LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER-THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1910 '4 i 'i V v- r.. f M i : s ' i .1 i T7 TT U7 IV In order to thoroughly intro duce this range in every neigh borhood we have placed, the price within the reach of all. For the popular Elite Range, six hole asbestos lined, with duplex grate for coal or wood, splendid warming oven. Range trimmed with full nickle and fully warranted. A large stock of new and second hand : stoves and ranges from $3.50 to $30.00. 5 MARS' TOM ASHLEY Br f. a. mttchez. " Anociatioa. nr. ju. naisten Furniture onjEasy Payments BODY is going to be disappointed when the five acre tracts we have been offering you are all gone, and they are, all but two. We have some fine buys in residence ' lots at $125.00 each ; $25.00 down and $5.00 a month. Better Investigate these. Bell Phone, Red 801 Independent 262 ...... 4 . . LA GRANDE Inv. CO., Foley Hotel Bid., La Grande ' "Code" I aald to an old dartjr alt tins os a barrel, -who ttu toia plaa tationr -Mara" Too Ashlfj." "BaT tba Aahtefa aiwaya Urfd berr "Reckon d7 hat), aah. De Aahleji lib beah ever since a Ions time before d wah. De Idea" son ob de oldes son alios (rowed op to drap Into de oie man's shoes. Dey come might alsh beln' a break once, though." "How was thatr "Hit was liars' Tom's father. Mara' Papc Ashley. He father. Mars Tom's grandfather. Thomas Ashler, wsr might' fine man. "Mars' rape he went oorf to college, an' somehow or udder be got no'thero notions In be Dead, pat war a few yea's befo de wah. Mars' rape get de 'dlculoua Idee dat all de niggers In de soof bad ougbteo be free. Wus'n dat, be fen in Inb wtd a no' t hern lady an married her. ."I recom member might" well when all dat happen. Mara rapt be come down heab an be talk wld de ole r- Vl nun bellcbe dat be ooghter gib all oa nig gers on dls beab plantation free pa pers, an de ole man ought to stick up fo da Cnloo ac' all dat kind o talk To know what Mars' Thomas say? He say: My son. yo' nab disgrace jof an cheatera. To on worthy to be called my son. To gwlne to dlslaberlt yo' an leab dls plantation to yo cousin Ernest Crane.' "An' yo know wha Mars Pape say? He say: De plantation won't be wort a bale o cotton. To niggers 'U all be free, an de soof 'II be no 'count' "Den yo know wha' Mars' Thomas say? He say: One aoutbe'n man kin whip fire Trnkees.' "Mars Pape be go norf. an' nobody dldn' see him no mo' In dls yere keotry till atter de wan. He dldn' lak to fight agin hla aoutbe'n friends, so be go to specnlatia. He bad some money ob bis own. an be buy all de cotton he kin get bis bands on. Mars' Thomas be raise a regiment o' southe'n troops, and he fight lak de debble. He come back a big gtnL but he only got one leg an' one eye All bis niggers was free, de plantation was all pulled to pieces by firs de northe'n troops, den da sontben troops, an' dar wan't a bit o fencln' anywhar. All the niggers go off 'cept me. I stay beab to tak car o' de ole man when be come back. "Mars' Thomas be wa'n't so proud as be war when be went away, all dress' op in his new sojer clo'es. He wouldn't nebbcr talk to a nigger den. but when be foun' me beah all alone, an saw bow de plantation look be seem might' sorry. He say to me, 'Julius, ma boy. yo worf 600 or'nary white men.' "Atter dat be talk to me "bout eb eryting. One day be come to me an' say: 'Jole. I got a letter from Pape to day. He aay be bought cotton at 8 cents a pound an sold It at a dollar a pound. He got all de money be want He offers me plenty to restock de plan tation.' An' I Hay. G wine tak' it. mars'? An he say: Tak It: To' a'pose I gwlne to tak' money from my son wbat stay in de norf all through de wah Instead o' beln' beah an' fight In' fo' de snuf? No. sab. Ma son dald to me. 1 gwlne to leab dis beab plan ration to Ernest Crane.' coughs KI.W'G...0F CURES golds THE WONDER WORKER FOR THROAT m Innnnnrr FTrir himmiim mi mTiminiiinrrr L AND R. .KING'S lungs KJ 1 Mayrswifl 0 FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS PREVEUTS PI1EUL10I11A l naa tne most aeoiutaung cougn a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that l my ? ?oulJ 8u,rely,HJL my Te 0ur xto pronounced my case Incurable, fcti than Ira Vi tA fJw?L fnne twtttlett nt TV TPlr' W TNI.. , 1 . . ' Vv TT ' " "5." "vciy curca me go completely uac a am U all sound and well. MRS; EVA UHCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. fos 50c ani jl.00 ABgMfSLY GU AR AtTTEEP l Trial Bottla toi 3? 0.- AND GUARANTEED DY I HIVGrtfriorn's Drug. -Store de crickcroIa' "who Taee boTLTar Pape. He Uk my baa an might glad to see me. He ask me aH 'bout de ole man an aay be cpme down wld bis wife an leetle boy to git a reconcilia tion. He ask me to let em all la da bouse when de gin'l alot dar. Ha say dey gwlne to try to take de place by storm. He tell me dot he got plenty, money fo his fadder an no nae be tJbln aO alone an de old borne gwlne more an more to rack. "I fink It might fine ting fo de ole man. an I say I help 'em all I kin. So one mawBia early I let 'em all In. Ifars Pape and Missy Ashley dey git in a closet in de dlnin room an' pretty nigh shut de do. 'I put de little boy on de fambiy cblllen'a high chair, an' be wait dar fo be grandfadder to come down to breakfast. When de ole man come into de room and see de lit tle fellah settln up on de udder side o de table he stood still wld be moot an' eyes wide open. 'Howde. grandpa T said de chile. " Wbo are yo'T ased de gin'l. Tom Ashley, de oez owoer ob de plantation atter yo' an' papa.' . "To see, liars' Pape tell him what to say. Mars Thomas war so lonesome an' de chile war so port dat de ole man couldn' stand dat. He jis went to Mars' Tommy an' put be arms around him an' bugged him. When I see somepin shlnin' In de gln'l's eye 1 Jis open de closet do' and out steps Mara Pape an he wife. "Missy Ashley she went op to de glnl an' put out her ban'. De gin'l IUV UUV m UMftM MW ban. He took It an, bowln lak a south'n genleman. rery low down, be kissed It She put de gtuTs ban' in at ob Mara Pape. De ginl leab it dar, but he turn away be bead, an 1 see de tears runnln' down be cheeks. I wonder ef be cryin' fo' de toe' cause or de wreck ob de plantation. , "Dey all sot down to breakfaa. Mars' Pape ; bad sent in chicken an' I ta toes an lots fine tings Instead ob tie co'n pone dat de glnl war used to. Missy Ashley poured de coffee, an dat war de happiest breakfaa eber bappen n dis beab plantation. 'Dey all dald now but Mars Tom," David Jayne Hill. Ambassador to Germany an Edu cator of Note. . jfc'vr' ' ' The recent changes in the diplomatic corps did not disturb David Jayne IlilL ambassador to Germany. Dr. Hill was formerly president of Buck nell and Rochester universities and la the author of many books. Captain R. A. Bartlett Feary'i Captain Wants to look For the South Pole. . . MS ir r !fc??MB: V A r Captain B. A Bartlett who com manded Peary's ship, the Roosevelt n her polar trip, has expressed his willingness to take part in a bunt for i he south pole. ! If you laiow of a person who contemplates pur--chasing a piano, fill out tihis coupon and get a gold watch or diamond nngv BINEHABT LITTLE PIANO CO. Mr. Address ................. ............... . . ...... I believe is contemplating purchasing a piano. Please call on him, and on sale notify me and I will call and get order for ring or watch from local dealer. I will aid yon in any way I can to make the sale. Sign here ......... Address .... Our sales room is always open for your enter tainment, even though you do not contemplate pur chasing. Call and examine our stock and listen to the latest music, as we are the largest sheet music department between Portland and Salt Lake. Rinehart Little Piano Company EASTERN OREGOH'S GREATEST PIANO HOUSE Not Strangers but Neighbors The George Palmer MMWm (C(fl) kETML DEPARTMEN1 , We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper. .'" We are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Phone Main 8. In America We Are Too Ambi tious, Therefore Careless. M M By HERMAN A. MET2. Former Comptroller of New York City. HIS COUNTRY HAS TOO MANY ROTUND CLERKS ALL ANXIOUS TO . BECOME COUPON CUTTERS. OUR CAPTAINS SEEM MORE DESIROUS TO DIRECT MANU FACTURE THAN TO IMPROVE IT. WHAT WE MUST DO 18 TO CULTIVATE MORE INDIVIDUALITY. We can learn from Germany. There one great chemical industry employs scores of research chemists to STUDY AND DISCOVER TALENT AND IDEAS AMONG THE RANK AND FILE. These men are given time to work. Here we expect the newly employed chemist to DISCOVER SOMETHINO RIGHT A WAY OR LOSE HIS JOB. . Our national spirit brooks little interference in business. We would resent the laws of-Germany to educate and protect her work ingmen. There a government doctor examines workers in trades dan gerous to health twice a day. There you see NO EXPOSED MA CHINERY. Here dangerous machine parts are often open, and the workingman has to be cajoled into taking the simplest precautions to sav? disown health, - ....... j . El 'if; i :i