La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 27, 1910, Image 1

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vol. XI
1. 5. L. Till 10
rissEscrns looted while the
nnivrmn Vtmvrn nr"
Three Men Hold P Entire In!i ail
Believe Passengers ( Cask and
Thea f Threat Express Car
After Completla? the Task, Drea
From Train and Diappcr la Woods
5ear Ogden, Utah.
tSuU !. Jnn 27.- Aftr nnUinv
the train crew on an Oregon Short
Line train, the second section of No.
27, looting the passengers and reliev
ing them of all valuables, three rob
bers broke into the Wells Fargo ex
press car, gathered considerable loot
there, and fled. The bold , up took
place six miles from Ogden and oc
curred early this 'morning. Sheriff
Wilson with a posie is in pursuit.
Brakeman Thrown From Train.
The train was ..' moving slowly
through Harrisvllle, when the rob
bers appeared on the platform of the
passenger car. Brakeman Franklin
attempted to sound the alarm, bat he
was struck and burled off the train.
Passengers were then systematically
looted, while members of the crew
were locked In the lavatories.
Stopping the train the men leaped to
the ground making gocd their esrape
tate Posse la PnrsalL
Ogden, June 27. In an automobile
Sheriff Wilson with a posse Is after
the train robbers. It was learend that
the men escaped In a buggy secured
near the scene of tbe robbery. Brake
man Franklin, who was thrown from
the train, gave the alarm to officials,
three posses are now in the field.
Eev. Canfield and Assessor EInehart
Wire Principal Speakers.
Eighty-seven Woodells yesterday
gathered around the third annual Sun
day banquet dinner held in conjunc
tion with the reunion of the Woodells
of this valley near Alicel. There are
116 members of the clan, and 67 of
them were able to be present yester
day. The day centered around the
morning sacred address by Rev. Can
field of the La Grande M. E. Church
South, and the annual re-unlon ad
dress by T. A. Rlnehart Both were
masterly speeches.
The tables fairly groaned with the
goodies to eat .and the Wood ell hos
pitality flowed unstintedly. Scores of
friends joined with them iti the cele
bration. ": " v:-'- , ' .. -
Songs, music and various oth
er features filled an , Interesting pro
gram. ' . ... ' ' ; s
After Attending Meetings, Money Hand
lers are Well Pleased.
F. U Meyers and T. J. Scroggin,
local bankers, are home from Pendle
ton, where they attended the meeting
of the Northwest Bankers' Associa
tion. Routine business was attened
to. Both have the highest praise for
the entertainment received at the
hands of the Pendleton bankers. "The
best waa always to, be " . had" ll
tQe way both put it
Whet Workmen Are Thrown From a
Trala Beeaase They Refase to Pay
Tea Cent Fare, Mayer Comes to the
Eesene aad Persoaally Baas ' the
Car let Tacoma Proper Matter
Grows Serloas.
. Tun. Jun t7 Takine ivn no-
licemen with him '.. Mayor Faweett
this morning turned conductor and
went to Fern HHL put officers in th as usual just before the big mill, and
charge of streetcar platforms and-this despite the fact that Jeffries is
then personally run the car to the in the finest shape. But how.he plans
city. The car carried a number of to fight is causing worry. The gene
workmen who had remounted the car ral feelin Is that Jeffries is; going to
after having' been once thrown off be- fiht Us own tattle and will not lis-
cause they refused to pay more than
five cents for the ride.
The trouble arose over the fact that
the suburb Is in city Emits but the
company persists in collectin ga ten
cent fare, . The superior court de
cided that five cents was the maximum
the comnany could charge. Trouble
was brewing when the mayor took
the situation "by the horns' and start
ed the cars moving on the five cent
basis. The company's 'attorneys will
rush an appeal to the supreme court,
but until the matter is decided the
mayor says he will enforce the five
cent fare. . ' '
Thought to be DIass Last Tern
President's Chair.
- Mexico City. June 27 The election
of Diaz as president and Corral as
vice president yesterday, will be for
mally ratified by the Chamber of Dep
uties at once. Contrary to "expecta
tions ,the elections passed off with
out disorder. Owing to Diaz's advan
ced age, this Is believed to be his last
term. '". ! ;
The next election will be held six
years hence ,and It is believed that
Corral will run for president at that
time. This will mean perpetuation of
the Diaz- policies. ; ; "
Boesevelt Sot I1L
New York. June 27. Doctor Walter
Campbell today denied that Roosevelt
is to be operated upon for throat
trouble. ' ; ;-T ''
More War Cloads.
Constantinople. June 27 Turkey
is planning on Invading Greece nn
leBs Greece apollgizes and" grants In
demnity before night for looting' a
Roumanian mailbo&L '
St Louis, June 27. With onlookers
unable to assist Abel Robert aged
24, burned to death while . pinned un
der his automobile which had tipped
over and exploded.
i : DAT 102 THE EIG
Jeffries Ja Perfect CeadlUea and Ter.
feetly CooL Tkoaga Bis. Camp Is
Crowing listless WEI Firht Bis
Owa Fight Jehagea Worts Hard
the Last Week His Trainers Claim
Ilia Sear Perfect.
Moana Swings,. Jnne 27. The Jlght
is Just a week "off. In Jeffries camp
the staff is beginning to get nervous j
4 ten "to advice is becoming more ap
parent as a fact. , . .
BIj Men at Corner. -
"Farmer" Burns. Joe Choynskl. Jim
Corbet, "Doc" Cornell and one other
will probably be in Jeffries corner
during the big scrap. The white man
is entirely care free.
Johnsea Appears Slovea.
Lick Springs, June 27. Jack John
son announced today that he would
put In the hardest week In training
from now on. He says he has a abort
time and wants to be in the best of
condition. Yesterday he went over
five miles In a broiling sun and then
did eight hard rounds.
Critics say his wprk Is a trifle slov
enly, but his trainers declare he Is
nearly perfect,
Methodist Fifhts Big Event
Reno, June 27. Rev. Leslie Bnrwell
the pastor of "the M. E. church here,
attacked the prize fight from the pul
pit yesterday, classing it with the di
vorce colony and white slavery condl
tlons existing here already. The' city
is scarcely rinpled by the sermon. v
(lassincatiea of Air Ships will
For Conrts to Deride.
, New York, June 27 A gigantic Zep
pil in dirigible liner may be put In ser
vice between NewYork and Boston,
according to Emile Boas, managing
director in the Deuschdorf-German
aerial line Just started. Boas says the
mater depends on arrangements that
can be made with the American gov
ernment If the air ships should be
classed with water ships, it will be
necessary to secure a special dispen
sation. :."',..' v ''
Speech Arts Convention.
Cleveland, O., June 27 Teachers of
elocution, oratory, debate and dra
matic expression and professional
public speakers, readers and actors
form the Atlantic to the Pacific gath
ered at the Colonial hotel today." The
assemblage is the 19th annual con
vention of the National Speech Art3'
To Try Peary Suit .
Berlin. June 27. It is expected
that Counsel for Commander Robert
E. Peary will urge that the German
conrts have no Jurisdiction to try the
case when the suit against the polar
discoverer by Rudolph Franria is
ckllei for hearts tomorrow. ,. - ,
Francke was associated with Dr. ,
Frederick A. Cock la North Folar ex-j
ploratlons ard aJleges that Teiry j
found him 111 at Etah and took ad- j
vantage of hi condition to secure his '(
collection 'of furs, walrus, and nar
whal teeth as the price for transpor- j
tation hoiseward. Francko demands
$10t&u0 as the value of the Arctic pro-j
ducts which he says he handed over(
to the commander. The suit was1,
brought In the Berlin courts, notice j
of the actiop being served npon Peary ;
when be arrived here to fulfill a lec
ture engagement
Rudolph .Francke. who Is bow In
Germany, was brought hack from the
Arctic regions in the Teary relief
ship Erllk. VThea the controversy ov
er the discovery of the North Pole
waxed w&na partisans of Cook charg-
! ed that certain Arctic trophies and
nnnllaa Isf at Vt1 i Cnnk anil
owned, by him, or Jointly by Cook
S and Francke, had been made use of
1 by the Peary party." The accusations
lera proBwUr and vigorously, denied '
ly Commander Peary,'
'Bis Coarress of Ia&laaa.
Maskogee, Okla June 27 As the
pious Mahammedan turns tovants
Mecca, so are the aboriglna! A"uer
Icana beaded toward Muscogee today
?.x the goal of a nation 'widi pilgrim-
se of red men.- Already tae city
ii entertaining a large number cf
redskins In blankets and tata-v ln-H-i
ans In store clothes and 'iiaei. col
lars, and by the end of the wo .k H Js
expected that thousands of the "first
families of 'America" will be repre
sented In the largest and perhai the
last great congress of Indians to be
held In this country.
WTiile here the red-skinned visitors
wfll . engage J$s4heit racial - sports,
pastimes ; and . pow-wows, and ' will
also be addressed by. many Indians
who have attained to national prom
inence. Among these it is expected
will be Senator Robert L. Owen of
Oklahoma. Senator Charles Curtis of
Kansas and Representative Charles
D. Carter of Oklahoma, all Indians,
as well as chiefs of many tribes. ,
Edwards to rhlllpplaes.
Washington June 27 General Oar
ence R. Ed wardB. chief of the bureau
of insular affairs of the war, depart
ment will sail for the Philippines,
from San) Francisco tomorrow. He
will make an extensive and thorough
inspection of the governmental and
military machinery of the islands. His
wife and ' daughter will . accompany
him on the trip. t'r
. Bamniermea MeeL
St Louis, June 27. St Louis is en
tertaining another important labor
convention with the opening today of
the International Union of Rammer
men, . Pavers, Flaggers. Bridge and
Stone Curb Setters.
Perter Charlton wfll 1 Arraigned To
morrow oa Insanity Charges
New York, June 27. Porter Charl
ton, accused of the murder of hla
wife at Como Lake, will be arraigned! will be thrown on what the republi
tomorrow at Jersey City and his exam- cans throughout the county will act-
inatlon given him by an insanity
commission. It is expected he will
be adjudged Insane and sent to a mad
house. - ,
Will Locate In Wallowa. ;
Arthur L. Berry of Portland Is here
transacting business. In the city to
day on his. way to Wallowa county
where he will locate in a few days.
, Beverly, Mass, June 27jRobert, the
eldest son of President Taft this af
ternoon ran down and probably fa
tally injured Michael Thlstwolls, an
i Italian. Bystanders declare Taft was
not to blame.
. .w.
11111 GilL
DQ0F.1 JUilitl 1
En tour, Tnion county, June 27. j
(Special) Puffing fram the heat, per
spiring honest Chautauqua sweat, and
meeting with the now famous Union
county glad hand at every cross road
and stopping place, a large delega
tion of La Grande business men are
at foar o'clock this afternoon speed
ing towards Cove where the third Im
portant stop of the Chautauqua barn
storming tour will be made.
The first stop was made at Hot Lake
at the noon hour where the manage
ment had the latch string at, and
th booster talked Chautauaua. which 1
commences Tnekt' Sunday;"' Theylra
Ulklng Chautanqua all the time with-
out stopping, and Union county will
t . . ,
know what is going to happen in La
Grande, commences July 3 and last-
lng ten days. ,
Pil TfiLlED !
rreclarts will Settle Deputed Qnes
tioa Before Joly Moth.
- Assemblies are somewhat Indefinite
In outline In this county, following the
postponed Republican Central Commit
tee meeting last Saturday night But
a handful of the members were pres
ent, and the weighty question was
left to each precinct . It is proposed
that the precincts which so desire,
name delegates to the state assembly
by conference appointments. This re
moves the matter of appointment
from a single person. . As these dele
gates are named,' by precincts, tbey
will be' endorsed by the central execu
tive committee, and they may then go
to Portland with proper credentials
Secreary J. A. Matott a firm believ
er in the principle of assemblies but
yet, like the others, uncertain how It
will apply, advances the second choice
provision in the assembly movement
He would have all delegates to the
state assembly suggest a first and a
second choice and the men who were
given the greatest number of .first
and second choices, should go before
the primaries with the - endorsement
of the assembly republicans. , "This
would remove," he said today, "all
opportunity for machine connivances
in suggestion of candidate. .
During the coming week more light
ually do in the matter, but indications
point to a delegation of republicans
from Union county at the state- as
sembly.. To Sell Famous Flctarei n
London, June 27. Record-breaking
prices are expected to be realized at,
me sale nere this week of a portion
of the collection of Alexander Young.
, The collection Includes 40 Carots,
45 Daublgneys,. six landscapes ! by
Dupre, nine Tyrone and half a dozen
Millets: while among the painter of
later, schools theer are superb ex
amples of Israels. James Marls and
V St Loois Auto Tour.
St. Louis, June p7. A large num
ber of cars are entered for the three
day reliability race of the St Louis
Automobile Manufacturer's and Deal
era' Association, which, starts tomor
row and will traverse ' northetstera
Missouri. . ' k '
riinouoi the
f id
Union received the boomers loyally.
the business men did not hob nob
on business matters everything' mas
Chautauqua. The reception, though
Informal, was warm.
Cove, Elgin, SammertUle, Alicel,
Imbler, Island City and cross roads
In. between will hear the gospel of
the Union county Chautauqua before
tomorow night.
Those composing the automobile
caravan are A V Andrews 'j K
Wright, C M "Humphries. George T
Cochran. Joe Kelley. John Collier, J
C Henry.. Ed Wrizht. II B. Hann&n. F.
fs.'Tvanhoe, 'cT'BlTtkT Tli'Crawford.''
j Fr8nk Jaa of Cclorado Sprlngaf
renzo Depnset of Portland, I R Snook,
Press Lo Zundel and W D Mc-
Mnian.'V; ,'; . '
One of the Greatest Financier of the
Ape, Seea la La Grande.
- Hot Lake Sanatorium. Grande Roade
valley and La Grande that part of It
which could be viewed casually froat
the O. R. tc. N. windows,' were given
hasty but appreciative circumspection
today at noon when a party of New
York financiers, comprising some of
the greatest money dealers in the
world, passed through Union county
In a special train, under the direction
of Assistant Superintendent A. Buck
ley. ;- .
At Hot Lake thy Inspected the In
stitution thoroughly and came away
reluctantly, but loud In their praise
of the sanatorium's general make-up.
Doctor Phy and Fred B. Currey, as
sisted by Mr. Buckley, were personal
escorts of the party through the build
ing. ,. r'- ; '
: Jacob H. Schlff .the man who "digs
up" the millions annually needed by
the entire Harrlman syste mto handle
Its affairs, was the chief member of
the party. With ten others, mostly
New York financiers, he Is headed '
for Alaska and Hot Lake and La
Grande were the only stops of mo
ment made between Ogden and Port
land. With the aged banker and multi-millionaire,
were his son, and a
nephew, his wife, and several special
agents. Chief among the guestswere
General James H. Wilson, a well
known figure In history; G. A. Plimp
ton, one of the foremost men In ac
tive banking circles In New. York, was
also one of the party. After a brief
fifteen minute rest here in which the
venerable chief of money markets re
fused to comment on .financial mat
ters, or elucidate on his Journey, but
did say with considerable spirit that
he was highly gratified with the ap
pearance of crops in the west, and es
pecially In this valley, the train mov
ed westward, headed for Portland. -
Chicago Sutters From Intense Heat
Rain Promised Tonight.
Chicago, June 27. Three are dead
and another la dying as a result of
the tarrlfic heat here, during the last
24 hours, v Relief Is promised tomor
row as light showers are predicted to
night, r : ; .'.