" v - LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1910. NUMBER 207 VOL. XI i BLOOD SPILLED IX PA EH. "BETTISG IS ENGLAND BREAKS ALL RECORDS FEEL SURE OF THE BIG SMOKE U EGROES PRAY F Q R HERO Socialists Clash With Police Dnrlu Execution of Liabeuf IlIH'S CLHB5 Odds 1b London Ate Now Even Honey and Host Bets Favor Johnson Jeff Has Been Neglecting Gloves Affirms Corbett Negro . Ministers ' Throughout the Coutry to Pray for Aid In Sunday Services. London, Juiy 1. Odds on the Jeff lieu Jo'uuoou un'ui Lave awiicneri trom 10 to 7 In Johnson's favor to even mone y today. The betting is the heav lest ever recorded In England. Sport Ing -writers say that no one can lick Johnson. ' Reno, July 1 Jeffries was out early today and left at four this morning on a fishing trip. He will enjoy him self to the utmost today for tomorrow leglns the hated drying out process, life will be miserable for him and his camp, followers for he always be- omes grouchy. Monday the big fel low will sleep late and lounge about the camp until afternoon and then appear at the ring promptly for" the fight Paris, July 1. Llabenf oU Socialist was guillotined at sunrise In the pr!s- j on at Sante, thus ending the career of one of the ;"." most blood thirsty Apaches Paris ever knew. White he was preparing to ascend the scaffold, several thousand friend sand social ists gathered about. The fall ' f the blade maddened the throng .and they attempted -to storm the prlfn. Gen darmes were trampled and beaten prison guards were shot and ons po liceman killed. Troops rode up and charged - the crowd and mi it them back, leaving hundreds injure 1 in the streets. Some of these will die More than one threatened the life of Presi dent Fallleres and started for his home only to be stopped by the po lice.. '. . . ' V'v' '' mm CALLS HIM ENEMY OF BABIES FOB REFUSING TO GREET DELEGATION OF WOMEN YESTERDAYS AFFAIR SECRET Not Exactly Known What Transpired ' at Meeting: Between Roosevelt and Taft Hnghes Primary Bill Thought to Have Been Endorsed by Conferees Before Adjournment Balllnger Af fair Not Touched.. PENDLETON MAN ARRESTED Held at Vancouver for Horse Stealing at Pendleton Oregon IGE1R5 TEN THOUSAND, CONDUCTORS AND BRAKEMEN READY TO QUIT JOBS 'TONIGHT.- HQ LIE 111 EGOTIATIQNS Conductors and Brakemen In Vast Area Agree to Strike, Tlelng- up Tra file In Dozen States of the South west Railroad Operators Discredit . 'Danger of the StrikeIncreases . Likely to be Refused, Vancouver, Wn., July 1. V. A. Ry ther, wanted In Pendleton charged with horse stealing, is under arrest here awaiting, action by the Umatilla county authorities. He was caught In the railroad yards while en route to Seattle. HAN 1 SENT THROUGH ill Kicks Training Camp, July 'Jack Johnson is counting on divine as BiBtance to lick Jeffries. His golden mlle has disappeared and is replaced Tiv nn owl-like solmenlty. It Is an nounced today that colored "ministers of Denver, Chicago, New York and other cities have Joined in systematic prayers next Sunday for the success r fthe colored man In next Monday's fight. "I am a firm believer In the power of prayer," Bald Johnson today when asked to discuss the prayer announcement. "I believe my colored , fcrethren will bring me added power through the medium of prayer.' Johnson stayed with the routine ' work this morning and as usual he is sparring this afternoon. r'- ' fortett Chides Jeffries Moana Springs. July i. Jim Cor bett today admitted that Jeffries has been slighting the gloves too much I have pleaded with him and he has promised to box, but we have only j gone seven rounds so far; other times he was not there, said Corbett. Traln- ; r Cornell, however, says Jeff did not i need the boxing and Jeff took his a;'. vice. Gleason announced today that the fight would start at 1:30 promptly and that there would be no prelim inaries. Jack Jeffries said today that Doctoi Porter said Johnson's frame seems unable to stand the strain of a long battle. He said the ale that Jack drank to keep up weight has caused fat Inside. If true, Jeff's chances of winning are increased materially Mrs. Jeffries Is showing signs of nervousness and efforts are being made to keep her away from her hus Tiand as much as possible Neither Mrs. Jeffries or Mrs. Johnson will view the fight. They will get wires direct from the ringside ' Jeffries today picked Farmer Burns and his brother Jack and Armstrong tor his corner Corbett will be chief second and Cornell will attend to cuts and the legs. Articles of agree vment do not mention hand bandages and Jeff will not wear any. He mcy insist that Johnson do the same, or at least put them on in the ring. Jeff said today he would would win in an early round If possible. PRESIDENT OF STEAMBOAT CON. CEBN INTIMIDATED Assured that he will Soon Lose His Ear Like Steamboat Man a delegation from the National Con sumers. Association was refused a conference with President Taft re garding' the proposed legislation for child protection, the president is to day termed an enemy of babies. Taft's alleged opposition is charged In a speech by Mrs. Florence Kelly at the Sagamore society conference She declared the -delegation was in formed at the White House that Taft was busy and could not see them. A half hour later Taft was playing golf, she said. '. ;' Mystery In Meeting: Beverly, July 1. There Is. mystery In JuBt what happened between Roose velt and Taft yesterday when they met. It Is believed the men agreed the Hughes primary bill should be endorsed. Balllnger-PInchot affairs were not mentioned, it Is said. Prob ably, the men will not meet again for some time. ' Some politicians con cluded that Roosevelt didn't endorse the Taft administration or the regu lars would have published it. MORE LANDS WITHDRAWN President Has Signed Proclamation In Regard to Western Lands Washington, July l Proclamations eliminating nearly halt a million ac res of land from the national forest lands and adding about 100.000 to re serves, have been signed by Taft. The lands eliminated were found suitable for agriculture. . From the Beaver Head National Forest reserve In Ida ho, 106,875 acres are taken. About sixty thousand are to be taken from the Targhee reserve In Idaho and Wy omlng, also. Cleveland, July 1. A human ear in a box sent through the mall to Harrv C. Coulby, president of the Pittsburg Steamship company, was today turn ed over to . the police with Instruc tions to find the sender. " The letter which came ' with the ear informed Coulby that he would soon lose his ear. Coulby's company la at outs with Union men and the ear was that of a non-union, steam boat ' man who had been attacked previously. Failure of Shipments to Reach .La Grande Delays Mains LA GRANDE MAY BE CHOSEN Eastern Oregon Delegutes Try to Bring Convention to La Grande Child Swnllows ToWn Snokane. July 1. Swallowing a mixture heavily loaded with strych nine under the impression that it was medicine. Florence Beatty. aged 10. died last night. Mrs. John Beatty. aged 50, the grandmother, and .also the mother took some but physicians saved their lives. A letter from Rev. Ford Ellis, who with several other delegates is at tending the convention of the Christ ian church members at Turner, Ore eon, says: Te twentieth anniversary of the Or egon Christian Mission is In session at Turner, Oregon. Delegates from state are encamped upon the grounds that border the little town of Turner. The Christian church owns beautiful erounds with a large tabernacle, where the sessions of the convention are held.' Two thousand people are estimated to have enrolled at the gates to the grounds . last Sunday. The convention goes on record as tne largest convention ever held. . Work era from all parts of the world are represented upon the program. The delegates of eastern Oregon are maK ing a strenuous fight to bring the invention every three years to east em Oregon. The convention has met nt Turner for the last 15 years. The delegates of the east are complaining of the distance that, must be traveled every year. They urge that it would be fair for all If the churches of eastern Oregon should be recognized. The location of La Grande with Its connection with the Wallowa coun trv. Baker City, Pendleton and Mil ton will perhaps be chosen for the place of the convention in 1912. The convention will close Monday. even ing. ' ' .". ... . ' Shortage of pipe is delaying the construction of the Second Street wa ter main considerably. With the ex ception of a few rods, the ditch from the reservoir to Adams avenue d-iwu Second street has been completed, but about two carloads of pipe Is all that has been laid thus far. There are several carloads of pipe over due here but seemingly the contract ors are having trouble to receive the shipments as they should. Hot Lake Items Hot Lake, July 1. (Special) "Cap" Alexander, who was formerly located at La Grande but later moved to Portland when appointed field agent for the land office department. visited friends here today. He. Is on his way to Boise tives of the conductors and trainmen on all Southeastern roads, announced today that a strike Involving 50,000 men will probably be called this af ternoon. The men 'demand a wage scale and working hours the same as granted by the Cheaspeake & Ohio. It Is believed the demands will be re fused- : ":' ':v ' 1 - The union sub-committee has Issued an iiltlmatum declaring no more con ference after today. They have en deavored' to effect a satisfactory set tlement for a month to avoid a strike the leaders say. " v , ; Trainmen assert . that 10,000 con ductors, brakemen and other employ ees are ready to strike when they do Should , they do so traffic. will be blooked throughout North and South Carolina. Georgia, Florida and por tlons of Kentucky, Tennessee, Miss issippi and Louisiana. . The increases demanded range from 15 tfc 30 per cent Southern railroad operators discredit the danger of a strike. . .Want RuePs Pulse Made Known San Francisco, July 1 Abe Ruef, once , political boss and; head of a grafting 'ring! convicted' of bribery, must appear before the superior court tomorrow and show cause why he Bhould not be remanded Into the custody of the sheriff. Since Decern ber he has been out under $300,000 bonds ,on plea of . his health being poor. -v: The court . wants to seev uow healthy he Is. : , Ell 01 HIS GRIEF ATTEMPTS TO KILL DIVORCED WIFE IN PORTLAND GRILL LAST EVENING SUICIDES DEI r nin L rnc UlULIId O. R. & N. Brakemao Attempts Mur der and Then Blows Own Brains Out Ii Stylish Grill Before Large Crowd of Diners lias Been DU vorccd for a Month and had Threat cned to Kill Former Wife, - PIPE DELAYS WORK f : Regulars Lose Ground. Blueflelds," July 1. Insurgeat sape- ratlons : against Managua are -twltis carried forward vigorously todty,' ac cording to reports which stats thr.t the Madrlz forces are not prapaved for a long siege. Portland .July l.I. T. Bowen, an C H. . C. .'utMkewiMti UWU, M Ul-. ' clde, and hla wife whom' he shot la3t night In a Portland grill, evidently; Intending to finish her lfe and then take his own, Is In the Goo dSamarK tan hospital in a' serious-condljlon Domestic Trouble la FaulV It was all the result of Dozen's de-. termination to end domestic trouble. The couple was divorced, a month ago. Since then "he has threatened to take, her life. , Last night h? followed her on the street and she took refuge m the grill. Ha followed and, shot, her through the neck ahfl en blew out his own brains before a large crowd. of diners, , Bolen left a note saying he had had lots of family trouble and was tired of it. SO PUBLIC CELEBRATION PLAN. NED FOR JULY FOURTH Students In Bloody Fight Lemburg, Austria, July 1. A thous and Polish and Lithunlan students of the University of Lemburg engaged in a free for al lflght on racial lines today. The rioting continued until he police interfered. Many shots were exchanged and hundreds; were taken to hospitals seriously injured. Reason for Charging Admission Set Out In Communication , Increase In Wages New York,' July 1. Between 5000 and 6000 structural Iron workers to day received a voluntary increase In wages of 20 cents a day, bringing their daily Income to $3, the highest the workers at the- trade have yet received. Mrs. J..J Carr will be able to re turn to her home In about ten days Mrs. H. F. Anderson of Ontario Is her guest today. L. Garlck of La Grande arrived here today to take treatment for rheu matism. CoK H. E. Newport, the contractor, whose home .Is at Hermiston but who has been located at La Grande this spring, is here today to visit his wife who has undergone a delicate opera tion. She is improving. H. L. Slaughter of Baker City has gone to Los Angeles to take charge of the clerk's desk in the Victoria ho tel. He was chief clerk nere wnue Mr. Walllngton was away. Contest Cases Heard Two contest cases were heard at he land office today. One Is the case rf George F. Hagey against Hugo A. Beck, and the other is Mr. Hagey against James O'Brien. The land In volved Is a homestead near Starkey. Land Attorney Brlschoux appearei fo Hagey. ';. Justice Moody 111 , Nahant, Mass., July 1. Roosevelt and Lodge left In an auto, steering for Brooklyn to visit Chief Justice Moody, who is 11 lat . the hospital. Roosevelt appointed Moody Attorney General In 1904. They are close friends. - Japs to Dash South. Toklo, July 1. Lieut. Shlrpse of the Jap. army, will race Captain Scot! of the British army to the South Pole. Early in August he heads a party of 12 men who hope to plant the Jup. flag the farthest South before Scott can reach there. ! . To the Publlcr-At a meeting of the 1 Board of Trustees of the Chautauqua plaint was made that a number of people were objecting to the Chau tauqiia making a charge on the 4th of July, and In order to explain the situation that the board of Managers hold upon this matter, we desire to announce: - That the Chautauqua Is not a pub lie celebration. The Chautauqua has not . received public subscription in order to put on the attractions tha: will be given that day. The expense of putting the attractions on for that day will amount to over $300.00 and they must be met by our gate re ceipt, whether season tickets or sin gle admissions. It is a well known fact that La Grande could have hone of the attractions here that the Chau tauqua affords unless the people were willing to support the same by purchasing season tickets and attend ing the meetings "held. Viewing the matter In this light, we cannot see l ow the public In general can ask for fomething for nothing, and they should be willing to give us' their support and boost our town and coun ty toward greater things. Yours very truly, T. A. RINEHART, President. GEORGE T. COCHRAN, Secretary. New Weather Maker St. Louis, July 1. Montrose Hayes commenced making the weather for St. Louis and vicinity today, succeed ing J. Warren Smith who returns to j Columbus, O., as forecaster and pro-1 fessor at Ohio State University j Number Seven Late Passenger train No. seven, west bound, was several hours late today, for the first time In many weeks. Trouble beyond Huntington delayed its arrival here until 7:50. , Wabash Train Wrecked Montgomery Mo., July 1. One man was killed and four fatally Injured when the Wabash , passenger was wrecked near here today. A grating truck on the baggage car caused It. ; Mortuary Benefit ( New York, July 1. Collection of ' the per capita tax for the new mortu- ! ary benefit system established by the ( last convention of Bricklayers, Ma sons and Plasterers national conven tion commenced today. . '7 '. ' A band escort for the parading Sun day School children next Sunday morning when the mobollzed Sunday School forces of the city will com mence a march from the Baptist church to the Chautauqua grounds, was provided for at a meeting of the Chautauqua committee last evening All children of Sunday School affili ation are to gather at the -Baptist curch before nine o'clock, and at that hour, the march will commence toward the park wheer the first event of the thirteen day celebration will commence. ' Hour Near at Hand." As Sunday approaches. Chautauqua committees are steeling themselves to the hardest sort of work In prepa ration for. the opening day. Every structure on the grounds will be fin ished and every detail will be at tended to at the proper moment. The Chautauqua ls,vlelng with the prlso fight In Eastern Oregon when It comes to public discussion. The venture is . new here r and la being freely talked, of ar the day for the ;i, opening approaches. V,', - The program for Sunday and Mon- day Is published herewith again: . 1 Sunday, July I. f (Program in charge of the La Grande Ministerial Association) 10:00 a. m. Sunday School Rally- Conducted by Rev. C. A. Phlpps, State S. 8 Worker '1:30 p. m. Sacred Concert by La "Grande Band. 2 :30 p. m. Sermon by Rev. G. L. Powell, of Minneapolis, Minn. 7 to 8 p. m.MJoncert by the Band. 8 p. m. Lecture by Rev. O. L. PoWr ' ell, of Minneapolis, Minn. . Monday, July 10:00 a m. Band Concert." - 1 11:00 a. m. Oration of the Day Hon. Stephen A. Lowell Noon Basket Picnic. , 1;00 p. m. Band Concert. 1:30 to 3:00 p. m. Special Athletic Program. v . ' ' . , Land sports 50-yd. dash, free for &H: DO-yd, dash, under sixteen; 50- yd. dash (exhibition); half mile (ex hibition) - , Water Sport 20 :'ird swim (free stroke) 40 yard swim (free stroke) 80 yard swim (free stroke) 40 yard swim (back stroke) 80 yard swim, free stroke (Juvenile event) .' ; . " ' " -V Jump for height from spring board High diving three heights, 15, 25 and 30 feet solid take off. Endurance test, under water (not distance). , Single manned canoe race for men Same for women. Double manned canoe race for men. Same for women., , ; . Four-oared women's canoe race- (Special) Relay race,' four entries. Relay race, juvenile entries, same as above. V '; , 3:30 p. m. Patriotic Program A Reproduction of the Continental Con gress .of 1776;. In charge of special committees. 7 to 8 p. m. Band Concert. 8:00 p. m Lecture "Livingstone in Darkest Africa," Dr. Davidson Bu chanan, v : , ' Plunccr Paltcu Retires. , ' Chicago, July 1. J. A. Patten grain and cotton king, today severed his ' connection with Bartlett, Patten & Co. it -1 '1