I A How Ha Loct a Million. Coiouel Ochiltree used to tell a story 0f how he once lost $1,000,000. It was tt a banquet," be would Bay. "and Senator Hearst of California sat beside me. Hearst told bow years be fore he and his party bad once been helped across the Platte by a brave red haired boy. The boy to do this deed had risked his life. Senator Hearst as he talked on got enthusiastic In hla gratitude to the lad. . .. "Why. be said.. If I could only and that boy tonight I'd make him a pres ent of $1,000,000.' " ,; v "1 could restrain myself no longer at this point. 1 burst Int tears. 'Sena tor.' 1 said. I am that red haired boy, Bebold the boy In me." -But Hearst saw. 'Ochiltree, you lie." And thns I lost a million.' , 5otice ef Street Improvement To Whom It May Concern: Notice la hereby given that In pur luance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on. the 8th day of June, 1910, creating Improvement Dis trict No. 1, 2 and 3, and designating Willow Street from alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue to the alley between Adams Avenue and Washington Avenue; the alley be tween Washington and Adams Avenue from "K" Street to Fourth Street; -X" Avenue from alley . between Adams Avenue and Washington Ave- iue to Fourth-Street; '"O" ' Avenue Lijnm the alley between Adams Avemi u arm vviiHUiiiELUU avhuuh rn tn-rar Street; Pennsylvania Avenue from the MALTED MILK with ess any flnvor A Meal in One Glass at .. Selder's Confectionery , Store DRINK BRRRlllGWU HALL COFFEE s i L DHAvn ti v a itf oi 0 PATTISON BROS 2 Ner Rock Springs Winter Now G. E. FOWLER incmea Frr Sal. A Dukes are now rine. Order Ce as they are going quicklv. 4 Tatmaa. COAL alley between - Washington Avenue to First Street- Third Ct a ... ' co. iioia aiam. Avenue to' Pennsylvania Avenue: Fourth tJ from Adams Avenue to Pennsivr nia Avenue; alley , between Firth and Sixth Street from Washington Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; the alley be tween Sixth. Street and Seventh Street from Washington Avenue t pPnn.vi. Tanla Avenue, the alley between Sev - enth Street and m o... . . Washington Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue; the alley In Block 104, from Fourth Street to Washington Avenue on alley between ., Fifth and Sixth Streets, as District Ne. 3, and In pursuance t a Teaolu tloln adopted by said Common on the 8th day of June, mo, whereby aaid Council determined and declared Ita Intention to Improve all that por tion of said Dtetrfct No. 3, sa herein after described by constructing e.w era therein, the council win ten dv after the service of this netlce upon uwiiun r me property affected A an 1 I eneflted by nch imnrtve ht nA a L district to be n Imnmv. ' d are as fnYlnwa- XX7 " niuvw Street from Main Avenue to "Pena" tween Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue to the alley between Adams Avenue and Washington Avenue tde alley between, Washington Avenue and Adams Avenue, from "K" Street to Fourth Street -N- Avenue from test mentioned alley to rourin street, "O" Awmue from aid alley to First Street, "Penn" Avenue from said alley to First Street, Third Street from the allev h Avenue, Fourth Street from Adams Avenue to "Penn Avenue, the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets from Washington Avenue to "Penn;" Ave nuo, me aiiey between Sixth and Seventh Streets, from Washington Avenue to "Penn" Avenue, the alley between Seventh Street and Eighth Street, from Washington Avenue to Penn." Avenue, the alley In Block 104, Chaplin's Addition from Fourth Street to "tfasliington Avenue and the alley between Fifth and Sixth Streets. Notice is hereby farther given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by ruch improvement for the purpose of paying for such improve ineni. mat the estimated cost of such lmprovemsnt is tbe sum of $74.34.05 That the Council will on tbe 13th day of July, 1910, meet at tbe Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock. P. M., to consider eaM estimated cost. and the levy tf mid assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess ment La Grande, Oregon, June 22, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon - June 28-July-9 """"""'Wi LOST, A WATCH On June 6th, my daughter lost her watch, supposed ly at er near the deoot. and the was advertised to be left" at the La; Grande Investment Co. A lady called up regarding It, but . party answering did not understand the matter and so informed her. If party who has the watch will return same I will prove property and pay reward. J. K. WRIGHT. OENDRIGKS & HALL painters, paper hang ers, decorators. Esti mates furnished free. Geddes Grocery Building Phone Ind. 1431 European Plan Only Rooms 50c to SI. 50 First class Throughout S are HO! D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. iting ONE BLOCK FROM DEP01 La Grande, Oregon AV0Y I A GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, JULY ' ' . Market Quotations. j SUGAR-Cash Price Sugar, $6.75; I w sura st Met UW $$.75. . VEGETABLES New dry onions, 5c; spinach, 31b for 2c; fresh peas 10c; rhubarb 3c; head lettuce- 10c; radishes. 3 bunches? for 10c; green onions, 3 bunches tor 10c; tomatoes 10c per pound; ir potatoes, 6 lbs for 25c. ' FRUITOrangws. 45c per dotenj lessons, 35c per doten; bananas, 40c per docen; strawberries, 15c .to for 2Sc; cherries, J5 to 35c per gallon; tooseberrlea, 30 cents per gallon; red raspberries, 2 "boxes for 25c: blank. berries, 2 boxes for 25c; dewberries, 2 boxes foe 35c. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $l cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; veal 4 to 4 ft-2c; mutton, I 1-2; flttck ens 13c -. i A, t vewe4 DRY CmiHWOOD I am prepared ito furnish Dry Ohain 'Wood, al so partly- seasoned wood, to aW comers. Kind ly pho&e your crder to V. . B E A N PHONE RED mi OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS IA GRANDE, ORE M. '. A. G-rardo Cau No. 7703 me'ts eVery Monday in the month at the I. 0. O. F. Hall. AH visitius neighbors are oordtally invited to attend. LR, SNOOK, C D. E. 'COX, Clerk. Wemen tf WodcrafL Grande Ronde Circi- No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even ing In the . month at the I. O. O. F. HalL All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, O. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A. F. A A, M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. P. & A. M. holds re$uler meetings first and third Saturdays at .7:30 p. m. JOHN C. HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary B.P. O. E. La Granle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ia Elk's club corntr of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. I O. O. F. Saborilnate La Grande Lodge No. 16 meets in i their hall every Satui day night. Vis brothers cordially invited to at tend. GEO. GROUT, N. G. J. R. SNOOK, Rec. Sec . A. WCR3TELL, Fln.-Sec ! OBSERVER WAN Portland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, store 2323H-, ' - ' BUTTER FAT DelUver t o. 29c: b. st Portland, sw, cream 27 1-2; sour 25 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, 2$ 0 27c. ' POULTRY Mixed chickens. 151-2; fancy 16 cents;- turkeys alive, SO 21; dressed 27 lb 28; pigeons squabs, $2.60; aressed chickens, 1 to 2c higher thin alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed, 223; rolled, $25; brewtug. $24. WHEAT Nominal irack. club. 79;. bluestem, 83; Wllamette valley, 81C. .' ' MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran $20; midllugs, 12; shorts. $21; cho?, $19$25. k FLOUR New crop patents, $5.15 IT CERTAHlY ' LOOKS GOOD to the children when they see' the North Powder BBt of the Best Patent Hour. It Is a meal for the, little ones, with butter, Jam or Jelly, that Is wholesome and muscfie building. It looks good alBoto'the housewife when she sees the goldet. brown crisp and the wlilte bread inside when It comes from the oven. It also smells appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. FOR SAXE BY ALL GBOCEBS 4 e 4 i'. brisks , ,ihuu j-ouxe o. to meets every Tuesday -'enlng In the L O. O. F. hall A f n . ah viBitmg members are invited to attend.' , MISS XNNA .ALEXANDER, N. Q, MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sea. Knights of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev- ry Monday night in Cadtle hall. (old .Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRI3IIT, C C. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. A S. O.E.& Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holde stated commnnlcatioss the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially Invited. MART A. WARNICKJSec. PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of the World . La Grande Lodge No. Mfl W. O. w! meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting mem bers welcom-.. NERI A'JKLES. C. C. J. H. KEENEY, Clert. ry pay Rent? Weloanlyou money to build, and you pay us as you would rent 1. R. OLIVER. T ADS PAY1 9, 1910 THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALWAYS BRINGS RETURN TO TRADE 160 sores of timber land to trade foi city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. FURNISHED ROOMS 1812 Adams Ave., $8.00 per month, phons red 74L NOW Get that summer suit cleaned and pressed at Pennington's. Phone Black 851 or 44. FOR SALE 0-H-P gasoline englie. V.'te condition. Price tri", 00. At ymnh Garage. WANTED A limited number of boarders and roomers. Phone Red 3712 or call 1311 N. avenue. LOST A pair of eye glasses. Notify Mrs. Gray, Kelffer Hotel.' HCC.U uu uOAaD ioii ruurin dl WANTED A good cook, woman pre ferred; good wages to right party Apply at Observer office. MARYLAND REEKS OF WHISKY OWUIItry Collapse Causes Arematlo Brooks of Bourbon. After pouring rain foe. a week It poured whisky in Baltimore county, Md., recently. Good old Maryland rye and bourbon streamed out of 3.000 bar rels down tbe hill over pastures and potato patches to Gwynn falls, which flow by the suburban towns which dot the line oJ the Western Maryland ruuruuu. For miles and miles the odor at whisky filled the atmosDhere. The cause of it all was tbe collansa of a nine story warehouse of th Owmn. brook Distilling company near Owlngs anus iroro the effect of heavy rains, which undermined the foundations. There were 20,000 barrels of whisk stored in tbe warehouse, 8,000 barrels of which went down with the portion of the structure that fell. The alcohol laden air which enveloM the niae Intoxicating. Ocean -Graveyard Now Harml.... The passing as an "ocean aravA. yard" of Sable island, off Nova Scotia, me scene or an immense number of shipwrecks, has been caused h viru. Jess telegraphy and modern light houses, the last wreck bavins- been In 1904. Since that time no vessel has oeen wuecked on the treachprona hk of sand forming the Island coast, wnicn naa previously taken a toll of more man zso vessels and man mn than that number of human lives. Georaa Favorita Paa Women writers who take n line pen name seem nonirnlnriv t. tracted by the name of George, per haps because it carries solidity and strength. Two of the ear liest "Georges" were George Eliot and George Sand. An American anthm. Julia Constance Fletcher, writes over we name or George FIcmtoR Now comes Georg Sbork (wftuonf th a compleUng the historic number of tour ueorges. V A, e Ptt(IFS8I05AL BIBECTOBT, X C. IL VriQX, rn. G. M. D. Ppysician and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande Nat ional Bank Building. Phones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. W. ZIJtMERMAS Osteopath Physician Sommer BIdg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 851. Suc cessor to Dr. r. E. Moore. LA GBAKDE SCHOOL OF It 1 SIC Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St PEOF. E, POBTEB DAT Dl'ecto. T. H. CRAWFOkD Attorney-at-law Practices in all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg La Grr ude, Oregon 1 fXiULTCl-r.-'; Vsi.sr.'j r Si:rgeon Office at Hill's Drug Store. La Gran J Residence phone, Red 701; Office phono, Black 1361; Independent phone 53; Mb phones at lesldence PAGE SEVEN uLRNISHED ROOM For genUemsa ccly. Nice location. Close In. Can ni. Red 152. .' tt FOR SALE Old papers at the Ob server off ' FOR RENT Barn suitable tor three horses. Inquire at this office. AUTO FOR SALE 15-H-P. four cylinder Ford, roadster. Good oon dttion. Price $350. Smith's Garage. FOR RENT Modern five room house. Inquire of D. Brlchoux. ' LOST A tripod to a camera be tween the red bridge and HUgard. Leave at the Observer office. w MtMtw ubwu cua4s4 ttlltt CI t HQ Finder leave at Model restaurant LOST White Spits pup, strayed or stolen. Finder return to Fred Gelble. The Pat Woman'. Rl na. The womau showed a fat linger In who. v fold of tiesb was Imbedded a) plain gold ring. "How much will you let me have on' tn:s nog r she said to the pawnbroker "I can't tell ur.'.il you take It off so i can weigh it, he aid. She tugged at the ring. It wouldn't come off. . "Can't you get it off for mer she asked. The pawnbroker threaded a needle with strong JIuen thread, soaped the neeaie and slipped it huud first under tbe ring toward the haod. Then he wound the long end of the thrend' tightly and evenly around the fioger1 almost to the mill. That done, hn took the needle and unwound the thread from the base of the finger out, and as be unwound the ring slipped vu. ue weighed the ring. "Two dollars." be said. "Thnt won't do me any irood" mm the woman. "I can get $3 any place vine. Ue returned the ring. "She didn't really want to nawn if be said. "She Just wanted aomAhAH to take the ring off. A Jeweler would have done It tbe same way. but he would bave charged something." New fork Sun. 8moka Ciaarattaa mt F.. ' The department of safety for girls of Portland, Ore., has found that tt four year-old daughter of Mrs. Jessie ueynoios smokes cigarettes like a vet eran. The child has become an . customed to the use of tobacco that if sne is without it sho becomes fretful ana peevish. Comparisons, ' ; Small Tommy Mv Little ElSie What rinoa h a ,. Tommy-He's a mechanic and makes womouves. Little Elsle-Thaf s noth Ing. My nn' n commutor unit mv- ,Wtf,' very day.-Cblcago News tnas. E. Cochran Geo. T. Cocaraa COCHRAN & COCIIILU Attorneys La Grande National Bank Bldf. ' LaGrande .' Oregon DK. M. P. jrEjfDELS-)nJT Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corr.t 1105 Adams Ave. Opposite P. O La Grande, . , Orepm DR. II. L. ODEBW00D Ppysician and Surgeon Over Red CroBS Druz Stora Special attention to diseases of Eye. ana Ear. Office phone Main 22; Res.' Mam 72. O. W. C.SELS0X Mining Earineer Baker City . . . n,.r .' H. M0LIT0B, M. D. ppysician and Surgeca C3.-ar Ada- hnd Depot strt cas llaji GS Residue: It J. C PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bask Building. Pho:.e Bhck 3S9J. 1 I