P.GE SEVITi LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 191C r , - i l i : '.V K ; ' I . ? $ YOU .NEVER HAVE j) ; J TO WAIT ' : g ? Quick Delivery of the J jj Best Groceries, Bak- J !v":' cry Goods, Fruits and d r J Vegetables, is our J City Grocery " And BAKERY 1 .European Plan Only v Rooms 50c to $1.50 rVst class Throughout D. g: brighoux, V "Proprietor. 0WE BLOCK TROM DEPOT v La Grande, 0egon HENDRIGKS& HALL Painters, paper hang ers, decorators. Esti mates furnished free. Geddcs Grocery Building Phone Ind. 1431 mm ', DIRECTORY FRATERNAL ORDERS i LA GRANDE,, ORE . M.W. A. ' La Grande Camp No. T703 meets every Monday in the month, at the I. 0. O. F. Hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially fcrvited to attend. LR. SNOOK, C. D. E. COX, Clerk. Women f Woodcraft Grande Ronde Circle No. 47 meets every first and third Thursday even ing in the month at the I. O. O. F. Hall. All visiting members welcome. CHLOB ROBINSON, G. M. LIZZIE ELLSWORTH, Clerk. JLF.ftA.lL , La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M. holds reguler meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. JOHN C HODGIN, W. M. A C WILLIAMS, Secretary .. ; B. P. O. E, . ...V'.." La Granle Lodge No. 433 meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club corner of Depot street and "Washington Avenue Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. ' ' DR. O. L. BIGGERS, Ex. Ruler. HUGH McCALL. Rec Sec. I I Ot O. F. Sabsrilnate La Grande Lodge No. 18 meets In their hall every Satuiday night Vis lttag brothers cordially invited to at tend. ; , GEO. GROUT, N. G. ' I R. SNOOK, Rec. Sec. W, A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. X-!--The,.: Florsheim 55 Comfortable from the start as an old shoe; A light, flexible, specially designed shoe for tender and aching feet. v.:-.- . Bebekahs Crystal Lodge No. 50 meets every Tuesday evening in the I. O. O. F. hall All visiting member are invited to attend. MRS. CORA FITZGERALD, N. G. MISS SUSAN McILROY, Sec Knights of Fythlas Red Cross Lodge No. 27 meets ev ery Monday Ight la Castle hall, (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. ED. WRIGHT, C. C. . R. L. UNCOLN, M. of R. ft S. , o.e.8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S. holds stated communications ' the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month Visiting members cordially Invited. MARY A. WARNICK.Sec. , ; PAULINE LEDERLEE, W, M. . , . Woodmen of the World La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. O. W. meets every second and fpurth Tues day in the month. All visiting mem bers welcomo. . ,t NERI ACKLES, C. C j J. H. KEENEY, Clerk. 1 1 Xfhy pay Rent ? We loan'you money to build, and you pay us as you would rent ). R. OUVtR. Flexsole Penning ton SUGAR Cash price Sugar, $6.75 ; beet sugar $6.25. VEGETABLES Dry onions, 2c; parsnips, 2 l-2c; spinach, 3 lb (or 25; fresh rea8. 15c; asparagus, 3 lb for 25c; rubarb, 5c; celery, 10c a bunch; hot house lettuce, 2 bunches for 15c; head lettuce, 10c; radishes, 3 bunches for 10c ; green onions, 6c a bunch ; fresh Florida tomatoes, 10c;' new po tatoes, 31b for 25c FRUIT Oranges, 40c dot; lemons, 35c; bananas, 40c; strawberries, 15c per box; cherries 21ba'tc 25c; goose berries, 2 qts. for 25c. ' , MEATS Hogs, .live weight, 'well flnlsLaa, $10 cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c; real 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 6 1-2; chick ens ISc. " ' ....... LOCAL OPTION DECISION. (Continued from page 6.) preservation of the peace, health or safety of the ritv: and no inch ure shall become immediately opera tive unless it shall state, In a seperate section, me reasons wny it is neces- words of like Import is sufficient. Sec sary that it should become immediate- tlon 9 of the Ordinance does state "an ly operative, and shall be approved by emergency is hereby declared to ex the afflnnatlve vote of three fourths 1st" etc. An emergency is defined of all the members elected to the city ' by Websters New International Die council taken by ayes and noes and J tlonary as "An unforseen occurrance also approved by tha mayor." Sec- or combination of circumstances tlon 9 of the Ordinance is as follows: ! which calls for Immediate action or "Inasmuch as the present Ordinance of the city, prohibiting the disposal of intoxicating liquors, are invalid.' and the health, peace and good or der of the city are being violated and disturbed, now, therefore, in order to secure the peace, health and safe ty and good order of the city and of the Inhabitants thereof, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the passage there of and approval of the Mayor and its publication in one issue each of th Evening Observer and in one Ibsuo of the Morning Star on the 13th day of January, 1910' ..- v ':, ; : It Is urged by counsel for the plain tiff that from the very nature of things the immediate taking effect of. the Ordinance was not necessary for . "the preservation of the health, peace or safety of the city." . How ever that may be, our Supreme Court has decided In numerous de cisions that the existence of an emer gency 1b a question for the legisla tive body to decide and Is not review able by . the courts, Biggs vs, Mc- Brlde, 17 Or., 640, Kadderly vb, Ctty I of Portland, 44 Or., 146. Again it Is ably urged that the emergency clause does not comply with the - law quoted above for the reason that there Is no statement that SPECIAL RATES FOR THE Portland Rose June 6th Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co ; of One and One-third Fare . FROM AIL POINTS IN Oregon, Washington Idaho Sale Dates : From Pendleton and all stations west thereof , in Oregon mcluding branches : , June ; 6tb, ; 8th and 10th. From all other stations : June 6th and 8th. Filial return lim it June 15th. For further particulars any 0. R. & N Agent or to General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Portland Markets BUTTER Extra Creamery, tlore 20 23. BUTTER FAT Delliver f. o. b, at Portland, sw, cream 27 1-2; sour 25 1-2 EGGS Local, candled, select 23 23 l-2c. "v. V' ': :" :" POULTRY Mixed chickens, 18 l-2c; fancy hers, , 19c; turkeys, alive, 20 21c; dressed, 27 28 c; pigeons squabs, $2.50; dressed chickens, Mo 2b higher than alive. 4 BARLEY Producers price, 1909 Feed. $23; rolled, $25; brewing, $24. WHEAT Nominal uack, club, 8081c; bluestem, 83 84c; Willam ette valley, 81c. S MILLSTCFFS Selling price Bran $19.50 $20; mldlings, $29.80; shorts, 21$21.50; chop. $19 $23. ' FLOUR New crop , patents.. $5.55; the taking effect at once Is "necessary for the Immediate preservation of the peace, health or safety of the Ci ty," and no reason set forth why it is necessary for It to take effect at once. ' We do not believe that either of these contentions are tenable. Cer- talnly it is not necessary to use the word "Immediate" but any word or remedy, pressing; necessity, exigency" Section 9 also recites that' at that time' the passage of the ordinance, that the Ordinances of the city pro hibiting the Bale of intoxicating liq uor were invalid, and that the health, good order and .peace of the city were being violated and disturbed. These were the reasons assigned for the necessity of the ordinance going Into Immediate effect. .Whether these were good reasons or not, it was for the Council to say and not for the courts. The Council seemed to deem them rujclent for the declaring of an emergency, and this Is xonclusive under the authorities above cited. " Again it Is claimed that the Com (Continued on page 12.) ' The Chautauqua tickets are now on sale at! Bohnenkamp's store. Those desiring tickets can secure the earns. All having engaged tickets please call for them. W. R. JONES, Treas. Fnuy nine out of everv tea cases of rata tastinn is simply rheumatism of the mot cies aue to coia or damp, or chronic rbeuma tiam, neither of which require any interna treatment All that is nmdad to afford n lief is the free application of Cbamberiahrl Liniment. Give it a trial. You. cartain to be pleated with the quick relief which tt tnorag. to l lih as to rates, etc., apply to . Festival u McMURRAY, H B Ikl I f B lit! f I 1 1 I . I i o o o o o o t o o o Successor to J. . Manufacturer, of Harness, Saddles, Schaps, etc. Carnage Trimming. Saddles and Schaps Made to Order.. " ' 'A No need to send away for any poods I manu facture, as I can even save you money on cat alogue prices., If it is for the Horse I Have it., When in tuc ri I I I L. L. S A LARGE concern handling Alberta and Saskatchewan lands exclusive- COLU BRING ly, with main of flees, in Calgary, Al-, ten room house, and the E. W. Bart berta, and Spokane, WaBh., want a lett house In the Old; Town, consist . i t T PnnilA M TTTMl V . 1 SI live representative in La Grande. Good opening for a hustler. Address the Showalter Land Co., 306 ( Rook, erv. SDokane, Washington. LOSTA locket, one side tuny en graved, other side plain. Leave at Observer office. VliRNISHEP ROOM-Por gentlemen ceiv. isice locanuu. vwoo u ... ' 1 . t m. In foil ' , Red 952. tf. WANTED Boy to sell Observers oo the streets. Apply to the esca lation manager of the Observer. , FOR SALE Old papers server office. at the OV FOR SALE-i-Seven ; room " modem house and eight lots, young orchard Inquire of ' Earl Zundel at the La Grande National Bank. GOING TO UNIONT-Do you want to look right? Take your suits to r I i t M 4 ia Am Alna nfln flfln reainBum uu s" " pressed right WANTED Lady cook for the Savoy .hotel. . ' ROOM and BOARD 1617 Fourth St PBOFESSIONAL DIEECTOBT. : BACON ft HALL : Physicians and Surgeons Office In LaGrande National Bank Bid. Phone Main 19 C. T. Bacon, residence Main 18. . M. K. Hall, residence, Main 52. C II. UPT0JT,Ph. G. M. D. Ppy8lclan and Surgeon Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande Nat ional Bank 'Building. Phones: Of fice Main 2, Residence Main 32. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician : . J Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10 Phones: Home 1332. Pacific Main 63. Residence phone, Black 961." Suc cessor to Dr. TV E. Moore. . EB1A CASLOCK Teacher of Piano Pupil of Pierre Dounet of the San Jose Conservatory. For Children the Burrows method o. music study and musical klndergar ten. Studio in Mahaffey Buildlnr. T. 1L CRAWFORD Attorney-at-law Practices in all .the courts , of the State and United. States. Office in La Grande National : Bank Bldg La Grande, Oregon D. W. C NELSON Mining Enflneer jBaker City - - . - Oregou G. Wagoner Doubt See Shannon Accicicrv J J l I II- U S FOR SALE The Snodgrass residence in the Old Town consisting of av ing 0f seven rooms. Will be soli ci!eap if taken at once the gnodgrass grocery. Inquire && FOR SALE Household goods sale, consisting of 6 dressers, I nea springs ana mattresses, t mu - 2 carneta. S atnvea Hhmrr imhr H COmmodes and wash stands, tan.tiw: r couch, 2; rockers, curtains, llr' utensils, etc., linoleum enough 3v 2 floors. Inquire at 130? Madison WANTED Clean "" server office, cotton rags. Cw- FOR SALE Household furniture v. A. O. Hagan's ' residence 1410 Mcsr roe avenue. , 'v.v i yoR SALE Phaeton, good a ww. inquire 901 Adams avenue or phon ' Red 16L ; : . ? ' PURNIXURE F0R sale.au ; faod of K flTe.romi hous ( i for sale cheap if taken at once? also canned fruit and baby carriage Call at 1,204 Pennsylvania avenmi FURNISHED ROOMS 161 J Ave, $8.00 pe month. dams Chas. E. Cochran ; Geo. T. Cochran. COCHRAN A COCniUK 'v'-: '. Attorneys -j La Grande National Bant BIdj; i La Grande. Oregosi DR. II. L. UNDERWOOD Ppysiclan and Surgeon Over Red Cross Drug Store Special attention to diseases of Eye, ' and Ear. " , ' ' ; . ' Office phone Main 2; Res. Main 72J. WILLIAM M. RAMSEY Attorney and Counselor at Law Room 15 and 16 Sommer Block La Grande - - ' . Oregon DR. P. A. CHARLTON . , . Veterinary Surgeon ; . Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grant Residence phone. .Red 701: OA phone, Black 1361; Independent phone 53; both phones at residence. DR. W. RILEY Graduate from the OhiT" State- Univer sity. Vaccination, Dentistry and sur gery of all kinds. Country calls promptly answered. Agent for Nat ional Live Stock Insurance Asso ciation, Portland, Oregon. Office 14 Adams Ave. Phonos, Pacifle Black 1901, Independent 373. J. C PRICE, D. M. D. , , , Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. :Phoue" Black 899L N. K0LIT0R, M. D, , Ppysiclan and Surgeon Corner Adams . e. and Depot street. Office Main 6& Residence CI ALWAY RETURN