TA" GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1910 PAGE FIVE I He uul!3lJ KULE CO. THE GGL DEW QULF.f.ft: HE:.G0LDCrJ 'RULE CO. ! t I ! ! I TOYS THE EEST ; : THE SWELL DRESSER ' - ; Ordinarily has some place where he is accustomed to buy his furnishings.- .-. ; We believe we can show any 1 one where if is to their interest fo look at our line before buying. $10.00 Suits in "Worsteds and wool suitings; values that surprise you; beautiful patterns and ;'; .; styles. . , $15.00 Suits a much larger assort ment and a ' good substantial suit in every way a garment that will hold its shape and al ways look well. . - . - ; " LADIES' FURNISHINGS. If it is a Suit, a pair of Gloves, some Hosiery, or Un derwear, a trimmed Hat, a neat pair of Oxfords or a Silk Dress you may have in mind we can show you a nice line and at prices too that mean a - neat saving to you. , W 370 There is nothing that looks so nice in the home as a table all set With nice dinner ware "when one is good and hungry." We quote Johnson's English. Sum-Porcelain: ' : Elite, white per set of 57 pieces. . . .$5.48 Elite, white per set of 73 pieces , '.'.". .I . $8.50 i Beautiful decorated,English dinner, ware;" new pat terns and shapes; 42 piece set . . . . . . . . . ... $6.00 . 74 piece set . . t . 1 . ... . . . . $13.50 There is .nothing better than Johnson's goods made. v',.. v'; BOYS READY TO WEAR LINE . A great many of us can remem ber the time when it was the cus torn for women folks to make the boys' suits and pants and other articles of wearing apparel need- ed by the little man. You can't afford to bother with these things' any more. You can buy them cheaper and they look nicer, and are better than the average woman can make. You don't, have to do any sewing at all. If you have a-boy to dress atthis time a couple of good-wash suits is what he needs and they can be had at $1.40 to $1.65. Besides these he will need a' nice Hat pair of Shoes and some-; Stockings ; also some Summer Underwear and your boy is . fitted; : out. ' ; . : -:r, ;-, .. -''j: :rl! :L Nice Underwear for children is the Union' Suit" in bright bal brigan. We sell it in all sizes for boy3 at 50c per suit. ; -.. There are lots of good Stoves on the Market -We don't claim this to be the only good one but we do claim that it is as good as any and a whole lot cheaper. f, tf n, . $50.00 to $70.00 in price. It stands upon legs 5 in. high, has a large oven that is made dust proof of one piece of heavy sheet steel; the interlinging is of 5-8 in. asbestos; high warming oven; 10-gal. reservoir of 14 oz. copper; all stain nickel trimmings that are easily kept clean, besides being as good a cooker as you can buy at any price. It's a neat looking piece of furniture in the house. , , Guaranteed in every way. J ! I i I 9A TfiP YinMen Rule Cn The Golden Rule Co. Look for it in the Bargain Basement The Golden Rule Co. g$ THE ISIS -TONIGHrS PROGRAM The Subterfuge. , Circus Clow::. ' :: : ' Uprising of the Utes. April Fool Day. Song We're Almost Home. (Ma rlo'a Bwan song. JIOMISSIOK 10c Notice for Bits. Bids for the exclusive restaurant concessions and also for the exclu sive confectionery stand concessions on the chautauqua grounds for the coming chautauqua season, July 3 to 13, 1910, will be received by the chau tauqua committees at the next reg ular meeting of the committee which will be held on Thursday, June 2 at 8 o'clock at the commercial club room The committee reserves the tight to refuse any or all bids.' GEO. COCHRAN. Teasurert Call for City Warrants.' Notice Is hereby given that there are now funds on hand to pay all out standing warrants Issued on General Fund of La Grande city, up to and Including, No. 1175 endorsed March It, 1W9. V ' Interest on aU warrants on General Fund from No. 8058 to No. 8175 Inclu sive, cesses from this date. v RAT W. LOGAN. . j I City Treasurer. e ' , LOCAL iTEMS. . W. S. Ezell, of Elgin, was a busi ness visitor in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Massee will spend Sunday with relatives at Elgin. Mrs.. Stella Ingle is a guest with ; her slater, Mrs. race Barrle, at Hot ; Lake today. Mrs. Mamie Sullivan, of Long Beach, Cal., has been a guest this week with Mrs. A. L. Richardson. I Q. R, Scott, business manager for ; the Observer, is attending to busi j ness matters In Union today, j Mrs, Bert Pattlson and son ''Bobbie" j left . today for Pendleton. . After a I short visit there they will attend the j Rose show. ;! , Miss Lois Ladd,, daughter of the master mechanic on the O. R. & N., is here from Portland to spend a week at the J. C. Gulling home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Forsythe returned to Enterprise this morning to make their future home there. They have been spending a lew days in La Grande since their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Happersett, and children Sidney and Miss Florence, left today for Portland where they will spend several weeks visiting friends and attending the rose show, friends and attending the Rose show. ; Misses Addle Knapper and. Augusta Hutchinson same In from Joseph to day and are guests with Mr. and Mrs. Colon R. Eberhard. . In a day or two the young ladles will go to Portland to attend the Rose show. ' Gave Good Lecture. Las evening at the,, Baptist church Captain 7ohn of the Salvation Army gave a lecture with Illustrations to a large crowd. His explanation of dif ferent localities was such that made the event one of extraordinary merit and everyone pronounced it an Ins tructive evening. REGISTRATION COMMENCES. , Fruit Trees. D. H. Porter, representing Milton Nurseries. Order now for fall and spring delivery. ' Farsoaage Sold. The house and lot, 1303 O avenue, known as the Baptist parsonage, was sold to Mrs. Eva Body yesterday by the church association. La Grmade Lest , La Grande lost at Union last eve ning In a twilight game by the score of three to nine. DR. M. P. MEHDLESOHN DOCTOR OF OPTICS. - PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. ' DR. MENDELSOHN'S GLASSES ' GIVE THE BEST RESULTS. ONE CHARGE COVERS ENTIRE COST OF EXAMINATION, ? GLASSES, FRAMES. Over 2,008 people in this town aid county are ready and willing to testify with great pleasure to the ability of Dr. Mendelsohn. Ask yoir neighbor or your physician where Is the most reliable place to have your eyes fitted with glass es. , ..' , v.- The doctor is endorsed by all of the leading oculists of Portland and all of the physicians in La Grande. ; ' The entire problem lies in these tbree words BigfaUy fitted leases. All broken lens replaced . while you watt Charges reasonable. ' TOCB CASE WILL NOT PUZZLE DK. MENDELSOHN ; as! he gnarantees satisfaetlon la very respect Office hours from 8:80 to 12; and from 1 to i. By special appoint ments in the evening. First Indication of Coming Election Will Be Noticeable. , Next Monday the registration books for the county elections will be open ed at the court house and the routine of again registering; will commence. Definite announcement as to how long the books will be open, will be made later. ' Runaway Merely Exciting. A meat delivery wagon swept the streets at noon today during a crowd ed moment on the thoroughfare by a lively chase, followed by another horse which had broken loose from its moorings. A little excitement and all was over without Injury to anyone. KUled for Wasting Fortnne. . Libb, Mont., June 4. Mrs. Vera Prosser is being held here for shoot ing her husband. She is a wealthy heiress and though she killed him because he wasted her fortune, she says she still loves his memory. Graduates Banqueted. -Twenty-four young ladles attended a banquet at the Sacred Heart acade my Thursday night In honor of the 1910 graduates. . The time was spent in listening to music and enjoying light refreshments. Big Theatre Opens Tonight . ; The Alrdome opens ' tonight With the Madison Square Theatre Co, In 'The Minister's wire, a four act com edy drama. Everything is in readiness for the opening with new scenery and every thing complete. . ; .The. center section of seats are very comfortable with backs. All theaa seats will be 25 cents; the side tac tions will be 10 cents. :' ; ! ,33'r: Read. the Observer for sports. to You Can Do Better on GROCERIES Fruits and Vegetables' ; and .. Bakery Goods Here. We always have a fresh Stock. Royal Grocery AND Bakery The Largest Stock of Cnt Glass, Hand Painted China, '(Silver-" ware, Sterling and Plated), ever shown in Eastern Oregon for . JUNE WEDDING GIFTS. , We also have a large stock of Plain Band Wedding Rings, any style or size, 14 Kart Solid Gold, at $1.25 dwt. t WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. S1EGRIST & COMPANY , J3DWELERS AND OPTICIANS. The Largest Jewelry Store c in Eastern , Oregon. LA GRANDE .Ore. ,