La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 09, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Success Caftnef Free. Where? How?
You may hare a modern steel, gas or electric
range, an expensive refrigerator, a convenient sink
with its hot and cold water; in fact, everything
known to save time, labor and the drudgery of the
kitchen, but the essential and most important neces
sity is vet lacking, and that is a
It is constructed on scientific, hygienic and
sanitary lines. Made of metal, thoroughly enamel
ed inside and out, and Is proof against dust and mois
ture, bugs and flies, worms and weevil, germs and
microbes, the rat and mouse and every other pollut
ing thing.
"Appreciating the great importance of even home
having one of these modern necessities, the Associa
ted Advertisers, of this city, composed of the follow
ing firms and corporations, have arranged a plan by
which each of their patrons shall have one of these
convenient, labor-saving and health-protecting
cabinets free. .
fleddes Bros., Groceries.
A dcook & Fritts, Furniture.
Xewlin Drug Co.'
The Toggery, Al Andrews.
J. T. Scott, Music House.
!j. . ldKCr, tUlt'H.
J. H. Peare, Jeweler.
Grande Ronde Meat Co.
Solder's Candv Store-
You should call at the EXHIBITING' ROOMS
at once, where the Success Cabinet is being demon
strated, fxamine it, learn of our New Plan of Ad-
vertising and order one delivered to your home free.
If ;t should le inconvenient for you to visit the
Sty-r-e? Cabinet exhibit, phone Ind. 043, Bell, R.
1071. or mail a card to the address given below, and
you shall .examine the Success Cabinet at you home.
Exhibiting Rooms.
t WIG. Adams. J
G. R. Baker
I C. Mills. - . t
2, ,
fiEOEO ri.XR
F. J. HOLMES, tlr-!'
: ....
United States Depository
Capital and Surplus $180,000.00
tv. j. mi m il
. i.
ttiih ctr biiiuI? reioMf' tni facilities w can render you rniclrnt
ut ' Diitl har.dif our indium U voor Bt5rc taKf.ic?!m
Thi Ills followed thrills an speeding automobiles shot around the
t iiiise of ihe Jngleslde Race Course, on April 24th, In the second and
Jl.'ial day events of the successful meet promoted by the members of
Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine.
Thehoriors of the day were divided between Harney Oldlleld. with
n!j 2oo horsepower Henz machine, and C. O. King, with his Maxwell
30 horsepower stock cur. Oldlleld lowered his previous record of one
mile to M 5-6, which is a new coast record for the circular track.
With the exception of this performance, Oldfield had to take second
place In the list of racing honors, as the world's champion met defeat
la both the five and fifteen mile handicap events, fend In both races
King and his Maxwell were the victors. In fact, King proved the
surprise of the meet, driving all of his races with much judgment nnd
taking the turns with his car as close to the fence as did Oldfield. In
the five mile handicap, Oldfield drove his Knox racer to the utmost,
but the handicap was too strong nnd ho could not get the lend away
from King. Not only in the handicap events did King and his Max
well Drove stars of the first order, but In one of the first events of the
day, the five mile race for cars coiling from $1200 to $lf00, which was
one of the bestmatches of the meet.
The time for the five mile handicap was as follows: Maxwell,
King. 4.40.30: Oakland, Nelson. 4.4S.2T.; Chalmers. West. 4.49.30; Auto
Car , finished fourth, aud the Knox car. Harney Oldfield driving, fifth.
In the event number eight, ten miles free-for-all handicap, King
nd his Maxwell again were the winners, the Maxwell's time being
m9 20. i
J. B. Whiteman & Son
108. Elm
IT. L. BBE5II0LTS, AmI Cash.
EARL ZU5DEL U Aii't Cash.
I r1
Wins j
( Written sy'Dr. JL P. Xf saIha, Dr.
ef Optics.)
(Fifth Series)
Notwithstanding the fact that the
eye la the most sensitive portion of
the body, and that sight is the most
precious of tie five aenses, the organ
of vision is perhaps abased more
than any other organ of the anatomy.
Abuse and neglect are what cause im
paired sight and blindness. We pro
tect our hands from the cold, our feet
from the rain, oar heads from the
scorching snn, and yet permit the ten
der eye to undergo risks, either in ab
solute neglect or thoughtlessness of
the use of worthless, . poisonous
washes, that may lead finally to the
awful sleep of the living from which
there Is no awakening.
If the eye gives pain, if the sight
Is blurred, or Indistinct, or If any oth
er weakness Is manifest, it is the
plain duty of the person suffering to
seek advice or treatment from one
who has made a study of the subject
and who can effect a cure in the least
unpleasant way.
In order to understand the affec
tion of the eye, even the most frequent
and simple one. it Is necessary to have
some knowledge of the general struc
ture and functions of the organ.
While It will be Impossible to convey
In words an accurate Idea of the In
tricate and delicate structures con
tained in the eye, yet the general plan
and principle of its formation are ex
tremely simple and Interesting.
Every one who has even a slight ac
quaintance with the bos which a pho
tographer uses, called the camera, can
appreciate at once ths structure of
the eye.
The human eye Is, Indeed, arranged
upon precisely the same principles as
the photographer's camera, as will be
evident upon slight comparison.
The photographic camera consists
of a box blackened on the Inside, to
which light Is admitted only through
an opening In the front; this opening
is filled by a piece of curved glass,
techneally called a double convex
lens. At the side of the box opposite
to this lens Is a frame made to carry
a plate of glass.
This plate of glass Is coated with
a layer of material usually a com
pound of silver and gelatine, which
Is sensitive to light; that is, when
ever the light falls upon the plate
this material undergoes a chemical
In taking a picture the object Is
placed in front of the box In such a
position that the rays of light eman
ating from this object are focused by
means of the lens, that Is, brought to
gether so as to make a picture upon
the plate.
In consequence of the sensitive na
ture of the gelatine upon glass, to the
action of light, this picture is record
ed upon the plate, making the photo
graph. The same principles apply In the
formation of the picture in the hu
man eye.
The eye Is a spherical box or cam
era, blackened, on the Inside, and
closed on all side" except In front,
where a circular opening exists.
Right at this opening Is a double con
vex lens like that of the photograph
er's camera. At the back of the eye
Is a sensitive plate, a layer of ner
vous tissue called the retina, which Is
susceptible to the action of light Just
like the gelatine of the photographic
plate. The rays of light coming from
an object in front of the eye. are fo
cused by means of the lens so as to
make a picture of that object upon
the sensitive plate the retina at the
back of the eye. This picture excites
the nervous center In the brain, so
that the individual Is conscious of the
image on the retina.
(Will continue next week.)
Ordinance Xo. Jl!2. Series 1910.
An ordinance regulating the use
of sidewalks In the city of La Grande,
Oregon, providing for the punishment
of violations thereof, nnd repealing
all ordinances nnd parts r ordinan
ces In conflict herewith.
Section 1. That no person shall
ride any bicycle on any sidewalk
within the present established firo
limits of the City of La Grande. Ore
gon. Section 2. That persons shall be
allowed to ride bicycles upon any
sidewalk outside r the said fire lim
it of the city, during the months of
November, December. Januarv Feh-
ruary. March, and April in each year,
but not olbeiwl.r, iirtvMtl. however
nnu provia ami
I securely attach to his bicycle a good)
and sufficient bell or other alarm to
warn footmen travelling upon the
sidewalks: provided, further, that any
person riding upon the sidewalks out
side of the fire limits of the city,
shall also provide and securely at
tach to his bicycle, on the front part
thereof, a good and sufficient lamp,
which between sundown and sunrise,
while said bicycle is being used upon
such sidewalks In the city, shall be
kept lighted so that the light there
from can readily be seen and dis
tinguished at a distance of not less
than 300 feet; said bell and lamp to
be approved by the 'chief of police.
Section 3. Any person riding any
bicycle upon any of said sidewalks
shall, when meeting or overtaking
any person, sound such bell or other
alarm, and dismount from such bicy
cle and In no manner disturb. Inter
fere with or embarass the full use of
said sidewalk by any person or per
sons lawfully thereon.
Section 4. No person shall use or
obstruct the use of any sidewalk In
the City by placing, or causing to
be placed thereon, any dirt. litter,
building material or other obstruc
tion, or suffer the same to remain
thereon after being notified by the
chief of police to remove the same.
But this section shall not be held to
prohibit jhe temporary use of any
sidewalk In the city, while the prem
ises adjacent thereto, are being re,4 rtr hnlMlnr rctl therpon.
or to prohibit the temporary use of
the sidewalks for the purpose of load
ing or unloading goods, wares or mer
chandise; provided, always, that such
use or obstruction of said sidewalk
shall be removed upon the comple
tion of such repairs or building; and
after a reasonable time has elapsed
for loading or unloading of such
Section ".. Any person violating
any of the provisions of this ordi
nance shall, upon conviction thereof,
be punished by a fine of not less than
$5.00. nor more than $25.00, together
with costs of such conviction.
Section , 6. All ordinances and
part3 of ordinances in conflict here
with are hereby repealed.
Section ".This ordinance shall be
published In one issue of the La
Grande Evening Observer, and after
its approval by the Mayor, be In full
force and effect on and after the 9th
day of August, 1910.
Passed the Council on the 6th day
of July, 1910 by five members voting
Approved this 8th day of July. 1910.
F. L. MEYER. Mayor.
D. E. COX. Recorder.
Ordinance No. 461. Series 1910.
An Ordinance providing for the 'des
truction of Russian, Canada, Chinese
and other thistles, white mustard,
cockleburr and silver salt bush and
Section 1. If any peison, persons,
or corporation owning, or having the
care or charge of any lots or blocks
or parcels of land within the City of
La Grande, Oregon, Improved or un
improved, enclosed or unenclosed,
shall knowingly peiinit or allow anj
Russian. Canda. Chinese or other
thistle, or any white niustafd cockle
bur, silver salt bush or dandelion, to
grow up thereon, and suffer the same
to stand until its bloom falls or Its
seeds begin to form, such person, per
sons or corporations shall, upon con
viction thereof before the Recorder of
this city, be punished by a fine of not
less than $2.r.0. nor more than $10.00.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of
the street BupevintendenJ to ascertain
from time to time whether or not
there 13 within the City any of the
above described and mentioned
weeds; if any such weeds are found
by him, he Bhall serve or cause to be
served upon the owner, occupant or
person having the care and charge of
the lands upon which the same are
found a written notice of such fact.
Said notice shall be served by deliv
ering to the owner, occupant or per
son In charge of said premises, a
copy of said notice duly certified to
be such by the person serving the
same, and If there be no occupant 6f
such land, then said notice shall be
posted In a conspicuous place there
on; the person serving the said notice
Bhall make due return of the service
of post Ins of the same and file the ori
ginal with the recorder of the city.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be
published in one Issue of the La
G"anJ( Evening Observer and after
Its approval by the Mayor shall be in
force and take effect on and after the
91 h day or August. 1910. 1
Fassed. the Council on the Cth day
of July, 1910. by fire members voting
Approved this 8th day of July, 1910.
F. L MEYERS. Mayor.
D. E. COX, Recorder.
Jetice, tf Street Imprsvesieil
To Whom It May Concern':
Notice is hereby given that la pur
uance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of tn City of La
Grande, Oregon, on the 8th day of
Jane, 1910. creating Improvement Dis
trict No. 1, 2 and 3 and designating
Spruce and North Spruce Street from
the alley between Adams Avenue and
Jefferson Avenue to "Y" Avenue; Mad
ison .Avenue from Eta 'Street to
North Spruce Street; Monroe Avenue
from Elm Street to North Spruce
Street; the alley between "S" Avenue j
and "T" Avenue from Block ' 150, j
Chaplin's Supplemental Addition to!
North Spruce Street; the alley be-
tween "R" Avenue and "S" Avenue j
from Elm Street to North Spruce)
Street; "TM Avenue from North De- j
pot Street to North Spruce Street; j
Jackson Avenue from North Depot j
Street to North Spruce Street; "C"
Avenue from North Depot Street toj
North Sprttce Street; "V" Avenue'
from North Depot Street to North
Spruce Street; East and West through
center block 137 Chaplin's Supple-j
mental addition; "W" Avenue from :
Nerth Depot Street to North Spruce '
Street; the alley between "V Ave
nue and "W Avenue, from North Ash
Street "to North Depot Street; "X" ;
Avenue from North Depot Street to ,
North Spruce Street; alley between ;
"W" Avenue and '"X" Avenue from
North Fourth. Street to North Depot
Street; "Y" Avenue from North'
Depot Street to North Spruce
Street, as District No. 2, and.
in pursuance of a resolu
tion adopted by said Common Council
on the 8th day of June, 1910, whereby
said Council determined and declared
its intention to improve all that por
tloin of said District No. 2, aa herein
after described by constructing sew
ers therein, the council will, ten days
after the service of this notice upon
the owners of the property affected
and benefited by sue hlmprovements or
der that said describen improvements
be made; that the boundaries of said
district to be bo improved are as fol
lows: Spruce Street an-1 North Spruce
Street from the alley between Adarnt
Avenue and Jefferson Avenue to "Y"
Avenue. Madison Avenue from Elm
Street to North Spruce Street, Mon
roe Avenue from Elm Street to North
Spruce Street. the alley between "S"
Avenue and "T" Avenue from Block ;
150 Chaplin's Supplemental Addition. !
to North Spruce Street, the alley be-1
tween "R" Avenue and "S" Avenue, j
from Elm . Street' to North Spruce
Street, "T" Avenue from North Depot
Street to' North Spruce Street. Jack
son Avenue from North Depot Street
to North Spruce Street, "U" Avenue
from North Depot Street to North
Spruce Street, "V" Avenue from North
Depot Street to North Spruce Street,
East and West through the center of
Block 137 Chaplin's Supplemental
Addition, "W" Avenue from North De
pot Street to North Spruce Street, the
alley between "V" Avenue and "W"
Avenue, from North Ash Street to
North Depot Street, "X" Avenue from
North Depot Street to N. Spruce
Street, the alley between "W" Avenue
and "X" Avenue from North Fourth
Street to North Depot Street. "Y"
Complete equipment for resetting and repairing
rubber buggy tires.
' 0. Fi I ZGERALD, Proprietor
G-inp!tc Machins Shops and Foundry
Avenue from North Depot Street to
North Spruce Street
Notice Is hereby farther given that
the Council will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefited by such Improvement for the
purpose of paying for inch Improve
ment That the , estimated cost of
inch improvement is the sua of
$35,972.29. ,
That the Council will on the 13th day
of July," 1910, meet at the Council
chamber at the hoar of 8 o'clock,
P. M, to consider said estimated coat,
and the levy of said assessment when
a hearing will be granted to any per
son feeling aggrieved by such assess
ment ' .
La Grande. Oregon, June' 22, 1910.
By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City
of La Grande. Oregon.
Call For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids for the construction of 870 feet
of sewer, to be built according to
the plans and specifications on file In
the office of the Recorder of the Cit7
of La Grand, Oregon, will be receiv
ed at the office of said Recorder up
to 4 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, July
Cth, 1910. All bids to be accompan
ied by a certified check for 5 per cent
of each bid. The city reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
La Grande, Oregon, June 24th, 1910.
J. K. SKEAK, .
Health, Sewerage and Water Com-
m,'tee. June-24-July 6.
Xotice of Street Improvement
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given. that in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of
Feb., 1910, creating Improvement Dis
trict No. 17 and designating Jefferson
Avenue, as euch district, and in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by said
Common Council on the 17th day of
June, 1910, whereby said Council de
termined and declared its intention
to improve all that portion of Jeffer
son Ave. in said Improvement district
as hereinafter described, by building
cement sidewalk 12 feet wide, the
Council will, ten days after the service
of this notice upon the owners of the
property affected and benefited .by
such improvement, order that said
above described improvement be
made; that the boundaries of said dis
trict to be so Improved are as follows:
All that portion of Jefferson Avenue,
from the East line side of Depot to
the West line of Lot 5, B. 113 Chap.
Notice Is hereby further given that
the Council will levy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefited by such improvement for the
purpose -of paying for such Improve
ment. That the estimated cost of
Buch Improvement is the sum of
$600.00. .
That the Council will on the 13th day
of July, 1910, meet at the Council
chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock,
P. M., to consider said estimated cost,
and the levy of said assessment, when
a hearing will be granted to any per
icz reeling aggrieved by such, assess
ment "
La Orande, Oiegon, June 22, 1910.
By D. E. COX. i-o-er of the City
of La Grtndj, Oregon.
if 'you could see how some factory
made clothing is put together The
sklmpirg of materials, the Inferior
Interlinings. B t none of these things
occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's
why one Bult of ours will outlast two
of the factory made. Order one and
the wear will prove it