La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 29, 1910, Image 1

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    Ca (&vmbt letting bamr
vol. xi
Startling Development in Fight Re
turns Situation Revealed When Or
ders go oat that no Western Union
Reports will be Handled Leaves
Observer only Medium in Union and
Wallowa Counties.
Exclusive Jeffries Johnson fight re
turns will be handled by the Observer
through a district of Union and Wal
lowa counties Monday afternoon. Lo
cal Western Union telegraph offices
through the state have been notified,
by Superintendent Reid to cancell all
contracts already made for supplying
the Western Union reports of the big
scrap at Reno .and at least four con
tracts so signed in La Grande have
been cancelled in accordance with in
structions and consequently only the
United Press reports will cover the
entire communities of Union and Wal
lowa counties.
New Era in Flghtdom.
This is a new phase of the prize
fight business and the exact reason
Is unknown in La Grande today. Suf
fice it to say that the Western Unjpn
Is losing millions throughout the
TTnltfwl Qtofa Tiv f Via nrrlor anil Av.
I II I l VII V. 1 1 lit V , kj UJ VlftV U I UV" 11U V
cept for the fact that the United Press
taps La Grande through the Observer
local fight fans would be forced to
wait until a late hour of the day, and
then only get flashes at the best. A
strict enforcement of the rule is or
dered, but whyfor, the Observer can
advance no reason.
Observer's Report Panacea
Out of the apparent myateriousness
of the orders received by Manager
Howard last evening, comes the re
lief to fight fans offered by the Ob
server ,and the public is Invited to
listen to the returns as read from the
door of the Observer. Where special
arrangements are made parties out of
of town can have the essence of the
returns telephoned to them, and in
this way this paper will keep the
country at large posted through its
centers of population. It is possible
that Elgin, Union and perhaps Cove
fans will be given this telephone ser
vice from the Observer.
The returns will comnjnee at 3:30
o'clock and fans should be congre
l gated by 3:45.
Moana Springs. Juno 2!). Many of
the fans are alarmed by rumors that
incuts. Both he and Corbett had a
mens. Both he and. Cobett had a
slight attack of indigestion, for which
the water is blamed. Another report
says that Jeff's right elbow is inflam
ed. It is reported that Dr. Porter,
who has been consulted, will lance
a little sore this afternoon. Betting
odds are 10 to 6 on Jeffries and even
money that Jeff will not win within
15 rounds.
Rfcks, June 29. Johnson today
skipped the rope and went through
other stunts for the moving pictures.
Every effort 1b made to keep Jack In
a pleasant frame of mind. At a base
ball game today he acted as umpire.
After today he will only shadow box,
as the hard work will be over.
Fans are piling into Reno. Every
tent, cottage and railroad coach Is
crowded. Gamblers -e making a big
cleanup. The work on the arena Is
nearly completed.
A lively little fight is predicted for
this afternoon when Tom Flanigan.
representing Johnson, and Berger, who
represents Jeffries, get together to se
lect an auxilllary referee.
Rickard several days ago suggested
that Gleason would be a good man
for the Job. Flannlftan howled, not
If I know It." Johnson and his fol-
lowers object knowing Gleason to be
friendly to Jeffries and Berger. It is
believed they will bold out for Welch
or Eddie Oraney.
Kansas City Doctor Given Life Sen
teoee for Killing; CoL Swop.
Kansas City, June 29. Dr. Hyde
was today sentenced to life imprison
ment by Judge Latshaw. He was con
victed of the murder of Colonel Thom
as Swppe, to whom he gave strych
nine for the purpose of gaining pos
session of the Swope millions.
Attorneys tried hard to prevent Im
position o fthe sentence. The Judge
overruled a motion for a new trial.
The defense has filed an appeal to
the supremen court, and it is believ
ed it will be granted. Hyde will re
main in the county Jail for a time as
his wife is soon to become a mother.
The court in overruling the motion
said: The evidence demonstrated a
plot ana auierem utuiiceui.ivua y.
the plot were so related that they
showed the common motives of ava
rice and cupidity, indicating an ulti
mate design to obtain possession of the
vast fortune of the deceased, by elim
inating every human being as pawns
from a chess board."
Out More Than 120 Hours Before they
Agree to Disagree.
Chicago, June 29. After being out
for 121 hours, the Jury in the case of
Lee O'Nell Browne charged with
bribery in connection with the elec
tion of Senator Lorimer, disagreed,
and were discharged by the judge.
The Jurymen were unkempt and tired,
and showed that ill feeling existed
between them.
i Flood Strikes, Kentucky
I Saylersville. Ky.. June 29. Thirty
houses and many other structures are
wrecked, railroad bridges washed out
and an unknown number of people
killed by a flood In Middlebrook creek
early this morning.. Seven bodies
have been removed from submerged
dwellings and parties are watching
down stream for other corpses.
Fltstmmons Reaches Seattle
Seattle, June 29. Bob Fitzimmons,
the ex-champion, arrived in this city
from Australia last night and boarded
the steamship Pueblo for San Fran
cisco today to attend the Johnson
Jeffries. He said there was nothing
to it but Jeffries.
W heat Towners Anxious to Hear Ex
Governor Folk of Missonrl.
Efforts are being made by local peo
ple to secure a special train to La
Grande, the afternoon of Th'irsdsy.
July 7, to hear Joseph W. Folk, for
mer governor of Missouri who is to
tjeak at the Chautauqua in that city,
that evening, savs the Pendleton E.
G The lecture Is to begin at eight
o'clock In the evening and the regu
lar trains will arrive too late
H is generally recognized that Koik
.auks with Roo".". eU and Bryan a?
an.o -x. Lie great national characters
:r (he day and there are sco s .,
i eo;dc in this cilv and country who
are anxious to hear him spea.t
M.sny believe ttat he will te tie
next democratic candidate for presi
dent. His career has been wonder
ful in the eyes of the world.
In addlton to the train which will
probably be run from Pendleton, one
will come west from Baker City and
another will probably come Into La
Grande from the Wallowa valley.
Ms Running Strongest Program In
Many Weeks for Its Patrons
What Is generally conceded to be
the best program at the Isls for many
weeks is now running. The list of
films appear In the house ad. Every
foot of film Is Interesting, and will
please the guests at the picture house.
Tons of clay and dirt, suddenly
slipping down an embankment when
undermined too far by clay tank
workmen for the. Kreiger brick yard
today, almost instantly buried and kil
led Hans (Johnnie) Stetzinger, a
young man of North La Grande. In
company with Ned Slater, Mr. Stetz
inger was undermining the clay em
bankment, but at the time of the slide
the two men had separated slightly
and Slater was about 60 feet to one
side. Without warning the side of
the bank caved in, and in a moment's
time Mr. Stetzinger was covered with
the heavy clay. Sounding the alarm.
Slater frantically commenced to un
cover the workman. Uncertain Just
where he was striding, some little
time was lost in locating the unfortu
nate man. However,, It was but a few
mintes after the accident before tbe
body was freed from Its prison of
clay. The monster load carried be
fore and after death had crushed one
leg and inflicted various other inju
ries to the body. It was evident, how
ever, that death was dua to suffoca
tion alone. The body was given to
the undertaker's charge about eleven
o'clock. ,
The victim of the accident has been
married about two years and is sur
vived by his wife and an. aged and
physically ailing mother, two siBters
and two brothers. He was a man of
about 35 years of age. ; His widow
iff the daughter of Mrs. Hornbeck of
this city.
The victim's mother, Mrs. Stetzing
er lives with her daughter, Mrs. John
Local Clothing Houses Will be Closed
All Day Monday.
Grocers and meat dealers will keep
open shop July Fourth until 11 a. m.,
to accommodate the hungry and neg
ligent who overlook orders Saturday
night enough to last them through
until Tuesday morning. This agree
ment was reached t hhs morning fol
lowing a canvass of the city's places
of business. The hardware stores
and dry goods stores will take an en
tire holiday but to accommodate the,
public the meat dealers and grocers
will keep open a half day.
Place Orders Early.
Clerks and grocerymen and meat
dealers are human -and are anxious
to close as early as possible. The
public can aid in this matter if orders
will be placfed early In the day, or
on Saturday evening if possible. This
will expedite matters for the busi
ness places. The firms who plan to
remain open until 11 o'clock Monday
are: City Grocery and Bakery. Royal
Bakery, Pattison Bros, Snodgrass,
Thome, White Grocery and Geddes
Bros. The meat dealers are agreed
unanimously to close at 11 o'clock.
Ohio Moris Teachers.
Columbus. O.. June 29 Members of
the Ohio Music Teachers' Association
convened today and will be In ses
sion for three days.
Pennsylvania Educators.
Erie, Pa.. June 29. A program of
live topics will distinguish the fifty
fourth annual meeting of the Pennsyl
vania State Educational Association,
commencing here today.
uiriTP to pi nnr hiiinnv norm in
vmn n uhiunr uunnn unrvv n
Kellar, and for the last three years
has been an invalid. Mrs. Fraber,
also of this city, is another sister of
the unfortunate workman. No fu
neral arrangements have been made.
Stetzinger has lived in La Grande
nearly his entire lifetime and the come up fdr iettlement. Those be
news of his untimely death cast a nm( lt re not rea(jr t0 announce
spell of sorrow, not only over nu-
merous friends, but the large circle
of acquaintances whlVi he claimed
throughout the city.
It seems that the bank under which
oiBiaiuRci uau umu wuiaiug wn urn, rrcsiueill Visits AUU (Hum
about ten feet high and that morning p.QBton, June 29. President Taft ar
had actually been abandoned In .that rlved nere today en route t0 Beverly,
particular place. The workman may . the Bummer capltol. The president
have gone to the place in question for ; nag pianned to visit the Italian whom
a tool of some sort, for he had just
completed loading one car of clay
from another bank. When found, the
body had about two feet of clay and
dirt upon it, and Judging from the
way in which he lay. he had evidently
had an Instinctive warning of im-
pending danger, for he had turned ,arge proportion of the Finnlsh-Amer-and
faced away from the bank and loan citizens of the country favor
had actually stepped away from the temperenee and the abolition of the
place where he was standing when I quor trafflc ls tne atatement of offl
last seen. The bank was declared un- ,i. . fll M.fAng1 -innuh --,-
safe by Mr. Slater and be says he
warned Stetzinger not to go near the
place. He was lying face downward
when found.
His body Will be removed to the
family home at W. Avenue between
Fourth and Ash Streets. A year ago
he took out a life insurance policy,
but allowed lt to lapse a month or
two before hiu untimely death.
Two Week's Supply of Rocks Will
Permit Operations on Streets.
A crew of fourteen men arrived last j
night to do quarry work for the War-
en Construction company and are to-
day located in their headquarters
near Oro Dell. The machinery is
being installed and contractor fore-, his home much of the time wth Mr.
men who are here, claim the gangs and Brs. Pike, corner of Greenwood
will be at work on the streets within and Washington,
two weeks. The machinery for crush- j interment will take place a: Hunt
ing the rock arrived in the city sev- innton next Thursday at High Mass
eral days ago and is being installed time. Mr. Tlerney was aged and has
as rapidly as possible. The crew now been 111 for some time,
here will have a sufficient amount of .
rock ready for crushing, when the
machinery is set in motion, to keep
the work going on
when once started.
without delay
Ohio Racing Circuit
Cleveland, O., June 29 The Ohio
Racing Circuit begins its season to-
day at Hamilton, continues at Dayton.
Xenla. Springfield, Lima and Flndlay.
It ends at the later place August 5.
Drydock Dewey Afloat.
Manila, June 29. The dry dock
Dewey is afloat again after several 1
weeks submersion. , A special board
began an investigation today to as,
certain why she sank.
Vermont Republicans.
Montpeller. Vt., June 29. Mont- requested that they be buried togeth
pelier hotels are today filling up with er. It read: "God have mercy on
noliticlans In advance of the Renub- what I have done. She broke my
llcan state convention, which will be heart. I tried to make a good girl j the women's organisations of the Do
called to order here at 9 o'clock to- out of her but It cannot be done. We , minion have sent delegations to Hal
morrow morning. Candidates to be will end all together. The wages of. Ifax today to take part In tho annual
nominated Include governor, lleuten- sin Is death. If there Is sny love In meeting of the National Council of
ant-governor, state treasurer, sccre- the public's heart, bury us together." the women of Canada.
tary of state, state auditor and attor
ney general. A state committee, com
posed of one member from each coun
ts, will also be elected.
Reported that League rill be Formed !
to Dlscass Various Topics.
Formation of a tax payer's league
is under way throughout the county,
though there has been no tangible
line of organization advanced. The
matter Is being discussed at some
length by various partiea who are de
sirous of forming a league which can
Investigate and suggest to the tax
payers in general .what action they
deem best when important proposi
tions involving large Bums of money
wnat fa eact organization plana
wjh ut jt l8 thought developments
during the coming week will bring the
movement well under way.
Robert ran down with an automobile
and Injured. The Italian Buffered a
fractUred skull but the physicians say
they thieve he will recover.
Flnns Favor Temperenee
Duluth, Minn.. June 29. That
V1UIU UW 1 1U.IVI1U - a. iniiiuii vsm
perence Society in session here.
After Three Months of Individual Ap
praisement, Comes Expert
After throe months of individual
appraisement of timber claims prior
to final proofs, an official appraiser
is now working in the La Grande land
office district and hereafter filers can
not nam their own Mtlmata of value
! of timber on the claims filed upon, aa
has been the case the past three
months when the fund for maintain
ing the special agents and appraisers
was exhausted. During that time,
1200 claims through Oregon were left i 8tand" M a materlal v,ctory and lt -unappraised
and 100 of these were in very ProbaNe ."ordlng to local at
the La Grande district. One dozen In ' vneyn that the decision will stand
this district were appraised by the
Well Known La Grande Resident Dies
at Hot Lake Last Night.
john Tlerney, a well know i resi
dent of La Grande, died at Hot Lake
try this morning, of a complication
n; diseases. Mr. Tlerney ls an uncle
0f Mrs. Frank Pike,' and has made
Illinois Famlh Bnvs Mrs. h irk oniric
Home in Island City.
Mrs. Emma Klrkpatrlck has sold
her home In island City and will go
t0 North Yak,ma wnere bT. daughlf '
1 Mr8' Al Heuiai' now rea,ae8' ine
' Phaser is an Illinois nan named
Nathan Perlne and has a family of
two daughters.
Murder and Suicide.
Chicago, June 29 A double trag
edy occurred In the Lelarid hotel to
day when a man giving the name of
j William Thompson, shot and killed
a woman registered as his wife and
I then committed suicide. A note left
Inland Towns, Including La Grande,
Get Twenty .live Par Cent Redaction
on Freight from the East to Inland
Towns Case Appealed and Decision
Stayed Until the Highest Courts
Acts Finally.
WauMnirtnn Tun ttft Thfl lntnr-
state Commerce Commission today or
dered a redaction averaging 25 per
rent on transcontinental railroads
freight in series of decisions based
oc complaints from Spokane, Port
land. La Grande and Salt Lake, and
the largest reductions were made on
rates In territory from the Missouri
river to the coast. Following tba de
cision the railroads interested filed a
petition for a rehearing of te Mis
souri river rate case in the U. S. su
preme court. The petition acts as
a stay on the commission's action
until October, when the petlt n will
be considered by the court
Signal success has attended La
Grande in its fight for lower freight
rates. While, as the above dispatch
indicates, the federal courts may
make some changes In the wording of
the finding of the commission, it la
evident that Inland terminal rates, aa
it were, will be recorded the towns
mentioned. Backed by the local com
mercial club, Attorney Turner Oliver
appeared before the commission at
Spokane, setting up the same condl-
tlon M dld Snokane- dctaton
is the outcome of that hearing and in
dollars and cents stands for much to
La Grande business men and ship
pers. The decision, even aa its now
when given the final tests.
To Admit U. 8. Horses.
London, June 29. At the meeting of
the English Jockey Club today, the
stewards moved for the withdrawal of
the rult adopted Jrfie 1, 1909 which
experience has shown to be ineffective
The rule is as follows: "No weight
shall be allotted to any horse In a
handicap until he has run three times
In the United Kingdom." This rule
went into effect following the passage
of the Agnew-Hart law prohibiting
organized bookmaklng in New York,
following which some of the best of
the American horses were sent to
race In England.
Expect Million immigrants.
Washington. June 29. It ls expect
ed that complete figures' wll show
that a million immigrants landed In
this country during the fiscal year
ending tomorrow. The last million
immigration was In 1907.
Earthquake Shocks Reported
Cleveland, June 29 Two earth
quakes were registered by the seis
mograph early this morning. The dis
turbance was apparently 3000 mllea
Special Train Starts West.
Chicago. June 29. Two special
trains for the Jeffries Johnson fight
left here today . They carry' Phila
delphia. Pittsburg. Chicago and De
troit fans who will use the cars for
hotels during their stay In Reno.
Canadian Women Meet
Halifax, N. 8., June 20. Forty of
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