LA GRANDE EVENTNO OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23,' 1910. PAGE GEVT7J r 'f 1 u and j nnti A dis- f Mrs. E.G. Adcook Mrs. L. Smith's Millinery Store J Hair Dressing, J , Manicuring, .. Vibratory Massage, ; Electric Radio, ; J . ' Be Treafnen New line of switches just reueiveu, uiuiuuuig uiuiiua and drab shades. MALTED MILK1 with ess , : any flavor . A Meal in i One Glass ; Selder's Gonfectionery Store Wfe? , r EAGLE MILK f. rA 4 SrflDv Pure, Rich. Cow's 9 "iw ? . 5 (Iff IB. 20c a Can. Nothing lias bsen added A to this milk, and nothing but water removed. It is g a. most convenient article "J ;for the household in that 4 indefinitely, so J j can remains 5 PHONE BLACK 81 PATTISON BROS rder Rock Springs r Winter Now G. E. FOWLER ' . Cherries For Sale.. Yl Dukes are now ripe. Order Fce as they are going quickly. Tatman. " Apply . ' i . ' :: . v I . it at i J i i rami i nuninn -3" : I'- ., '1 IMMM iMI III. I ! Uwillkee Jong as t inopenea. ' , ; J 2 - I .... i IV i . , . . . Il l L.W ITflU 'll . ini ... kiwi i -w-"1,' union tea M El TWO GAMES SLATED FOR LOvAL ATTRACTIONS. Jul j Fourth and Fifth will See Union ; Squad Lineup Against Locals " Union, with a team ; recruited out of the debris of the disbanded team and strengthened with, three new players,' will tie up with the local pen nant chasers on July fourth and fifth at the Lincoln grounds. Elgin comeB on Sunday for a regular league game but the team must return to parti cipate In a game with Cove at Elgin on the afternoon of July fourth, leav ing the proposed game with La Grande that day open to other teams. Union has recovered from its blowup and is now In good trim, , ; Other midweek games are contem plated,' among them being one with Baker City and one with Huntington. Prominent Attorney 111. v Colonel William F. Butcher, for years one of the .leading; ,' lawyers of Eastern Oregon, if not In the en tire state, a man who Is known and respected throughout the entire coun try, lies at his home this afternoon, not expected to survive the night. ,, For several years Col Butcher has been falling and repeated efforts to restore him to his physical and men tal strength have proved, unavailing. Yesterday he lost entire control of his faculties and Japsed Into a state of unconsciousness that still contin ues. Friends and members of the ailing man's family were at the bed side last night and say that It Is only the powefrul frame at the dying man that has kept the spark of life flutter- J Ing thus long. ; J Col. Butcher has been a resident of Baker City and Baker county since 1888 wnen as a young came here from Athena where he had been practising law. . From his entrance practising law. Into Baker his rise as a legal light of prominence was marked,, and in the course of his more than twenty years practl8e In th,s county he flg1ired ,n most of the improtant litigation that a came from Eastern Oregon. But it was not in purely legal work alone that Mr. Butcher's fame rest ed. He ' was a ' leading figure always In fraternal orders and attained the honorable, position of Past Worship ful Grand Master of A. F. and A. M. He also early became prominent in business projects of importance to the community figuring in the organi zation of such large , enterprises as municipal gas and electric plants that preceded the present lighting corpo rations. V . , j; Colonel Butcher is 52 years of age Baker City Herald. . Fmlt Trees. ;. D. H. Proctor, representing Milton Nurseries. Order now for fall and spring delivery. 7-1 JLS llMtdimtkDd Dt School for Olrif under1 w fATm of hiatal of h:t. JohnBitiM(KDiM'ODQ. CdfAm1. Acailomte and - H.'incntr Dn;itn. Morio, Art, Uoentlon, Cjmnuslam. (iJomt iwpil mut ba or 14 )n of vm ou woll CMomiriHiidtKl. Tb BDDiber Is limited V fifty. Application ihoold he minis early. Aide. 3 Th Si1r Sinwricf.Omo 2S, 6t.rli'm Hall.PcIt; ri. P r. European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 , First class Throughout D. G. BRIGHOUX, : ', Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEP01 la Grande, Oregon SATO MOTEL I SUGAR Cash price Sugar, $6.75; beet sugar $6.75. V'- VEGETABLES ury onions, . 2c; parsnips, 2 l-2c; spinach, 3 K for 25; fresh peas, 15c; asparagus, 3 lb for 25c; rubarb, 6c; celery, 10c a bunch; hot house lettuce, 2 bunches for 15c; head lettuce, 10c; radishes, 3 bunches for 10c ; green onions, 5c a bunch ; fresh Florida tomatoes, 10c; new po tatoes, 61b for 25c FRUIT Oranges, 40c dos; lemons, 85c; bananas, 40c; strawberries, 15c per box, 2 for 25c; cherries 2 Its for 25c; gooseberries, 2 qts. for 25c. , MEATS Hogs, live weight, well finished, $10 cwi; cows, S 1-2 to 4c; real 4 to 4 l-2c: mutton, 5 1-2; chick ens 13c. ' .'K-i-'-- ' ' Mar CHAmWOO I am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, al- ' so partly seasoned wood, to all comers.' Kind ly phone your order to . V. E B E A ll PHONE RED 3741 DIRECTORY OF THE. FRATERNAL ORDERS J LA GRANDE, ORE M. W. A. La Grardo Camp No. 7703 meets every Monday in the month at the I. O, O. F. Hall. ; All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. " ' , Women of Woodcraft Grande Ronde CIrcl No. 47 meets every first and' third Thursday even ing In the "month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. A.F..& A.M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds reguler meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. v . JOHN C. HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club corntr of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. DR. G. L. BIGQERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec I O. O. F. Subordinate La Grande Ledger No? 16 meets in their hall every Satui day night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. - ; GEO. GROUT, N. G. J. R. SNOOK, Rep. Sec W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec OBSERVER WANT ADS PAY Portland Earkets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 29c; store 2323. BUTTER FAT Delllver t o. b. at Portland, sw, cream 27 1-2; sour 25 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, 26 A 26 1-2 POULTRY Mixed chickens 16c; fan.y 16 0 16 l-2c; turkeys, alive 2021c; dresscd,Z728e;pigeons squabs, $2.50; aressed chickens,' 1 to 2o higher than alive. BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed, $23; rolled, $25; brewlag. $24. WHEAT Nominal uack, dub, 78; bluestem 82; Wllamette valley, 81c. . .-. MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran $20; mldlings, $29; shorts. $21; cho$, $19$25. ',. FLOUR-New crop patents, $5.15 IT CERTAINLY tOOIS GOOD to the children when they see ' the delicious bread made, tram ' the North. Powder Best of the Best Patent flour. It Is a meal for the little ones, with hotter, Jam or jelly, that is wholesome and muscle building. . It looks good also to the iousewlfe when ' she sees the golden brown crisp and tho white7 bread Inside when it comes from the oven. It also . smells appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. FOB SALE BY ALL GBOCECS S'.bclahs Crystal Lodge No. 10 ' meets every Tuesday ening in the I. O. O. F. hall All visiting members are Invited to attend. ' MRS. CORA FITZGERALD, N. G. MISS SUSAN McILROY, Sec. : ' . Knights of P)thlas . Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday: night in Castle hall (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. . ED, WRIGHT, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. of R. & S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holde stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially invited MARY A. WARNICKec. PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O.W. meets every second and fourth Tues day in the month. , All visiting mem bers welcom:.'. .. '-''., J. H. KEENEY, Oert. ry pay Rent? We loan you money to build, and you pay us as you would rent J. R. OLIVER, THEXLASS1PIEI COLUMN LOST Lady's watch with pin at tached. Suitable reward paid if re turned to La Grande Investment com pany. . STRAYED Black Cockerel Spaniel Three months old. Finder lea-o word at this oSoe. TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land , to trade for city property. Ma Wood, Golden Rule store. ' LOST Brown parse containing about . .I15.C0, some Canadian coin, owner's card in Bide: in Union or on road to La Grande. Phone or notify Ob server. ;",'.- FURNIHHKU KWM- 10XS ' Aaaius Ave., $3.04 per month, phone red WANTED 6 or 7 room furnished house. Inqalre Phone Red 1181. LOST A locket, one side fully en graved, other side plain. Leave at Observer office. NOW-Get that umrner suit cleaned Ma prwsea rennmgrous. rnone macs: 851 or 41. LOST Elk's tooth in setting; "D. A. E., Olympian, 180" on back. Re turn to Observer office and receive suitable reward. . , ; ROOM and BOARD 1817 Fourth EL FOR SALE The Snodgrass residence in the Old Town consisting of a ten room Louse, and the E. W. Bart lett house in the Old Town, consist ing of seven rooms. ' Will be ecU cheap if taken at otce. Inquire at the Snodgrsss grocery. .. i FOR SALE Cherries, 10 cents per - gallon on the tree. L. Stlllwell, Fraltdale. ;: i W. i' :". ' WANTED Waitress at Palace res taurant Experience not necessary. FOUND A, Rebekah pin. Owner call at Observer office for same. ; WANTED TO KENT A six ! room house. ' No objection to a larger house if in desirable location. B. F. Wade. Phone Red 402. O Q O PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ) C U. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. : ; i Ppyslclan and Surgeon : Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nobs and Throat. Office in La Grande Nat ional Bank Building. . Phones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN . - ; v Osteopath Physician ' Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1322, Pacific Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Suc cessor to Dr. T. E. Moore. ERLA CABLOCK Teacher of Piano . ., Pupil of, Pierre Doullet of the San Jose Conservatory. For Children the Burrows method oi music stady and musical kindergar ten. Studio In Mahaffey Buildlnr. LA GRANDE SCHOOL OF Ml SIC Cor. Adams avenue and Greenwood St v PROF. E. PORTER DAI r ; 1 " Di'ecto.. T. H. CBAWFOKD Attorney-at-law Practices in all the courts of the State and Un'ted States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg : La Grande, Oregon - DR. P. A. CHARLTON I Veterlntry Surgeon ' Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Gran is Residence phone. Red 701: " OSSo phone, Black 13(1; Independent phone (3; roth phones at residence. BRINGS ALWAYS n PLRNISHED ROOM For gentleaa ecly. Nice location. Close In. Cell nr, Red Kt. tf, BOY WANTED A goodbright boy, over 18 years of age, to learn the laundry business. Apply at once to Cherry's New Laundry. , FOR SALE Old papers at the OV : server off"- j HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and a horse and cow for sale. Call be fore July 1 at 604 Second street FOR RENT Barn suitable for three horses. Inquire at this c-Qce, ; country property, a 120 room fire proof hotel. Best corner location In Seattle. Long lease, large lobby, , telephone in all rooms. , P. O. Box 1623. Seattle. ". FOR 8 ALE or WILL RENT Ranch of 1300 acres;' stock, hay and grain. Well watered. Next to town. Renter must have best references. Terms of years to right oart7. Barns, arte- ( Bian water, 8 room house. Address w m, Sanders, Cornucopia, Ore. ANYONE wishing, aster plants' call , .on Mrs. W. D. Grandy, cor Second and Grandy avenues. WANTED 25 BOYS AND MEN To pick cherries. 25 girls to pack cherries. Tents and fuel furnished. Begin about July 6th. Good camp ground. Phone, , write or call a M. or G. G. Stackland, Cove, Oregon, STRAYED From Proebstel pasture, one Jersey cow with black face; branded J. 0. E. on left hip, Alson ' brand on right side. Notify Mrs. C E Brown 2805 N. Fir "street Ind phone 1363. v ROOM FOR RENT Prefer gentleman See Mrs. C. E. Whlteman at Zuber brick, corner Beventh and Washing ton. : 6-Z7-tt FOR RENT Modern five room home. Inquire of D. Brlchoux. FOR RENT Five room modern cot tage.; Enquler of Mrs. Zuber. " Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. Cocnraa COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys ' . . ; l4i Grande National Bank Bids. La Grande ' . : . - Oregon DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics, Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1105 Adams Ave. . Opposite P. O. La Grande, . Oregon . V DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Ppyslclan and Surgeon , ' ' Over Red Cross Drug Store Special attention to diseases of Eye, and Ear. - . - r ' r ; Office phone Main 22; Res. Main 728. v D. W. C. NELSON Mining-Enrlneer , Baker City Oregon N. MOLITOR, M. D. , Ppyslclan and Surgeon Corner Adams . ye. and Depot street Office Main 68 Residence 19 J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. . Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Pboi.e Black S99L HENDRICKS & HALL Painters, paper hang ers, decorators. . Esti mates furnished free. Ceddes Grocery Build fog Phone Ind tJ"l RE Subscribe for the Observer.