PAGE THREE n 111 ' i). . f I LA (JttANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1910. r ... , . - . ,3 -7". ' 4 u-l 4i : . ,,: r. . ... ,; ... .. ; gift fm s Of this pattern are to be Instiled throunghout Laurelhurst. They will take the place of the unsightly arc lights, with the countless wires and hideous posts go common In other residence' districts of , Portland. These cluster lights demonsrtate only one "of the many ways la which Laurelhurst Is being Improved to surpass every other, residence district of Portland. These llghts'are , ' ' - nil n me ifeet on Try TZTV- J , . . : . ... ... rl i '- rn r . it V 1 e Aiditioh with CMractei Have been ordered and the work of installing them will be strated In a very short time. Grading is nearly completed, the contract for the water , mains let and there is to be no letup until every Improvement Is complet ed. Asphalt streets, cement walkB, nine-foot parkways, five and bIx year old shade trees, water, gas, sewer and electric lights. Laurelhurst Values will Advance 50 per cent to 100 per cent within a Year. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ' Chas. K. Henry, president Chas. K. Henry Co., Portland; owner Henry Bldt.. Frank P. Mead, president Seaboard Sec. Co., Seattle, ; Taul C-Murphy, director Bankers Trust Co., Tacoma; V. P. Laurelhurst ' Co., Seattle. .. 1 . . li. B. Unthlcum, secretary Williams, Vood ft LInthlcum, Portland. , James B. Melkle, focmer secreUry Seattle Chamber of Commerce. ; , Edw. Cookingham. rice-president and manager Ladd ft Tilton Bank. L. A. Lewis, manager Allen ft Lewis, wholesale grocers, Portland. IL R. Burke, of the Koyal Insurance Co. ; Chas. K. Williams, manager Morris Bros., bonds. . , Henry Pries, of Wakefield. Pries ft Co., real estate. Robert IL Strong, manager of Corbett Estate. - George J. Dekum, of Chas. K. Henry Co., real estate. Present prices are 60 per cent too low in comparison with what Is be ,lng asked for lots la other sectionsof Portland not so well Improved, or restricted and much farther out from town. Laurelhurst is close In and is served by four different car lines. : .;'-; -J.. ; ' Investigate this property. Get acquainted with our terms and prices. Call on our representative in your city and he will be glad to give you fturther information on this property. . ....A haaisomeiT Illustrated booklet on Portland, lu two colors en official mai of the entire city and a booklet on "Thirty Seasons Why" the careful investor Is more safeguarded by an Investment In Laurelhurst than In any other residence district of Portland. LAURELHURST CO., 522 Corbett Bldg Portland, Oregon. Kindly send me by return mail the above n described literature on Laurelhurst. Name . ; ... ..... . ............. . Address Town .