La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 02, 1910, Image 1

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? BY "DOC.- ROGER CORNELL limit is reached. He said, "If the Jeff
Written exclusively for United Press Vies crowd Is willing we will go the
i papers by the trainer in charge , extreme limit,' 100 "rounds, until one
? . of James J. Jeffries) ( Is knocked out."
Reno, -July 2. James J. Jeffries Is;
In the best condition of his career to
nter the ring next Monday. Jeff re-'
tired when he was 30 and had not at
that time attained mature strength. J
Now he has trained a year and a half
to "come back" where he usually gave
slx months to training. '
Has Boxed Faithfully
People think that he has not been
.Cv-A giving time to boxing but now on the
W eve of the battle secrecy is no longer
I vnlnnhlft Jeff baa ' nracticallv dou-
bled his work over what the public Reno, July 2. Odds are tightening
thought he did, but he did It secretly, today. They are now 10 to 7 with Jell
doing it at 4 a. m. with his brother on the long end.
Jack, Armstrong and Corbett .This i Johnson today visited the arena, ln
was when the crowd was not present, j spectlng it closely. , He tried out the
Expects Speedy Decision ' t ring and said It was the best he ever
I believe that Jeff wins In less than
20 rounds, but should the fight go be
yond that Jeff will be able to endure
It, and can go 45 rounds easily.
Moana Springs, July 2. While a.
few expect the fight to go the limit,
some have begun to figure on the pos
sibility of what may happen If the
crap goes the limit, forty-five rounds,
with fighting equal. Jeff's friends arc
confident he can go the limit with
ease. ,
Tom Flanlgan," for Johnson "says
Jack is willing to go as far as neces
sary for a decision. Flanagan, how-
er, says Johnson will win before the
Quarrel Between White and Black
Starts Fatal Race Riot
Mendenhall, Miss., July 2. Having
killed six negroes in a race warbe
ginnlng last night, the mob resumed
the attack on the negro quarter to
day. The negroes haveJled and ' the
tmob Is hunting them.--jjne. namea
Sklffer. was riddled with-: bullets.
The trouble started Sunday when
Luther Buckley, a white man, went
to the cabin of a negro named Brady
to collect $2. They , quarreled and
Buckley killed Brady. The other ne-
groes present fled and took refuge In
Skitter's cabin from pursuing whites
who dragged out and killed Sklffer,
beat four and released one. . While
pursuing negroes In the swamps yes
terday, two white men were killed
shot from ambush. The authorities
hope to control the situation without
the militia.
Maxweli Car Second In Annual Olid-
den Tour Race
Chicago, July 2. The Mollne car
No. 100 "holds the Chicago trophy for
the annual Glidden tour. The Max
well came second. All reports are not
prepared but It Is believed that the
Premier will not be declared winner
of the touring Bars. The Chalmers 30
was second. -
Montann Bank Falls
' Washington. July 2. The National
Bank of Billings was ordered closed
by the comptroller of currency -today.
. R. W. Goodhart was appointed receiv
er. At the close of business March
20. tha maniinia rt Ilia hunlr uprp
Berger, for Jeffries says, "What's
the use of crossing a bridge before
you reach it? Johnson needn't figure
on. a draw. Johnson will not be on
his feet at the, thirtieth round. Burns
said Jeff is willing to go to a finish.
. ; The Betting Odds.
Chicago, July 2 The betting on the
fight la rapid today. A wager of $75,-
j today. They are now 10 to 7 1-2: Jeff
vor. .'One, hundred thousand dollars
: from Canada was received here today
I in vi;r
saw. He requested that a three inch
board be nailed to the edge of the ring
to prevent the fighters from slipping
out. , '
The first load of San Francisco fans
arrived today and the eastern Jam will
commence tomorrow night. Promoters
Rlckard and Gleason today gave the
stakeholder. Sultvan, $51,000 In gold,
completing the purse of $101,000 for
the fighters. Everything is ready fo
the gong Monday. , -
Alarm Is Frit. . '-
Washington July 2. Much - appre
hension Is felt In the south over the
outcome of the fight. Negroes are
Second Family Quarrel Leads to Pos
slide Death From Bullets
Portland, July 2. Following a se
rles of quarrels H. M. Lembert, aged
35, a carpenter, met his wife on De
kum avenue and 16th street this af
ternoon and shot her three times and
then poured two bullets into his own
breast, both dying at the hospital.
They have two small children. The
, couple had been quarreling frequently
of late. Scores witnessed the tragedy.
. As soon as the woman fell, he dropped
beside her. .
j v -
, Minnesota Town in Rnlns and Tropic
Flee to Safety
International Falls, Minn., July 2
The town of Mlzpah Is in ruins today
as a result of forest fires which are
sweeping . this portion of the state.
The postomce was dynamited In an
effort to check the advance of the
flames but a high wind blew the fire
through the town. The Inhabitants
have fled. ' ,
Dies Suddenly of Heart. Disease A
nero of Chil War Period
San Delgo, July 2. Brigadier Gen
eral Charles Robe, who was a civil
war veteran, died suddenly here to
day, 'lie Is survived by four children
all grown. v
Pope Faints
Rome, July 2. Pope Plus was selz
ed with a fainting spell today. Dr.
Petacci, the Vatican physician, said
It. was caused by the heat and was
not serious.
Ex-Governor Folk Who will Brain?
Utlca, N. Y., July 2. Col. Roosevelt'
has punctured the boom started to
make him governor of New York.- In
.... . , , w .
a letter to one of the Ida County Re-
publican League who . started thetneiQ 8ince ne arvei. Politicians pre
bom. He said. "May I thank the club' dlct It vffl have a great Influence on
for Its message. Its good will is ap-
predated, but I ask the club Imme -
dlately to stop the agitation to have
me nominated, because It is an ab-
solute Impossibility for me to accept,
..;r;-?- y.1 , . ;.. - .;
. Oyster Bay, Jul 2. A conference ment to the public to aid the insur
this afternoon between Roosevelt and gents. v "
taking intense interest, believing the
result will determine to a great ex
tent their position. w ' " "
Should Johnson win. it is feared the
exulting negroes will assume an ar
rogant attitude and endeavor to show
their superiority by' crowding white
women off the sidewalk. This will
be sure to cause trouble.
Blacks and Whites will Not be Allow,
cd to Hear Some Fight Rotnrns
Birmingham, Aja., July 2, Negroes
and whites will not be allowed to con
gregate before the same bulletin
boards in this city to watch the fight
returns. Mayor O'Brien today issued
an order Instructing . the police to
keep teh two races separate. He de
clared he was not going to take any
chances of a race riot over this is
Bue. x
The Observer has been requested
to again publish the Sifnday and Mon
day program and It is appended here
with, that everyone may know defi
nitely what is in store and at what
hours they occur. It follows: ;
Sunday, July 3.
(Program In charge of the La Grande
' Ministerial Association)
10:00 a. m. Sunday School Rally
Conducted by Rev.-C A. Phipps, State
S S Worker (
v ' , .
1:30 p. m. Sacred Concert by La
1 '
Grande Band.
2:30 p. m. Sermon by Rev. G. L.
Powell, of Minneapolis. Minn.
7 to 8 p. m. Concert by the Band. j
,8 p. m. Lecture by Rev. G. L. Pow-
ell, of Minneapolis, Mmn. i
Monday, July 4
10:00 a m. Band Concert.
11:00 a. mi. Oration of the Day
Hon. Stephen A. Lowell
' Noon Basket Picnic.
1:00 p. m. Band Concert.
1:30 to 3:00 p. m. Special Athletic
Program. . " .
land, sports 50-yd. dash, free far
.ml; 50-yd. dash, under sixteen: E0 -
:. rV:
K.1 - .-..- :.t.vr
. if-
Tralnload to ta Grande Next Wednesday
Congressman Madison of the Insur-
gents Is believed to be one of the
.. . . - . . ,' . .
iuudi luiifui muL wuitu xvuuawclL ' lias
wwt um
the coming campaign.
, The Colonel told . newspaper men
he would give the substance of the
conference afterwird. It Is believed
the Kansas insurgent came to urge
Roosevelt to make an early state-
Officials will Determine How Engineer
" Met His Death In Desert
San Bernardo, Calif., July 2. Coror
ner Vanwel will' Journey into the des
ert to hold an. Inquest over the body
of Charles Davidson, a Berkely en-
glner, who died of the heat several
days ago in the desert. He left a policy
for $20,000. The policy stipulates only
$5,000 will be paid if he died of heat
thirst or exhaustion.
V ; Waterson's Son Insane ,
Saughterys, N. Y July 2. Ewlng,
a son of Henry Watterson, the famed
journalist was arrested today charged
with insanity following an attack on
Michael Martin, who was perhaps fa
tally Injured. Yesterday Watterson
threatened to kill a bartender of the
hotel owned by Martin. Martin Inter
fered and Watterson shot. It is de
clared the man has been on the verge
of insanity for years.
yd dash (exhibition); half mile 'ex
hibition) Water Sport
20 :prd swim (free stroke)
40 yard swim (free stroke)
80 yard swim (free stroke)
40 yard swim (back stroke)
80 yard swim, free stroke (Juvenile
event) v
Jump for height from spring board
High diving three heights, 15, 25
, an1 30, feet solid take off.
Endurance test, under water (not
distance). :
, , . '
( Single manned canoe race for men
Sarae for WOmen.
Double manned canoe race for men.
Same for women.
Four-oared women's canoe race
Relay race, four entries.
. Relay race, Juvenile entries, same
as above.
; 3:30 p. m. Patriotic Program A
Reproduction of the Continental Con -
gress .of 177T'. In charge of Special
7 to 8 p. m. Band Concert.
8:00 p. m Lecture "Livingstone in
Darkest Africa." Dr. Davidson Bu-
- chanan.
Dotted with tents like an army host,
curling and twisting wreaths of smoke
from camp fires wending Id and about
the tall trees, hammer and saw melo
dies rasping on the early morning air,
Riverside Park at daybreak today saw
an air of a "city In woods." Until far
in the night last evening, camps were
being reared in secluded nooks, the
workmen were building various head
quarters and when quiet finally set
tled down on the region about the
park, new life had been given .the
scene.' Dozens of families will be
I camped on the greens of the park
grounds before -.tomorrow' morning
they are already thickly distributed
on the choice spots. The main build
ing for . housing large audiences Is
practically finished .the administra
tion building is done, the "dozen and
one" extra buildings for lodge, fra
ternity and church headquarters have
been reared in a night, and a Reno
like city has sprung up.
Opening. Tomorrow. ;
With fitting services, Sunday . will
usher In the Chautauqua the first of
its kind ever attempted east of the
Cascades in Oregon. P. H. D. Powell
the chief lecturer In tomorrow's ex
ercises Is now In La Grande. Rev.
Fred K. Redfern. general secretary
of the Idaho .Sunday School associa
tion, with headquarters In Boise, will
fill the pulpit in place of Rev., Phtpps.
Otherwise the prt gram will proceed
as scheduled.' y : ' ', ::::
Attention is again called to the. pa-
Carges of Inccmpetcncy and Injudl
clons Action Are Causes
Boise, July 2. Announcement that
U. S. District Attorney Lingen
felter had been removed from office
bv the denartment of iustlce at Wash-
lngton created' a furore In political
circles todav. "
It was reported that charges of In-
competency ana injudicious conduct
were the reason.
Assistant U. S. DIst. Attorney Tip
ton succeeds him. LIngenfelter Is
now in Washington.
LIngenfelter lives in Lewistori and
was appointed in 1808, following the
removal of N. M. Rulck, who brought
indictments charging conspiracy
against Senator Borah and United
States Marshal Rounds. ';'
Rlielms Aviation Meet will Start To.'
morrow Morning
Paris, July 2. Aviators from all
parts of Europe are assembling for
the Rhelms meet which will begin
tomorrow. 'Forty biplanes and 23
i monoplanes will be entered iij the con
test. Aviators Rolls, Blerlot, Deles
sep, Paulhan, Farnian Doubonnet and
; Lambert will participate. Prizes total
t ,
Tolstoi HI Apaln
Moscow, July 2.-rrTolstot 'is. Ill at
; his home In Ynsnnya. Old age Is the
j cause. His friends are worried.- ,
j; ; '
, Telephone lo Lake " .
The Independent Telephone has
been extended to the head of W'allo-
wa lake and campers there have full
use of the entire service.
rade tomorrow morning, when, at
9 o'clock all affiliated Sunday Schools
of the city will be represented in &
ffrsnrt march ta thn - f!hAiitftunti&
grounds,, the event assuming the ded
icatory features for the Riverstda
rant. Tom mat nour on tne pro
gram will be carried on as announced.
Monday's program is likewise to ba
carried out in detail, the day being
of July celebration ' in the common .
application of the word. The after
noon lesuvities commence with land
races In the nark at-1:20 and shortly , :
after that hour the scene of attactlon
will switch to the first bridge, the
first one across the river. Under and.
around Hhat structure will take place .
a rather novel atraction.
V Camp Grounds Moved ' .,
', By force of circumstances, the
campers who -will live at tlje park
for the next ten days, have been for,
ced to move their camps to the park
proper and will not be camped across
the way as at first planned. This .
Is proving to be a popular side at
traction for the Chautauqua proper.
Scores will live at the beautiful park
during the life of the Chautauqua. -
Attraction to Appear Soon
Principals nationally known will
commence to congregate in this city
"fnm tndav on. They will be here In
time to carry out parts assigned to
them.'. "vU . ": ; : ' ''; . '
Coney island Strewn with People Last
Sight During Heat Spell
Chicago, July 2 Heat killed ten
more today, making a total of sixty
this season. The thermometer Btood
jat 0 today. and 92 yesterday. There
is no breeze. 1
. Thousands Leave New York.
New York July 2. Trains leaving
this city are Jammed with people es
caping the heat. Last night 00,000
slept at Coney Island all night. The
temperature remained at 85 all night.
Five deaths and numerous prostra
tions are reported. There la no, re
lief promised. '"';
Rides In Aufo Xow
Larry Larrlson, better known as
Governor Stubbs, is now selling gro
ceries from an automobile. Larrlson
nas a new nve passenger car iurnisn
ed by the wholesale house and he will
cover all his terrltry until the wea
ther becomes Inclement In the fall.
He la delighted with the novelty of
the undertaking. Last evening Mr.
and Mrs. Larrlson and two friends,
from Baker spent the evening In La
Grande. '.'
Apricots Shipped in From Portland
, ; Talon off the Market
. Fruit Inspector Stillwell today con
fiscated a box of apricots shipped in
from Portland as unsound. He is
. keeping close watch of bpth local and
foreign grown fruit and there Is lit
tie danger of diseased fruits going
through the markets.