PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, JULY 4, 1910. mm R U v) 4 if V r v ALL OF OUR SUMMER MERCHANDISE FOR LESS. Sale lUJ'fiiM MHfc u vy llVli v i i i i if a w i DIM All Seasonable Goods must be Closed Out for Fall Goods. . sO A 1 at tre and Better now than ever at ca n rf' T r ' rM::::::i:i . a r? r bumh hits wis Continued from FOR LOCALS. Page 1) meaning appreciable lap toward the head of the list. The score was five to three and notwithstanding that the lead switched from one to the other throughout the game, the contest was listless on account of a conflagration which raged nearby. Carter's hitting was the feature of the game, but for ail that he never scored. In five times up he got a single-, a three bagger, both the tourists. "Pid" died at third later. In the fourth Carter scored Russel, who had reached first on a fielder's choice, and stolen second. Carter's hit was a three-bagger, the longest in the game. DeBoie retired the L.r.Ing by succumbing to Heck's offerings. Previously, Bradley had thrown Christiansen out at first ana "Wheat King" Patten had gone to sleep on second, while on the contrary Mcln-r nis was on the nightwatch with his lamps lit. BL MT IN Cherry Packers Wanted j Highest price paid for cherry pack ers. Inquire Ramsey warehouse. I EMEU .t. i i . w r i m i 1 1 douhl. nrl n inn flvmit. ,u ,.f me mm muranue lorgea aneuu which makes some afternoon's work, j b? Mclnnta' and Bradley's timely hit. La Grande's fielding was almost 8bank went .out on an ,nfleId ,)lay perfect full of vim and time after and Brad,ey died at second on a close Urn. n.t nff r.,na Va .Inn . decision but HOt tener and hit oftener, but seldom his clout had Just to be safe when hits meant runs. The game was worth anyone's money and time, but the crowd was not what it should have been. Jay Van Buren was the extra man in the field and suited the average fan. though some of th? bags aid he favored Elgin. Time after time he was called to hand deceoa the closest kind of plays and his findings were as near right m It is possible to make a long string ot de cisions In a close game. He tobbed neither side, La Grande players occa sionally acquired a grouch but if nev re' amounted to much. 1 The style of ball which La Gui'de 1im dished out the past . month or more is good enough for anyone nn 1 the fnns have Just reason to (Vol Ha ted ni. Hie smoothness and tlc with vhich the team plays. Two new faces appeared 'n h? tw- ttnin's lineups. Gllllard h'l Hill-?ni-th's plate behind the bu. Sioddnrd was hack uguln on .first, in the latter instance the chain' ntad" nr. Improvement for Stodditrd less l'Oiwuis than llessler and latter fpn lilt In anywhere as a go r! utility am."., names made no itnpriciiii n V'li his new. backstop.' as h e:i pi? no bitte rtliatt llnllgartli and coit dm ts himself no better In pinched atsd at (iltlcal moments. The so - - c.nne tiunut thiswise: Mlers was safe on first, In tV sec ond inning, on Morton's Juggle, then purloined second and third. He stayed there while Christian bumbed one out to Shanks and Patten tried to hide one in the right garden, but it fell In Chllder's mlt. Mclnnts gave Russel a pass and a moment later Carter scored Mlers with a single, Russet was forced out at third on He Mole s grounder to Chllders. Elgin's score was a signal for Ln Grande to whip up and she got busy with two well-bunched swats. Pros was easily morgueij at first In the second session and Merrll Chllders came up standing on the Initial sack on GUllard's boot. Shanks sapped one on the nose nicely, advancing . Chllders to second and Stoddard's sacrifice put the runners on, second and third. Pldcock's pinch hit scored until registered Mclnnls. LaGrande took another In the sixth. AS". Chllders blngled out a safe one, stole second and third, and scored when Russell dropped M. Chllder's fly to center field. Shanks struck out retiring the side. In the first of the ninth, Carter flew out to W. Chllders. DeBoie fanned and Hooper went out. Horton to Stod dard. Thus ended another good game In La Grande's favor. The socre reads: La Grande. . Plnjer A.B. R. H. P.O. A. E. Ilradley, ss '. 4 0 1 1 I 1 Horton. 2b 4 0 0 2 1 1 Chllders. V Ub .... 4 1 I 2 Proe. cf ..3 0 0 2 Chllders M.. if 3..1 0 1 Shanks, If .1? 11 2 Stoddard lb 2 1 0 DAVID BAY OF THIS CITY HEAD OF THE SEW ORG AM ZATIOX Prices Will be Raised According te w Schedule- Jnst Adopted. Pldcock. c, Mc. Innls. p 10 7 0 2: r ; Klirln. Carter, ss (I 15 d He Bole. if. ." 0 0 1 Hooper. 2b tt I 0 Aubln. p 3 II 1 ( Gllllard. c 4 1 1 H Mlers If ...,4 1 l 2 Christiansen, If 4 0 I 1 Patten, lb 4 o 1 .t Russel. cf .... 1 0 1 10 4 (i 1 37 :t 22 i: Summary: Two bnse hits. Gllllard, Mlers and Carter: three base hits, Carter. First on balls Off Mc lnnis, off Aubln. 1. Struck out by Mc lnnls. 6; by Aubln 7. Left on bases. La Grande, 1: Elgin. 7. Flrht base on errors, La Grande, F.Win 2. Stolen bases W. Chllders. M. Chllders; Hooper; Mlers (21; Christiansen and Russell. Sacrifice its Proe; Stod dard and Pedcock. I'mprle, Van llur an; t'orer, Keeney. Scon by limine. LA GRANDE Runs Hits... ELGIN Runs.......... ..,.0 1 0 T1 0 0 (i Hits 1112 2 ! 0 Blacksmiths of Union county have formed an organization, a meeting having been held last Saturday night, at which by-laws were drawn up and adopted and where officers for the first year of the organization were chosen. A re-arranged schedule will be printed and made known to the public at once. The new schedule calls for higher prices on various ar ticles, the smithies finding higher cost of stock and material is forcing up their prices on the finished pro ducts. pavld Bay of this city Is president, and there will be some thirty firms in the assoclaton, as soon as sgnatures of the different firms of the county can be attached to the by-laws. The list of officers follows: President, David Bay; vice-president, James Garrity; secretary, Robert Master son; treasurer. R Fitzgerald: and G T. Fleming, sergeant at arms. Everything Good to Eat $ at Xotlce of Street Improvement -To Whom It May Concern : Notice is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 8th day of June, 1910, creating Improvement Dis trict No. 1, 2 and 3 and designating the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Willow Street to Spruce Street, the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Spruce Street to Oak Street on Jefferson Avenue; Fourth Street from Lot 1, In Block 3, to Lot 5 in Block 3, in Grandy's Addition; Third St. from Washington Avenue to Grandy Ave nue; Second Street from Pennsylva nia Avenue to Palmer Avenue; FirBt Street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue; Oak Street from Main Ave nue to Jefferson Avenue, as District No. 1, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said Common Council on the 8th day of June, 1910, whereby . said Council determined and declared Its Intention to improve all- that por tioin of said District No. 2, as herein after described by constructing sew ers therein, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited by such Improvement, order that said described Improvement . be made; that the boundaries of said ! district to be so Improved are as fol-; lows: The alley between Adams Ave nue and Jefferson Ave. from Willow Street to Spruce Street, said last men- ' tioned alley from Spruce street to Oak Street on Jefferson Avenue; ! Fourth Street rrom Lot 1, In Block 3,! to Lot 5 in Block 3 in Grandy's Addi-1 Hon. Third Street from Washington Avenue to Grandy Avenue, Second Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Palmer Avenue, First Street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue, Cedar Street from Main Avenue to Palmer Avenue, Oak Street from Main Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. Notice Is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such improve ment. That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum ot $71,800.08. That the Council will on the 13th day of July. 1910, meet at the Council 'chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, I BEECH NUT . Bacon Sliced In Glass I For Camp Dinner ! SNODORRSS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 840 ACRES 840 J 2 Of the finest farming and Fruit land in Eastern Oregon. Is growing alfalfa, timothy, grain, fruit and berries. Will sell you any amount from 20 or more acres. The price is right and terms very easy. Let us show you this for a home or a guaranteed investment. G. H. JORDAN Independent Phone 555 r. f'Tl fDffV0f )(,1I,LUUel Hl ule "our or o ociock.i J Cl I I UKUCtlY I P M- 10 wilder sai1 estimated cost.l W W 1 .. J il,. 1 ...... t l A .i I s J. ..UMII M x : . .o X r n:ino x ' t. AND BAKERY ' and the levy of said assessment, when , n hearing will be granted to any per- J son feeling aggrieved by such assess-, uent. ' La Grande, Oregon. June 22, 1910., CITY COUNCIL OF A GRANDE, , - OREGON. 1 "By ti. K. COX. Pvecnrder or the City' of La Grande. Oregon. June 28-July-J Aid Society Wants Assistance The Ladles Aid Society of the M. E. church Is , going to maintain a restaurant at the Chautauqua grounds and will be glad to have friends of the church supply necessaries for the meals, when convenient. Vegetables, full, butter, eggs and other food supplies may be left at the Blue Mountain creamery where they will be given proper attention. .'. .Notice Anyone found guilty of firing fire works of any description within the city limits will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. By order of J. H. WALDOS, Chief of Police.