La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 02, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(FM Ii? A W A MfW
i ii ii um; i ii v i as, u i x i i . i -j
10 Days of Money Saving for
You, Starts Wednesday, July
6th, Ends Monday, kly 1 7th.
The Quality Store.
10 Days of Unequaled Bar
gains, Starts Wednesday, July
6th, Ends Monday, Juiy 1 7th, i
Every Rrticle in the Store Reduced Prices During tfh&Sale.
A FEW PRICES FROM THE In accordance with our custom, ajl Summer Mer- p, iCE ' REDUCTIONS IN
MEN'S DEPARTMENT chandise will be sacrificed to make room for our LADIES' DEPARTMENT
great line or Tall Goods soon to begin arriving. . .
150 Boys and JVlen's Suits We're doing better than ever before this year and Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts
at 1-2 Pnce , . f c . , ,. , reduced 25 per cent
. , , . - reducing not only bummer Merchandise, but every-
Beniamm Clothincr reauceA .1 . . .1 . Entire Line cf MiUinerv 12
- OI- : tnmg m tne enure siock. j .
25 per cent 6 - - - - - - - price ;
Boys' Knee Pants Suits reduc- Jfe Advertisement Slowly Fed lns Batiste
Eiderheimer . Stein Clothing Let Every Word of it Sink In Muslin Underwear reduced 25
reduced 25 per cent ; ' " ' ' per cent
Men's Dress Pants, all sizes, You who have dealt here know what a Sale at Lie70xf ords, values to
reduced 25 per cent West s means. $4.00, at $2.90
n-- C. ' . . o j. - J J or? " means a sale where prices are not exaggerated and values are hot overestimated i. , ,17 in. i 1
uress-otraw Mats reduced TieguaJfjr of every arfcc is fully uP to our high standard and you win always Ladies Wash Suits reduced
r " per cent find the same values in our store as we advertise. j3
An Opportunity that comes but Once a Season
Published Dally Except Sunday
Flitted on the surface, but the promo
ten of the Chautauqua can rest in
full assurance that La Grande appre
ciates all of the work done.
Editor and Owner
United PrtfB Teh graph Service
Entered at the postoince at
as second-class matter
Mvlly. single copr- 5c
JjHlly, ir.r 'week. 15c
f.:tily, pr mont'-i ............... CTc
This paper will net publish an ar
ticle ntioartng over a uom de plume.
Kifcaed mticles will be revised sub
ject to the discretion of the editor.
Please 'sign your artkka and save
Tomorrow morning when the Sun
day School children gather and with
the La Grande band In advance, go
to the Chautauqua grounds, the op
ening of the first session of the
Grande Ronde Chautauqua assembly
will be announced.
La Grande and the Eastern Oregon
country, there can be no such word
as failure. The first session will be
filled with errors, ot course, for It Is
but human to err .in managing the
proceedings of inch a gathering.
Many Improvement will be made and
many stumbling blocks avoided at the
Mcoad session, but the fact that La
Grand Is the first city In this part
ot the state to hold a Chautauqua con
Ttnoes everyone that as time goes on
the association will perfect Its sched
ules until similar gatherings in middle
and central states will have nothing
; the best of the Grande Ronde meet
lBf .
wwwa wssv vivuik SB UUO IUUIq
who have worked untiringly in this
cause. Such credit Is seldom eiem
La Grande needs to be strengthened
in her loyahy to home. At least a
portion of the population needs such
treatment. Every person who Rets
their living from a community owes
allegiance to that community. It is
his duty to stand firmly by every pro
ject that the people seem to want
If he oppose? it honestly the time for
such opposition to present Itself is
when matters are in a state of for
mation and not after plans have been
laid that carry heavy expense Rnl a
great deal of work. .
No community can agree on what
to do unanimously, but there can be
a united effort, which is a product of
a number of minds offering just what
judgment seems-best.
"The same spirit should prevail in
the commercial world and every arti
cle that can be purchased at home
never should some from a foreign
market. All products of home manu
facture ought to be given preference
over any other make. If these simple,
JuBt and equitable rules are followed
there would be. a big difference. Try
it once, and see for yourself.
James A. Patten has quit the grain
gambling game and has ten million
dollars to the good. Patten did better
than John W. Gates, George Phillips
or In fact any ot the men who have
gained promlnece In bucking the
grain pit. But Patten has not quit.
He probably thinks he has, but wait
until he sees things appear Just right
to him and see If he does not get in
and lose at least halt ot that bank
now Japs Play Ken.
In Its most widely practiced form the
basis of the Japanese game of ken Is
that the fully outstretched hand sig
nifies paper, the fully closed band a
Btone, and two fingers alone extended,
the rest being closed, scissors. Each
of the players, counting one, two,
three, throws out his band at the mo
ment of rronouuclng three, and the
one whose manual symbol Is superior
to that of the others, according to the
theory of the game, wins the trial.
Superiority is determined on the hy
pothesis thtit whereas scissors can
not cut a stone they can cut paper end
whereas paper is cut by scissors It can
wrap up a stoue-consequently scis
sors are Inferior to stone, but conquer
paper; stone h tnferior to paper, but
conquers sclssnrs. and paper is inferior
to scissors, but conquers stone. There
are innumerable varieties of tiut game.
The Only Thing They Ever Did,
John Brlgbt's powers of sarcasm
were almost unrivaled. Some of bia
sharpest utterances were against mem
ber of the nobility. When boasts lwl
been made of the antiquity of a proai-
lucnt family, that tlu-ir ancestors carne
over with the Conqueror, hi reply was
prompt. "1 never beard thut they did
anything else.'
Her Kind Friend.
Mnud So be luut the alievk to ask
my age, did he? Well, what did you
tell him? Etbel-I told turn 1 diuu't
know positively, but I thought you
were just twenty-four ou jour thir
tieth birthday.-Club-Fellow.
'If I ask your father's consent will
you marry roe?
"Well, it depends on bow your face
looks when you get through ask'ng
Urn." Cleveland Leader.
Frozen Tales.
"I suppose everything must be rroien
stiff at the pole."
"I guess so. At any rate, some pret
ty stiff stories are brought back."
New York Press.
To hear the old patriarchs in the
Continental congress meeting at the
Chautauqua grounds will be
a treat to everyone..
Well, It Is about time o rnske real
tor the Glorious Fourth.
"That boy Is mighty clever.
"Goodness! ' He doesn't look Itr
"No; there Is where be has them all
Good Year For Him.
"Yes, lam working on a newspaper."-
"And what part do you write 7
"Oh. I'm the star man."
"The comet reporter, eb?"
Plays Hookey.
"He always follows bis wife's ad
vice." "Id everything?"
"Until he is out her sight"
Sends Word.
As gentle as a summer breeze
O'er pleasant meadows flying
And noiseless as a boiler shop
The man bird comes a-flylng.
Furniture Specials
Jlrcund the Circle
tor forty Dollars
No Watte of Energy.
Hubby Uou't you forget what your
mother told you-you can't do too much
for a good busbnod. Wlfie I don't
mean to try. old dear-Illustrated Bits.
The angels that live with the young
and are weaving laurels of life for
their youthful brows are toil and truth
and mutual faittL-Emerson.
Going Via Returning Via
or Vice Versa
To the
Tickets sold daily, June 1 to Sep
tember 1. Final limit October 31,
Unlimited stopovers.
Write for Particulars.
G. M. Jacksos Geo. A. Walton
Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt.
14 Wall St, Spokane.
Box Seat
and buy
here at
This handsome
Princess Dresser
finest French
Plate Glass,
Select YJhite Maple or
Quarter Oak Rubbed or
Gloss Finish. You can save
$3,00 in buying here at
Elite Ranges
Special Price $25.00
Over 200 now used in this
Save $10.00 when
you buy your
Furniture on Easy Payments