LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JULY G, 1910. PAGE TTVE II it t THE ISIS -TONJEHT'S PROGRAM Cowpuncher's Ward. ' Trimming of Paradise. Buddhists in India. Romantic Girl. Song "I'm Awfully Clad I am ' IriBta." -V'f : '.V.'5 '. S Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of th natloee. See dis play in lobby. , -ViOl He- LOCAL iTESS. A 4 . Don Myers arrived home today from a business trip to Portland. A. A. Thomas left for Nampa, Idaho, this morning to transact business matters. - " r - Mrs Erla Carlock left this morning for Hood River and Portland to be gone for several weeks. Mrs. J. A.Riggs and mother, Mrs: J. P. Clark of this city, left last evening for Long Beach, where Mrs Riggs lives. Mrs. Clark will make her borne there for a time. "- Gilbert "Witters, representing the American Laundry Machinery Com pany, is In the city today closing a contract with Cherry's New Laundry for their machinery. J. J. Johnson, past lecturer of the state grange, and at . present grand master of the Multnomah county grange, arrived this morning to par ticipate In the program conducted by the grangers at the Chautauqua today. Rt Reverend Bishop Charles O' Reilly was a passenger this morning e.Hst bound, on his way to Baker City, after a stay of several weeks at: sea level. He affirms his health is much improved and he is going back to as sume his duties at Baker. . i 4 SOMEBODY is going to be disappointed when the five acre tracts we have been offering you are all gone, and they are, all but two. We have some fine buys in residence lots at $125.00 each; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. Better Investigate these. I Bell Phone, Red 801 LA GRANDE Inv.CO., Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande t I Thomas Bruce. Manager. TO-NIGHT! Ethel Tucker Stock Co. ? ? X "In THE GALLEY SLAVE" I S. B. and C. B. Williamson., of Lostlne, Wallowa county, ard in the city today visiting friends. Mrs. J. B. Wolfe, a prominent W. C. T. U. worker, who lives in Union, was a visitor at the Chautauqua yes terday. . Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, state president of the W. C. T. U.' returned to her home In Portland this morning. She . delivered an interesting address before the Chautauqua yesterday af ternoon. .. 1 . ., V ; Rev. and Mrs. Ford Ellis returned today from Turner, Oregon, where with several other delegates from- La Grande, they have attended the Chris tlan church convention and camp meeting. -., Mrs. Thomas Walslnger of this city, leaves tonight f or. Asotin,' Wn., when she will visit with her brother, Joe' Woodell. She wm be accompanied o Asotin by Miss Woodell, her niece, who has been visiting friends in and about La Grande for several weeks. Miss Syde Budge did not undergo an operation for tumor of the throat yesterday, as Tt was' found that "her physical condition was unfit She will rest for two weeks and at the end of that time, undergo , the operation which will be an extremely delicate one. : ' ' -. "Doc" Hamed, his wife, son and mother, arrived today from Portland, to vlBlt with Mr. and Mrs, George Good and family. They were formerly residents of La Grande, but Mr. Har ned was promoted from local O. R. & N. service to the yardmastership at Portland, where he is now located. ' Earl Kllpatrick, formerly a La Grande boy, but since his graduation from the U. of 0., principal of the schools at Pleasant Hill, la here today intending to remain until after the Chautauqua. He represents the unl versity of Oregon correspondence school. - : Rev. and Irs. Upton H. Gibbs, Mrs N S. Honan and Mrs. C. W. Preston constituted a party that left this morning for points along the coast, The last named lady Is on her way to Southern California for an extended stay and the others go to a summer resort near Hood River and then to Portland. Mr. 'Gibbs will remain about Independent 262 r it it II II II if II II iiir--v a month and Mrs. Gibbs will probably remain longer. It is hoped by the Lyle Tuesday Musical that Ex-Governor . Joseph Folk will be able to appear Informal ly at the afternoon program -of the musical tomorrow. ' Last Mght "Across the Desert." A show with most abounding com edy In fact nearly every character a comedy part, "Across the Desert" will be seen for the last time tonight at the Alrdome. Tomorrow riight Miss Tucker and company will present for the - first time in La Grande, "In the Hands of the Czar." As the name Implies, this lay is a Russian society bill, giving you an idea of European diplomacy, also brimming over with laughable comedy and plenty of interesting situ ations, i ' A SERIOUS DINER. Th. Way the Great Emparor Chart. V. At. His Meals. The diary of a German gentleman. Bartholomew Sastrow, who lived In the time of the Emperor Charles V gives us a good Idea of the gastronom ic customs of those times. Sastrow'.; description of the table habits of the greatest rulrr In lii day is very Inter esting. Vnnn. r.rltwpu niiH rHiimtn aervtwl tha repast. Tlii'ie wt-re Invariably four" courses uf six dishes.- Tb emperor J had no out' to cane fur him, lie be gan by cutting tits lirciul in pieces large enough for one mouthful, then attacked his plate. He often used bis fingers while tie held the plate under his chin with the other timid. When be felt thirsty be made a sign to the "doctor" standing by the table; then they wr-ut to the sideboard for two silver' flagons and filled a goblet which held about a measure and a half. The emperor drained it to the last drop, practically at one draft. . During the meal be .never uttered a syllable, scarcely smiled af the most amusing sallies of . the Jesters behind his chair, finally picked bis teeth with quills and. after washing his hands, retired to a window recess, where any body could approach him with a "peti tion, . SALT WATER. Deep S Ar. More Saline Than Those That Arc Shallow. The density of sea water depends upon the quantity of saline matter it contains. The proportion Is generally about 8 or 4 per cent though it varies In different places. , The ocean con tains more salt In the southern tha. In the northern hemisphere, and the Atlantic contains more than the Pa cific. The greatest proportion of salt in the Pacific Is la the parallels of Tt degrees north latitude and 1? degree. south latitude. Near the equator it is less, and In the polar seas tt is least from the melting of the ice. The saitness varies with the seasons In these regions, and the fresh water, being lighter, is uppermost. - Rain makes the surface of the sea fresher than the interior parts, and the influx 6' TOO LATE TO CLASIFT. SUITE OP ROOMS For light house keeping. Inquire 1311 O. ave, Phone Black 822. WANTED A limited number of boarders and roomers. Phone Red 3712 or call 1311 N. avenue. FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU LAR AT1ENT10N TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. WE COR- DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS IHEIR BANKING HOME. The United States' National Bank, LA GRANDE, OREGON. of rivers renders"theocean less salt I at their estuaries. Deep seas are more saline than those j Vi n a ma .li A Hi i anil fnlaml nnnn rt rv. ' lu.h bic Buuiiuiii buu luiauu oca. vur municating with the main are less Bait from the rivers that flow Into them. To this, however, the Mediterranean la an exception, owing to great evap oration and the Influx of salt currents from the Black sea and the Atlantic. The water in the strait of Gibraltar at the depth of 670 fathoms Is four times as salt as that at the surface. 6t James Gazette. Lor. of th. Clover. . Any one wbo carries about a four leaved clover will be lucky qnd will bare the power of discovering ghosts or evil spirits. With it under the pil low th. lover may. Insure dreams of the beloved one. A fragment In th. shoe of a traveler insure a safe jour nay. Of the five leaved clover It is de clared that If it be worn on the left side of a maiden's dress or fastened behind, the ball door tie Christian name of the first man who enter, will be the same as that of tlte future bus band. The power of the four leaved shamrock for good is familiar to all from Lover', pretty and once popular song, the speaker In which pictures what she would do should she find the magic plant: ' " I would play th enchanter' part and scatter bll around. And sot a tear or aching heart ahould In th world be found. . v . London Globe. , Th Nature of Friendship. ... . m --. ,, 1' iieUUBttlt' UMJ t9 1VHV1W, WUh vu- cot be forced. .Two are as one, not because It Is in the will of either, but because it is la the nature of both. When souls of similar fiber encounter each other the gods preside, at the meeting. . 1 may not cockily say, "1 will make this mau my frleud." He either is or is not my friend without any decision of mine or his. The ages huve been fcuuping the two of us. and if we fit into euch other well and good: if not. we know it instinctively and are worlds apart though we toast our 6blusnt the same fire nud bandy words till doomsday. Klcbard Wightman In Metropolitan Mnguzine. Humori and Philosophy 9r VACAA M- SMITH JUST HIS WAY. rnHE night hawk sit and work away - Until the night ha aped. And In the early morning gray Th pillow find his head. He rises from hi laggard bed About the hour of noon, And how be kick should soma on chance To wake him up too soon: No early bird 1 he to eatch The worm that first appears. It' only lightning bugs and bat From him that need have (ear. All rule concerning morning Air. -At once would he revise. ' fie doe not think that It will make Him healthy, wealthy, wis. - Why does he turn the thing about And waste th midnight oil And to complete hi foolishness One-half th daylight spoil 7 He couldn't tell himself Just why He makes the night Of day. HI only reason Is "Because." That's all that he can say. A atrang and wondrous bird i he, A human bat, Indeed. The wheels lie dormant tn hi head AM day; at night they speed. The rules thai govern other men To him do not apply. And if you auk him to explain He winks the other eye. If You Use SG0LD LEAF Brand of Butter I You use the BestJ KRYW0K ithoutlinei in the Lens DR. JL P. MENDELSSOHN DOCTOR OP OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. DR. MENDELSSOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. nOr jSEM.7 TO THE PUBLIC. We are Agents' for Parisian Sage, and Know the Guarantee U Genuine, Parisian Sage, the quick acting hair restorer, is guaranteed: To stop falling hair. To cure dandruff. To cure itching of the scalp. ' To put life in faded hair. To make harsh hair soft and luxur iant ' To make hair grow or money back. What Parisian Sage has done foit others it will do for you. Read the fol lowing: "I was told of your great remedy, Parisian Sage, that it would grow hair on bald heads, so I got a bottle and tried It and It is fine.' I am a young man, and only 23, and was completely bald on the top of my head, and now I have hair one Inch long, with the use of only one bottle. I shall certainly keep on using it un til I have a good head of hair, which I have no doubt it will bring." Oscar Armstrong, engineer, Bellvllle Horse shoe and Rolling Mill Co., Belleville, Ont, Aug. 21, 1909. Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing made, and is a great favorite with the ladles who desire beautiful and luxuriant hair. Price 50 cents a large bottle at Newlln's store, or by express, charges prepaid, from Olroux Mfg, Co., Buffalo, N. V, The girl with the auburn hair is on every brttle ' l- , : To the Public. Anyone claiming any clothes lost in our recent fire can obtain a prompt settlement by presenting claim to me. Anyone knowing themselves ' in debted to us would confer a favor by making a prompt payment. After our recent loss vj need the money. I can be found for a few days at Van B. :r en's cigar store. ' A. B. CHERRY, Manager Cherry's New Laundry. Patrons of Lewis Prlntery. First, I wish to thank you for your kindness to me during the long years you i have patronized my plant, and for the promptness in payment, and to announce that I have sold my print ing plant and good will to Messrs. Whiton and Heubach, formerly of St. Charles, Minn., and to ask for them the same kind treatment always ac corded me, believing they will give you better service than I have. BIRD F. LEWIS. , As noted above, we have purchased the Lewis Prlntery and will conduct a general job printing business In the Lewis building. We solicit a share of the public patronage, which we shall endeavor to merit The firm name will be Whiton & Heubach. Respectfully, . J. E. WHITON E. W. HEUBACH. . .., COR tLe lencfit of particular men seeking ex- (t J r . 1 U nuoivcncss or pattern and imJuality of style, we are snowing tkis Spring tie mag nifictnt tailoring line of Ed V Price Co. MSRCRANT TAIfcOKS C MIC AO. These famous tailors male clothes of surpassing excellence, just as you want them, at a price considerably lower than Select your nattern and have us tahe your measure. Fit, quality of material and workman ship guaranteed. Teddy Scoffs at Wtii Rumor. (Continued from Page one two distinct shocks in the last two days. First, when the alleged infor mation that Roosevelt would support Polndexter for United States Senator and be against Ballinger, and second, when Roosevelt declared the state ments to this effect untrue. That there is a political significance be hind the Roosevelt-Polndexter con ference at Oyster' Bay yesterday, all politicians agree, mile the Roose velt statement precludes his openly exposing the cause of Polndexter. agalnst Senator Piles, when the con test for a senate seat begins, it is be lieved Roosevelt's endorsement today will have a great Influence, should Polndexter decide to run agatnst Piles. Polndexter Is one of the mast radical" insurgents. He voted against Cannonlsm at every chance The in surgents are pleased at Roosevelt s stand. ; - ; ; Notice to Deaung an Contractors na numwn Bid. will be received by the School Board of School District No, One ot La Grande, Union County, Oregon, up to 7 o'clock p; m., Tuesday. July 12th. 1910. for installing heating and venti n4 nimnblna: for three school building located In School District No. On-, La Grande, Oregon, aa follows: Th. New High School Building, the old high school building and th. North Sid. School Building, all ac cording to plans and specifications ot the Architect for the School Board. aii nronositlons must be accompanied by a certified check tor 5 per cent of the amount of bid, made payable to Arthur C. Williams, Clerk ot. th. School Board. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or any portion ot any proposal submitted. Plans on file at the office ot the Ar chitect, Newton C. Gauntt, in La Grande, Oregon. Contractor to give approved bond for full amount ot. contract Done by order of the School Board ot District No. One, La Grande, Oregon, this 29th day of June, 1910. ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, Clerk. July 1-13. , .Notice ." The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church has the restaurant privileges on the Chautauqua grounds and dur ing the eleven days expect to net a neat sum which will be applied to ward building their new. church. They will not only supply , regular meals but will supply campers with bread, coffe, tea, milk, etc. They are pre paring to take care of a large crowd tomorrow and every day, tKoac m mm. ordinarily obtains. tnJav Exclui local reyremt shVeof Ed.V. Price V C. srr