LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVES ITuD AT, JULY 1, 1910. : PAGE'' FIVE ISIS -TOHIGHT'S PRDERAM Stubs his Toe. v Quiet Boarding House. , ; The Danger Line. Launch, Laut and Elaine. Song "It was Your Pleasing Smile- Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee: See dis play In lobby. -ADMISSION 10c- J LOCAL ,TMS. 0 0606 40 L. H. Thomas and wife and C. C. McBrlde and wife, of Concrete, Wn are in the city today. . Charles Disqua" has returned from a brief visit to Kansas City and other C. A. Barret, the Athena wheat and implement dealer, is in the city to day transacting business. V. J. Botlon has accepted a position in the N. K. West store, specializing in the men's department. Frank E. Smith the Elgin merchant was a business visitor in La Grande this morning, returning to Elgin on the morning train. C. Peterson, C. Dalton, L. S. Kel sey, J. S. Davis and J. B. Wilson, all of North Powder, were county metrop olis visitors this morning. Joseph Desmond left today, for St. Paul to attend the funeral of his brother John, who died there yester day Mr. Desmond is a brother of Mrs. J. D. Snodgrass, manager of the Snodgrass sanatorium. Mr. Des mond will return to La Grande after the funeral, bringing his mother with him. TB SOMEBODY .... , . . f ;.: . -; V ; is going to be disappointed when the five- acre tracts we have been offering von are I : all gone, and they are, all but two. We have some fine buys in residence lots at $125.00 each ; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. Better Investigate these. I Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 ! LA GRANDE Inv. CO., I Foley Hotel Bid., . La Grande i ;. .. . '' : ; ' he .0 $ Thomas Bruce, Manager. Ethel Tucker Stock Co. tin "THE GALLEY SLAVE" f Mr. and Mrs. Martin have returned from their wedding trip to north-1 west cities, and after . visiting with Mrs. Martin's mother", Mrs. Nellie j Neill, will leave for Soldier, Idaho, to 1 make their future home. -;, County Judge and Mrs. J. C. Henry left this morning for Baker City, where they will attend the funeral of M. Alexander, a well known man of Baker City. Mr. Alexander Is a nephew of Mrs. Henry. " ' ' Alrdome to be Remodeled. ' he whole crew is at work at ,the Airdome today making things a little more . attractive on the Inside in fact the big theatre will hereafter have the, appearance of a Japanese tea garden, as the entire place will be. decorated with evergreens, lan- i?ruis, eic. ine uauey emve picas- ed a good Blzed audience last even ing, everyone saying that .the play is the most attractive seen this summer at the Alrdome. Forenffia Wedding Rev. H. E. McLeod of the M. E. church today married Lewis Krueger of Lincoln county, to Minnie Long of Boise. The couple will make their home In Spokane. ' '; . .. ' Notice to Heating and Ventilating Contractors and Plumbers . Bids will be received by the School Board oi Sciiuoi ijiairim No. Cue oi La Grande,' Union County, Oregon, up to 7 o'clock p. to., Tuesday, July 2th 1910, for Installing heating and venti lating and plumbing for three school building located In School District No. One, La Grande, Oregon, as follows: The New High School Building, the old high school building and the North Side School Building, all ac cording to plans and specifications of the Architect for the School Board. All propositions must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of bid, made pavable to Arthur C. Williams, Clerk of the School Board. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or any portion of any proposal submitted. Plans on file at the office of, the Ar chitect, Newton C. Gauntt, in La Grande, Oregon. Contractor to give approved bond for full amount of contract. Done- by order of the School Board of District No. One, La Grande, Oregon, this ,29th day of June, 1910. ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, Clerk. July 1-13. .. me! ' Nothing to Men tion. "She is always makings fuss over little things " ; "What is she kicking about nowf J: "Uer bathing suit" ! 1 1 A LA 1 PERT PARAGRAPHS. The best you can do doesn't count unless It is better than that or some other fellow. . There are delightful people who are so fond of their own opiulon that they always keep It to themselves It ts rubbing It In too hard when the reason declare that you must par the Iceman and the coal man at the same time. ' . . Trouble keeps some persona so busy that they don't know that there Is any thing else la the world. A man may see bis finish first, but still that doesn't seem to make any difference In the ontoome. Some very outright people often get in wrong. Stunt itMipli liMik ho helpless that It seems a Huuwe to trouble them. That Is why they liMik helpletw. . No man er kept out of trouble and got Into del i at the name time. When a girl marries she thinks she Is going to revolutionize, the general opinion of married llfet but by and by she sees tbut she will do well if she herself Is able to retain any opinion of It, ; ' -'.'.P.v The difference between a person without any brains and a phonograph Is you never have to bother about the records with the witless Individual. arCSTARD PLANT SPREADING Farmers Show Negligence In not Pre ' . venting Spread of Mustard. Despite the fact that , there, are stringent laws to punish people whp neglect to care for prevention of the spreading of wild mustard, the nox ious weed Is making inroads on farms in Union county .according to several farmers today. There should be rigid enforcement of the law inflicting pun ishment on those who do not prerent the spread as much as possible. Sev eral farmers remarked today that the mustard plant is noticable far more extensively this year than formerly. Notice of Street Improvement To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of Feb., 1910, creating Improvement Dis trict No. 16 and designating Sixth Street, as such district, and in pur suance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 17th day o! June, 1910, whereby said Council de termined and declared Its intention to improve all that portion of Sixth Street in said improvement district as hereinafter described by laying thereon Bitulithic pavement, the Council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited FARMERS' BUSINESS WE GIVE PARTICU LAR MENTION TO THE BUSINESS OF FARMERS. M COR DIALLY INVITE THEM TO MAKE THIS 1HEIR BANKING HOME. The United States National Bank LA GRANDE, OREGON. THEGOLDERl RULE CO. THE GOLDEN RULE CO COST NOT CONSIDERED to close out this lofS 300 pairs of SHOES and OXFORDS. You will agree that they are the greatest snaps you have ever seen imi FA UN V 6TAR BRAND 'Line KIMONAS! Just what this warm weather calls for---cool. airv and comforbM. Middy war m weather wear. We have just receiv ed a line that you will be interested in. Made up of wash materials, neatly trimmed $1.25 to $1.75. The Golden Rule US by such Improvement, order that said above described Improvement be made; that the., boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Sixth Street, from the North line of Washington Avenue, to the North line of "K" Avenue. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all -the property affected and benefited by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such improve ment. That the estimated, cost of such improvement is the sum of $31,984.00- . . That the Council will on the 13th day of July, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 3 o'clock, P. M., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when a hearing will bu granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess ment. " " ' La Grande, Oregon, June 22, 1910. CITY COtlNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. ' , By D. E. COX, Recorder of the Clt. of La Grande, Oregon. . ' , " June-28-July-9. I If You Use J Igold leaf! tBrand of Butter Iy ouuse the Best? KRYPTOK Without Hue! Into" Lens DB. M. P. MENDELSSOHN DOCTOR OP OPTICS PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVE., OP POSITE POST OFFICE. DR. MENDSL8SOHN'S GLASSES GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. aOA yij d Rft Patents, good style, spring lasts, OO ISA .T?tV, not an old style in the lot, , ) i5 pV $4.00 Patent Tt this $2.00 0 Cfl This lot consists of Oxfords and shoes, CI A P good styles and good merchandise, V tJU In the above lot of shoes there isn't a pair offered that the reg ular price was not $3.50 or above. They are all good mer chandise but broken lines only, that we want to close out. mcC-c 11118 18 the garment for Oiitincra Co Winter is coming; you will need coal. Tqu can save money by order ing now. GRANDE SONDE CASH CO. si '4 It s OSEPH Will have the Greatest Celebratiion on it i My 34and Ever Held in Wallowa County It will be held at the head of Beautiful Wallowa Lake, the finest Summer Resort in Oregon. There will be all kinds of Games, sports, Races, Boat Races, Etc., for valuable prizes; Fine music and every amusement the heart could wish for. Low Excursion Rates 5 from all points on the O. R. & N. Tickets on sale Sunday, July 3, good for return until Tuesday, July 5. Everybody Cordially invited to Cele brate with us. Mil' n n A The Golden Rule Co i 4 f i i