PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, JULY, 2, 1910. V - m. A. A. A A A 4 t dlth) Mrs. E. C. Moore, with piano July Fourth with its fire crackers and Its lockjaw, will be relegated to the musty shelf of has beens in La Grande this year and In its place a sane and safe system of celebration substituted. Only in one respect, as it were, will the coming Fourth of July v touch society circles and that is the band danceSAIonday evening. Otherwise there is little, society to look ahead for the next seven days. In fact there has not been the usual accompaniment (111 Travatore) Mrs. George S. Birnle. Soprano solo (Selected) Mrs. A. L. Richardson. . -' Piano solo 'Chopin Pollnalse" Miss Harriet Toung. Vocal solo (Selected) Miss Nell Young. Ladd Canyon, June 29. (Special) Miss Enla Peebler completely sur- string of parties the week now clos-' prised the entire Ladd Canyon neigh ing, for has not the maid and maiden been busy with other things Chau tauqua affairs principally? ' Conse quently things socially have been ne glected as a rule in the hurry and hustle to meet Chautauqua week. . . Something unusually attractive has been arranged for the Lyle Tuesday borhood'by becoming the bride of Mr. Chas. Dougherty of Wallowa at eight o'clock Sunday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. "Dick" Peebler, County Judge J. C. Henry performing the ceremony. The parlor where, the wedding occurred was beautifully decorated with roses, honey suckles and syrlnglas, as was MuBlcal day at the Chautauqua' It the dining room where a bountiful will be short but of the best through-1 supper was served. The bride received out, and will be but another proof of a gift from each of the relatives pres the musical talent that is to be found ent, which consisted of silverware, in La Grande. The day will be some what of a society affair, for all ele ments are to have their innings dur ing the coming celebration. Farmers have theirs, fruit men theirs, patriots theirs, theirs, . out auu out mirth will usurp one day, the political phases of the nation will have their hour, and the Tuesday Musical and cut glass and hand painted china. The happy couple left Monday morning for their future home near Enter prise, where the groom is a promi nent sheepman, carrying with ; them Mrs. Walter Crone of Kellogg. Ida ho, and Mrs. Fred Rutherford of Los I ... society are to have theirs. The un- Angeles, were guests or nonor at a usually delightful program which has very delightful party Wednesday ev been prepared after careful prepara- enlng at the home of Mrs John Theison tlon for this day, follows in detail, j 704 Spring avenue when a score of Instrumental trio, "Andante" A ! lady friends were entertained with Hayden Symphony Misses Young. ' parlor games In honor of the special Address 'The Influence of Music." . guests. The decorations, of a tasty Mrs. Stella Ingle.' j sort, were worked out with pink and Reading "Itallens"- (Owen Mere- white sweet peas. In novel guessing games which occupied the attention of all the guests, Mrs. R. W. Logan won first prize and Mrs. Will French consolation A three-course luncheon was served. The guests present were: Mesdames R. W. Logan, A. V Andrews, M B Donahue, D R Tanner, C P Newlin. Robert Newlin, T J Scroggin, Eugene Selder, Dellle Green, Howard Davis, Chas. Vurpllat, Will French and J H Akine. ' Mrs. Hattie McDonald closed her year's work this afternoon with the following : program. She opens the school again next fall. Little Tycoon March Jay Siaw. Fife and Drum Brigade (Spaulding) Dorothy Brenholts. ; , ' , Romance (Cramer) Annetta John son. The Juggler (Hograth) Jessie Fer ris, v Lullaby (Gurlltt) Ruth Mendel sohn. ' v ' Rank and File Marsh Sarah Williamson. Slumber Soag (Gurlltt) Frlederlke Schilke. Last Walt (Weber) Reba Wil liamson. Teasln (Conppe) Nellie Davis. ' Oberon (Weber) (Duet) Jay and Wilbur Shaw. . - Pleasnt Story (Mathews) Dewey Crawford. , Several young ladies pleasantly sur- , I A - . . . . .1 , . . Thursday afternoon in honor of her fifteenth birthday anniversary. The guests flocked around the unsuspect ing girl pell mell and . when the ex citement had quieted down, a deli clous luncheon was served at the Mo del restaurant to the guests. Those who attended were Misses Naomi KIrtley, Serena Rohan, Helen Currey, Frankle Crawford, Runs Bacon, Ethel llanley and Hilda Anthony. A reception was given last evening at the home of Mrs. Carrie P. Duryea in honor of her son, Alvah Duryea, and his bride. Numerous friends took advantage of the- opportunity of meet ing the bride and groom. They were recipients of many beautiful presents. Delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Duryea expect to leave for their home In Fresno Monday., The Afternoon Kaffee Klatch which devotes afternoon meetings to needle and thimble' and alternate Friday ev enings to cards, was very informally but pleasantly entertained by Mrs. A. L. Richardson yesterday afternoon! Miss Florence McCall entertained the members of the La Jaunesse club last Monday night, A unique feature was a lawn lunch later in the even ing. Miss Olive Massee last evening en tertained the Daughters of the Wood with games and refreshments. , ' i Mrs. M. B. Donahue entertained the bridge club last Thursday afternoon. Grande, Oregon, on the 8th day of June, 1910, creating Improvement Dis trict No. 1, 2 and 3 and designating the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Willow Stfeet to Spruce Street, the alley between Adams Avenue and Jefferson Avenue from Spruce Street to Oak Street OA Jefferson Avenue; Fourth Street from Lot 1, In Block 3, td Lot 5 la Block 3, In Grandy't Addition; Third St from Washlngt6n Avenue to Grandy Ave nue; Second Street from Pennsylva nia .Avenue to Palmer Avenue; First Street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue; Oak Street from Main Ave' nue to Jefferson Avenue, as District No. 1, and in pursuance of a resolu tioin adopted by said Common Council on the 8th day of June, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its Intention to improve all that por tioin of said District No. 2, as herein after described by constructing sew ers therein, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the 'property affected and benefited by such improvement, order that said described Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as fol lows: The alley between Adams Ave-j E. BOSTON HEX BIT Have Taken Over Tract Xear ImMer Gordon Sawyer and M. D. W. Greene of Boston have purchased tract No. 6 from the La Grande Investment Co. land at Imbler and wil conduct a commercial orchard. Then have nam ed the place Hardscrapple. JUDGE ' STEFHi:" A. LOWELL ay a t n n t! T7W ' GLffc W&ll UU IB 1 j Thrills followed thrills as speeding automobiles shot around the course of ib Ingleside Race Course, on April 24th. In the second and final day events of the successful meet promoted by the members of Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. Tbehonors of the day were divided between Barney Oldfleld, with Ola 200 horsepower Benz machine, and C. O. King, with his. Maxwell 30 horsepower stock car. Oldfleld lowered bis previous record of one mile to fit 6-6, which is a new coast record for the circular track. With (he exception of this performance, Oldfleld had to take second place in the list of racing honors, as the world's champion met defeat In both the five and fifteen mile handicap events, and In both races King and his Maxwell were the victors. In fact, King proved the' surprise of the meet, driving all of his races with much judgment and taking the turns with his car as close to the fence as did Oldfleld. In the five mile handicap, Oldfleld drove his Knox racer to the utmost, but the handicap was too strong and he could not get the lead away from King. Not only in the handicap events did King and his Max well prove stars of the first order, but In one of the first events of the day, the five mile race for cars costing from $1200 to $1600, which was one of the bestmatches of the meet. The time for the five mile handicap was as follows: Maxwell. King. 4.40.30; Oakland, Nelson. 4.48.23; Chalmers. West. 4.49.30: Auto Oar , finished fourth, and the Knox car, Barney Oldfleld driving, fifth. In the event number eight, ten miles free-for-all handicap, King nd his Maxwell again were the winners, the Maxwell's time being f 19.30, t. J. B. Whiteman & Son 108. Elm Street. VOCLL HE STKl'CK WITH AM A Z EM EM A ' 4 ,l v X Mr X7 : x A Pendleton attorney of promln ence and eloquence who is chief lec-Hii-Pi next Monday. (J. A. POWELL It you could see how some factory l made clothing Is. put together The ! sklinpli p of materials, the interior ! luterlinings. I! t none of these things ! occur in u suit of our tallovini. That's ; why one suit of ours will outlast two , of the factory made. Order one and the. wear will prove it. ('. W. It Akl'K. Sn tmm3 DRINK Natural iVlineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring v It's 0 for wfiaf Ails You f-x-X. ' 1 1 i an Oriental tint; the special scenery on the stage; the music all harmon ize thoroughly. And the play you will simply miss a rare treat If you don't see "The Galley Slave." .XoIUt (o S. S. Students All members of the L. D. S. Sunday School are requested to meet at the Baptist church tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock to join the parade to the Chautauqua grounds. There will be no services at the L. D. S. church on Sunday. C. J. BLACK. Cherry Tucker! Wanted Highest price paid for cherry pack ers. Inquire Ramsey warehouse. The Minneapolis orator and phil osopher who appenrs..Ht .the Chantau ;;n twice tomorrow. . , Eljrln Here Tomorrow Elgin's baseball team conies tomor row and. the fans who appreciate a good ball game will hnve it hand ed out to them copiously tomorrow afternoon. Hand Concert at Alrdoinc. The La Grande hand "will play, a concert In front of the Alrdorae to- 'otlce Anyone found guilty of firine: lire- i niiiht at 7:4T. the occasion being; the works. of any description within the last niRht of "The Galley Slave" c Ity limits will lje prosecuted to the ; the best play yet presented by tho ! Ttill extent of the law. By order of J. , Ethel Tucker Stock company. ' H. WALliON. Chief of Police, j The recent Improvements on the j inside of the Alrdome ro to make; Notice of Street Improvement this the most pleasant place in town ' To Whom It May Concern: to upend the evening one gets a Notice Is hereby given that In pur breath of the open In the sighing suance of a resolution adopted by the pines the Japanese decorations lend Common Council of the City of La Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Palmer Avenue, - First Street from Spring Avenue to Palmer Avenue, Cedar Street from Main 'Avenue to Palmer Avenue, Oak Street from Main Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. . Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefited by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improve ment That the estimated cost of such Improvement . Is the sum of $71,880.08. That the Council will on the 13th day of July, 1910," meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, P. M., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess ment. . ' - . - La Grande, Oregon, June 22, 1910. CITY" COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON, i By D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. June 28-July-9 Aid Society Wants Assistance , The Ladles Aid Society of the M. going to maintain ' a church is nue and Jefferson Ave. from Willow ( restaurant at the Chautauqua grounds Street to Spruce Street, said last men-r . and will be glad to have friends of tloned alley from Spruce street, to the church supply necessaries for the Oak Street on Jefferson Avenue; meals, when convenient.' Vegetables, Fourth Street from Lot 1, In Block 3, fuit, butter, eggs and other food to Lot 5 in. Block 3 in Grandy's Addi-. supplies may be left at the Blue tlon. Third Street from Wsshtnrtnn Mountain ci-Mmor wti; rt;r Til! Avenue to Grandy Avenue, Second to given proper' attention. 1 840 ACRES 8401 i Of the finest farming and Fruit land in Eastern Oregon. Is growing alfalfa, timothy, grain, fruit and berries. Will sell you any amount from 20 or more acres. The price is right and terms very easy. Let us show you this for a home or a guaranteed investment. . H. J Independent Phone 555 5 COR tLe benefit of tkose particular men seeking ex clusiveness of pattern and individuality of style, we are snowing tnis Spring trie mag nificent tailoring line of Ed. K Price Co. HIKIAKt TAIIOII CHICAGO amous tail ors ma ke Tkese f clothes or surpassing excellence, just as you want tKem, at a price considerably lower than ordii Seh M kiiut n, . . m m. ian ordinarily obtains. lect your pattern today and have us taki tc your measure. Eieluiirc local repr-ctcst-tiof Ed.V. Price if Co. Fit, quality of material and workman shin guaranteed.