La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 20, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1 nniunr riiriiinn nnornwm
I fl liHGN r I-UI-N N 1 n.NrnVrn , rw that the health of the
a i i ii n 1 1 1 1 i a n n ti vjajuawiBBivi tj v w v
Published Dally Except Sunday - ,
- 't-SS.lE DESMS'
' Editor and Owner.
Foiled Tress Teh graph Sen Ice
Entered at the posiouice at La tfninde
.as eecond-claB3 matter
hope In the heart of all citizens who
love Oregon that the health or tne
chief executive may Improve rapidly.
But. , with his usual "splendid' judg-
ment, Governor Benson did not hold
j legal matters in abeyance to await
' iho rot urn of his strength. He im
mediately asked President of the Sen
ate Bowerman to take the governor's
chair and attend to the duties
It was fortunate for all concerned,
that Buch a man as Jay Bowerman
was next In power for he will con
tinue the Benson admlnistraiton In a
Dally, single copy.
Dally, per week.....
Daily, per month.....
This paper will not publish an ar
ticle appearing over a nom de plume.
Signed articles will be revised lub-
most satisfactory manner. His knowl-
5c edge of state affairs gained by his
15c long residence In Oregon and his ac
C5c tlvlty In politics enables him to
grasp every question that comes up
Instantly and go to the bottom of It.
Bowerman Is one of the big young
men of the state. He comes from a
little town on a branch railroad, but
Ject to the discretion' of the editor . s lmportant factor ta Bhaping
Please sign your
articles and save
the destinies of Oregon and has been
for some time. The fact that' he has
had to chisel his way; to the front
makes him all the better. He had no
city to get in behind him; he had no
After a trip to Prairie City with , Influential rnenas to start mm. ut
David Eccles, one of the Mulders of be started Just the same and he has
the west Editor B. E. Kennedy . of ! cUmoed rapidly. Today no republican
the Baker City Herald, printed the doctrine Is put In force In the state
following editorial: I w"hout consulting Bowerman and his
. One of the most Interesting men, J Judgment Is along safe and. conserva
and a man who is often cauea pecu-. Vs.". .;t::r,:;- :?-:;L?
liar because he Is not like other men,' ' While deeply regretting the condl
is David Eccles. He Is not like most, ttona- that force him to the gover
men of big affairs and big accom- cnalr," the Observer has no hesl
plishmenta who look at results only,.tancy In assuring every citizen and
for he Is familiar with every detail Property owner of Oregon that their
h. TPnr infn on the . Interests will be carefully guarded
Wn to Prairie dir. which was made . DV
In his private car, he not only en
tertained his guests by seeing that
they were comfortable and by point
ing out the various places of Interest,
but he watched the working of the
trains as though he were train dis
patcher. He knows the percent of
grade on every hill and the exact de
gree of the various curves.
When talking to him on the sub
ject' of railroads you would think that
railroads were his specialty, so deep
and broad Is his knowledge. But he
will Jump from railroads to the man
ufacture of sugar and, taking from
his pocket a condensed report of all
the sugar refining Institutions In the
United States, he hot
home-spun young man from
According to the dispatches, United
Wireless Telegraph company officials
have been arrested and there Is trou
ble brewing for the concern. Postof
flce Inspectors speak out openly on
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Mrs. Vera Jane Edwards, the tal
ented Chicago reader and interpreter
who is conducting the Hot Lake re
cital Wednesday evening and who will
carry Important roles in the U. D. S.
concert here next Saturday evening.
Fruit Vender Now
Business In a Car.
The automobile has been utilized In
almost every couceivable way of late.
We have the auto tire euglne and hook
the methods adopted by this company and ladder truck, the auto ambulance,
In doing business, and Indications are 'the aulo henrse, the nuto moving van,
that the government will wage a the auto sightseeing vehicle, and in
prosecution of considerable severity, i cores of ot,1(,r wavs ,in t,le machine
. It Is another case of Btock manipu
lation wherein the earnings of the
company never were sufficient to pay
a dividend. The stock was sold pure-
only tells the (. jy on future prospects, and the attrac-
output, Jiut goes Into details and tlveness of the wireless telegraph ap
shows what each plant turned out, J peaied to everyone. That be wlreles is
the amount of sulphur and Boda they j 0 D8 a great factor In commerce no
used, etc. He will also tell how many j one wm attempt to deny, butjt seems
beets will ho into a certain sized bin, ( tne United company overreached
and give you other details. Then he thejnselves in the way" of stock and
will turn to banking and surprise you tbo purchasers of that stock did not
with his knowledge of the Intricate inquire sufficiently Into the business
details of this great branch of busi
ness Mr. Eccles is 61 years of age, hut
Is Just as active as a young man half
his age. . While he Is apparently
wrapped up In his various enterpris
eshe' has plenty of time to enjoy
life. At Austin he entered Into a
Jumping contest with Grant Geddes
and George Stoddard, making them
ashamed of themselves. At another
'station while waiting for the crew to
take on . wood, he participated In a
foot race with Bome children who
were on the car, and one of the con
testants beat him. He would not
rest contented until he had run an
other race and this time he came out
ahead, which gave him great pleasure.
While he Is a man of great wealth
It has not affected him In the least,
for he Is the same as an ordinary
man and his actions do not show any
signs of wealth. He has worked very
hard all his life and still has the
As an illustration of his big opera
tions, the Utah Construction com
pany, of which he Is president, did
$21,000,000 worth of construction
work for the Western Pacific railroad
In the past year. He Is also president
of the Amlagamated Sugar company,
and of the Lewlston company. He is
president of the First National bank
of Ogderi, of the Ogden Savings hank
and a number of smaller banks. He
Is at the head of the Sumpter Valley
railroad and .the Oregon Lumber com-
pany, and Is a director In the Hood
River railroad. He Is connected with
many Institutions and Is doing a
great deal to build up and develop the
country. He Is man who does
things, and such a man Is deserving
of more credit than the one who ln
vests his money and waits for an ac
tive person to develop the country,
while he sits Idly by and reaps the
benefits of the active man's work
transactions of the corporation.
This Is another illustration appar
ently of the evil of stock manipula
tion. Heretofore this game has been
chiefly confined to Wall street, but the
present example shows that the whole
country has taken hold of it, and
that Wall street Is not the only place
where prices can be raised and low
ered at will. ' '
Robbers Loot Postofficc. '
Prior Creek, Oklahoma, June 18.
Four robbers dynamited the post of
fice and escaped with $4,000 in stamps
and money. They used mail sacks to
deaden the explosion. A posse is pur
Everyone who enjoys the personal
frnalntance of Governor Benson a
pained to learn that his- health has
failed so that he cannot, for a time at
least, attend to the duties of the gov
cmor s oUVce. There Is a general
been brought Into use for man's con
venience hud business. The latest,
however, Is the uuro fruit car.
Recently n New York itinerant fruit
vender decided that the pushcart was
out of date and not the proper, vehicle
In which to display bis wares. Be
sides, it wus almost Impossible to push
It and smoke a cigarette at the same
time. Being of a mechanical bent and
oW I'
having saved a few hundred dollars, he
purchased a small car, rebuilt it to
suit, himself and, as shown In the ac
companylng Illustration, now does
business In his machlue.
As this up to date chap can get over
the ground much more rapidly his busi
ness has greatly lucreased, and his en
terprise has attracted much attention.
In Preparing for a journey the telephone per-"
forms a great variety of services. Reservations are
made, last directions are given, good-byes are said,
over the wire.
The Long Distance Service of the Bell SjTstcni
is of special interest to the traveler- Sometimes the
Bell Telephone make a trip unnecessary; sometimes
it convinces him that a trip would be profitable.
"Wherever he goes, he feels the need, of universal
service, and that is Bell Service.
Pacific Telephone and
Teeorap(i Co.
Every Belt Telephone is the Centre
of the System.
ave Yon Ever Worn a
Visit our Corset Department and let us show you our new line of Henderson Cor
sets. We are sure the beaut y and desiti and artistic ness of these corsets will
please vou. :
Corsets to Fit Any Form
Ko matter what your size or requirements may be we can fit you accurately in an
attractive model that will mold your figure to your most exacting requirements.
"Corset Economy ;
The more you pay for -V
your corset the fewer cor
sets you will have to buy.
That's real economy. Then
consider the far greater
satisfaction you will get
from the better grade of
corsets. . . . , ;' . - '
The effectiveness o f
your dress depends entire- ;
iy ou your cuiocto. "
Henderson Corsets
$1.00 to $7.50
We Invite you to examine them
Fashion Form
Trout Laoed Corsets
Keep in mind our specials: Our $2.90 Oxford sale, Our Ladies' Tailoied Suit sale, Our
Ladies' Kenyon Goat sale, Our Half price Milimery sale.
The Quality
Mrs. E.G.Rdcookl
t Mrs. L. Smith's Millinery Store J
J Hair Dressing, J
' Manicuring,
Vibratory Massage,
Electric Radio, J
Bell Treatment
Big reduction for 10 days
J Switches, puffs, toilet ar- J
$ : ti:les and combs. .
If you could Bee how some factory
made clothing is put together' The
sklmyirg of materials, the Inferior
interlinlngB. B t none of these things
occur in a suit of our tailoring. That's
why one suit -of ours will outlast two
of the factory made. Order one and
the wear will prove It. .
Wilson & Briltian,
Electrical Contractors.
Prnn nl and rmhil attention
given all .work. All work guar
anteed to pass underwriters'
. ";
For the
: Picnic Basket t
TakeKaro Along ?
A Eat it with Biscuits, or spread
J It on bread. . A
5 Use It for a Tea punch Hot 5
The George Palmer
We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing,
Deadening Felt, Building Paper. ,.
We are prepared to furnish and deliver material
promptly. ' Phone Main 8.
or iced Coffee
5 Cooling drinks are dtllcious A
T. . A ,ltk T.'a. A
? Karo Corn Syrup i
Eat It On - 5
Griddle Cakes, Hot Biscuit, S
Waffle. S
tseltFor rA
Ginger Bread, Cookies, Candy.
rnosE BLACK 81
Kn yon frequently hors?Do you htr
thit annoTlng tickling in your throat? Dot
four cough annoy you at night, nd do yot
raise mucus in the morning? Do you wan
relief? If so, take Chamberlain Cougb
Remedy and you will be pleased. . .
F. J. U0LMES, VIce-rres EARL ZUJiDEL SM Ass't Cash.
F. L. METERS, Cashier. 1 ;
United States Depository
f J C.l... (MOA ADA AA
Li ;
I j!
G. L. a
F. M. BlHH
11. aj. iMu.iii
With onr ample resources and facilities ire can render yon effiel
Prvtp anil liandl rnnr linslfiesj fn tm ntra talcfaof Inn
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