La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 08, 1910, Image 1

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FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1910
Stirring Address Delirered by Farnm
Missourlan Heard by Enormous
Crowd at Chautauqua Grounds
Touches Upon those Influences
Tilch Will and Hare Awakeu -J
the Public Conscience to Fight.
Twenty-one hundred people, It la
conservatively estimated, heard Ex
flavernor Josenh W. Folk's lecture on
"'Era of Conscience," at the Chaut '.u
qua grounds last evening, and of into
number, are Included people of 'our
t(.'iiities, and liberal attendance Iron
all rections of Union county..
As a Bpeaker, the ex-governor im
pressed his audience as a thinker, he
U manifestly excellent and a pee'1 of
h's fellow politicians. With two s ich
qualities, it, is no wonder that his ad
dress delvered In an even, pleasing,
tone, struck deep In the. minds of his
The Bpeaker was introduced , by
President T. A. Rinehart of the Chau
tauqua association, who paid compli
ment's to Mr; Folk's political career
in terse sentences. With deafening ap
plause, the Missourlan commenced:
"The government is no worse than
a majority of the people of the nation MERE HANDFUL HAVE REGISTER
suffer It to be," he declared, and in j.D AT THIS TIME.
this earnest sentence lies the keynote
ef hls-address, for through it all he
appealed to patriotism; not of the
sort that takes men and bpya to the
front rank of battle, but that patriot
ism which awakens a sense of right
eousness In the bouIs of men. He con
tinued: ' 1
"There has been a great awaken
ing on the subject of individual re-'
sponsibility for the affairs of city,
state and nation within the last few
years. The public conscience has
been aroused against evils and things
are not tolerated, now that for af few
years ago were submitted . to In si
lence. Will the movement toward
higher Ideals go on? Will not the
people soon forget? Have not the
people already forgotten, and will not
things be allowed to go in the same
old way as they were before t'le
awakening of the .people? These ques
tions are being asked all over the
country today. ,
Reform sometimes die, but revolu
tions never go backward, and a revo
lution has been wrought in the con
science of men. The awakening is
merely a determination to . have the
government of city, state and nation
represent the public interest and not
special privileges. In . the battle
against privilege some ngnis ibubi ue
lost. With each fight lost we should
not lose courage, but fight all the
harder; with each fight won we
should not become apathetic, and
think all has been won. If the issue
could be represented squarely be
tween public rights and special privi
leges everywhere, there would be no
doubt as to the outcome. For the ma
jority of the people here and every
where will do right when they know
right. The representatives of privi
leges are too shrewd to permit a
plain issue between public rights and
special privilege to go before the peo
ple. They adroitly manage to com
plicate the main issue with other
questions bo as to bewilder men of
even the best Intentions. By confus
ing the issue the representatives of
privilege divide the forces In opposi
tion. Those who object to Teform do
not usually put their protest upon the
true ground, but they seek some other
pretext. They ask why is not this or
that done?, If one examines the source
of a complaint like this he will usual
ly find that It Is not because of a de-
(Contlnued on page 2.)
Several Hundred Persons 111 from
Bites and Some Seriously.
" Galveston, July 8. Mosqultos have
Invaded Port Arthur and vicinity In
great awarmg today, and 700 persons
are 111 from bites. Five are seriously
Injured. It was necessary to ampu
tate the leg of a woman to have her
life. Ten thousand barrels of oil have
been donated by local oil companies
to use to cover swamp lands nearby
to be used to kill the mosquito larvea.
Big Crop of Apples.
New York, July 8. Reports given
out today by fruit commission men in
dicate that, while the apple crop will
be short la the central west, notably
in Missouri, Arkansas and Ohio, there
will be a bumper apple crop in Wash
ington and Oregon and in the New
England states.
Rockefeller's Birthday.
. New York July 8. Business was
transacted as usual today at No. 26
Broadway, but there was a holiday
spirit in the air, due to the fact that
this is the seventy-flrBt anniversary
of the birth .of John D. Rockefeller.
The oil king was present only in spir
it, but his benevolent influence was
felt to 'such ah extent, it is alleged,
that several office boys were given
half-holidays without the necessity of
sacrificing grandmothers.
Unlawful to Sign Nomination Petl
' tlong Unless Registered. " .
Unusual apathy is evinced ay vot
ers of Union county In not register
ing. Only about' fifty have thus far
compiled with the primary lawa by
designating their party affiliations
and giving voting precincts. When
it is known that it is unlawful to sign
any candidate's position without fli :it
being registered, voters should ' at
tend to this trivial matter. A person
is not a qualified voter until he has
registered and qualified voters alone
are eligible to sign petitions.
Many Fishing Licenses.
County Clerk Ed Wright has issued,
up-to-date, , 675 fishing licenses and
50 hunting licenses all of which testi
fies to the extent of the fishing germ
In this county.
No Bands, No Crowds, and Only a Few
Intimate Friends Meet Him.
AngeleBi July g Jeffries' home
. . h different from hl9
rousing send-off when he departed
for Rowardennan. Instead of bands
and crowds, only a few loyal friends
and Bome loulngera welcomed him
when he stepped off the train today,
Jeffries hurried to an automobile,
followed by his wife, Mrsi Jack Kip
per and Jack Jeffries. They wen,
straight to his home and wouldnt
talk. He expects ot go to his Bur
bank farm soon.
Houston. Seeks New Trial.
Harrisburg, Pa., July 8. It is ex
pected that the argument for a new
trial for Joseph M. Houston, the ar
chitect Implicated in the Pennsylvan
ia graft, will be heard "next week.
Friends of Houston are confident
that he will eventually be able' to es
cape punishment for his alleged
crime. . ;
Taft on Vacation.
Beverly. July 8. President Taft is!
vacationing. Today he played golf
with Captain Butt and John. Hays
WITH 11,11
Making Mistake During Exciting Rare
High In Air, Madame De La Roche
Tips Machine and Is Fatally In.
Jured When Machine Strikes the
Ground Fall Witnused by Tiious-!
Rhelms, France, July 8. Falling
280 feet In an aeroplane, Baroness Da 0f persons are fleeing Trom , forH
La' Roche, the famed woman aviator.4 fire,', which threaten the towns of
was fatally injured today in the sight Ripley, Powers, and Greenwood in the
of thousands. She was dying whan northern parts of the state. Many set
taken from the wreckage. Both arms ' tlements are already destroyed. The
and legs were broken and she is in- j state authorities are preparing to
ternally injured. She made a mi8-'Bend the fighters to the districts and
take and pulled the wring lever whlloi
racing with friends high in the sky.
Ship is Wrecked, Too. j
The Baroness was flying around the ;
aerodromel when two friends in aero-
planes began pursuing her, for fun,
One flew on one Bide and another on
the other. She became confused and
pulled the wrong lever. The big ma
chine toppled in the air and dove
straight for the earth and was wrecked-
' ' .- ; ;
The spectators rushed forward and
extracted her from the twist car.
1 Employes Confer.
New York, July 8. Employment of
the garment workers, 50,000 of whom
struck yesterday are holding a con
ference this afternoon to decide on a
course of action. The strike is the
largest here for' several' years and
promises to get bigger, unless" the
garment workers receive favorable
action to demand. It Is believed that
20,000 sympathizers will ' Join. Em
ployers are divided. Some want arbi
tration. - '.'
The Doctor Sadler company is the
chief attraction at the Chautauqua
grounds today, and like so many pf
the numbers that have preceded them,
they are unusually clever. They come
recommended highly, and before they
have been here a day, will have dem
onstrated that what Is said of them
is not idle talk. In announcing them
to the public, the Chautauqua man
agement says: .
"Dr. Sadler's company numbers four
people, Wm. S. Sadler, M. D., Lena K.
Sadler, M. D., Anna B. Kellogg, reg
istered nurse and Miss Sarah Mildred
Wilmer, reader. We are pleased to
announce them with us for three en
tire days. The programs presented
by this company are varied and in-
tensely Interesting. Many of the lec -
tures are of the demonstration-tab- j been a trained nurse before she be
leau order, the lecture "Accidents and came a physician, she speaks as one
Emergencies," for instance consisting
of fifteen or twenty tableaux, each il
lustrating In the' most practical man
ner the thing to do until the doctor
comes. In the lecture, "Child Life In
the Slums," Dr. Wm. Sadler draws
from his many years of experience
as a practicing physician In the;
haunts of the lowly. This lecture is II-!
'. lustrated with stereoptican, views ta-
t ken by himself and his wife. The slum
lectures are given for the purpose of)
creating sentiment and sympathy In
behalf of the unfortunates whose lives
he portrays. They are In every sense
Loss to Forests and Towns in Michi
gan Rons up to Hundreds of Thous.
and Narration on Lakes Sudan-
' frc rod by Smoke Western Wlscon-
sin Suffers from Flames,, Several
Tftnus Being Destroyed.
Lnnslns, Mlc'.i., July 8. Hundreds
ai80 relief. Smoke is endangemj
navigation on Lake Superior.
, . Homesteaders Flee.
Houghton, Mich., July , 8. Fierce
forest fires rage in this vicinity to
day. Over seventy miles of forest near
the village of Hancock, was burned
last night. Grass fires are burning
near Ontario, 4 miles west of Calumet.
Scores of homesteaders have fled.
The damage aggregates hundreds of
thousands of dollars. ! ,
Wisconsin Suffers Too.
Milwaukee, July, 8. Forest fires
raging In Western "Wisconsin, are
dangerously close to Eu Claire, and
the fire department Is ordered to be
In readiness to fight the fire, v The
flames have reached Thorp, where 18
houses were destroyed. Rib Lake,
Omega, and Chelsea are all In danger
and a loss of $100,000 was' inflicted at
Prentice. 4
Several Reported Killed.
Nashville, July 8. It is reported
that several were killed In a wreck on
the Tennessee Central today. No de
tails are available.
, refined, scenes of poverty and squalor
being presented without vice and
crime. In his health lectures Dr. Sad
j ler is at his very best. Having spent
! the greater part of his life in the
: preparation of these special features,
; we may be sure that what will be pre
sented will be most helpful and in
structive. The health lectures are en
tirely free from all medical terms and
! technicalities and are easily under
stood by school children.
i "Dr. Lena K. Sadler lectures among
other subjects upon the home treat
ment of diseases, the care of the baby
feeding the children, and other topics
of vital interest to parents. In her
lecture "The Home Sanitarium" it is
hard to conceive of more helpful or
practical Instruction along the lines
! of health in the home. for. havini?
J who knows whereof she speaks.
"Miss Kellogg has for years been
an instructor of nurses. She assists in
the presentation of the various health
and demonstration lectures, and does
a variety of work wherever she Is
called upon to serve.
"Miss Willmer, reader, Is one of the
most efficient and accomplished elo-
cutionlsts on the lecture platform
She appears frequently in prelude
work before the Drs. Sadler's lectures
and will present a reading, "Aunt
Jane of Kentucky," and a dramatic re
cital, "The Sign of the Cross."
Wheat Belts of Minnesota and the Da
kotas will be Penniless Soon.
Minneapolis, July 8. It is feared
that unless rain falls within the next
seventy-two hours, crops In Minneso
ta and the Dakotai will be damaged
to an extent of thousands of dollars.
In practically all churches, prayers
are offered for rain. The drought ex
tends throughout the Northern wheat
belt and hundreds face ruin unless re
lief Is soon obtained.
Sell Hair of Dead Chinks.
Hong Kong July 8. That the hair
cut from the heads of dead Chinese is
largely exported to America, to To
used In the manufacture of "rats",
puffs, and switches, is the astounding
discovery of the Chinese authorities.
Officials of an alleged halr-exportlrng
trust were recently arrested and will
be tried today. , . .
A charity burial Institution of Can
ton which buries large numbers of
paupers, whose relatives are unable
dealers exhuming corpses to recover
hair; and when this was reported
against the authorities, action was. ta
ken against the aealers. Instances
have been reported or the. hair . ex
porters cutting hair in crowds, and
the officials are prosecuting all who
are apprehended. V :
Court Adjourn Last Evcuiiig After
; Two Days' Session.
Nineteen . hundred dollars U the
price set on the old court, housn at
Union by the county court, which ad
journed last evening after beln In
session two days to transact business
of the June term. Union had asked ihe
court to donate the old building fo the
city of Union for school purposes, but
life court found that It was not rha
court's to give. It belongs to the en
tire county, and to give Union J do
nation for school purposes," Would es
tablish a precedent that. would bring
other cities and towns to the frott,
asking for similar donations, Is the
belief of the court. The court has been
offered $2,000 for the building at Un
ion, but clipped an even ?100 from 1V
quoted price, provided the city of Un
ion would take it. No action has Dei
taken by Union at this time. .
No business of particular import
ance came up for consideration by
ihe June term. The court was abla to
transact all routine work In two day
by close attention to business. , ,
NIcaraguau Delegates Claim United
States Interferred Without Cause.
Buenos Ayres, July 8. The United
States Is expected to come in for some
lively criticism at the hands ot Nicar
aguan delegates to the Fourth Inter
national conference of Pan-American
unions, which convene tomorrow. It
is reported that Nicaragu'ans will at
tempt to start the agitation1 against
the United States. Followers of Mad
riz are already circulating protests
against the interference of Americans
in the Central Amelrcan affairs.
Delegates representing 25 republics
will attend.
Prohibits New ReligioitN.
Madrid, July 8. A bill prohibiting
the entrance of any more religious or
ders into Spain until the dispute be
tween the Vatican and Spain, over the
concordat, drawn by the premier, was
signed by the King today.
Roosevelt Being Dragged into Insur
gents Whirlpool Faster Than He
Wants to Go Will Stump Indiana
. for Beveridge In Trail of Kern Sup
portersWill be a Real Tail to th
Indianapolis, July 8. There will be
no tall to the comet when , Colonel
RooBevelt flashes across the Indiana
political horizon, pee'chmaMog in be
half or Beveridge. Democratic leaders
have : bean awaiting t this announce
ment for crnne time, apprehensive,
and have been figuring, a scheme to
counteract his influence. It Is prac
tically .decided that Roosevelt will .
tour the state immediately after the
supporters of John Kern, Bryan's last
running mate, who la now a candidate
to pick up Beverldge'a toga having
completed their tour. ,
Roosevelt Cultivates Grouch.
Oyster Bay,' July 8. Roosevelt has
become annoyed by the manner which
he Is being pushed Into the Insurgent
whirlpool. While no doubt he thinks
the, '.'.water is just fine," the rush of
Insurgents and progressives to Saga
more Hill,: and the ' graphic descrip
tions sent out by all correspondents,
of the smiles when they depart, has
tended to carry him toward the
"ahow-down", point ' faster than ,he
wants to go. He has announced he
would keep out of ' politics for two
months, and thera seems to be no
little doubt but that he, is welded to
the insurgents' cause. ; . .. ; ;
Governor Marshall will champion
Kern. He Is immensely popular with
citizens and Is violently opposed to
many RooBevelt policies. A , warm
time Is expected as Roosevelt la popu
lar and politicians say his exposing
the cause of Beveridge and the insur
gency, will intensify his popularity.
The issue is either that the legisla
ture returns Beveridge or elects r
democratic successor.
- Roosevelt Squarely in Line.
Washington, July 8.PolItlcs, dot
ted with "T. R." Is rioting through
the capital today following the an
nouncement that Roosevelt ' wouM
take the stump to expose Beverldge'a
cause In Indiana.
The proposed ' - endorsement p Jta
Roosevelt more squarely In line with
the Insurgents than any action he
has taken since his return. Regala-s
are hoping that Roosevelt will confine
h!p remarks to aq eulogy of Baver
!de and not touch on the republican
atuu. platform, which Is dlcked by
Beveridge and himself, and ; slapped
the regulars' pet measures,, and prac
tically repudiated the tariff bill and
endorsed the Taft administration oly
conditionally. ,
Enjoying Real Vacation.
New York, July 8. Plunging into
a good, old-fashlend .vacation, Roose
velt today busied himself about his
estate, chopping trees and cutting
hay. He declared he would receive
visitors at his office at the Outlook
office In the city Tuesdays and Thurs
days. ' ' ;'
:; Churlton Case Postponed.
Jersey City, July 8. Until the court
can be convinced that It Is empower
ed to determine the sanity of Porter
Charlton, the young Amerlcau will
not be brought Into court here, and
accordingly, the case was postponed
today until August 11, on agreement
of defendant's attorneys that they
would not try to secure Charlton'
release on habeas corpus proceedings.