L3l GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, JULY 4, 1910. PAGE SEVE17 HOW IWPEflED YOU Bee, It was Ibis way. There was a damsel who was noth ing If not original, and after she'd taken a couple of thinks she got up a' fireworks party for the night of ihe Fourth. Her old man had 6 house with a dandy big lawn. Every fellow was supposed to bring a girl ami a bundle of fireworks. Of ccurte I'm lor unythlng original, so I attended In fl body. I gathered In a little fairy that I'd been tagging around for some time and a bun dle of coudened noise, and ' we two stepped over ' to the party. We were pretty nearly there when .we met up with the brother of the girl who gave the party. He was t r y I n g to get home, but he was taking such a long route, going from one side of the walk to the he was uKisd as other, that 1 was i.on-0 route, afraid he would not show up before midnight He had a package of Bqulbs under his arm and several other , packages tucked away out of sluht. He'd been celebrating 2SST MALTED MILE witheeg any flavor A Meal in One Glass at Selder's Confectionery Store 0 Prepared Foods 0 1 For Camp Use t i 4 Pone and Beans, Deviled j Ham,Deviled Meats,Corn- 5 ed Beef, Dried Beef,Lunch. jj Tongue, Ghicken Loaf, 4 Peanut Butter, Pickles, bulk and bottle; Preserves 2 and Jellies, v. lives, stuffed j and piam; Wafsis and 2 Gookies, canned goods all 4 kinds, Sardines m must ard and oil, cheese, all kinds, Fruits and Vegeta bles. ' rilO.NE BLACK 81 . PATTISON BROS Order Rock Springs For Winter Now G. E. FOWLER ; Cherries For Sale, May Dukes are now ripe. Order at once as they are going quicklf. H. Tatmaa. - GOAL atd wasjijied proper. I. led him off to one corner, and told him to go In at the back door and go to bed, but be took a dear old college chum clinch around my neck and be gan telling me in a megaphone tone how . he had always loved me and couldn't think of ; parting from ine. Well, you know the kind. He rebuked me " with great dignity about being ashamed of an old friend. At last 1 got sore and told him to go fall off. ; We pulled our freight out of there and left him zigzagging, but he loomed up at the party a little while later and acted scandalously. ' , About this time we had all begun to get buw.v with the punk, and then the trouble came my way. We had a bunch of these uice. Innocent drainage canal dynamite capsules these half footers, yon know. Well, I sprinkled a few of them through the atmosphere until at last I tapped one that had a plwny fuse. The blamed thing fizzled away and got tired and petered out. Did I chase over to Investigate the trouble? Not I. I knew what would happen if 1 ap proached that cracker to breathe gen tly on the. fuse. Maybe I hadn't read about those good boys who had tried the stunt and then didn't have enough fingers left to handle their harps prop erly. ; Oh. little wise boy!" Maybe 1 was afraid or maybe I was , wise, but 1 wasn't taking chances, About this time the lad with the flossy footwork 'began to clamor about sr.y,l.e!n,' a t old footed party. ' He was good and noisy about it too. He al lowed that If 1 was '"shamed "of old friend" he'd make me ashamed by do ing what 1 didn't dare. MlljUV lie MttiU llilS 111 u WUJopely-l don't guess. You'd have thought he was making an oration. I warned hip to keep away, but he ambled merrily out into the street and picked up the uncracked cracker. Now. if 1 had done that my friends would have been doing a slow sestet alongside me in a few days, but there's a kind providence on the staff of these tanks. After bo. had inspected it he lighted a new' fuse he bad fixed up and ducked. before It went off. : And me standing there, with those girls giv ing me the pitying glance! They all do: never take the facts into consid eration. That's human nature for you! Well. Pipesy felt so fine that he ber gun to ' celebrate good and swift. He just touched off everything at once, thinking he was real cute, and things began zinging In all directions. '.', The . girls and most of the fel lows were taking to the trees, pur sued by rockets, r o m a n candles and plnwheels. I thought, "Here's where I do a grand stand play and make good," and so I jumped in to stamp out the lighted fuses. - Well, sir,, this boy was that far off his dipper that he opened fire on me with a r o m a n candle and scored ail EVERYTHING WEST BED. over the target. I caught one on the shirt front, one hit my hat, and that's all 1 kept tab on, 'cause just then one candle ball lighted the fuse of a can non cracker that was in my pocket. Everything went red, and then some body turned on the dark. When I woke up I was tucked away in bed, wrapped in bandages and ar nica until I could have got a job at the museum as a genuine Aztec mummy. The doctor said I'd be out in a week or so.-rBud Barclay In Chicago News. LOST, A WATCH On June 6th,. my daughter lost her watch, supposed ly at or near the depot, and the same was advertised to be left at the La Grande Investment Co. A lady called up regarding it, but party answering did not understand the matter and so Informed her. If party who has the watch will return same I will prove property and pay reward. P. K. WRIGHT. European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 -First class Throughout S MOTEL D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DlP0 La Grande, Otegon AY0Y Marl sec SUGAR Cash Price Sugar, $6.75; beet sugar 86.75. . VEGETABLES New dry onions, 5o; spinach, Sib for 25c; fresh peas 10c; rhubarb 3c; bead lettuce 10c; radiBhea, ' S bunches for 10c; green onions, 3 bunches for 10c; tomatoes 10c per pound; new potatoes, . 6Ibs for 25c. ; " FRUIT Oranges, 45c per dozen; lemons, 85c per dozen; bananas, 40c per do en; strawberries, 15c ,to for 25c; cherries, 25 to 35c per gallon; gooseberries, 80 cents per gallon; red raspberries, 2 boxes for 25c; black berries, 2 boxes for 25c; dewberries, 2 boxes for 25c MEATS Rogs, live weight, well' finished, flo cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to' 4c; veal 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 5 1-2; chick ens 13c. - DRY ChMNWOOD J am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, al so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to V. E B E A N PHONE RED 371 DIRECTORY OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE M. W. A. La Grardo Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. I.R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX. Clerk. Women of Woodcraft. Grande Ronde Circl No. 47 meet3 every first and third Thursday even ing In the month at the I. 0. 0. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A. F. A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds repuler meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN 2. HODGIN, W. -M. A C. WILLIAMS, Secretary La Granie Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club corntr of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. . HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. I O. 0. F. Subordinate La Grande Lodge No. 16 meets la their hall every Satuiday night. Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. GEO. GROUT, N. G. J. R. SNOOK, Rec. Sec. W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. OBSERVER WANT ADS PAY otations. z Portland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 29c: store 230234. BUTTER FAT Delllver t o. b. at Portland, sw, cream 27 1-2: sour 25 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, 26 ' 27c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 151-2; fancy 16 cents; turkeys alive, 20 21; dressed 27 !b 28; pigeons squabs, $2.50; dressed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1908 Feed, 123; rolled, $26; brewiug, $24. WHEAT Nominal irack, club, 79; bluest em, 83; Wllamette valley, 81c. '- . , ''' '. MIIXSTUFFS-Selllng price Bran $20; midllngs, $29;- shorts, $21; cbo?, $19$25. , ' FLOUR New crop patents, $5.15 IT CERTAINLY LOOKS GOOD to the children when they see the delicious bread made from ,. - - made from A Best ot the X the North Powder Best 4k. 4m m uwii for the little ones, with, butter, Jam or Jelly, that Is wholesome and muBcle building. It looks . good also to the housewife when 1 she sees the golden brown crisp and the white bread Inside when it comes from the oven.' It also smells appetizing when mads from Best of Best Flour. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS t 0 Crystal Lodge Nc. to meets every Tuesday o-enlng jn the I. O. O. F. hall All visiting members are invited to attend. MRS. CORA FITZGERALD, N. G. MISS SUSAN McILROY, Sec. I KalgJits of Pythias Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday . night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRIGHT, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN. M. of R. ft 8. . . ' o. e. s." -.. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holde stated communications the second and fourth' Wednesdays of each month Visiting .members cordially Invited. MART A. WARNICK,Sec. PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day In the month. All visiting mem bers welcom:. NERI ACKLES. C. C. J. H. KEENEY, Clerfc. ry pay Rcnf? We loan you money to build, and you pay us as you would rent J. R. OLIVER. THE CLASSIFIED COLUMN BRINGS TO TRADE 160 acres ot timber land to trade for city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. . . FURNISHED ROOMS 1612, Adams Ave.; $8.00' per month, phone red 741. - .v..:?'-.. -.-'.-,,.. : WANTED 6 .or 7 room furnished house. Inquire Phone Red 1181. ' NOW Get that summer suit cleaned and pressed at Pennington's. Phone Black 851 or 44. ROOM and BOARD 1617 Fourth 8t I ... 1 FOR SALE 6-H-P gasoline engfcie. V're condition. Price $TS1 00. At Sainh'i Garage. . l'OR. SALE Five room house and 9 lots ' A big bargain It taken, at cme. Inquire "F, Obseryer OfPce. WANTED TO KENT A six room house. No objection to a larger house it In desirable- location. B. F. Wade. Phona Red 402. " 1 A Softenad Expression. "Father." said the small boy. -what Is a 'euphemism V " . -It Is something, my son, that en ables a man to say he Is a free lauoe instead of admitting that he Is out of a Job."-Washington star. - A eraol Htory mux every hand "ills the mn.-Kllot. tin wheels, and wheel us thJ HAVE WANTED TO VISIT THE MOON BUT NEVER COULD D050 I HAD NO BALLOON SO THIS 4 til OF vULY I THOUGHT I WOULD TO AND 1THINJC NOW I OUGHT TO ARRIVE THERE QUITE SOON , & FE0FESSI0HAL DIRECTORY. C II. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Ppysician and Surgeon -Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office In La .Grande Nat ional Bank Building. Phones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. , GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. T. E. Moore. LAGBANDE SCHOOL OF. Ml SIC. Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St PROF. E. PORTER DAT D'."ccto. T. H. CRAWFPKD Attorney-at-law Practices In all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office In La Grande National Bank Bldg La Grande, Oregon DB. P. A. CHARLTON Veterlnury Surgeon Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Gran it Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Independent phone 53; hMh phones at lesidence ft : Mi ALWAYS t VARNISHED ROOM For gentleman ctly. Nice location. Close In. Call ni, Red .)52. tt FOR SALE Old server oflV papers at the 0- ROOM FOR RENT Prefer gentleman See Mrs. C. E. Wblteman at Zuber brick, corner seventh and Washing ton. 6-27-tt FOR RENT Barn suitable for three horses. Inquire at this office. AUTO FOR SALE 15-H-P. four cylinder Ford roadster. Good con dition. Price $350. Smith's Garage. FOR RENT Modern five room house. . Inquire of D. Brlchonx. ' LOST A tripod to a camera be- .. hmit hm tA hrHvm ftnA Hllrrd. Leave at the Observer offloe. LOST A pair of eye glasses. Mrs. Gray, Kelffer Hctel. NoUfy Bond of 8ympathy. "The no ranght me smoking clga rette thl niiHiiiiig." 'Did he tire you "No be borrowed one. ' . Good Idea. .."All Is lost save honor.' AUr . "All." "What will yon do now for a liveli hood r "Heaven only knows." "Gracious: I have an idea." "Good: What laitr. "Put honor ou exhibition at so much per. It ought to be a great drawing card." r - FOI CANDY rtTMwa THE aODERH 0EAUI Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. Cochran COCHRAN & CO CUBAN Attorneys r -La Grande National Bank Bldf. La Grande Oregon DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted ' and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1105 Adams' Ave. Opposite P. O. La Grande, , Oregon DR. U. L. UNDERWOOD Ppysician and Surgeon Over Red Cross Drug Store Special attention to diseases of Eye, and Ear. Office phone Main 22; Res. Mam 728. D. W. C NELSON Mlnlnr Engineer Baker City Oregon N. M0LIT0R, M. D. Ppysician and Surgeon Corner Adams , e. and Depot street Office Main 68 Residence It J. C PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23,-La Grande National Bank Building. Phoi.e Black ,'3991. RETURN Purity I