4 PAGE EIGHT LA GKANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, JUNE 28; 1910. 'U We have just closed one of the most successful sales of our twelve years' career. Great interest was shown by hundreds of eager buy ers throughout the entire campaign. Wednes day the larger part of our large stock goes back to regular prices. But we still have on hand lots of seasonable merchandise that must be disposed of at once, regardless of their cost, to us. Watch our "ads" for July clearing bar Do Better at "A 0&& 17EALTHY TO BUY EYES FIND POOR ; S!jfel 0?:3s Presp:st. D GIVES EIT OF CGHA New York Operation, Patterned After . Exp.r!m.nt With Animal, May Revo lutioniz. Optical Surgical Msthoda of Many Yaara' Standing and Mako Vision a Commodity. It may be that the blind who happen to be at the same time malefactors of great wealth will come to exact from the poor not only their goods, bat their eves as well. If the operation of Dr. Royal S. Copeland, dean of the faculty of Flower hospital. New York, who re cently grafted a bit of the cornea of a woman's eye upon a Chinaman, suc ceeds this state of things may easily follow. The oculist has every reason to believe the operation will succeed. "It would be an expensive operation for a rich man." said Dr. Copeland. "1 thisk that If I performed it and re stored sight to a man who had been blind he ought to pay me at least $10, 000. The Chinaman paid nothing. I know of nothing in the law to prevent the sale of an eye by a poor man to a rich man." v ' .. .-. - ..; CHAUTAUQUA PROGRAM FOR NEXT : SUNUAY AND MONOAY But four days remain before the opening day Of the first Chautauqua ever held la Oregon east of. the Cas cades and the Grande Ronde Chautau .qna. Association is devoting itself strenuously to the work In hand. The thousand- and one details are being cared' for and Sunday morning will see the gates of Riverside Park thrown open for the first event of a thirteen-day attraction that will in troduce to Union county many of the greatest Chautauqua entertainers now handled by Eastern bureaus. Build ings necessary for the handling of the' crowds will be constructed before ' the opening hour and there will . be - nothing left undone to handle the crowds speedily and with as much comfort as possible. Sunday and - Monday promise rich treats. Sunday, the opening day, will be replete with, things religious, and two addresses by a man of nation wide reputation as an orator and a thinker, will give variety to the pro gram. Doctor Powell, who comes from Minneapolis, is credited with being one of the foremost thinkers of the day, and his lectures are widely read. Monday .the patriotic day, Is to be a day of days. The Continental Con gress, the patriotic address by Stephen A. Lowell, a well known Pendleton barrister ,and the afternoon of water sports promise ot surpass former cel ebrations. The sport program will be announced in full within a day or two.; . . . '" These twd days will set the Chau tauqua machinery In motion and from then the program will be Instruc tive, humorous and entertaining in the extreme. ' The program as outlined in the offi cial booklet just off. the press and being distributed throughout Eastern Oregon, gives the following numbers for Sunday and Monday: Sunday, July 3. (Program in charge of the La Grande ', Ministerial Association) 10:00 a. m. Sunday School Rally Conducted by Rev. C. A. Phlpps, State S. S-Worker' , 1:30 p. m. Sacred Concert by La Grande' Band. , 2:30 p. m. Sermon by Rev. G. L, Powell, of Minneapolis, Minn. 7 to 8 p. m. Concert by the Band. 8 p. m. Lecture by Rev. G. L, Pow ell, of Minneapolis, Minn. Monday, July 4 10:00 a m. Band Concert. 11:00 a. m. Oration of the Day Hon. Stephen A. Lowell Xoon Basket Picnic. 1:00 p. m. Band Concert. ; i; 1:30 to 3:00 p. m. Special Athletic ! Program. v -' ' ' '-1 3:30 p. m. Patriotic Program A Reproduction of the Continental Con gress .of 1776 . In charge of special JOSEPH AV. FOLK YOrtL UK STRUCK WITH AMAZEMEST II you "could see how some ; factory made clothing is put together v The sklnipirg of materials, the inferior Interlining. V, t none of these things , occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two f)f the factory made. Order one and the wear will rrove It. ' .'"-. C. AY. BAKER. DRINK MaiuraJ Mineral Water Former governor of Missouri who delivers his famous address tm "Con science" here July 7th. His coming to Oregon , and especially his coming to La Grande has been hailed with pleasure from a iarge number of peo ple who have never heard the states man but have followed closely his remarkable career in politics and his war on graft and corruption. committees. - , 7 to 8 p. m. Band Concert 8:00 p. nw-Lecture "Livingstone In Darkest Africa," Dr. Davidson Bu chanan. ' ' ,: -. Rastorod Sight a Gift ;.; The eye, a tiny bit of which has been set Into the Chinaman's opaque cor neal -was not sold, however, but was Ihtrfi'ee gift of a poor woman who had nd further use for It ; , ' , 'Wlieu Mamie Ost . entered Flower hospital with an Injured eye Dr. Cope land found that it would be necessary to remove the organ in order to save the sight of ber other eye. Sing Long, the cornea of whose left eye had be come opaque through an Infection, was In the hospital at the same time, and Dr. Copeland determined to try an op eration of Von Illppet, u German sci entist who had transplanted a bit of the cornea of a rabbit's eye to a hu man eye. The piece was the size of the1 uusliurpf ui'd it-ad of a peucIL ' With the aid of other surgeons both patients were anaesthetized at the same moment. Then, applying a deli cate revolving knife that lmd been In veuted by You Hlppel. be cut from the is J rurueu of tlu Chinaman's eye u drcu Op. ration la Delicate. He Cut down through four layers of the Cornea, leaving the fifth Intact, for had be cut clear through, the aqueous humor a Jelly-like transparent substance In a chamber back of the cornea and in from would have' been destroyed. ' Then, quickly turning to the young woman unconscious on the other table, he applied the knife to ber eye, and like circular section was removed. In a flush tht nurgfon stepped to the other patient and Inserted the section of MNvOsf irnea Into the opening left lu Slug Long's eye. ; Yf itbln a whu the- new piece had knit , Dr Copeland will tear away enough tissue to make, a new pupil. This will heal, and then. If the opera tion suciTt ds. S!hk Long will see. STEPHEN A. LOWELL,. OF PEM)LETO Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's r'n,"1 for what Ails You .- : ' x 1 X r X It V "i V v 1 Nv I x ! I , Eoosevelt After "StorjT Teller ' New York, June 28 Theodore Roose velt left Oyster Bay for Cambridge today. He shook hands with every one on the train. He asked the news paper men what reporter started the story that an operation would be nec essary on the Colonel's throat . DIrettorles Delivered. " The delivery of the new directory of the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph company has been completed. Any subscriber who has not received a copy, will kindly notify the manager at once and one will be sent Meeting Postponed A meeting scheduled by the W. C. T. U. to be held at the home of Rev, Gray Thursday, has been postponed until Friday when it will be held at the home of Rev H, E. flcLeod. Lawn Social Planned. ' The ladies of the Catholic church will hold a lawn Boclal at the resi dence of Mrs. F. L, Meyers. 806 Main Ave. on Thursday evening June 30. Home made Ice cream, sherbet and cake Everyone cordially Invited. Missionary Meeting. , The WomarA Home Missionary So ciety of the Baptist church will meet with Mrs. M. H. Kirtley on Fourth street,;, y.r??n?;i?r ?.tt'"mnr n ' - SOW IS THE TIKE TO PLAN TOUE ' EASTERN EXCURSION RATES June M7-21 July S-22 , Aug. t -. Sept 8 Circular Tours to the Canadian Rcduss. Sold Dallyt June 1 to September 1 OPTIONAL ROUTINGS Via Kootenai Lakes, through Cana dian Rockies, Glacier, Lake Louise, the famous National Park, the Great Upper Lake route, through the Thousand Islands, returning via any direct line or through Cal ifornia. ' ; V Write for detailed Information. O. M. Jackson, Geo. A. Walton, Trav. Pass Agt. Gen Agt Pass " . Dept. '14 WALL ST., SPOKANE. I Til I Si iror Acfr o G 0 Stock! . o of Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, (Silver ware, Sterling and Plated), ever shown in Eastern Oregon for JUNE WEDDING GIFTS. We also have a large stock of Plain Band Wedding Rings, any style or size, 14 Kart . Solid Gold, at $1.25 dwt. " ;' ,.' WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. ISIEGRIST & COMPANY t t JEWELERS ANJ OPTICIANS. The Largest Jewelry Store in Eastern Oregon. LA GRANDE ,Ore. 4GG4G4tGGQ64Q4 4$4$$4$4GO00$ 4 o t pOR tLc Icncfat of tU particiJar men wckin cx cWveness of pattern and indivicluality of style, we are snowing tnis Spring tne mag nificent tailoring line of Ed. K Price &, Co. HIKCRAHT TAUOII CMICAOt Tkese fa - - tese iamous tailnr clotLes of surpassing excellence. just as you wantth considerally 1 Select your pattern today and nave us take your measure. enurr iw, n. . hum m. em, at a price lower tnan ordinarily obtains. ExcIiui't. local repreteBt itivcof Ed. V. Price V Co. Fit, quality of material anil workman ship guaranteed. ' c. c. in. Eton Hundreds In La Grande know Judge-. Lowell nersonalivV B1, , wore have heard him speak, lie will be the chief speaker here on Y Go I t wuijr r uui m.