Dis
trict of Clumbia. He estimates forty
millions in American cities won't see
the films, while millions in countries
2:30 p. m. Concert . by Caslln,
Square Entertainers. .
7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Concert by the
8:00 p. m. Entertainment Edward
Brush. .
Tuesday, July 12.
9:30 to 11:30 a. m. Domestic Sci
ence. Classes and demonstrations.
10:00 to 11:00 a. m. Prof. Cordley.
1:30 p. m. Round Table.
3:00 p. m. Concert by Castle
Square Entertainers.
7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Concert, by the
band. ,
8:00 n. m. Lecture. "Granes of
Gold," Mr. H. V. Adams. .
Wednesday, July 1.1.
S:30 to 11:30 a. m. Domestic Sci
ence. Classes and demonstrations.
10:00 to 11:00 a. m. Prof. Cordley.
Lectures to Fruitgrowers.
.1:30 p. m. Round Table.
2:30 p. m. Lecture, "The House of
Chanslne Dimensions," Mr. H. V.
4:00 p. m. Annual meeting of the
Grande Ronde Chautajqua Assocla
7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Concert by the
8:00 d. m. Concert. The ' Castle
Square Entertainers.
People are asking tho Chautauqua
management as to H. V. Adams, the
lecturer, who is to appear at the
Chautauqua grounds during the laBt
few days of the event. Answering, the
management says:
"Entertainment at . Chautauqua
gatherings Is always in order. Every
one enjoys the magician, the music,
the humor, and all that educates or
entertains its legitimate place In the
Drograra of the assembly. But the
Vncrete essence of all Chautauqua
Kansas City Mo., July It. Bishop
E. R. Hendrlx of this city, a leader In
the councils of southern Methodism,
may be charged with Insubordination
and tried before a committee of eld
ers as a result of the deliberations to
day of , the College of Bishops of tV
Washington, July 11. It is believed he knew the United States holds Mad-
that German opposition to the United
States' foreign policy may show itself
by interference in Nicaragua, follow
ing receipt of a letter from the Kaiser
to Madrlz. The letter virtually recog
nizes Madriz's government, although
riz was not elected rightfully. The
Kaiser's letter says tne Kaiser hopes
the best relation will continue to ex
ist between Germany and Nicaragua
and congratulates Madrlz upon his
Methodist Episcopal Church, . Sorl'v Los Angeles, July 11. Strange- diB- Friday. Near the clothing was found
Reports from Tennessee, the center of appearance of Miss Charlott Hitch- a magazine on which her name was
the warfare, threatens to cause a ser- cock, following the prediction that she penciled. In the magazine was a note
io'us split in the ranks of the follow- would meet her death in the sea, and addressed to a friend In which she
ers of Wesley In Dixie, state that the the discovery of clothes in the bath . said she intended swimming to a buoy
bishops are determined to carry the! house at Venice, is responsible for. off the beach to win a $10 bet. A for
flght to a finish. The United States J the belief of the parents today that tune teller said the body would not be
Supreme Court will finally, have to the girl Is drowned. She disappeared recovered,
settle the dispute, which grew out of
a controversy over the ownership and
onntrnl nf Vanderbilt University at
Nashville. " ' (
It Is expected that Chancellor J. H.
Klrkland, of Vanderbilt University. ;
will be removed from his office by the
Methodist College of bishops, and
nineteen members of the board of
trustees of the University will be !
ejected from their trusteeship for in
subordination and defiance of the
A lawsuit will be brought In the
federal court, to enforce the rights of
ownership and control of the proper
ty by the Methodist Church South, and
to free the present trustees elected at
the recent general conference at Ashe
ville, N. C. This is the situation In the
controversy that has raged around the
university for the past five years.
Bishop Hendrix is the president of
the Board of Trustees. At ..the recent
general conference the church went
on record by practically unanlm'-t"?
vote, holding that the university '-
longs In fee simple to the Methodists
of the south.' and Instructed the Col
lege of Bishops, of which , Bishop
Hendrlx Is a member, to take all legal
steps to enforce this claim 'and the
rights of the church in the institution.
When the board of trustees met. It
rejected three trustees that the church
had elected to fill vancancies, and
tabled a resolution that affirmed the
ownership of the .church. Bishop
Hendrlx was with the majority In both
Argentine Police Will '-Af old Another
Fatal Bomb Explosion.
Buenos Ayres, July 11. Guarded by
hundreds of police and detectives, to
prevent anarchist demonstrations, the
fourth International Conference of the
American States today began the con
sideration of momentous problems af
fectlng the welfare, peace and pros
perity of all the republics of the New
Since the anarchist outrage of last
month, when six persons were fatally
injured by bombs exploded In the
great national theatre, the finest in
the world, the authorities of Argen
tina have carried on a strenuous cam
paign against the agitators. . Many
have been arrested and all suspected
persons are under close police surveil
lance, lest the city, and nation be dis
graced by Borne untoward Incident or
outbreak of violence during the pres
ence here of the distinguished dele
gates to, the Tan-Amrlcan congress.
Fights between the police and the
anarchists In the capital of the Argen-
ColumbiiB, July 11. Governor; Har
mon announced today 'he would Sus
pend Mayor Athertori of Newark lor s
gross neglect of duty, and. failure to
prevent the lynching of Detective Elh-
erlngton a few days ago, Notice will
be served on the mayor Immediately.
The governor has requested the Blgna- -
ture of five who were responsible to
the charges rff neglect of duty.'agalnst "
Sheriff Linn, also. , , (
Sheriff Blamed, Too. y
The suspension of Mayor Atherton
by Governor Harmon for -failure to
protect and deliver Etherlngton from
lynching, at Newark, was Intimated
early today and that Harmon Is con
vinced that If the sheriff and mayor
had done their duty, no body would
have been lynched. During the gov
ernor's visit to Newark, the mayor
said he did not realize the gravity of ;
the situation" until the mob " began "
storming the jail, and It was. too late..
to call the troops. The governor
says he soon will give out an official
The lynching followed a raid on an
alleged blind pig by anti-saloon forces .
and the detective shot the proprietor
during a fight between the two, the
detective claiming, before he was
hung to a trolley pole, that he had
shot in self-defense.
St. Louis, July 11. The steamer Oi- day. No news was received until tor
rardeaii lies wrecked in the Misslssi-! day when passengers landed, It Is
ppl river today while 125 passengers
were landed safely at Chester, Illi
nois. The vessel went down yester-
, 'Milton Youth Is Shot.
Milton, Ore. July 11. While enroute
frim Mlltnn with a nartv of friends
to the mountains last evening, Fred
Williams- was accidentally shot and la
now lying at the home of his unci
Jn Crockett In a very serious condi
tion.' "--':r
Tho young man was riding In a cart
and waB carrying . a loaded shotgun.
In some manner the gun fell from his ,
cart and was discharged, the shot en
tering the left side Just above the
breast, entirely shattering the collar
bone which had to be removed. The
shot narrowly missed the big artery
In the neck, which would have result
ed In Instant death. Several shot were
removed from the back of the head
Dr. C. W. Thomas and Dr. E. E. Den
ton attending the patient. Unless
complications Bet In the physicians
tine Republic has been frequent; and i have every hope of the young man's
bombs have been thrown and the city j recovery,
has been declared under martial con
trol several times during the past few
years. In 1908 a bomb was thrown
at President Alcorta as he was driv
ing through the streets. A few months
later another was hurled at ;hls wife.
Both had narrow escapes from death.
Falcon, chief of police, and his secre
tary. Dr. Lardegan, were killed with
a bomb on November 14 1909. Twenty
persons were seriously Injured In a
generally believed the steamer was bomm epl08ion on the street in May.
overloaded. It is reported she struck jgg .......
a sunken barge. Passengers were ta- ' ' ' '
ken of in lifeboats after the panic.
II. C. Rinehart lias Faith hi Laurel
hurst's Future.
i Henry, which Is said to be one of the
finest homes in Portland,
i Mr. Rinehart has faith in the addi
ction and. says it Is the best piece of
property he .could find in any of the
Returning from Portland where he! residence districts of the metropolis
had been for several days on business.
H. C. Rinehart stated to his friends
that he had purchased one of . the
choice lots in Laurelhurst addition.
His lot is number 3 in block 117, and
Great District In Northern Idaho
; Completely Burned Ofer.
votes, and this constitutes the sum lis located just across the boulevard
and substance of his offending. . from the new wmo nome or c. k.
Ten Deaths In New York.
New York. July 1. Intense heat
continues throughout the city today,
though the temperature Is lowei ing; three days and are still battling
Wallace. Ida., July II. After caus
ing the destruction of lumber valued
at hair a million, fires in the Coeur
D'Alene national forest and Hlne
Creek, are reported controlled today.
Settler sof Hln Creek, and fourteen
Royalty Happy Again.
Spokane,' July 11. After a atrango
and tragic series of adventures, Lord
and Lady Sholto Douglass and Bon
and daughter-in-law, are tor a time
staying peacefully at Creston, B. C
Lady Douglass left the city last Sat
urday despondent, because she believ
ed her husband was trying to steal her
son. She escaped from a local hospi
tal... ; :
Draw Special Jury.
A panel of special jurors to hear
the liquor cases when the. adjourned
term of' circuit court convenes, wa
drawn today, publicly. .The men will
be summoned to appear , as tallsroen
when the long string of alleged boot
legging cases come up. ,
Chicago Muy Strike, Too.
Chicago, July 11. Members of tho
Garment. Workers' union are today In
vestigating the report that New York
rangers, with others, fought fire for; work is being sent to this city for
completion due to the workers stnka
gradually. Ten deaths have been re
ported since ihls morning.
Smaller fires are reported In the. there. If it proves true, a gnonl
Idaho Mountains. ' I walkout will follow here.