PAGE TWO LA GRAND&EVENING OBSERVER FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1910 mm ON ALL OFF- On TTD Dioai Smt RideiySatiirdayy Juhe3and4 Department of the Interior, U. 8. land Office at La Grande, Oregon, ; Iprfl 27th, 1910. Notice la hereby siren that amsu T, Alton, formerly, Annie F. Parker, of Starkey. Oregon, who on February 27th, 1909, made homestead entry No. 05904, for NE 1-4 SE 1-4, Sec, 11, N 1-2 SW 1-4, and SB 1-4 SW 1-4. Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 35 East Willamette Meridian, has fil ed notice of Intention to make fin J Commutation Proof, to establiao ciaim 10 me iana aDove aescnoea, before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at La Grande Oregon, on the 23d day of June, 191 f - Claimant names as witnesses i 'Merrltt Coombs, William Briggs, Andrew J. Sullivan, James Brady, all oi Starkey, Oregon. MANY DETAILS OF iBflnnnTiunr nvirunifiiiiit CHAUTAUQUA COMMITTEE HOLDS SESSION LAST SIGHT. Tlce President Appointed for all the lghboring Towns. Do You Want A Home that will pay for ' itself? A Five Acre bearing Fruit Farm 1 miles from La Grande postoffice,.in May Park, with 4 room house, pantry and closet, good cel lar, barn and fruit house, 2 chicken houses, windmill, with water piped from tank to barn and chicken lots, all in splendid condition. TERMS 10 SUll PURCHASER, 1 Inquire SHtkWddb miliums, tmbler, Ore. ' ' You Can Do Better on GROCERIES Fruits and Vegetables and Bakery Goods Here. We always have a fresh Stock. Many important matters were transacted at the meeting of the Chau tauque executive committee last eve ning, with President Rinehart in the chair. While but a few new matters were taken up, many pieces of unfin ished business were given final at tention. E. D. Selders was awarded the ice cream concession. Negotiations were commenced to have experienced caterers only serve meals on the grounds. Arrangements for the organteatlon of domestic economy classes were completed. The classes will be ar ranged during the Chautauqua, Prof.. A. B. Cordley was posiUvely secured to lecture on pests In or chard and how to fight them. The lectures will occur dally. , A round table will be established and at o'clock every day the people of La Grande will be asked to express their views and offer suggestions on j the manner of that day's events, and other matters that may be suggested. A. W. Nelson was appointed chair man of a committee to handle the sports on the morning of July 4th. One of the most important things transacted was the appointment of honorary vice presidents in Eastern Oregon towns. They follow: Pendleton, Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell; Baker City, Mrs. Thomas C. Burke; Union, Robert Withy combe; Cove, Judd Geer; Island City, Mrs. E. E. Kiddle; Imbler, Walter Strlngham; Allcel, L. L. MeKennon; Summervllle, Mrs. P. S. Robinson; Medical Springs, Hon. Dunham Wright; Elgin, E. G. Bailey; Wallowa, Mrs. A. E. Holmes; Hot Lake, Doctor W. T. Phy; Enter prise, Mrs. H. C. P. Moore; Lostlne, Mrs. Fltzpatrlck; Joseph, Mrs. Wil mer McCully. . . i bidB until 11:00 o'clock a. m. August 1, 1310, for the following described school lands, to-wit: S 1-2 and S 1-2 of N 1-2 of Sec tion 1. T. 6 S. R, 34 E. a regularly executed application . to purchase and at least one-fifth of the amount offered. ; , No bids for leBs- than $15.00 per acre will be considered. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Applications and bids Bhould be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and mark ed, "Apllcatlon and bid to purchase state lands." O. G. BROWN, : : i - - w jvryrwwwwSW KEEP CLEAN , , m9 and every day a clean Boiler Towel, for $1.0.0 a month. ; ; - Phone us about it. Both Phones. Cherry's New Laundry f'Best by Test" We will sell you the Earth and loan you the money f o buy it. The Real Estate Man. Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. - LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F " ZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry DRY CHAIN WOOD 1 am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, al so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to 1 B E I Af PHONE RED 3741 5) M in iiiii L. run Two things only are needed: capital; A little courage and a little SOTICE FOR PUBL1CATI0S-1S0. LATED TRACT rublic Land Sale. Department of Ike Iaterior. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, May 2d, 1910. Notice Is hereby given tliat, aa di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under pfovls- Ions of Act of Congress approved Royal Grocery AND Bakery June 27. 1906 (34 Stats, 517), we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on 'the 7th day of July, 1910, at this office, the following described land: 1 The NE 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec. 33, T. 3 3., R. 35 E. W. M... Serial No.' 0CB12. I Any persons claiming adversely' the above described land are' advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for Bale. F.1 C. BRAMWELL, Register. COLON R, EBERHARD, Receiver. ! Xotfce cf Sale of State Lands. Notice Is hereby riven that th late Lan d TJosrd will receive sealed Confidence counts for as much as cash. A co- operative company enlisting the capital of a number of small investors may effect as much as any millionaire. Good ground is an essen tial. Intelligent selectioin of a site f or drilling, and honest management of the company's affairs will give a fair chance for success." 1 1 doesn't take but a few thousand dollars to put down a well, and a few hundred dollars s ubscribed by each of ten men is adepuate cap ital, although not one of the ten perhaps could afford to spare enough singly to buy the rig and bore the hole. -r 1 '' Once a well is struck, vou have an income pro ducer. ANY WELL WHICH WILL PRO DUCE 100 BARRELS A DAY IS WORTH $ 100,000. . You can figure that out for yourself. With oil at a dollar a barrel, a hundred-barrel well earns $10Q a day, or $36,500 a year. Allowing for the payment in royalty of one-eighth of the product, there remains over $30,000. Tli at will pay for all operating and office ex penses, labor, cartage, tankage, and transpor tation, and still leave a net income of more than 10 per cent (more likely 15 per cent) o n the valuation of $100,000. You want to be one of those who are going to sink these oil wells. All right, send in your subscription. Caiforrfa "National ttudt 0(1 Co. I. W.'Hellman Bldfr, Los Angeles, Gal. Gentlemen: . Kindly issue me. . . ..... . . ...shares of the Treasury. Stock above corporation Enclosed find $. . . . .payment same Name Address . CAL. NUTIBIHL CRUDE OIL CO. . W. HELLMAN BUILDING, Los Angeles , W CafffornaVafonal Crude Oil Co. I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Aageles, Gal. Gentlemen: Kindly issue me shares of the "Treasury Stock above corporation Enclosed find $.. .. .payment same Name . . ... ; . .... . . ... .... ... Address .................... 1 v 4 ii V.