La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 30, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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CMJ; will want to look
you are
as we
img new
particular aDput your
have particular goods
and up to
best ;bn: the
appearance we can s
for particular people. Ev
i : . .. " .
Xotfce of Street Improvement
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
suance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of
reo., mo, creating Improvement Dis
trict No. 16 " and designating Sixth
Street, as such district, and, In pur
suance of a resolution adopted by said
Common Council on the 17th day of
June, 1910, whereby said Council de
termined and declared Its Intention
to Improve all that portion of Sixth
Street In said improvement district
as hereinafter described by laying
thereon , Bitulithic pavement,' the
Council will, ten days after the ser
vice of this notice upon the owners
of the property affected and benefited
by such improvement, order that said
above described improvement be made;
that the boundaries of said district to
be so Improved are as follows: All
that portion of Sixth Street, from the
North line of Washington Avenue, to
the North line of "K" Avenue.
Notice Is hereby further given that
the Council will Jevy a special assess
ment on all the property affected and
benefited by such Improvement for the
purpose of paying for such Improve
ment That the estimated . cost of
such Improvement is the sum of i
131,984.00. J
That the Council will on the 13th day i
m .'' . . - 4
v tftu, v, uieca ttl UiJ vuuuvii
chamber at the hour of 3 o'clock,
P. M., to consider said estimated cost,
and the levy of said assessment, when
a hearing will by granted to any per
son feeling aggrieved by such assess
ment -
La Grande, Oregon, June 22, 1919.
By D. E. COX, Recorder of the CX
of La Grande, Oregon.
"What's his grouch ?'
"He can't forgive society for finding
out what a consummate fool be Is."
Foolish Question.
"Is Ethel coins: to marry Jack?"
"Why, badn't you heard that bis firm
has failed r
The leswuH of life are lost If they do
not Impress us with the necessity of
making ample allowances for tbe Im
mature conclusions of other.
Wear a pair of our Summer , Oxfords through
the warm months.
Everything in black and tan, on lasts that are
comionaoie and fashionable.
iLADlES HIGH TOP OVTIHG SHOES - . $5.00 and $6.00
d . - ' .'. K
Shoe Men
f Queen of the Northwest Resorts
Near the Mouth of tlu Columbia River, on theWash-
intoa Coat':
T"! i
me place to spend Your
Summer Vacation
Twciltv-fivn Alil.o A r :u a t ,
u,igumceui ueacn. Level.
. Many, thriving and t idy communities, delightful bo-
-rri Vlu" f Wll9- All the comforts
j ri,u '"u. ! "oaiuimi, invigorating recreation
o the seaside-surf bathing; lidiing, clam digging
racing, hunting, stroll! and
drives through picturesque wooded headlands.
Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon' and Wash.
: '.- .VV ' -VIA . - .;.
Oregon Railroad and Naviga tion Co
. Season Kate : From Portland Kound Trip, $4.00
Three Day-Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00
. Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office 3rd and
v . - W.sLlngton Streets, Tort land, or Inquire of any 0. R.
-: "':: V &, N asent e'ewb ere for Information
McMUSKAT, GcBfrai r"cn fer Af :nt, rortlanfi, Orefcu
rniurn no
i unuiLU ui
Penalties Attached to Violation of the
Simple Park Rules. .
Rules and regulations governing
the conduct of the public at Riverside
Park have been framed up by the
executive board, and will be displayed
at various places on the park ground
as soon as suitable copies of the rules
can be adopted. The rules follow:
Rules Governing; Riverside Park
1 That the caretaker of Rlversldo
Park be appointed a constable with
full power to enforce all laws per
taining to the welfare of said park.
2 That It Bhall bo un'awful to cut,
pluck, break or mutilate any flowo
shrub or tree In Rlvorolde Park, o
to deface with pencil, knlfo or other
instrument any tree, bridge, seat or
building therein.
3 That it shall be unlawful to
throw food, cans, paper or any trash
of any kind either. In the river, lake
or grounds of said park.
4 That no dancing shall be allowed
in Bald park on any Sabbath day.
5 That no horses shall be tied
within the park grounds.
6 That no person shall remove
from said park any tool or property
of said park. Y. ;
7 Shooting is strictly forbidden In
Riverside Park. 1 , ! : !
8 It shall be unlawful to, destroy
birds, or their nests or eggs.
Any person violating any of the
above rules shall, upon conviction
thereof be punished by a fine not to
exceed $20.00.
By order of the Park Commissioners.
Humor and
gKIJTI.MJ n birthday now imrt ttn
Is a stitufrf ue ' tbut old Kit t Her
Time pays u attention to. but con
tinues bis slangbter relent Icusty.
One reanon why we all time bad Inek
so Is because It U no cood.
It Is easy euoupb to get out of teuj.
per, but mljjhty hard sledding when
you have done so.
Tbe worttt tblug about. tbe bented
season ia that It brings out such a crop
of don't worry and keep cool near
wise ones. : . s
An unfounded rumor. Is border to
catch than tbe nimble dollar or a ba
ball pennant ., u;.
n The (Ircnlt Court of The Mule t,t
Oregon, For I'niun fount).
A. Brownell, Plaintiff, vs. Kiln 1,.
Brownell. Dcfendanl. ;
To'Klla L. Brownell, tho nhovc
named defendant; You uro ' lioreby
summoned and 'required to nppear
and answer the , complnlnl nind
ngalnst you in the above ttvit4 tlt
on or before sis weeks uHt l rst
publication of the summons In this
cause, and you will take notice that
if you fail to so appear and answer
said complaint, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded In said complaint, to-wit: tn
a decree of the court dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now. and hereto
fore existing between you and the
plaintiff, and for general relief.
You will further take notice that
this summons Is published 4n the La
Grande Evening Observer, ' once a
week for six consecutive weeks, of
seven issues, by order of the Hon. J.
W. Knowles, Judge of , said , court,
made, dated and entered April 6th, A.
D. 1910, the first issue of Bald publica
tion being June 9th, 1910. ,
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
June 9-16-23, July 7-14-21.
Depot Street to North Spruce Street,
' East and West through the center of
Block 137 Chaplin's Supplemental
Addition, "W" Avenue from North De
pot Street to North Spruce Street, the
tin. ' 1M' I i ' J
.. vw ?. a alWIM U4U . VV
Avenue, from North Ash Street to
North Depot Street, "X" Avenue from
North Depot Street to N. Spruce
Street, the alley between "W" Avenue
and."X" Avenue from North Fourth
Street to North Depot Street "Y"
Avenue from North Depot Street to
North Spruce Street.
Notice is hereby further given that
the Council will levy a special assess
mention all the property affected and
benefited by such improvement for the
purpose of paying for such Improve
ment. That the estimated cost of
Notice of Street Improvement
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance of a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of La
Grande, Oregon, on the 8th day of
June, 1910, creating Improvement Dis
trict No. 1, 2 and 3 and designating
Spruce and North Spruce Street from
the alley between Adams Avenue and
Jefferson Avenue to "Y" Avenue; Mad
ison Avenue from Elm Street to
North Spruce Street; Monroe Avenue
from Elm Street .to North Spruce
Street; the alley between "S" Avenue
and "T" Avenue from Block 160,
Chaplin's Supplemental Addition' to
North Spruce Street; the alley be
tween "R" Avenue and "S" Avenue
from Elm Street to North Spruce
Street; "T" Avenue from North De
pot Street to North Spruce Street
Jackson Avenue from North Depot
Street to North Spruce Street; "U"
Avenue from North Depot Street' to
North Spruce, Street; "VT" Avenue
from North Depot Street to North
Spruce Street; East and West through
center block 137 Chaplin's Supple
mental addition; "W" Avenue from
North Depot Street to North Spruce
Street; the alley between "V" Ave
nue and "W Avenue, from North Ash
Street to, North Depot ; Street; ,"X"
Avenue from North Depot Street to
North Spruce Street; alley between
"W" Avenue and "X" Avenue from
North Fourth Street to North Depot
Street; "Y; Avenue - from North
Depot ' Street to North Spruce
Street, as" District No. ' 2, and
In pursuance -of a, resolu
tion adopted by said Common Council
on the. 8th day of June, 1910, whereby
said Council determined and declared
Its intention to improve all that por
tloln of said District No. 2, as herein
after described by constructing sew
ers therein, the council will, ten days
arter the service of this notice upon
the owners of the property affected
and benefited by sue hlmprovements or
der that Bald describen Improvements
be made; that the boundaries of said
district to be bo Improved are as fol
lows: Spruce Street an l North Sprue,!
Street from the alley between Adam
Avenue and Jefferson Avenue to "Y"
Avenue, Madison Avenue from Elm
Street to North Spruce Street, Mon
roe Avenue from Elm Street to North
Spruco Street, the alley between "S"
Avenue and "T" Avenue from Block
100 Chaplin's Supplemental Addition,
lo North Spruce Street, the alley be
tween R" Avenue and "S" Avenue,
from Elm Street, to North Spruce
Street. "T" Avenue from North Depot
Streot to North Spruce Street, Jack
son Avenue, from North Depot Street
to North Spruce Street, "C Avenue
from North Depot Street to North
Spruce Street. "V" Avenue from North
such , Improvement . Is the Bum o!
$35,972.39. .. '.
That the Council will on the 13th day
of July. 1910 meat at 'rmm.n
m r - -, ww VVUUVU I
chamber at the ; hour of 8 b'cloctliiC!
fM., to consider said estimated cosl""Il -
and the levy of said, assessment, when
a hearing will be granted to any per
son feeling aggrieved by such assew
ment. ,.
La Grande, Oregon, June 22, 1910. j
By D. E. COX, Recorder of re City :
of La Grande, Oregon. : .
4 TLUnj, ClftKK5
Royal Grocery
Make Ironing A
while the suir shines.
; Two hundred and fif
ty homes in LaGrande
are now ' using electric
flat irons. There is a
reason for this. 'You
cannot afford to be with
out an electric iron. Let
us place one in your
home on triaL
Light and Power
Getting a fourth hand for "bridge" is only one
oi a thousand social uses of the Telephone, and
' f!ifP e lervice Promtes sociability and good
fellowship because it brings neighbors closer to
tanw YourfnendsaUlive within talking dis-
It is the samewith your out-bf-lciwn friends-the
universal service of the BellSystem makes them
your neighbors, too. .Your voice ban reach all by
UM"lU3 ui tuo ami i,ong Distance Service.
Pacific Telephone and
Telearanh Cm
tmyBtllTekphoneis the Centre
oi me system.