wtwAi VOL. XI LA URAJN bfc. UISLO.N' JOUiV OKEtiON. SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1910 NUMBER 214 ft IIIIBBS IYNCHING RESULT OF RAID OX ALLEGED BLIND PIG IX NEWARK, OHIO : TO Following Anti-Saloon League Raid on Restaurant, Trouble Starts that Ends In Death of. Proprietor Dc teethe for League Fired Shot Hur. rled to Jail Where Mob Assemble Begs Flteously for Life. NO HOPE FOR CHARLTON Confessed Murdered will Hate Stand TriaL to Jersey City. July 9. Despite stor ies sent broadcast that Porter Charl ton would be released on account of technical hitches between this coun try and Italy, Prosecutor Garvin said today that the slayer would be tried by a court or insanity commission. "The statement that this self-confess ed perpetrator of a fiendish crime, so fiendish as to. arouse dovbts as to his sanity, may be turned loose on a com munity because of a technicality, Is an Insult to' the American courts," said Garvin. , ':- V Newark, Ohio. July 9 Sheriff Link- eim, with his deputies, is todayj searching for ringleaders of a mob which last night lynched Carl Ether ington aged 22. He was a detective employed by ' the anti-saloon league. The lynchers were unmasked and ar rests are momentarily expected. A special Jury will be called to consid er the case. . ' Revolution feeling is great, follow ing the disgraceful occurance. As a result, orders for troops are counter manded, x Sheriff Is Censured Adjutant General Weybrecht openly censured the sheriff. "Lynching "in densely populated states like Ohio. with troops scattered over It, 1b abso lutely 'Inexcusable" 'he said today The lynching was the outgrowth of an 'attempt By the league to show the presence of a blind pig in Licking county, which is dry. They raided the Last Chance res taurant, and durlngUhe melee, Wil liam Howard, former chief of police, who owned the restaurant, tried to detain Etherlngton who shot and kill ed him. Etherlngton was hurried to the jail, and the howling mob soon surrounded the place. Two hours la ter they got the prisoner. Begged for His Life. Prisoners in the Jail say that Eth erington begged the sheriff to call troops, but the sheriff laughed and said the mob was only "bluffing," and would not dare storm the jail. When rams began breaking through the door, the prisoners declare the man tried to strangle himself .with his coat, but not succeeding, set the gar ment afire, but it only singed his face. He begged for life plteously as the mob dragged him to a trolley pole. Snyder's Murderers In Prison. Portland, Oregon, July , 9. Former Deputy Sheriff Joseph Cas ady, sentenced to. hang September 2, Ben Hinton, Emmett Shields, Earl Shields and Bert Green, sentenced for life, all for the murder of Ollie Snyder yon City last year, were taken to the penitentiary today. , SADlEBCDf 1HI1TTREE IE TliiiTEilED FIRST APPEARANCE CARRIED CHAUTAUQUA AUDIENCE J. . WITH A WHIRL LAST APPEARANCE SUNDAY Doctor Sudler, Doctor Lena Sadler and Miss Wilnier Comprise a Team That Have Won Popularity in This City First Appearance an Immense Sue cess and Great Crowds art r.tpert ed Tomorrow. ' . FOREST FIRES CREEP CLOSE TO GROVES OF WOLD'S LA It (J. EST TREES EASTERNFIRE ARE COSTU Scquoiaual Park Scene of all-Nlght Fight Against Flames that Threuten to Prsiroy World's Largest Trees Santa -jCmi Grove Also in Danger Second ,. Crop Red Woods are Rurniiu Wisconsin Town Saved. NATIONAL REFORMERS ACTIVE National Bureau of Reform Takes a Hand in Motion Fight Pictures. San Francisco, July 9. The Inter national Reform Bureau will take a hand In the movement against the ex hibition of fight motion pictures. Dr. Wilbur Crafts, the bureau's founder, arrived from Washington in this city He will organize a. California branch and formulate plans for fighting the picture display. SHOULD III T WEEDS E Remaining Sadler Company mi Iers Tonight at 8 o'clock, mUrc by Doctor Sadler, "Child Life in the Slums." . Tomorrow at 1 t!W p. m. Address by Doctor Sadler, "Health and Right eousness." ' . Sunday afternoon at 1:30 Sermon by Doctor Redfero, Ph. D., on Bible Study." Sunday at 2:30, lecture to men only by Dr. Sudler. At the same hour a lecture to women only by Doc tor Lena K. Sadler. Sunday evening, "Sign of the Cross" a dramatic reading by Miss Wilmer. She will preface every number be tweeni this evening and her own mas terly recital tomorrow night. STATE LAW MAKES IT MANDA TORY, SAYS LOGSDEN. Cltv Becomes Responsible to State and Property Owner to City. F ACES HARD STRUGGLES UOOSEVELT CAN SWING TEN THOUSAND IN ONE SPEECH Teddy's Following in Indiana so Great That Bererldge Smiles. While the . noxious weed ordinance does not go Into effect until August this does not take away the responsi bility of every citizen for all prop ty owners are subject to the state statute demanding that weeds be cut, In speaking' of the -matter this morning, Councilman Logsden said "Under the state statute each city is practically a road district and the street superintendent Is vested with the same power of a road overseer, j This being true, the city Is liable to fine for neglecting to cut noxious weeds. This seems to be the legal phase of the matter. But the Individ- j ay ual feature wherein civic pride should count for something. Is of Importance. To my mind it Is a bad Idea for any one to have to be forced to do what is . right in the matter of beautifying and improving the community In which they live. Whether a citizen is a prop erty. owner or not it seems to me that he should think enough of the city in which he resides to give all the aid possible to officers who are trying to enforce the laws and thus rid the val ley of noxious weeds. It would indeed The Doctor Sadler . Company has made friends with -La Grande. True, only about two or three hundred have heard the talented speakers but these few have formed sub-committees of one each, to boost for the stellar at traction which Is holding the center of the boards right now at Chautau qua. ; The company is an unqualified success. Yesterday afternoon a small audience sat In rapt attention while the troupe went through the lecture entitled, "What to Do Until the Doctor Comes." Practical demonstrations are attending every phase of It, among them being" the attention bestowed up on a lady who fainted In the audience, carrying 250 pounds in. the shape of Attorney Turner Oliver, from the platform, on the back of Dr. Sadler, a man of small stature, and other In structive points. Doctor Leona Sadler is no less a genius and MIbs Welmer, the reciter is uanimously declared to be as good as anything ever heard in La Grande. The three form a great attraction, and the Observer is not dabbling with mere praisewords in making the statement; it Is corrobor ated by every person who heard the company during the lectures yesterd- Vl5,ili?.,, Calif.,' July 9. Reinforce ments were ruihed thin aiternoou to Sequolanal park to aid the worn-out fighters in saving the forest giants, the largest grove of big trees in the world. If the wind does not shift, the trees can be saved. The fire Jumped the north fork of the Kaweah and is burning over a great area in an ad jacent forest. , Santa Crux Grove In Danger. Santa Cruz, July 9. The Santa Cruz grove of big trees Is threatened with destruction today, according to meKsaees from headwaters of the San Lorenzo river. The grove is sev en miles from here and the five, Is in clow proximity to It. Thousands of acres of second growth Redwoods are In flames. A large number of back flrelng of fires is alBo raging In the vicinity of King creek. yards, Moreland went under tie train with Lester Klngsley, a fellow light repair man to do some work, without setting out the required blue lights. The switching crew had made tip the rear end. attached ' the caboose and had gone up to the head end to com plete the make-up. A car down about fifteen cars had to be thiown out. and when this was done, the engine ran the head-end cars down the make-up track, bumping Into the rear string, under which the two men were work ing. The coupling didn't catch and the rear end string rolled down the track about three or four car lengths. One of Them Escopes. ' Klngsley with presence of tolnd, grabbed the brak'ebeain when he hard the bump coming and though ha was nearest the trucks, was drag ged safely along until the train stop ped. Oh the other hand. Moreland ap parently reached for the rails, at tempting to gam his freedom. His hands were crushed corroborating ! this theory. He was at the ronr tniok and seemingly had an abundance of lime to escape,' had he not lost hia presence of "mind. It is evident that he was caught by the hands and held firmly under the wheels. He was sev ered at the wa'st. ' ' - N. Nelson! chief night train inspec- or, ;,witn wnom Moreiana n.i'i om boarding, was - the first to find the mutilated body and extracted It from the wheels. It Is apparent that the switching crew was'in no manner, to blame as no lights or flags had been, swung firing of fires Is also ragins in the train, .:''. JEFFRIES BITS ADMITS HE IS CONSIDERING A PLAN TO AGAIN TACKLE BLACK MAN. IT Admits to United Press that He May lie-enter the Ring to Again Meet Johnson Says he Trained Too Long und Would Have Been Better Fitted for the Battle Three Months Before the Fourth. Vchippeway Falls, Wis., July 9. Af ter a desparate all-night fight with forest fires, the village of Holcomb 20 miles distant, was saved from des tructlon. Fires are raging in the tlm-1 btr lands of Chippeway. Rusk and Sawyer counties. The loss to stand Ing timber and mill products has been enormous. . , REPAIR IN IS DUN OVER MILL WOKK IS EN ROUTE TO THIS -CITY FOR BUILDING. On Arrival of Mill Stuffs Crew Will Be Doubled and Work Rushed. NATIVE OF NORWAY MEETS 1113 DEATH WHILE AT WORK. Indlananolis. July. 9. One speech by Theodore Roosevelt is equivalent ! be an uphill undertaking for the coun to 10,000 votes, according to political ' ty court and citizens of the valley to managers of Beverldge, In his cam- wage a war agamsi weeas u ui civ paign for re-election to the senate. They predjet Kern, the democratic K r-anriidato will " h nwamned. Ten thousand doubtful voters are always considered enough to' swing Indiana. It is believed Roosevelt's personal following is great enough in the light of the fact that-he polled a majority or 90,000 in 1904. and Tart, four years later, had just margin enough to se cure the Indiana electors. of La Grande did not do her duty. I believe the people will respond nobly when the matter Is fully explained to them." ' ' Last evening the lecture entitled "AmerlcanltiB", made a treraenduous Impression on the audience. Doctor Sadler delivered it with the use of charts, and the danger of high blood pressure' was the keynote of the lec ture. Americanitis Is brought on by twenty-five different causes, and eith er all or portions of these, causes are to be found in nearly all mortals. An Instrument which guages blood pres sure was kept In constant use In the hands of Doctor Lena Sadler, the audience rushing to the rostrum to be "measured." Crawls Under Train Without Bavin Flags or Light Suspended. Millwork In the shape of windows, doors and basement window sashes being rushed . to La Grande from Washington state sawmills, and im mediately upon ' Its arrival here tho hlEh school, building crew is to bo doubled. Today the public can get a glimpse at what the new high school Is to be like. A small crew of bricklayers have commenced the erection of the walls, and the corners are well start ed. The brick Is laid In black mortar and presents a fine appearance. Just as soon as the Joists and window sash es arrive the crew will be doubled and the wall will rise with remark able rapidity. Los Angeles. July 9. Jeffries said today that he wanted to fight John Arhtur Johnson again. After a long conference with Sam Berger, the for mer champion admitted to a represen tative of the United Press: "Until to day, I had no heart to take regarding my future plans. I may fight. Johnson again. I have discussed such a possi bility with my close friends. I may have something definite to say, before long. Every man makes his mistake, and 1 made mine when I worked too . long. I never knew what worry was before." ; ' Jeff Is recovering rapidly. Manager Derger, who la with Jeff, said: "Jeffries and 1 agree that had he entered the ring three months be fore July Fourth, he would have had a better chance to win. The long strain, mental and physical grind, proved too much. Personally 1 can't admit John son's superiority, and there la only one way to Justify my personal opin ionanother fight." :. ' Will Sne Gillette. San Francisco, July .9.r-Tex Rick ard said he wasn't surprised that Jeff ries wanted another meeting, with Johnson. . . .-. J1 Rlckard also said he expected to : file a damage suit against Gov. Gil lette for the loss which he is alleged to have caused by moving the battle to Reno. "I am Just waiting for affi-. davits from . two Easterners who heard Gillette promise me there would be no interference with my planB in California," said Rlckard. Schooner Runs Ashore. San Francisco. July 9. The toal carrying schooner, Annie E. Smile, enroute to San Francisco,, went ashore today near Poln Relse. The. crew was rescued. Ninety-six Heat Deaths. Chicago. III. July 9. With the mer cury two degrees lower than yester day when it registered 96, one more died today from the heat, making a total of 96 for the season. Heat In the streets is stifling. Scores of prostra tions are reported. - BLACK HAND ACTIVE. Italian Shot Today, Making Fifteenth Chicago Victim In Two Years..' Chicago, July 9 Shot ." five times and killedLeonardo Dellehla today became the fifteenth victim of the Black" Hand, in the course of two years' history of murders attributed to that society. Dellehla was leaving his home for work when shot by an agent of the society.' who escaped. He had received numerous threatening letters. A light repair man working as as sistant to train inspectors, was run over and instantly killed about 3:30 last evening in front of the depot when a piece of a freight train vn3 struck by the switch engine. His name was Mons Moreland, aged 27, and has been in La Grande but three months, coming direct from Norway, hib native country, to accept employ ment here. He leaves a father and mother, and a brother and siste. in Norway, but has no relations hero. He was a boyhood companion -of .Mat. Moreland, a young man who boards at the N. Nelson home, 501 Wash.n ton. They are not relatives,, merely coming from the same hamlet. Jhua carrying the same name. , - The funeral will be held tomorrow nfternoon at 3 o'clock from the llnrv Carr undertaking parlors: He was 27 years of age. ' How It Happened. According to. fellow workmen about 4 mi varus .uureiciuu who ei uuui tlous to accomplish his work, and ; within the past two weeks, once bare ly.. escaped death when Switchman Happerset pulled him out from under ' a train. Last night an expedite train was v being made up or manifest and In the hurry-up train, cut of the ENGAGEMENT RUMORS PREVAIL Kernilt Roosevelt to Summer in Paris Where Miss Rutherford Is ' New York, July 9. Despite Roose velt's vehement denials of the report that Kermit is engaged to Miss Mar garet Rutherford, daughter of MrB. William Vanderbllt .Sr., gossip con tinues to link the two names togeth er. It Is announced that Kermit is going to Paris to brush up his studies for the opening of the fall term of Harvard. Miss . Rutherford ' Is also summering In Paris, and it Is believed it means he will neither study nor re turn to college. r . ' . i GERMANY WANTS COOK. German Process Server Wants Ex plorer to Testify In Peary Trial. . Berlin, July 9. A German process server Is on the rail of Dr. Cook. A subpoena was Issued today by a Ger man Judge In the provincial .court,. In the case of Rudolph Francks, Cook's companion, who Is suing Peary for $10,000 damages. The court believes Cook's presence would assist in the trial materially., , V.i v E SURE OF OLD SENATOR OPENS HEADQUAR TERS IN BOSTON TODAY. Senator Has Had no Campaign Mead- quarters in Many Years. BoBton, July 9. Senator Lodge is confident of re-election, and is over looking no bets in the campaign The venerable senator, from .Massachus etts yesterday , opened up political headquarters for. the , first time in many years. . -! Representative Butler Ames; oppos ing Lodge, is working hard to snatch the toga. V : - v' Passenger Hits Street Car. Winnipeg, July 9. Three "persons were killed and many Injured today when' a local train collided with a street car In the outskirts of this city. The dead are: Mrs., John Lawrence, Toronto; John Udqupart and John Lawrence, three years old. Flagman McCloy, station at tha crossing, was arrested.