I I U 6BASDE FTEH1&G OBSERVFR . PsMIshed Dally Except SoBday ;-Si.lE DENNIS tuiior and Owner tailed Frits Tel graph Sen Ice Entered at Uu ntomte i 1-i -"i"v.-tf!-as second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DaUy, single copy. Daily, per week.. Daily, pe? month.. Sc 15c C5c This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a com de plume. Slimed articles will i revised sub ject to the discretion of the editcr. Pleaae sign your article and save UaappolDtmeLb reason for the failure or such cities as Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago and Milwaukee to dispose of first-class securities on a 4 per cent basis, rath er than any reflection on the nature of the desirability of the issues. : A collation of the opinion of a large brakes to set, and it is much better for , things to slow down, gradually than It la for then:, to come to a sad den stop scch as is encountered when a panic strikes. . . The stock market asd the price of number of Investment bankers leads commodities show decline, but healthy ; to the conviction that though country at present is on a high Inter- U,e i aecune miner man a siump, ana uus HIGH INTEREST BATES. The recent failure of such a large number of 4 per cent municipal bond offerings, to find satisfactory purchas ers and The rather indifferent success of many offerings at 44 and eren 4' per cent lead to the belief that money rates are finding a tendency to seek f1. remarks t'j a American nouncement that savings banks will decrease or hare decreased the Inter est allowance on deposits from 4 to Vk per cent is a farther indication that , financial Institutions are com pelled to exact a larger margin of profits on transactions. By far the greatest factor, however, In the demand for higher interest rates Is the attitude of the private Investor, who la no longer willing to accept the est level, this condition is not one of permanency, but will be subject to a radical readjustment that will ere long make its appearance. Says one student of the situation: The recent difficulty in placing new security Is sues is due to two causes. The first Is the diminished supply of available capital for productive enterprise in the United States, individual and public extravagance, municipal as well as National, has absorbed the ordinary savings of the country to a greater extent than heretofore. An in creasing percentage of public and private expenditures for several years past has been for account of non-productive purposes. The second cause , is the necessity on the part of the individual if not of the Institutional Investor for a higher return in the form of interest rates. The National and municipal ex penditores are constantly calling for higher taxes, and the increasing with drawal of men and means from pro ductive labor Into non-productive pur TZ'S root of service and commodities, which enhanced cost falls upon the individual whose income is derived from stocks and bonds with the same force" as ' upon Individuals whose Income Is derived from wages. "We do not believe that the courf try is on a permanently higher in terest level, although we would, not venture to predict when the change will occur. It may be five years or It may be ten, but within one of tbesl periods there will be a radical read-. is satisfactory to every business mac. All realized that things could . not keep up the pace they had been trav eling. -. .. . But hi the Grande Ronde valley the demand for labor keeps up. Not a day passes that ranchers and fruit growers do not comb the valley for men and offer extraordinary wages. That is the advantage of a valley that produces commodities for "the world's market.. ; : THE COUNT! FAIR. oramary scaie oi rem, v wvu, ; jnstment. and it will likely come as all Invested, but who Is constantly ek-;other jucb change8 hate conje ,n tne tag an enhanced revenue, commen- pu namely throngn dragUc llqulda. surste wtih the increased cost of liv- Uon Jn commerclal Indu8trial and ins expenses. It would appear, aI- re&1 egtate circles.. However, pend most, as if the tecurity whkh offered; jng thU readJu8tment the j88Ue f 4 per cent or more were the ml?jBew. 8ecurJtleg under necessitous con ones In which any considerable inter- .... . . . . th 9rmt ftf higher rates of Interest will naturally est could be aroused, is remembered that Then, when it j many bankers have an adverse effect upon long term and old securities which were put out have customers who are clamoring for ; . ' nit - a m.4 nans w irri ,rc wiiuuz 1 1 1 imv d itt- i lful - . .... r. . , 1Qnaer more ravoraDie conamons. . or more for accommodation, it Is not j to be wondered that securities of DOESXT AFFECT GRANDE RONDE. whatever nature offering; a lower rate are declined, and remain without pur chasers. This condition has been the PiCKLES IN BULK Plain Sweet Mixed Sweet Sour Dill Mnstard . Complete line bottle pidhles. 50cQt. 30cQt. 20cQt. 20cQt 30cv. of HEINZ P1I0XE BLACK 61 PATTISON BROS The telegraphic story appearing in last night's Observer to the effect ttiat railroads of the west had discharged several thousand employes does not look good, and while It docs not in dicate that a panic or hard times arc about to be precipitated it does Im press unon the nubile that something J! is wrong. The labor problem is today the hardest one to solve. Demand 1b greatre than the supply and men for public works are hard to get and much harder to keep. Such a bitter feeling is engendered against the foreigner that most corporations have a re- luctancy In turning construction of 4 their entire physical property to men W. I who cannot sneak the English lan- guage. , Then, too, things are not settled at Washington regarding railroad legis lation. There is a spirit of unrest and in all probability the railroads desire not only to retrench but to make somewhat of a demonstration as well at this particular time. 1 Whichever it may be the effect is the The fair association is to be strongly commended for getting into the advertising game early this year. At a recent meeting of the board of directors It was decided to staitthe work, at once and not let It lag for an instant until after the gates were closed on the last day. This means a greater success than was scored last year if such a thing is possible. It is understood the for mer plan of converting the fair Into a trades display as well as a com- pteie- euuwuMi v . . C--C..T will be fcllowed which will give local manufacturing. Jobbing and retailing concerns an opportunity to take part The fair Is not confined wholly to the Grande pra -zlley, for all parts of Union and Wallowa counties are invited to take part and everyjexhlbit will be gladly received and properly cared for. In the fair, this fall the broad spirit, of pushing all parts of these two counties will obtain and the event will be advertised in such a manner that all strangers who con template a visit to this part of Oregon will make it a point to cometwhile thei fair Is in progress so that products; can ne seen at a giance.. , The best way to observe what a country produces is to attend a fair. It takes T i short time t-J determine then whether you are satisfied with the sho",''rs made, after making due allowances for the products not shown as well as giving credit to those that are exhibited. Few organizations possess the en thusiastic workers that the fair asso- claiton has, and nothing but the word success can soell the outcome of their efforts for this season. Have You HENDERSON Visit our Corset Department and let us show you our new line of Henderson Cor sets. We are sure the beauty and .design 'and artistic ness of these corsets will pleaseyou. " -' -V . ' - Gorsets to Fit Any Form No matter what your size or requirements may be we can fit you accurately in an attractive model that will mold your figure to your most exacting requirements, Corset Economy - The more you pay for your corset the fewer cor sets you will have to buy. That's real economy. Then consider the far greater satisfaction you will get from the better grade of corsets. f The effectiveness of your dress depends entire ly on your corsets. u m ml- - a a vmm v a wm HENDERSON Fashion Form . Corsets $1.00to$7.50 We Invite you to examine them HENDERSON Front Laced Corsets Keep in mind our specials: Our $2.90 Oxford sale, Our Ladies' Tailoied Suit sale. Cur ; Udies' Kenyon Goat sale, Our Half price Millinery sale. 1LT The Quality Store REWARD 0T BRIBERY. WUR EYES Should be examined by one who has mastered the science of siht testing The question of salaries for' teach ers Is now up to the people in Port land and statistics show that, the Ore gon metropolis pays less than any city on the coast. This in itself is as bad an advertisement as' Portland could possibly have. There are few rases where teachers get more than their services are worth. Browne's Attorney Argues That Re Z wards for Votes Periulssable. I Chicago, June 16. Arguing that ac cepting a reward for voting doesn't constitute bribery, Attorney Forest for Browne, on trial for alleged bribery, in connection with Lorlmer's election to the senate, fought against admis sion of testimony of Representatives ; Link, Beckemeyer and others who are expected to testify that' they got $100 each for voting for Lorimer. . Mrs. E.G.Adcook i Xtrm 7. Smltli'a Xf Illinois Rtnra W ; ----- . Hair Dressing, J Manicuring, Vibratory Massage, Electric Radio, Bell Treatment Big reduction lor 10 days ! switches, puffs; toJct ar- -' tides and combs. W K i same and idle labor is not desirable In cither case. . This Is only another link welded in a chain that was bound to be thrown In the way of rapid (advance ment. The country was going pell i mell in a business way with no air Mary Adele Case, the Oregon night ingale, complains that Portland is un appreclative. Perhaps Portland would warm up a little If the singer would remove that polk-a-dot veil the next time she has her picture taken. Well, those who did not attend the circus today will take the children for the evening performance. You know the children must 6ee the show. 1 0 years experience in the latest scientific methods of sight testing One charge co ers the en tire cost of examination, glasses, frames. I grind all my glasses. 4 . HEAGOGK, Eyesight 1 Specialist. Office over Newlin's d ug store. Hubbard council refused a license for a second saloon. 1 Children's Play Shoes We have shoes that will be outgrown pefore outworn. " ' It is best for your benefit that you fit your children in either of these lines. Sprinter Peihler or Minnehaha , All Show Shoe Science SMITH & GREEN Shoe Men '4 I THE OBSERVER PR1TS THBNEVS In The Circuit Tourt of The State of Oregon, For t'nlon County. E. A. Brownell. Plaintiff, vs. Ella L Brownell, Defendant. To Ella L. Brownell, th? above named, defendant; You - are hereby summoned and required to appear and r answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks after the first publication of the summons in this cause, and you will take notice that It you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded In said complaint, to-wit: for a decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now, and hereto fore existing between you and the plaintiff, and for general relief. You will further take notice that this summons Is published In the La Grande Evening Observer, once a week for six consecutive weeks, of seven Issues, by order of the Hon. J. W. Knowles. Judge of ,sald court, made, dated and entered April Cth, A. D. 1910, the first Issue of Bald publica tion being June 9th, 1910. ; T. H. CRAWFORD, Attorney for ths Plaintiff. June 9-16-23, July 7-14-21. ' jtfround the Cir cle for Forty Dollars Going Via Returning Via SPOKANE PORTLAND MACLEEOD THE DALLES 1 CALGARY PENDLETON ' VANCOUVER WALLA WALLA VICTORIA LEWISTON SEATTLE INLAND EMPIRE or Vice Versa SHORTER TRIPS To the CANADIAN ROCKIES ARROW LAKES KOOTENAI LAKES Tickets sold dally, June 1 to Sep tember 1. Final limit October 31, Unlimited stopovers. Write for Particulars. G. M. Jackson Geo. A. Walton Trav. Pass. Agt Gen. Agt 14 Wall St, Spokane. The George Palmer QJLMGBH15 (COD RETAIL DEPARTMENT We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building, Paper. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Phone Main 8. - GEORGE PALMER, Pres W. L. BRENH0LTS, Ass'i Cash. F. J. HOLMES, Tlce-Pres , ! EARL ZUNDEL M Ass't Cash. V. . F. L. MEYERS, Cashier. ' , " . LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS GEORGE PALMER F. J. HOLMES W. J. CHURCH F. L. MEIERS C C PENIXGT05 ftL CLE AYES F. M. BIBK1T W. L. BRENHOLTS ff.M. PIERCE With cut ample resources and facilities we can render yon efficient i jj service and handle jonr business to yonr entire stalsfactlon