La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 28, 1910, Image 1

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Sew Record Set for the Number of
Words Spoken by Congressmen In
One Session Borah and Stone are
manning to Come West in July to
, Investigate the Charges Against Dr.
Perrln In Land Fraud.
Washington, June 28. Because
there Is only $10,000 in the govern
ment's moiety fund, Richard Barr, who
was awarded $100,000 for discovering
the sugar frauds at New York, will j
have to wait until the next congress , rule , the Minnesota members of the ,
for his money He will probably get j United Spanish American War, Vete-,!
$10,000 In a few days and the remain- j mns commenced their annual reun
der will be appropriated at the next in today. A feautre of the encamp- ,
congress. . 1 ' went will be a military parade headed
Statesmen Great Talkers. j by the military order of Siipenls,
In addition to spending $1.074.000..'
the recent congress set a new record
to the number of words spoken. The '.
congressional record totals 10,000
pages, each- page containing more
words than the average newspaper:,
column. It is figured that the states
men uttered 10,800.000 words. T wen--
ty-seven thousand and sixty-five bilh t
were introduced In the senate, Thous-1
ands of these were pension" and"pv?0
" vate claim bills.' The senate ratlfle'l
three treaties of no great Importance
and confirmed 10,500 presidential ap-
poirtments, which 'Is a record In It-j
if. h ;:-y ' -'"';-.
Senate Committee on Tonr ; '
The WeBtern sub-committee on Ju'
diclarj', consisting of Senators Borah !
and Stone, will go West In July to !
Investigate several federal matters. I
It Is possible they will take up the
allegation of Doctor F. B. Perrin that t
le was unjustly convicted and accord- '
ed Improper treatment by U. S. Dls-1
trict Attorney Devlin and Special
Agent Burns in connection with land
Viiiners of Department Newly Creat
ed will le Well Repaid.
Remarkable good fortune csmps on
lie Vail of County School Superln
tpnrlprvt E. E. Bragg who toda Is se
Cl,r ig premiums from local bi .'nes3
i!en to reward prize winners who are
competing In a new department at
the coming county fair when prizes
W'H be awarded to the children undei
fourteen years of age who grow the
tost farm products. The superintend
ent hag charge of. the work and Ve
il Ports that a great competition exists
W (Ml ... . i
-""ugnout tne county m mis aepan
Ittent. Children everywhere are doing
their best to grow prize winning pro
ducts. , ';:,', , ' j ,
tactically, without a single excep
tion, the business men are promising
Remunerative rewards for the various
fosses. So liberal have the business
Qen proven themselves that the child
ren win 'win valuable prizes in each
Exhibit of the department. This Is a
ne feature of the fair and promises
Y be immensely popular. -'.
North Carolina Bar. ;
W'rlKhtsvi1!o Tloorh V T. .Tune 28
yl-iwyers 0f the state aro headed in
this direction today to spend , three
days at the beach and Incidentally to
hold the twelfth, annual meeting of
the North Carolina Bar Association.
The session will open this evening
and continue through tomorrow and
Thursday. The annual address will
be delivered tomorrow by the Hon.
James Byrne, a prominent New York
lawyer. - . - -
: Delta Mil Kappa Session ;
Chicago, June 28. For the first
time since 1872. the American Society
of Engineers, la holding its annual
convention in, Chicago, the session
commencing today "to continue three
days. . The conclave represents a mem
bershlp of 5000.
"Nonsense," Says Peary.
New York, June 28. Rudolph
Francke's suit; Bet for a hearing In
Berlin today, is branded as. "non
sense" by Commander Peary. The
latter will be repeated today by the
the case thrown out of court.
Spanish Vets. In Camp.
, Farlmault. Minn., June 28. Lodged
lu tents and under strict military
f-a'rylng a snake thirty feet leu
.j'. x"' -V " " " i'.jv 7.-
V "". . ' v.
' ., N .
- , " ''"'.'
Beting at Chicago Shows Five to 'One
As Prevailing Odds .
. . -
' '
Moana sPr,. Juen 28.-Jeffriea
grouch has been renewed and the
trainers are rejoicing for they say it
means his condition Is now at the
hBB. Traln.p Arm-t-nnir BavB .,,,;
g6n WJ Ust 8,x rounda and pamep
Burns estimates fifteen. Cornell saya
i it will be an endurance race and the
first few rounds will be against Jeff.
All agree that the man who delivera
r the punch in the stomach will hold
an advantage as a blow In the midrlft
at this altitude mean more than one
In the same spot If the fight were at
sea level. ": '
A Big Smiling Darkey.
' Johnson is Just the same big smll-
ine darkey today. He nlaved a piano
until nearly midnight and was out
this morninc ready for the tcrind.
Johnson daily telegraphs to his mother
In Chicago. He is preparing to leave
for Chicago in a private car after the
pi5ht as he needs the rest.
Betting Becomes Active
Chicago, June. 28. Betting on the
Jeffries Johnson fight took a lively
turn today when books were opened
with Jeff, the favorite,' the prevailing
odds being five to one 'and three to
one. Money on Johnsoh is fre-i at
these big odds.
With Good Weather, Lewis Building
will be Finished In Two Weeks.
Bricklayers under Contractor Reis
land, have commenced the brick struc
ture In the rear of the Lewis building
which is to be occupied by a garage.
The contractor hopes to have the one
story wall completed in about fifteen
days, providing weather Is favorable.
The concrete foundation has been in
j lace several days.
'.' i Assassin Is Hanged
Cairp, Egypt, June 28-Abraham
Wardant ; ,the assassin ? of Boutross
Pasha, the late premier of Egypt, was
hanged, this morlnng. , There were no
11 1 Hi!
First Accident to Famous Air Craft
Comes When , Twenty " Xewspaper
Reporters are Passengers Ship np
Ten Hours and Scheduled to Stay
Two Heavy Wind , Carries , It Far
Out of its Course During the Day
; Russeldorff, June 28 The Peutsch
land was wrecked near lburg when it
suddenly dropped to the ground, ac
cording to a message here this even
ing. . .
Russelldorf, Germany, June 28
Helpless and drifting in a high wind,
the aerial liner Deutschtand, with 20
newspaper men aboard, .became un
managable this afternoon. ' ;
; ' Germany Much Astir. .
News of the misfortune was scat
tered broadcast ' over Germany and
soldiers have been held in readiness
at various places to go to the assist
ance of the men, should It become-
necesary when the ship finally lands.
Up Oyer Ten Honrs
.When last seen the' Deutschland
was being driven by a strong- wind
over Osnabreuck, fifteen miles away.
Itiad been aloft for ten hours, when
it really was supposed to descend af
ter two hours. The pilot made two
unsuccessful attempts to land but he
gave it up as being too risky a prop
osition, v : '
The trip was delayed by bad wea
ther. The car 'has laid idle several
hours because of the storm. When it
did lift, twenty newspaper reporters
were aboard for the purpose of know
ing at first hand what , the sensation
was like.
General failure for the scheme is
predicted, notwithstanding that this
Is the first accident to befall the ma
chine. The promoters continue to be
optimistic. V . , . - . - ,
Pastor's Wife Suddenly Weakens and
Is F'orced to Seek Rest Here 1
Mrs. L. E. Elliot, wife of Reverend
Elliot of Huntington, who has . been
conducting revivals at Summerville
and Allcel, was taken ill last evening
while en route from Hot Lake to
Portland where she had planned to
visit her mother while, recuperating
from an operation .which she sustain
ed at Hot Lake.; Last evening It was
thought she was strong enough to
Btand the trip to Portland but before
reaching La Grande she was forced to
seek rest. - She is at the Savoy today
and will leave for Portland as soon
as she is able to. stand the trip. , V
Aged Democrat and Civil War Veteran
Passes Away at New Orleans
New , Orleans,". June 28. United
States senator Samuel McErnery died
here today. He was a native of Lou
isiana, a veteran of the civil war,
serving aa lieutenant in the Confed
erate army. He has been a senator
Blnce 1897, being one of the oldest
democrats in the service.. . - .
Taenia still Warring with Street Rail
r ways Over Five Cent Fare
Tacoma.r June 28. Policemen are
riding on every car in the five cent
fare zone to prevent citizens and con
ductors from fighting over the five
cent fares for which the city Is bat
tling with the railways.
IBIIES here i
Local Land Office Receives Umatilla
and Walla Walla Fortst Reserve
Eliminations and Unofficial Procla-(
matlon Relating to Wallowa Forest
Also Received Locally The Official
Guides Forthcoming.
The recent elimination of various
tracts, of land supposed to be of an
agricultural character from the edges
of national forests by proclamation of
Pesldent Taft. has been the cause of
nearly as much interest and far more
misunderstanding on the part of the
general public than the famous open
ings' held last year in the States of
Washington and Montana. At the U
S. land office In La Grande, official
notice has been received giving tha
eliminations from the Umatilla and
Whitman national forests, only. Tha
Wallowa national forest, which is the
center rdf interest, in this part of the
country, has not yet been filed here.
A copy of the presidential proclama
tion,"' tn .connection with the Wallowa,
has been received here.through unoffi
cial sources', and all persons intend
ing to file upon lands should carefully
ncte the following paragraph relat
ing to, the settlement and entryof
lands thrown out.
'The lands hereby eliminated from
the Wallowa National Forests which
are not now embraced In any other
reservation or appropriation, shall be .
restored to the'public domain and be-,
come subject to settlement under the
general provisions of the homestead j
laws on such date and after such no-
tlce by 'publication as the Secretary
of the Interior may prescribe, but
shall , not become subject to entry,
filing,' selection, or other form of ap-
proprlatlon until the . expiration of gardless of whether or not the per
thtrty days from the date so fixed, ' son registered prior to the last elec
and no person will be permitted . to tion. The books will be open until 45
gain or exercise any right whatever days prior to the general election
under any settlement or occupation which occurs the first Tuesday after
begun prior to such date and all set- ' the first Monday in November, It is
tlement and occupation are hereby ,
forbidden." J
It will thus be seen that, before
the Interior Department makes a date' sity of being sworn In at the polls,
fji settlement, no one will be pe ja procedure that Is tedious irksome
tritted to settle upon any of th eMm-ratjd inconvenient, and.all because the
in.ted lands, as this is expressly for-.voter Is too negligent to register be-l-ia
len. It will also be noticed fore the orimarles. This matter should
j.Mie of such lands will be subject
M filing of any kind until the expl
lation of thirty days from the date
fixed for settlement, Hence, the ele
ment of speculation and fraudulent
location in connection with these lands
Is largely minimized. The advertis
ing will be made, through the local
officials, not only of the dates but of
the lands eliminated as well. There-
j fore- intending settlers should be very
careful to follow strictly the official
notices and directions, and, if this is
j done on the part of those interested,
i no unofficial Influence . need be con
sulted or followed, sajd a land office
official today. Teh officials here re
quest all Interested persons to use
' extra caution ; in this regard.
: Toolh 'Pullers Convene
; Harrisburg, Pa., June 28.-T.uoth
doctors from all over Pennsvlvanln,
ffeveral hundred In numb'ir opened
a ir.nnvc.nHnn nf i ha fttntA ilcntnf an.
Uetv today. ; Sufferer, from Jumpl
uolars have been Invited to call at!
the convention hall and serve as ma
terial for' demonstrations of the latest
methods of dental surgery. .
.'Plnmlwrs Open Big Show.
Chicago, June 28. Fat and frisky
gentlemen distributing thousand dol-
ar bills among bell hops will" be a
eommbn night at the Congress hotel
the next three days If the plumbers
live up to the reputation conferred
upon them by the professional funny
fellows. So far. however, although
the big hotel Is overflowing with sup
posedly plutocratic plumbers, there
have been no unseemly displays of
wealth. The attraction for the al
leged millionaires of the -pottering
profession is the 28th annual con
vention and exhibition of the National
Association of the Master Plumbers
pr the United States of America; The
session and show opened today and
w!'l wind up Thursday evening with a
Uz ball In' the "gold room", of. the
hotel which seem3 a good place for
plumpers. " . .
Contractor. Has Reached Depot Street
With Storm Sewers Today
Corm sewers have been lal t . on
K'mlock. Greenwood, Fir, Elm and
naitJv fomultted on Depot street to
day.' and Contractor "Happy" Pay a
crew la working on finishing details
.for all those streets this afternoon,
; All connections have not been made
In this territory but the pipe has been
laid and as soon as the connections
arrive the contractor will connect up
and recover all the pipe. The sewer
inns from catch basins on Adams Av
enue to the main sewer ditch In the
siley between Adams and Jefferson,
the typography of the ground being
such that this Is permissible.
Necessary that Matter be Given At
? tentlon at Oner,
County registrations for the coming
primary and general elections in this
county are well started, but apparent-
ly few remember that the books are
now open at the clerk's office and
that registrations must be made re
essential that every voter who is en
titled to vote register before the books
j are closed. This removes the neces
be attended to at once.
A Lecture to Men.
Dr. J. M. Miller, editor of Character
Builder who has devoted 15 years to
lecturing on health culture, sexology,
heredity,' moral education arid other
phases of human culture will deliver
a lecture tonight to boys over J 4 years
and men tin "The Twentieth Century
Man"' in' the assembly hair of the L.
D. S. tabernacle. The lecture is free
and a cordial Invitation is extended to
every man and boy' in La Grande to
attend. '. .' . -
Dr. Miller has made a thorough Btu
dy of the boy problem and has done
personal work with thousands of boys
during the paBt 15 years, lie has con
ducted classes with special physiology
for young men In two of the leading
universities o'f the West for eight
years and has endorsements from the
best educators. In the' lecture that
' w, be tonight the Doctor will
treat tne causes ana cures oi hucuu
ovlta oml nltl nn1(n the' nrlnolnlPB
that are fundamental In building up
j:we;"4,V , ! ; -
Hindus Deported.
San! Francisco, v June 28. Eighty
Hindu laborors were ordered deported
today. Deportation was ordered after
investigation of Immigrant laws.
Browne Hopeful of Escape as the Jury
Falles to Agree More Than Ninety.
. four Hours Deliberation Is More
Than Former Records in Illinois
Xo Intimation as to How Jurors
Stand on Bribery Question.
Chicago June , 28. Jury deadlock '
records In Illinois were broken this
forenoon when the Jury In the Lee
O'Neil Browne bribery case" was still
undecided after having deliberated for
ninety hours. , The previous record
was the famed case of Doctor Cronln,
when the jury waB out for eighty-two
hours. Browne Is being tried for
bribery In connection with the elec
tion of U. S. Senator Lorimer during
the recent legislative deadlock In 1111-'-(
This afternoon Judge McSurley
summoned the Jury .and gave them ad
ditional instructions! He said he hop
ed they would reach a verdict. The
Jury retired again without saying how
they Btood. ' ; , y
, Browne - continues cheerful. This
morlnng in an interview he bitterly
attacked the district attorney.
No More Tar at Alrdome,
"Oh Joy!' the seats at the Alrdome
have been covered and there is no
fear of having our dresses spoiled"-
this is what a lady sprung, this morn
ing, and indeed It is quite a relief.
The cement from the roof has been
leaking through, on to the seats, but
this lias all been done away with. The
play that Is running now, "A Young
Wife," is great a beautiful love story
with a strain of comedy all the way
through. One of the cleverest bits of
character 'acting ever seen here Is
done by Miss Godfrey as "Mother" In
the dive tcene. "The Galley Slave
Thursday night.
Thinks Railroad Bill is a Good One
i and Will Adjust Matters.
Seattle, June 28. Jacob Schlff, the
head of the banking Jlrm of Kuhn,
Loeb & Co., arrived here today en
route to Alaska on a pleasure trip. For
the first time since leaving New York
Mr. Schift discussed national politics.
He said financial conditions were gen
earlly good, and that President Taft
has been -a good president. He said:
Taft't railroad bill Is a good one as
it has shown the railroads where they .
are at. All railroads need to adjust
themselves to new conditions. This
may require three or four months.',
but with harvest and all coming on,
all will be' well." , He said . he was
an admirer of Roosevelt but did not
have the slightest idea of what h
proposed doing. . ;
VlcePrcsldcnt's Wife III.
Baltimore, June 28. The" condition
of Mrs. James Schoolcraft Sherman,
the vice president's wife, is grave this
afternoon. The official is at the bed
side. The nature of the ailment is
not mude public.