La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 02, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Pleased at CItj Growth. ;V
G. M. Sutherlln, the Walla Walla
plumber, if la La Grande this 'week
and cemmenti on La Grande'a tart-
lint growth and activity. "Tour city
U looking; up and I am clad of It.
There is lots doing here," supple
mented the plumber. "La Grande and
Walla Walla are the towns of the
Inland Empire that are forging ahead
with great rapidity." , . . ' ! . v
Union Lodge Trip Off. ' '.
On account, of too many pressing
engagements at Union, preventing the
Union K. of P. lodge from doing It
self Justice in entertaining visitors
tonight, the Journey from La Grande
to Union by local K. P.'s has . been
called off.
Train Leaves at Ten.
Business men are buying tickets
like hot cakes today that they may
attend the horse show tomorrow. A
subscription list was circulated by
Commander-in-chief. Jones.,, and . Mac
Wood to pay for the expense of tak
ing the band along.
Campbell Show Car Here. ,
, An advertising car for the Camp
bell Brothers show arrived In the city
today and the community is being lib
erally plastered with placards.
Bond Election at Union.
; There is a bond election , on at
Union today to decide on the matter
of a municipal light plant in that
town. -- -. - i
Fruit Trees. ,
D. H. .Porter, representing Milton
Nurseries. .'. Order now for fall and
spring delivery. :
Do You Want
& Home
that will pay for
A Five Acre bearing Fruit
Farm 1)4 miles from La
Gtande postoffice, in May
Park, with 4 room house,
pantry and closet, good cel
lar, barn and Fruit house, 2
chicken . houses, windmill,
with water piped from tank
to barn and chicken lots, all
In splendid condition.
Imbler, Ore.
No Dust
, New
30 cents per
Wft will ha elosad all da.v
fi Friday.1. . We are going to 5
union. . - -
City Grocery
;. ;:" And
Local f on pie Marry and Leave en
Wedding Tear Tonight.
Another young couple of this city
turned a surprise on their friends by
being married: without much publici
ty, this " week. -1 Last evening . In the
home of Rev. and Mrs. Ford Ellis,
Chas. Murchlson and Miss Vera Wll
let were married by Rev. Ellis, and
left on the evening train for Baker
City where they will visit with friends
before returning to La Grande to make
their permanent home. " The bride h ta
been employed In the Fair store anl
Is well known here. Charles Murchl
son has .lived, in. La. Grande always,
employed with the Joe Jones Trans
fer line. He is the son of Mrs. A. E.
Murchlson of this city and has a large
number of friends who will be agree
ably surprised to learn of his car
riage. ; ..' '.' ' ,
Hermlston Farmer Grows Belligerent
Yates Would Prevent Federal
.Employees Digging Ditch '
i, Across Land. "
- Hermlston, Ore., June 1. Armed
with a shotgun and reinforced with a
foreman aicd wlt'a a hawserFred
Yates is holding the fort at his fana
on the outskirts of Hermlston and
defying the forces of the government.
So far the beligerent farmer has held
the government forces at bay but it is
presumed that he will be compelled
by the courts to withdraw from his
warlike attitude and permit the fed
eral employes carrying out their in
tentions which are to open a dith
across the Yates farm.
It seems that the old Maxwell com
pany which disposed of its rights and
holdings to the government when the
reclamation service took charge of
the project, had a ditch across th
particular piece of land and that this
ditch, together with the remainder of
the company's possessions, was turn
ed over to the government. Nothing
was done with it, however, and acting
on the assumption that it had been
abandoned, Yates filed it up, set out
his fruit trees and proceeded to till
his farm, Just as though there were
no ditch. Recently the reclamation
service engineers decided that it was
necessary to open up the ditch and so
notified Yates who Bent back word
that It would not be opened up. This
morning a crew of laborers was sent
out to perform the work whereupon
they were met at the Yates boundary
line by the belligerent owner who is
still in possession, with the ditch un
opened. It Is believed the next move of the
government will be to secure an In
Junction preventing Yates from inter
fering with the work of opening vv
the ditch.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Office at La Grande, Oregon,
April 27tb, 1910. 7 -y.
.Notice j:. hereby given thatm
F. Alden, formerly Annie F. Parker,
ct Starkey. Oregon, who on Februao
27th, 1909, made homestead entry N
05904,, for NE 1-4 SE 1-4, Sec, It,
N 1-2 SW 1-4, and SE 1-4 SW 1-4.
Section 12, Township 4 South, Range
35 East Willamette Meridian, has f.l
ed notice of intention to make flnl
Commutation Proof, to . establisn
claim to the land above 'described
before the Register and Receiver c
the U. S. Land Office, at La Grand?
Oregon, on the 23d day of June, 19K
Claimant names as witnesses: .
: Merrltt Coombs, William Brlggs.
Andrew J. Sullivan. James Brady, all
of Starkey, Oregon.
4 - 4
4 . 4
44444 444444
FOR SALE A windmill and tank
holding 400 gallons. Inquire 2103
First street or phone Black 3761.
Thinks That no-White Kan Should
. Let Negro Win the Belt.
. Chicago. June 2. Governor Gillett,
of California who Is here ' for his
health, today, In duscusslng the
Jeffries-Johnson fight, said: "It's a
frameup that Jeffrie will win. All
fights are fakes. Jeffries and John
son simply have a sdheme to make a
lot of money and anybody with the
least bit of sense knows that the
whites won't allow Jdhoson or any!
other negro to win the world's cham -
pionsnip. John Bon has agreed to lay
down for money.
1 J. VXf A . .
San Francisco, June 2. When told
of what the governor had. .'said Pro
moter Gleason asserted ' that Gillett
never made the statement He af
firms that the governor has frequent
ly said he , knows nothing of prize
fights. Gleason holds Jeffries above
pulling off a fake contest.
Careful Analysis of Churches through
out the United States. : .,
Washington. June 2. Special Re
ligious census are being completed
at a rapid rate. Among some of the
data complied Is the following:
The cities Bhowing the largest pro
portions of Protestant communicants
are Memphis, 84.4 per cent; Toledo,
70 per, cent; Washington, 66.9 per
cent; Kansas City, Mo., 66.2 per cent;
and Indianapolis, 62.1 per cent.
The cities showing the largest per
centage of Roman Catholic communi
cants are Fall River, 86.5 per cent;
San Francisco, 81.1 per cent; ' New
Orleans, ,79.7 per cent;. .New York,
76.9 per cent; Providence 76.5' per
cent; St. Louis, 69 per cent; Boston,
68.7 per cent; Chicago, 68,2 per cent;
and Philadelphia, 51.8 per cent.
' In the five leading cities the pro
portion of communicants to ' popula
tion was: New York, 41.7 per cent;
Chicago, 40.7; Philadelphia, 38.8; Bos
ton! 62.6; and St. Louis, 46.6 per cent.
It is stated that, in general, cities
which have a relatively large Roman
Catholic population show a higher
percentage of church members than
cities Jn which this body has a com
paratively small representation. In
Fall River .86.5 per cent of the total
number of members reported wer?
Roman Catholics and ithe church
membership represented 67.8 per cent
of the population, while In Memphis,
where 84.4 .per cent of the communi
cants reported belonged to Protes
tant bodies, the church membership
was only 30 per cent 6t;the popula-
Of the Roman Catholic church's
total membership there were 1 3,375,
453 or 27.9 per cent, in first cla3s
cities; 1,351,132 or 113 per cent In
the second; 1,570,944 or 13 per cent
In the third and fourth classed com
bined;, with 5,771,613 on 47.8 per cent
outside the principal cities. ; ;
It is seen, therefore, that the num
ber of members of the Roman Catho
lic church reported in " cities of the
fiFiaf . class . was considerably more
than double the number. reported by
all the Protestant bodies, while out
side of the principal cities the num
ber reported by the Catholics was
only a little over one-third of the
number credited to the Protestants.
It is pointed out In the report that
the strength of. the Protestant, bodies
aa compared with the Roman Catholic
church, is greatly understated,
Only two of the Protestant, bodies
reported a majority of their member
ship In the principal cities; t e., the
Church of Christ, Scientist, 82.6 per
cent," and the Protestant . Episcopal
church, 61.2 per cent; while of the
membership of the Jewish congrega
tions, .88.7 per cent are ?ln the prin
cipal cities, and : of the .Eastern Or
thodox chrirches, 76.7 per cent.
Of the total-number" of commur!
cants or members reported for ttr
principle cities by all denomination'
6,307.529 or 60 'per cent' belonged' t'
the. Roman Catholic church',-' and -,-935.341.
or 37.4. jo Protestant. bodlcr
Corapared with" the report for 18!"
shows that in general there has beer
aa Increase In the proportion of com
municants or members In the princi-1
pal cities as compared with those out
side of these cities. In 1908 the per
centage of the total number of com
municants In these cities for all de
nominations was 31.9 as . compared
with 25.T In 1890. ' .
Of the total number, 10,511478,; of
communicants or members in the
principal cities in 1906, there were
7,343,403 or 69.9 per ' cent reported
by the 38 cities of over 100,000 popu
lation, and, of these, 2,432,630, or 33.1
per cent, belonged to Protestant bod
ies and 4,736,535 or 64.5 per cent to
the Roman Catholic church. The lat
ter denomination had in these cities
about 75.1 per cent of its entire mem
bership Ih cities of over 25,000 In
habitants. r
In thirteen of the cities more, than
one-half of the communicants or
members reported belonged to Prot
estant bodies, while In 23 the majori
ty belonged to the Roman Catholic
church. . V " ' '-' ' "
j Notice of First Meeting of Creditors.
In the District Court of the United
stateg for District of Oregon
In the matter of B. F. Webb, bank
rupt, ' in ' bankruptcy. - Y ' ;
To the creditors oi u. x: weob, iu
the County of Union,', and District
aforesaid, a bankrupt:
Notice is hereby given that on the
19th day of Many, A. D. 1910, the
said B. F. Webb was duly adjudicat
ed bankrupt; and that the first meet
ing of his creditors will be held in
the office of the Referee In Bankrupt
cy In La Grande, Oregon, on the 13th
day of June, A. D. 1910, at 10 o'clock
in the' forenoon, at which time the
said creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine
the bankrupt, and transact such other
business as may properly come be
fore said meeting. t
, , Referee in Bankruptcy. ;
June 2. W10.
from the
start as an
old shoe
A light, flexible,
specially designed
shoe for tender and
aching feet.
C. C;
Wear Amen Lady
Having a nerfeet fiffiire-and a wftll-fittino trown i
0 x 0 . -- .. , o r " u
means wearing just the right corset for your individ- j
ual figure and wearing it right; ;f";-'"-'
"Figure building," providing the exactly correct cor f
set for just the figure niost suitable, is the every-day J
business of the corset department. : ' J
Here we have at your service the help and guid- J
ance of ah expert corsetiere, obliging and courteous- j
ly ready to assist you in
properly and comfortably with just the corset you!
need, thereby producing the natural beauty lines that )
were meant for you. , J -
Will you permit us to demonstrate the real helpful- J (
ness of this particular department? Come in tomor- f
rrwxr and spa nnr Tvrpspnf. lino, of "American Ladv Cor- i
j sets., Prices . ...... . . .
: Speaking of Making Glasses to Order;
Bid You Ever So
the Difference Be
, tween the Ordln
ary Kind and
Onr Kind
J CENSES is certainly worth , something, but we' do notj
J . charge that way for it .
' than any other optical service in La Grande.
$ Not forty years out of date,
This one thin I do: "FIT GLASSES," Ask anyone
HFAPOrK" eyesight
Office over Newlin's Drug Store.
Departmeni of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office,
La Grande, Ore, May 16, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that Benja
min T. Roberts, of 1 Grande, Ore.,
who, on Sept 8th,' 1904, made home
stead entry No. 13804, serial No.
04231, for. southwest one-quarter
(SW 1-4), section 4, Twp- 4 S.. R.
38 E., W. M., has filed notice of In
tention to make final five year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before the Register and
Receiver of the U.'.S. land office, at
La Grande, Oregon, on the 2Sth day
of June, 1910. Claimant names aa
witnesses:'"- ' : .
M. McMurray, W. J. Robbins, C. W.
Bearded,1 Earl Roberts, " 'all' r 0f "La
Grande, Ore.
P. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
... "
every possible way to fit you
... .$1 to $3.00 j
C At h a
For Those WheWant
the .Finest, .we
- make the Kind
Which Can Be Set
Close to the Eyes
Without Teaching
the Lashes.
but modern methods used, f
Public Land Sale. Department of If
1 f
u F mi M -w
Interior. U. S. Land Office at U
Grande, Oregon, May 2d, 1910. V
' Notice Is hereby given that, as fi y
rected by . the Commissioner of & f
General Land Office, under pro
Ions ' of Act of Congress appro' ,V
June 27. 1906 (3.4 Stats, 617), we
offer at public sale, to tbe bl
bidder,' "at 10 o'clock a. 'm., on
the following described land: ' '
. The NE 1-4 SE 1-4 Sec 33, T. S & ;
R. 35 E. W. M., Serial No. 0691J.
Any persons claiming adversely C
above described land are" advised .
file their' claims, ' or objections,
or before the tlmev designated for sal
P. C. BRAMWELL, Register tel
COLON R. EBERHARD, Receiver. T f