LA GRANDE EVENESTG OBSERVER DNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1910. . PAGE SEVE1I i MALTED MILK with est: any flavor A Meal in One Glass at ' . Selder's ;.: Gonfectionery Store MsJee Ironing while the sun shines. ' ' Two hundred and fif ty homes in LaGrande are now, using electric flat irons. . There is a reason for this. You cannot afford to be with out an electric iron. Let us place one in your home on trial. EASTERN OREGON Underwood's Deviled Ham 0 A choice morsel for teas, 4 j luncheons, parties, meal J t 1 emergencies. Glean and economical. Small can 2 i . . r t r a Tt 9 maices iss large or J small sandwiches. It is 5 good boiled , ham, ground g J up fine with mustard and J i 20c a can. PHONE BLACK 81 PATTISON BROS Order Rock Springs For Winter Now G. E.F0WLE2 ' rmS.aS ! 7 School for OMi infer rrjr.."1.0'"01 Jobs Baptist I Kpiaooptl) 1 .AnMl Mile and l-iruirDtar, JlTIr Art, KloentlonTCTiroiwIuni. !"tBapila mart b ovtf M -r of au stti "?00toL Th ambtt In limited to JS, PPotkm thouid be mad Mrl?.) Addrm J " 5'ttf gwxfwf.Qttic 28, St.lMmiHiH.PwtM.Ot'. Lightand Company In the Limelight. Gossip of People In the . Dispatches 0 ANEW (run has Juwi U-eii tiral la the war on tuberculosis in this c o u n t r y. It was snot by the Metro politan Life lunar ance compao;, which has purchas ed 225 acres of land at Somers Center, . a. begeman. . Westchester coun ty, N. Y, where T all employees af flicted with the dispose will be treat ed. ,Tb plnn cjill for the erection of a central ' administration building, which will be used for officers and as a dormitory for the resident medical staff, while the patients will be boused to portable cottages that can be Bet up as required. ; : . The adVantages of the sanitarium will be exclusively at the disposal of thfr company's 14.000 employees In the United States . and Canada, and its president, John R. Hegenian says the concern is; willing to Bpend (100,000 annually in fighting the disease Many other insurance companies are watch inv M Tnrimfnt to entr nractlual. ly Into the campaign against tubercu losis and If it is successful may un dertake similar enterprises and extend their advantages to Include policy holders as well as employees. .. Of course a duke plays some part in this tale, for is not the heroine a rich and beautiful American girl? She is Miss Mathilde Townsend of Washing ton, whose engagement to Peter Goe let Gerry of New, York has Just been announced. . The wedding, which is being planned for June, will unite two of the wealthiest families in the coun try, the girl's mother. Mrs. Richard H. Townsend. having inherited from her father, the late William L. 5 Scott of Erie, Pa the tidy sum of $10,000,000 and many acres of land. 1 The Gerrys, too. are immensely wealthy. , . TBut about his highness, who is none other than the Duke of Alba. . He has long payed court to the rich American girl, but she flually concluded , that she preferred an Amer ican, and. meeting Mr. Gerry at a so cial affair in the na tional capital about a year ago, it was a case of love at first sight on both sides. Miss Town send is one of the most popular and attractive girls in Washington and KISS TOWNSEIO). has long been most prominent In New port and Bar Harbor society. The duke, by trie way, Is only one of many abroad who have sought her band, and frequently there have been rumors of, her engagement to some titled gentle man.. -: , . yy;.- This time she is to wed, and the lucky 'chap is a citizen of the United States and proud of the fact . -"y Wanted All of Them. ' V Rivers had been detained by a busi ness meeting at the club, and the hour was late when he reached home. "So it's you, is it!" exclaimed Mrs. Rivers, who was. wide awake.. "You've got some plausible excuse, too, ot course. You were detained downtown by some necessary, Indispensable.' important, unavoidable, unescapable, urgent, esi sential and absolutely compulsory and inexorable business! Of all the flimsy," transparent, diaphanous" ' "For heaven's sake, Lena," interrupt ed Rivers, whipping out hi3 notebook. "wait a minute and let me Jot down those synonyms. I don't know where you got them, but I can use every one of them. Now go ahead again, dear, but please talk a little slower." Chlca fat Tribune. ' European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.60; t First class Throughout D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. 0HE BLOCK FROM DtPO) la Grande, Oregon SAVOY MOTE Marl SUGAR Cash price Sugar, $6.75; beet sugar $6.75. ' r VEGETABLES-Drjr onions,' id parsnips, t.l-2c; spiiJach, 8 lb for 25; fresh peas, 15c; asparagus, 3 H) for 25c; nibarb, 5c; celery. 10c a bunch; hot house lettuce, 2 bunches for 15c; head lettuce, 10c; radishes, 3 bunches for 10c; green onions, 6c a bunch; fresh Florida tomatoes, 10c; new po tatoes, 3 lb for 25p. j . FRUIT Oranges, 40c dot; lemons, 35c; bananas, 40c; strawberries, 15c per box, 2 for 25c; cherries 21bs for 25c; gooseberries, 2 qts. for 25c. ; MEATS liogs, live weight, well finished, $10 cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c,; real 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 5 1-2; chick ens 13c. "; : Iff ' JTTV DRY CHAW WOOD :'-y y v v 1 am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood,' al ' ' so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind- ' . ly phone your order to y - : PHONE RED 37rr;V'.;VrAv:i;' DIRECTORY , OF THE, FRATERNAL ORDERS : LA GRANDE, ORE , H. W. A. - La Grande Camp No. .7703 meets every Monday In the iaonth at the I O. O. F. Hall. All visiting neighbors are "cordially Invited to attend. ' . i. R. SNOOK, c. D. E. COX, Clerk. .;' '' Women of Woodcraft v Grande Ronde Clrcl No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the L O. O. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. i;- v CHLOE ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH Clerk. ' . A. F. & A.JS. " La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds reguler meetings firpt and third Saturdays at 7:30 p.' m. JOHN C. HODGIN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary ' ' B. P. O. E. .." La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club corner of Depot street and Washington Avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. " DR. Q. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. y I O. 0. F. Subordinate La Grande Lodge No. 16 meets In their hall every Satutday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at- , tend. GEO. GROUT, N. G. S. R. SNOOK, Rec. Sec. W. A..WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. y. OBSERVER WANT iQt OisotatioLis. i . , . Portland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, 29c; store 2323. BUTTER FAT Delllver t o. b. at Portland, sw, cream 27 1-2; sour 25 1-2 : EGGS Local, candled, 2627c. , POULTRY Mixed chickens. 16c;v fim. y .16 16 l-2c; turkeys, alive 2021c; dreoseiU728c;pigeons squabs, $2.50; dressed chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive. ; BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed. $23; rolled, $25; hrewhig, $24. WHEAT Nominal i- track, club, 79c; bluestem 82; Willamette valley, 8lc. . .'v: MII-LSTUFFS Selling price Bran $20; midUngs, $29; shorts, $21; choo, $19$25. V'-' : , FLOUR New crop patents, $5.15 IT CEKTAI5LI .1 '. LOOKS GOOD to . the children when they tea the delicious bread made from the North Powder Best oi tne Best Patent flour. It Is a meal for the little ones, with butter, Jam or Jelly, that Is wholesome nd muscle building. It. locks good also to the housewife whao. she sees the golden brown crisp and the. white bread inside when. ' it comes from the oven. It also , smells , appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour. X FOB SALE EY ALL GROCERS. J , B'bckahs Crystal Lodge No. 60 meets every Tuesday evening ia the I, O. O. F. hall All visiting members are invited to attend.;;- ; '-y-yy'y' " -:' ''K MRS. CORA FITZGERALD, N. G. MISS SUSAN McILROY, Sec. Knights of Pythias 'Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday rIght in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. , i yy ED. WRIGHT, C. C. R. L.' LINCOLN, M. of R; & 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holds stated communications ' the ' second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially Invited. MARY A. WARNICK,Sec. V PAULINE LEDERLEE, W. M. Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fourth Tues day in the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. ;. V : - , ; NERI ACKLES, C. C. . ; J. H. KEENEY, Clert. -d ry pay Rent? We loan you , money to build, and you pay us as you would rent f . R. OLIVER. ADS PAY THE CLASSIFIED COLUMH LOST Lady's '.watch with pin at tached. Suitable reward paid if re turned to La Grande Investment com pany. '".. , v, ; . 7VV STRAYED Black Cockerel Spaniel Three months old. Finder lea-o word at this office. . " "?' TO TRADE 160 acres of timber land to trade for city property. Mac Wood, Golden Rule store. -, LOST Brown purse containing about . .$15.00, some "Canadian coin, owner's card In side ; In Union or on road to La Grande. Phone or notify Ob server.!'". ' FURNISHED ROOMS 1612 Adams '. Ave7 $8.00 per month, phone red 741. WANTED 6 or 7 room furnished ; house. Inquire Phone Red 1181, GIRL WANTED For general house work; apply at 1312 Pennsylvania avenue. ! r:--y'-" , i 'r.'y-:-" LOST A locket, one side fully en graved, other. side plain. Leave at Observer office. '. NOW Get that summer suit cleaned and nresBed at Pennlneton's. Phone Black 851 or 44. LOST Elk's tooth in setting; "D. A. E., Olympian, 186" on back. Re turn to Observer office and receive suitable reward. ; : ROOM and BOARD 1617 Fourth 8t -' ' . . ,. . FOR SALE The Snodgrass residence! In the Old Town consisting of ten room -ouse, and the E. W. Bart lett house in the Old Town, consist ing of seven rooms. Will be sell cheap if taken at once. Inqulrt at the Snodgrass grocery. FOR SALE Nearly new Iowa Dairy , Separator. In best of condition. 400 to 500 pounds size. Inquire ; at Smith & Greene's Shoe store. FOR SALE Cherries, 10 cents per A gallon i on the tree. L. Stillwell, Frultdale. WANTED Waitress at Palace res ' taurant, : Experience not necessary. O 0 O O' o & PK0FESSI0AL DIKECTOKY. , ; c. M. rPT0., Ph. o. M. D. 1 :-; ; Ppysiclan and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and, Throat. -Office In La Grande Nat ional Bank Building. Phones: Of fice Main, 2, Residence Main 32. ; GEO. W. ZI1I3IEIUIAN V " " Osteopath Physician Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9. and 10 Phones: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Sue ccssor to Dr. P. E. Moore. : ; ;. EBXA CABLOCK Teacher of Piano ' ' Pupil of Pierre Doullet of the San Jose Conservatory. . For Children the Burrows method oi music study and musical kindergar ten. Studio in Mahaffey Building. ; T. H. CRAWFORD y Attorney-at-law Practices In all the courts of the SUte and Unfted States. ' Offlce in La Grande National Bank Bldg La Grande, Oregon ' DR. P. A. CHARLT05 . , ' . Veterinary Surgeon ! ' Offlce at Hill's Drug Store, La Oranis Residence phone. Red 701 : Offlce phono, '; Black 1361; , Independent phone 53; both phones at residence. Chas. E. Cochran Geo. T. Cocnras COCnRAX St C0CHRAH ; . Attorneys La Grando National Bank Bid. La Grande y Oretnt -BRINGS, ALWAYS RETURN. WANTED Clean cotton raja. Ch- server offlce. kLILNISIIED ROOM For genUenem cnly. Nice location. Gose In. Call HI Red 952. ; tt WANTED "Boy to tb'Z Observer oa che streets. Apply to the circu lation manager of the Observer. FOR SALE Old papers at the Oh server off' FOR SALE Household goods In cluding a gasoline range, for sale cheap if taken at once. 808 Pennsyl vania avenue. FOR RENT Barn suitable for three norses. luquutt l CC . . ,y,". FOR SALE Modern five room house. Easy terms. ' Address, owner, care of Observer. SALE OR EXCHANGE For town or . country property, a 120 room fire proof hotel. Best corner location In Seattle. Long lease, large lobby, telephone In all rooms. P. O. Box 1623, Seattle. '. FOR SALE or WILL RENT Ranch of 1300 acres; stock, hay and grain. Well watered. Next to town. Renter must have best references. Terms of years to right party. Barns, arte- ' slan water, 8 room house. Address E. M," Sanders, Cornucopia, Ore. WOMAN WANTED To do general housework. Good wages for the right party,. John Anthony, Rondo wa, Oregon. ' KEEP CLEAN A Towel rack and a cake of soap and - every day a clean EoSsr Towel, for $W0 a month. Phone us about it. Both Phones. ; Cherry s New Laundry "Best by Test" DIL M. P.' MESDELSOIIIJ Doctor of Optics. ; Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All Errors of Refraction Corrected 1105 Adams' Ave. Opposite P. O. La Grande,' Oregon DK. II. L. USDERW00D Ppyslclan and Surgeon Over Red Cross Drug Store Special attention to diseases ot Eye, 'and Ear. - - . Office phone Main 22; Res. Main 728. p. W. C. 'ELS0N Mining Engineer Baker City Oregon - 3f. M0LIT0B, M. D. ! Ppyslclan and Surgeon Corner Adams ; re. and Depot street Office Main 68 Residence C9 J. C PRICE, D. M D. Dentist -Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Phoue Black 3991. ' ' FOI CANST NTtoina : - . THE MODEM IPxHty