ft LA GRANDE EVESKG OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1910. PA OR FOUR a n - i Panned Dalij Exci.t Saadaj rSi.lE DEX5IS Editor u Orner United Pros Itlprajfc Strike Entered at tf vouce t L& tds as second-class matter ErBSCKIPTlON BATES. iiir.ingie copr Daily. per week........ '5c Daily, per month... ...... ...... C5c ar- Thli paper w21 not publish an tide aprearinf orer a com de plume. Binned articles will be revised r ob ject to the discretion of the editor. Please alga your articles and aaTe llsappoictmeLi. DA5CEE0U8 TO DO BUSI5ESS All orer the county there la a feel ing of unresist in large institution! vbere many men are employed be cause of the uncertainty of having men on the job to , turn out work. Large factories hesitate in taking ex traordinary contracts becaise of the labor problem. mum ana ausei are behind with orders, sot because they bate not the crude material to work up but because labor is so un certain and hard to get Even in La Grande and the Eastern Oregon country plants are not run ning their capacity in many instances because of labor's uncertainties. The owner of an institution may go to bed at night with a complete op erating force and get up in the mora ine to find that Mvrs1 loft with out notice, making it almost impos sible to keep things running. How long this condition will ob tain no one cares to guess, but there Is one thing certain men who will work and be square do not hate trou-! JT Lie at the present . time of getting a good Job, . tiff will thereafter apply to the tbore1 entitled court, for default and decree; herein, as prayed for ia her complaint. -to-wit: for a Judgment of default; agaiart you for watt of answer or o- i er appearance; for a decree of decree of plaintiff from yon, for wilful dser- j tion continuing for a period of more than one year; and for her costs and ! disbursements in tils iruit against you. and such other and further re lief, from time to time as may be ne cessary to enforce such decree and Judgment. This summons is served poa you by publication, by virtue of an order of the Hon. J. ". Knowles, Judge of the above entitled court, made and en tered at La Grande, Oregon. June 15th, A XL 1310, directing that service here of be made for a period of six conse cutive weeks by publication bereof n the La Grande Evening Observer, That the date of the first publication hereof by virtue of said order, is June 15th, A. D., 1910, and the date of the last publication will be July 27th, A. D. 1910. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, June 15th, A, D 1910. . L.DEXHAM Attorney for Plaintiff. June 15-22-29, July -15-20-27. ' lL9b efTesi FopidaF Dress Fatei t For g: ii l aiming jthe same all season, k $2.25 per crate. TVe or- 5 rider direct from the C; grower, - and get the p 3. best: i $CITY GROCtRY i AND S ... ..i.. ...,.;'; ,. ... ...i.: ...... JUST OPENEB ! Mexico Is having more trouVIe in side her own lines. The time is coming without doubt when Uncle Sam will in some measure take care of Mexico and see that she behaves herself. Outside nations are desir ous that this be brought about be cause of the foreign money invested . la Mexico, and most people feel that Uncle Sam could act as guardian ve ry comfortably tnus making all prop- rty Safe. President Diaz has done very well, but now that he is break ing In health the people are becom ing rebellious. A Barrel of Fresh Dill Pickles FRESH SARATOGA CHIPS RflffFfPy j 0 flI,, U C:1U Has all the appearance of a Rajah silk. Golc isn J IViarajan OllK tains luster. All desirable colors. 50c a yard I SNODGRASS Probably there has never been a local entertainment that will please and appeal, to so many people as the Continental Congress which will be held here on July 4th, during the Chautauqua. Men of prominence have consented to wear continental wardrobe and recite the different lines made famous in history. In so doing there will not only be pleas ure In the event but there will be an Economy Jars Pints ...... Quarts Half Gallons Economy Caps Instructive lesson taught It is some-If Economy Clamps Second Hand 85, Xew $1.10 Second Hand $1.10, New $1.35 Second Hand $1.30, New $1.75 ......... I............ 20c . . . . 10c A new shipment of cotton and mixed wash ma terials that will interest you, includes many new shades and patterns in materials that are pretty and serviceable, yet inexpensive. TXfl M 11 Especially desirable for one piece dress and sldrts Comes in checks, plaids, stripes and plain colors. Yard wide, 2Sc a yard. Golors fast Re- Qfin I ice a Deauti so finish material with a silky surface and tne finish Oatin JLJSSe is permanent 25 cents a yard. An exceptionally complete line of waistings, lawns, dimit ies, India linens, Swisses, white reps, and piques. SEE OUR $2.90 OXFORD WINDOW Mo West The Quality Store Mrs. E. G. Adcook t Mrs. L. Smith's MOllnery Store T Hair Dressing, $ Manicuring, Vibratory Massage, J Electric Radio, Bell Treatment New line of switches just J received, including blonde and drab shades Vlilson & Brillian, Electrical Contractors. ....... thing that every child that Is study ing history should by all means at tend, as well as the grown people. ; numr. . i ft It Is a toBSup whether Daker City or Pendeton will have the biggest crowd in 1a Grande the day Joe Folk speaks.. The Chautauqua is popular with the entire Eastern Oregon and this city has made no mistake by get ting In the lead on this splendid class of entertainment sonross. of In The Circuit Court of The State Oregon For Union County. Bertha Raby, Plaintiff, vs. Benjamin Itaby, Defendant ' To Benjamin Raby, the above-named I defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned to appear and answer or otherwise plead, to the complaint filed in the above-entitled court and cause, on or before six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: on or before the 27th day of July, A. D., 1910. And if you fall, neglect or refuse to no anoear and answer or otherwise plead herein within said time, plain '4 . 5 V s Pints .... ... Quarts Half Gallons Schram Caps Schram Jars . . . . . Second Hand 85, 'New $1.00 . . . . Second Hand $1.10, New $1.25 , . . . Second Hand $1.30, New $1.50 20c Mason Jars Pronrpf and careful attention given all work All work guar anteed to pass underwriters examination. YOU'LL BE STRUCK WITH AMAZEMEM if you could see how Borne factory made clothing is put together The skimping of materials, the inferior interlinings. B t none of these things occur In a suit of our tailoring. That's why one suit of ours will outlast two of the factory made. Order one and the wear will prove it C T. BASEB. Pints .... . . ... .... Second Hand 50, New 75c j Quarts' .'. . . . . ; Second nand 65, New 90c', f Half Gallons . ; . . ..... Second Hand 85, New $1.25 t Boyd's Porcelain Lined Caps 3oc a These daily rains are aiding in making the Grande Ronde stand even higher In the producing rank than ever before. It has been thirty-seven years since there was anything like i l itl. r a a crop lauure m ims oouuub m . , .; XT., HUnn-n like a good place to live, doesn't it? Second Iland Jars, All Kinds, .... very t-ncap . A i i.ii .4111 1 !-- Jelly Glasses, Round Bottom Jelly Glasses, Tumblers 40c Doz. 45c Doz. Vacuum Jars damps 10, Rubbers 17 1-2, caps 1? 1-2 fo H alsfesi Furniture on Easy Paymenfs 1.-V Dewberries Raspberries 1 Strawberries Peaches Apricots Pie Cherries Table Cherries Lemons Oranges Royadrocery AND . . The George Palmer Mjnmm cod RETAIL DLPARTMEN1 , We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Phone Main 8. , , : GEORGE PALMER, Pres W. L. BEEJOI0LTS, Asst Cash. F. J. HOLMES, TIce-Pres , EARL ZUJfDEL 2 Asst Cash. F. L. METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS Ba(ery. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver TaMeti invariably bring relief to women eutlorinj from cq runic conttipation, headache, bilious nets, diuinees, sallowness of tbe skin and dyepepsia. E0SGE PALMEE F. J. HOLMES it. j. cnuncn F. L METERS C C PE5IXGT05 a L. CXEATEB F. M. BTRKIT W. L. BREJOIOLTS W.M. FIEKCE With ( iJe resocmi and facDitici tt caa rsnder jo effleJent ser?!c and hscdle yonr hislnc3ji U yoar fntlre steSefactlon fr if. mi bu to' da is Mi Nr.y