PAGE SIX TCZZ3 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1910. WlOU will want to look your you are you, as we erything new ilk particular about your have particular goods est : 6n--&e:i'4&: .of Ju appearance; we ca: for ; particular; people. r - : n sum. Call For BUs, . the plans and specifications on file In Notice is hereby given that sealed the office of .the Recorder of the City HZ: ':r onnatmctloa of 870 feet "of La Grand, Oregon, will be recelv of sewer, to be built according to ea at u "vZcc c M Recorder up I GIVE YOUR FEET A TREAT ri Wear a pair of our Summer Oxfords , through ftiAW9rmmnnlho A ' VUV flUIIII ItlVIINiW .A ; Wa ?2 ' Puortrthmflr in Kla rlf ft n1 f n n ir. I4 en K f o ra ' ' f5 j comfortable.and fashionable. 1 j j MDJES HCtf TOP OUTING SHOES - . $5.00 and $6.00 I SMITH GREENE I 0 . anoe Men K : - f. to 4 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, July 6th, 1910. All bids to be accompan ied by a certified check for 6 per cent of each bid. ' The city reserves the .right to reJoU m7 zzl ill wi. i La Grande, Oregon, June 24th, 1910. J. K. SHEAK, O. D. FLEMING, ' W. J. CHURCH, Health, Sewerage and Water Com mittee. June-24-JuIy 6. Directories Delivered. The delivery of the new directory of the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company has been completed. Any subscriber who has not received a copy, will kindly notify the manager at once and one will be' sent uiniTO LA bSE GRANGERS PREPARE SPLENDID PROGRAM FOR THEIR DAY . Meeting Postponed A meeting scheduled by the W. C. T. U. to be held at the home of Rev. Gray Thursday, has been postponed until Friday when It will be held at the home of Rev H. E. McLeod. Yellowstone Park Excursion j v SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1910 Leaving Portland at 10 p. m.' ; . via the : Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company and Oregon Short Lline HA 7 Special Round Tripyfl 7 op 0 fB:.i-.t5: From La Grande WO &ol Good for Return until October 31 Which includes rail transportation to and from Yellowstone Park; stage transporta tion through the Park; all meals and lodgings at Park hotels during the five days' tour GRANDEST SCENIC TRIP IN THE WORLD Embracing stops' at the famous Park hotels, seeing the Geysers, Mountains, Lakes, .Cataracts, Ganyons, Buffalo, Elk, Bear and other animals in tneir wild state. Interesting Side Trips at Small Expense. Parties desiring to return via Salt Lake-through California can do so for $29.00 ad ditional, or $108.75 from Portland. - The Finest Equipped Train in the West will be provided for this event, and will include Pullman Sleepers, Diner, Parlor, Ob servation Gar, and all the latest conveniences that go to make the trip pleasant and comfortable. Full details, with pamphlet descriptive of the trip, map of the Park etc, can be ob tained by writing to ; i r - J. H. KEENEY, Agent, La Grande, Oregon. ITRen and Probably President Kerr Among Prominent Men Coming Grange day at the Chautauqua is promising to be the apex of Grange entertainment. The committees have a partial program ready but there are to be prominent speakers of the state. In some Instances there may be sub stitutions, but Mr. U'Jten the Oregon City lawmakers is to be ,one of the at tractions of the day, The program Is inclusive of a wide range of topics and subjects. The details of the day could not be completed for insertion in the regular program, and there may yet be some additions . or. substitu tions to the appended tentative pro gram for next Tuesday: 10:00a. m. Song oy the Grangers Music Miller'sOrchestra. Address The Granee and Urn WnrV by Hon. J. J. 'Johnson, Past Lecturer Oregon State Grange. I Piano Solo Lillian Holman, . . Recitation Mary Carlln. i Music Young's Orchestra. J Address By Dr. Kerr or a sub stitute from O. A. C. ' Piano Solo Alice Anderson. Dinner hour.1 , ' 1:30 Music, Young's Cjxhestra. Recitation Lloyd Carter. . Duet Etha Huffman and Alex Robertson.- :.': Recitation Agnes Waron. Piano Solo Jay Shaw. Address Direct Legislation Hon, W. S. U'Ren. ; . . Piuslc Miss McReynolds. Address Direct Legislation by a members of Oregon Bar Association. Music Miller'B Orchestra. Round Table Talks. N'otlce of Street Improvement To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of Feb., 1910, creating Improvement Dis trlct No. 16 and designating Sixth Street, as such district, and In pur suance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 17th day of June, 1910, whereby said Council de termined and declared Its Intention to improve- all that portion of Sixth Street in said Improvement district as hereinafter described by laying tnereon BItullthIc pavement,, th9 Council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited by such Improvement, order that said above described improvement be made; that the boundaries of Bald district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Sixth Street, from tha North line of Washington Avenue, to the North line of "K" Avenue. Notice is hereby further given that! the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and b?neflted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such improve ment. That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum of $31,984.00. . .' That the Council will on the 13th day of July, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 3 o'clock, P. to consider Bald estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment," wuou a hearing will bu granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess ment'. ' V '. La Grande, Oregon, June 22, 1919. CITY COUNCIL OP LA GRANDE. OREGON. v . By D. E. COX, Recorder of the CIV of La Grande, Oregon. - June-28-July-9. Notice to Teamsters. bids will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of La G.dnde lor the unloading of 9 carividi of ? lech piop.and one carlca-i; of nch pipe and distribute the ; same along the ditch that is ' being dug. All lids to be in ny yveuowiiir cr:; ; inij. ,'rne 29th, and to be ooenei by tbe Ways and Means Committer. Bid ders wll be held responsible for break aq;e In pipe caused by the hindlint cf.the same, and all bids to te en .ar Jds. D. E. COX, Recover of the City of La Crumlc. ; .une-24-29. ' '.- ! Notice is hereby given that sealed Blackberries Red Raspberries Peaches .. .-. S. .... , ; . ... Apples Grape Fruit Oranges Bananas Lemons Royal Grocery AND Bakery Make Ironing Easy while the sun shines. Two hundred and fif ty homes in LaGrande are now using electric flat .irons. t There is a reason for this. You cannot afford to be with out an electric iron. Let us place one in your home on trial. " EASTERN OREGON j Light and Power Company THE WAY OUT of a SOCIAL DILEMMA Getting a fourth hand for "bridge" is only one of a thousand social uses of the Telephone, and telephone service promotes sociability and good fellowship because it brings neighbors closer to gether. Your friends all live within talking dis tance. ' j : .. It is the same with your out-of-iown friendsthe universal service of the BellSystem makes them your neighbors, too. .Your voice can reach all by xiicaua w me ueu ijong Distance Service. ; Pacific Telephone and Telearaoh Co; Every Bell Telephone is the Centre of the System. Ji El Simi Noth toth: ibut v a mo: ;for t twill ongj nope Merl G. E, Cher Pf Dukes i wee aa th Tatasa.' SotscrlbA V Ji