La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 16, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I 1 A v
A visit to this Store to-morrow will convince the most skeptical that this store i
indeed making the effort of its entire carreer at bonafide bargain giving. Sale runs fou
more days. Better come to-morrow.
Carpenters jflprons
White and Colors, extra
heavy Duck. Regular 50c
.values, extra special for
Friday ......... 21c
25 Men's Suits, broken lines,
values to $25.00, on sale
"Fridav onlv.':. extra SDe
cial .V. $9.89
Metis Underwear
Job lot Men's Underwear,
broken sizes, regular prices
$1.00 to $1.50 each. Extra
special ... .v . . ... . . 39c
Good heavy grade Canvass
24c pair to close at. ... . 5c
Men s Suspenders
25 doz. pair slightly dam
aged but worth several
times the price asked. Ex-
Men's idork Pants
100 pair, regular prices $3.00
to $3.50. These are good
grade wool pants, extra
special for Friday. . $1.98
Children s fose
Good heavy 20c Ribbed Chil
dren's Hose. Extra special
for Friday . v, . .'. . . . 12c
Addies f me Vests
Extra lisle thread ; combed
yarn. . Sizes 4, 5 and 6,
worth 25c, special for Fri
day, . . . . . ..!.. . . .... j 17c
Slack ffeatherbloom
Aadiey Underskirts
Fine grade Tailored Skirts,
full skirts. Extra special
for Friday . . . ...... $1.18
Wash Dresses
A large assortment of Ging
ham, other materials neat
ly made on. Special sale
for Friday ......... $4.98
Ladies Waists
100 to close out at a redicul
; , ous low price. Values $2.00
- on g1o arvppial for . -Fri-
Special Dress Skirti
A complete stock of fine
Dress Skirts, all colors and
sizes. Extra special for
Friday $3.98
.......... 09c
Ladies' Silk Un erskirts
All colors. Regular $10.00
Skirts guaranteed Taffeta
on sale one day (Thursday
onlv) ............. $4.85
Large Bath Towels j
For Hotels and Barber,
Shops. Fine Turkish Tow-j
els. Thursday only. . 12c.
Lanies' Fancy Neckwear
A large assortment all colors
A beautiful assortment.
"Regular 35c to 50c val
ues . ... ........ . . . . 15c
Every Article in our Immense Stock Reduced
You can always do better
and better now than ever at
iu iwiiii iiw miwiii wwiwi iwiiwuiniii whhmhi williiiii i n n m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmcm $k f
MHMHHWMafl rin iiiiiiiniiii r'-T r"ir tw - ... ..-a hHaaMdiuMMMRnM k.
Notwithstanding That Weather Hln
deri'tl, Good Shows Promlx? d.
. Campbell Brothers' circus Is show
ing a double performance In La
Grande today, despite the intermittent j
showers and somewhat disagreeable
weather. Though the crowd in the
city from out of town was not up to"
the standard, the attendance this af
ternoon at the show grounds was in
dicative of the popularity of the show.
The circus carries a fine line of at
tractions and comment this afternoon
from the main arena are to the effect
that Campbell Brothers have a first
class circus. The parade this morn
ing was somewhat dampened in splen
dor on account of the bad weather, but
the line of march was nevertheless ihe
gathering places of a large number
of people. "
the customary early morning exo
dus to the railroad yards was re
peated and in fact everything that a
circus implies was carried out.
The afternoon performance opened
promptly at 2 o'clock, with the
"grand entry" and the kids were hap
py, while "pa" and "ma" looked on
and smiled.
. Campbell Brothers have a good en
tertainment. Their feature acts were
as entertaining as those seen in tho
larger shows. Lamy Brothers, aerlxl
performers, did some clever work and
received , round after round of ap
plause. Berre and Hicks composed a
iano hus
J We have no need to give watches and rings J
O away to get the names of people wanting to buy I
j pianos. We have the kind they want.. The SherJ
man Clay Line, Steinway, Ludwig, Kurtzmann, A.
x B. Chase and Conover.
At Prices Lower Than Inferior Grades.
team that would be hard to beat, j
They appeared In several acts on the
wire and ladders and accomplished!
some seemingly Impossible feats.
Good Slack Wire Work. I
SIgno, the slack wire performer,
who Is recognized as one of the great
est men in his line In the world, was
a feature of the . program. Not only
did he stand on a ladder and do a
juggling act on the' loose wire, but he
set , the crowd' marveling when he
stepped into a pack measure on the
wire and, . in short Jumps, traveled
forward and back several feet.
The Dlmitrl troupe of Cossacks ac
complished some wonderful riding.
The cowboy act of ,the Linton
brothers was exceptionally .well exe
cuted. These young men are as han
dy with the rope as they are in the
saddle and the lasso work they pull
ed off was more thaa ordinarily
The menagerie contained a number
of valuable animals, representing the
fast diminishing and rare inhabitants
of the wilds of foreign lands. The
baby tigers and the deouof seals, se
cured In Santa Barbara, Cal., the ele
phants, camels and ponies attracted
the most attention in this tent.
RhM Enforcement of
Rnle Is Being FolloweA '
Teddy Jr., Will Be Married Four Days
Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing
rubber buggy tires.
. , D. F ;;-:VlLD, Proprietor -.'' .', .'.:'V.; ." 7 . ,
- . r? ?.tM ,-iri ;f' ua Foundry r ..
Rigid enforcement of the recently
regulation in administration affairs
pertaining to collection of water
rents, was1 empnasized this morning
when an even dozen patrons of the
service were suddenly bereft of ser
vice. In most instances neglect to
pay before the 10th of the month was
oversight merely and immediately af
ter the service had been disconnected,
prompt payments were made.
The payments must be in the hands
of the water department before the
tenth of each month or immediately
disconnection of service will follow.
This Is the first month that the new
rule has been observed and cuts were
made indiscriminately.
three initials, E. B. A., set in a circle.
This circle Is divided into three sec
tions, one for each letter, which, in a
clever sort of a way, squares the cir
cle, perhaps not mathematically, but
that is about the only way the design
can be even vaguely described. The
round medallion containing the
bride's cypher is small for the nap
kins, and Is wrought in the centre of
these, while for the table cloths it is
much larger, and for the sheets still
larger, and placed on the latter in the
centre of the turnover on top. The
pillow slips are embroidered a bit
above the hems.
The fleecy white blankets which
have not a trace of color on them, are
heavily embroidered with the" same
device in white silk, and the white silk
down filled' coverlets are also em
broidered in similar way.
Xordlca a Suffragette.
..New Ycik, June 16. Mme. Nordica
who has become an enthusiastic suf
fragist, will give a concert at Irving-ton-on-ths-Hudson
tonight for the
benefit of the cause.
- 7
A Eugene . man made harm
amounting to more than . $1000 for
southern Oregon stage proprietor.
Order Rock Springy
For Winter Nov
New York, June 16. Four days
hence, when pretty Miss Eleanor But
ler; Alexander becomes the bride of
"Teddy" Roosevelt, Jr., she will re
ceive a hoBt of presents from relatives
and friends, but none will be more
highly appreciated than the gift she
has already received from her mother.
This consists of enough household
linen to last the young couple the re
mainder of their lives. For months
expert needlewomen have been em
ployed in embroidering the dainty and
snowy linen, which will first be put
to use when the bride and groom be
gin housekeeping in their new home
! In San Francisco. . s
" There are dozens and 'dozens o.r
very tiling, table and tea- - cloths
luut hwm cloths and UoUles totitte bii
the polished limhnftany. Some liand
nnbroidored cloth with Inserts o:';
French tinny ajid flct lnce crwt ixhcv.'
$100 each;' less elaborate ones ' ??.",
and rich damask cloths for breakfast j
and simple dinners figured up about
$30 apiece without the embroidery,
which, of course, ' is very elaborate
and beautiful and correspondingly
costly. Some of the simpler damasks
are In striped designs, and have nap
kins to mnU'l). while many are like
bits of gor:ou3 satin brocade, show
ing elaborat? floral patterns.
The bed linen is quite as beautiful
as that procured by Mrs. Alexander
for her daughter's table. There are
piles of snowy sheets of sheerest lin
en, woven and embroidered in Franpe,
to which the bride's monogram was
a scalloped edge, with a sort of em
broidered beading about two Inches
; 1 do vr. wiiil e others show a. sort of
.lr edge, with a, foliated border un
derneath. - ;
' The pillow slips match, and like the
napkins and 'table, rpths, arc alt pm-
J(iiVered with the bride's monocram
a curious cypherYvfompnsed of her
S O i "if if n 77 h t7 vf I
t We have the exclusive agency for j
i ti16 Berry hat for men, $3 and up. j
5 Stetson hats made for our special
: - .'; v- 5
: G.G.Peiiifi ort on