PAGE FOUR : LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY. JUNE 3: 1910 . FY Bemtfnfrii stern ff2'ffitf 7 9 Stare wegons WOOLTEX -suns HENDERSON CORSETS NEMO CORSETS UTZ & DUNN . and PIN GREE SHOES and OXFORDS BLACK CAT HOSIERY DRESS GOODS and trim mings of every descrip , tion ' TAILORED and WAISTS W-7 i 9 BENJAMIN CLOTHING for MEN ' EIDER, HEIMER, STEIN CLOTHING for YOUNG MEN ' , XTRA GOOD SUITS for BOYS GORDON and STETSON HATS 4 ;'r! St . -. mm 'X.L.- ' ' ' THE QUALITY STORE Did you ever stop to think what has made this store the largest and best known department store in Lastern Uregon. Highest quality J J. e. Felt oxfords and ! S cinu a square aeai irom us Degmning isine secret or tins great suc cess. Once a customer, always a customer' has been our aim in all dealings. Come and see us and learn why. Surprise Oxford sale for Men Lingerie An elegant assortment of styles in Tan, Patent and Black. Al sizes values to $4.00. : SALE PRICE $2.90 for Ladies Your chcice of a large line of the newest styles in ankle strap pumps lace and button Oxfords. All leathers. $3.50 and $4.00 .. values. V SPECIAL $2.90 See Our $2.90 Window millinery Half price Includes all pattern hats, trimm- -J 11UUF) Clearance Sale of Ladies9 cnnro INTERWOVEN SOX COOPERS UNDERWEAR B. V. D. UNDERWEAR trimmings. One-half regular price Suits and Long Coats. Every Ladies' Tailored Suit in the stock and all Long Coats at prices that will mean a big saving to you. All are late Spring and Summer Stvles. . , WOOLTEX SUITS AND KENYON COATS ' 25 per cent reduction On your Choice of any of these garments We're Prepared best to fill your wants By buying everything in large quantities we save both in price and in freight and thereby are able to give you better quality goods for the same money or less, than others can possibly do. If it came from West s, its the best. I 5 A" WA 'A rnbllsM Pally Except Sunday BRICK PEXSIS ( 'Editor and Owner. plenty of experience before corns g across tbe mountana, both with pub licity and ingratitude and we hope fee profited j0 lteat tbat" hl8 packets are lined with the CClnor tbe realm and that bis future Is amply provided for. La Grand wants Tom to visit here, Not as i professional booster, not ,, .r,w. -,. ,....- i , . f - -emo. ' trtt any business mission, but merely Entered at thpbswifatial La iJ'ande." Private who comes to f te.. II. At I A- M IM:8ndtlasi matter j mm I rae Prtu TtUptfi gertlee SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, single copy.......... .... 5c Dally, per week.............. 15c Dally, per month............... 65c Tbla paper win not publish ai ar fcl appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will t revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save llsappointmeiiL TOM RICHARDSON RELAXES. Announcement that Tom Richardson la to retire from -active management of the Portland Commercial club on June dOth does not come as a sur prise to those who know Mr. Richard son personally. When he was in La Qratide a short time ago bis friends thought they could 'understand that the professional publicity man was about to take a little time, off and per mit his nerves and muscles to relax. We do not like to sea htm retire from the position he hat filled as no other man could, but we do believe Tom Is entitled to some rest and a ltttle time to "get acquainted with his family" as he terma It : Whether he will re-enter the field tt aome future time remains to be seen, but this is certain. If there is a alow community on the face of God's green earth that seems to have lost its bearings and wants to get hack Into the game, ft little of Tom Richardson will do the, work. He has done more for Oregon, assisted by the newspapers, than any other one factor. ; We hope he has made some money, for he Is entitled to it Certainly ha has made money for other people. Many a man In Portland now worth more than a hundred thousand can, If he will be honest In the matter, , trace hla wealth to Tom Richardson's fforts. Usually the man who does the community stunt though, gets lit tle out of it for himself. It may he In Oregon there is a move on the part of undertakers and clergymen to pass a law prohibiting Sunday funerals. The reason for this is be cause all persons employed at funer als want a day ' of rest While the proposition ' is a little of- the ordi nary, there Is considerable merit to It To legislate against burying any one on Sunday seems out of order, hut If there is no other way to break the precedent such may be necessary. In Oregon climate to a day's differ ence In burial does not count for i so much as it does In some local! I ties. found gold bearing dirt under Its building. And there wait no van ex-1 pected on the Institution, either. - Boys' HEIR Tp HOMESTEAD, and Glrln Institution at Port land Beneficiary In Will. The Boys' and Girls' Aid society, of Portland, has been bequeathed a homestead owned by W. L. Justice. The school today went through the necessary steps at the La Grande land office to have the title trans ferred This is an unusual occasion and adds to the list of strange things that occur In the land office. A TT (T IT Tra novice lor Jume m noes The draymen at Portland have gone on a strike. Probably the draymen are better prepared to carry the load than anyone else. The bank at Placervllle, Colorado. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE A windmill and tank holding 400 gallons. Inquire 2103 First street or phone Black 3761. WANTED Lady to mend underwear. Inquire at once. Cherry's New Laundry. Clurfiberlain'i Stomach and Liver Tablet are Mfe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid aivi iar.i" "'! GEORGE PALMER, Pres ' W. L. BRE5H0LTS, Assl Cash. F. J. HOLMES, Tke-Pres EARL ZU5DEL H Asst Cash, F. L. METERS, Cashier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE; OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS GEORGE FALMEB F. J. HOLMES W. J. CHUBCH F. L. METEBS C C. FEKI5GT05 G. U CURATES F. K. BTEKIT IT. L. BRE5II0LTS W.M. PIEXCE TTItfc oar ample rtsearces aid facilities we eaa render yet efficient service and handle year baslaess to jaar entire stalsfactloa NEWLY WEDS otany one contemplating going housekeeping or refurnishing a room or two Also those figuring on adding individual pieces of fur niture or buying New Carpets, Rug s, Stoves, RAWGES, DRAPERIES, BEDDIM, Or Home Wares of any kind will find It to tlieir absolute advantage to supply their wants at Heinry FURNITURE JSTQEE. A Garr, : Not as High but a little better ! k-agaaBai:,.tiw-'.ggff.g'!'j'ij..!-L-a 11 ..mi UlllViv a tt .nt with Richardson. He had