PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1910. s 4444444444044 ti ts PRO ISE SMALLEST ATHLETE. rv mice CIIAUTAl'QUA WILL BE AIDED. BI Jf AY WOMEJf BOOSTERS Flans for Continental Congres Are Rapidly Assuming: Shape. A , Ja Grande women always loyal tj support any public venture hafo seized the traces In the Chautauqua movement and will help the execu tive committee In rounding up finan cial affairs of the Chautauqua. Smo time ago the ladles of the city brtved the winter storms to solicit promises for season tickets, and in many In stances these promises have been con verted Into cash, but In' other in stances not, and it is .tow the Intent of a large delegation of women to again tramp the city for the cash cu the promises ay to solicit other tick ets. The work will be commenced at once. : This Is but an instance of the gen eral support given the Initial Chav tauqua movement in this city. A great many elements are, belfnd the m ntt ttiA fe'(vflf 10 vtt tf lBm to a La Grande movement Is on the surface everywhere. ' The continental congress is rapidly rounding into shape and great prom ises are- being made for something unusually attractive on that occasion. The appointments are being' made and a great galaxy of oral rs and speech makers will be on the stage when the curtain rises on the reproduction of the old congress. The sittings, attire and "lines" of the speakers will be historically true In every respect. RemarkabU Midget Who Amazed Em peror William by, His Cleverness. Prince Atom, at prcsput In Germany, but soon to visit this country. Is the smallm midget In the world and In DEVELOP THE BUST rz n , ? " ) i . . ' - ' i ' " ' ... !" V x- hrJ' " "Ui ; r (Vr: I j rrn : m : I MALTED MILK ' with ess ' . any flavor y A Meal in One Glass -. a ,' - . .-. ' " at ' 'r SelderV Confectionery ' Store JL I 44444444444444 LABiDE Midget-Fir Street Markets We can fill your order and deliver it prompt . J Steaks, Chops, Boil or, Roast of Beef, Veal, Lamb, 'Mutton or Pork from our shops will please you. Fresh Fish daily. Chickens dressed to order. We are al ways in the market to . buy chickens. , Pure government in spected lard 18 cents per pound. Phono your order. Both Phones. 4 44 44 4444 4 4 4 WHT SHE SUCCEEDS. S? Mrs. Edwards Keen In Touch lVIth What the Public wants, Always, v 444444444444 Hot Lake, June 21.--Speclal Per haps the secret of the popularity of Mrs. Vera Jane Edwards, who con ducts a recital here tomorrow night, la she has studied the public and is wise enough to Introduce Into her programs only that which people, care for and enjoy to entertain and amuse and Instruct but also to speak the word which shall up-lift, cheer and help Is her endeavor. Her best classical number will be "A Marble Dream's Awakening to Spiritual Consciousness." She will also give a group of light character songs, entitled "Is Dancing Sinful?" "Nobody Knows the An swer." After the program the guests will be Invited to Join In an Informal dance. All lovers of music and friends who are Interested in the affairs of the sanatorium are cordlal- Hy Invited. . The principals are: Mrs. Vera Jane Edwards. Liter ary Interpreter and monologlst, as sisted by Mr. Frank A. Bridges, of La Grande; Miss Bertha Fowler, of Portland; Mr. C. - P. Ferrln, La Grande and the Hot Lake Sanaprtum Orchestra, Director, Prof. Fred Se many ways the . most remarkable. While the child of normal parents, be stands Just a little over two feet high and Is as Intelligent as the average pemon and speak several languages fluently. .'. . The prince is extremely fond of all outdoor and indoor sports and Is quite an acrobnti In Berlin recently he per formed before the children of the Ger man crown prince and delighted them by his feats as well as his wit. She Gave Him an Answer. A business man said to his wife at dinner: "Here is a riddle for you, my dear. Why is a husband like dough?" The answer to this riddle was, "Be cause a woman needs him." The busi ness man expected his wife to give the riddle up or else to guess that answer. But his wife said calmly: " "Why Is a husband like dough, eh? Well, I suppose ita because he's so hard to get off one's hands." Loganberries' For J zsnninn I Order now, price is j rj i - ' W. I the same all season, J I s Children's Play Shoes We have shoes that will be outgrown pefore . outworn. ":' : . - !-j It is best for your benefit that you fit your : " children in either. of these lines. i Sprinter Peihler or Minnehaha ' All Show Shoe Science I : , SMITH & GREEN ; Shoe Men V f z.zo per crate, we or- der direct from the grower, and get the best. ; 'j'';; 5CTV GROCtRYt AND BAKERY r4 The Largest Stockl of Cnt Glass, Hand Painted China, (Silver- ware, Sterling and Plated), ever shown in Eastern Oregon for ' JUNE WEDDING- GIFTS. T We also have a large stock of Plain Band J Wedding Rings, any style or size, 14 Kart Solid Gold, at $1.25 dwt. . . . WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. & CQMPANYt t , ir i- ft l iv a l m A t tut uiass ana nana ramtea uuna J V From now. until July 11, I will make a specially $ x low price on cut glass and hand painted China. It a. 'Tinll nov'rmi tn ViJTrnno mv Ktnrlr nnn cat ft crnnn co. t lection before buying your gifts. : : : : P All ; stvles of . wedding rings including Tiffany v round, oval, etc., at lowest prices in Eastern Oregon, 9 Quality considered. ' ; ; A - J- win oavc xuu ixunc . La Grc t J. H. Peare, 'de's Lea ding Jeweler, j Opposite Land Office ! S Thrills followed thrills as speeding automobiles shot around the course of the Ingleside Race Course, on April 24th, in the second and flnni dnv pvpntn nf the successful meet nromoted by the members of , Islam Temple of the Mystic Shrine. ; Thehonors of the day were oiviaea Detween uarney uianeia, wnn his 200 horsepower Benz machine, and C. O. King, with his Maxwell 30 horsepower stock car Oldfleld lowered his previous record of one mile to 51 5-6, which is a new coast record for the circular track. With the exception of this performance, Oldfleld had to take second place in, the list of racing honors, as the world's champion met defeat in both the five and fifteen mile handicap events, and in bothiraces King and his Maxwell were the victors. In fact. King provea the surprise of the meet, driving all of his races with much judgment and taking the turns with his car as close to the fence as did Oldfleld, In the five mile handicap, Oldfleld drove his Knox racer to the utmost, but the handicap was too strong and he could not get the lead away from King. . Not only in the handicap events did King and his Max well prove stars of the first order, but in one of the first events of the day, the five mile race for cars costing from f 1200 to $1600, which was one of the bestmatches of the meet. V ' j The time for the five mile handicap was as follows: Maxvrell, King, 4.40.30; Oakland, Nelson, 4.48.25; Chalmers, West, 4.49.30; Auto Car , finished fourth, and the Knox car, Barney Oldfleld driving, fifth. In the ev.ent number eight, ten miles free-for-all handicap, Ipng and his Maxwell again were tne winners, tne Maxwell's time being 8.19.30. . "A J. Whitemaii & Son 108. Elm Street. Oi;iinberl:i!:'a .Stomach ami LimTitUov invariably bring leiicf to wui:n:i JiURrinji from chmnie constipation, hratlnche, bi'.iouo iets, diiiiness, ealloifnewi of tbe skin and dvMnmia. it JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. The Largest Jewelry Store in Eastern Oregon. LA GRANDE .Ore. SOMEBOlDf Me KIM HENDRIGKS 6 HALL Painters, paper hang ers, decorators. Esti mates furnished free. Geddes Grocery Building Phone Ind. 1431 ', Thomas Brucer Manager Miss Etlie Supported by an Excellent Company Opens Ihursday, Evening, June 23 Tucker is going to he disappointed when the five- ; acre tracts we have been offering you are j all gone, and they are, all but two. We have some : fine buj:s in residence; lots at $125.00 each; $25.00 down and $5.00 a I, month. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 - Independent 262 - La :iMs Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande BAND CONCERT THE OBSERVER PHITS THE NEWS ill t $04$400$0Q 4404000044$ $4444$t$Z